The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-22, Page 5Evening unit
O FORD — The evening
unit of the United Church Women -
held its meeting at the home of
Mrs. Cecil Wilson on April 14,
with a good attendance. Carol
Donaldson opened the worship
service with a reading on Easter
and a hymn was sung. Sharon
S$1,a39 Kelly gave some short readings
on Christ risen from the tomb and
the scripture taken from St. John,
TOOTHPASTE Edithe Gibson took the
chair for the business. 1'be tress
urer's report and minutes of the
previous meeting were read and
9 Oz. approved. The correspondence
was dead consisting of aletter
EXTRA DRY from the Nursing Home in Ford-
- 3 9 with and one from the Regional
Lady Patricia
FUTURE 27 oz.
Hospital, both asking the ladies to
entertain the people there for a
99 party. An invitation from Gorrie
and Fordwich Anglican Churches
to a Thankoffering service was
20 oz. read.
Mrs. Gibson gave some high-
lights on the Presbytery held at
Brucefield in March. The next
meeting will be May 12 at Mrs.
20 oz. 089Goosen Winkel's home and the
feature is an auction of saleable
The program committee was
$1*79 Mrs. Nellie Allen and Mrs. Lynn
Timperly and they opened with a
reading on Easter. They read
from the books of Luke and
Philippians. A contest was con -
T R I A N G L E ducted by Lynn Timperly on
D 1 S C D U N T Bible people. The feature by
FDJ_ Mary Douglas was two readings
� rrt.r� �s�l�•� r�.�te> i�i«r�ar- _rtels� "A Salute to Bus Drivers" and
"If God Went on Strike".
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays - Sundays Noon to Six
Lunch was served by Elaine
Nickel and Marj Wagler.
� Is
Thank you,
for your patronage
Eaton's catalogue sales unit
will close permanently on
After sales service will
continue to be available
on all serviceable
For after sales service in this area call
Reynolds Refrigeration
Winghom Ontario
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Wrnghom Ontario
357-1415 ,
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Wingham Ontario
The Wingham Advance -Timex, Thurs., April a, lA76—Page 5
How to look your best
k '
on a limited budget
by Lavenne N. Ballagh
r r' Last week I informed you that J
if you really wanted to be swing-
ing on the fashion ropes this
spring, buy stripes. But at the
same time I warned you that if
you are not an experienced
V sewer, shy away from making
your own. Suppose, though, that
you've hunted all over and can't
find anything to suit you in
w stripes. You have time and some
sewing talent and you want to ex- /
periment. Here are a few tips.
j Your first purchase will prob-
ably be a pattern. Choosecare- I F YOUR WARDROBE
fully. It must be a pattern that boasts nothing else striped,
\ ' will adapt easily to stripes, with invest in a striped scarf which
few pieces and very few seams will have many uses and still
' because it is the seams that will show you know what's "in"
' "�" give you trouble. Don't get a prin- this spring.
-Iwo- cess pattern for snatching at the
seams will be impossible. stripes to run w and down on the
Unlike some jiffy patterns, you garment, your pattern arrow will
,.1► Is+ ! cannot just throw stripes toge- be parallel to the stripes. If your
ther. It takes some designing. stripes will run across, the arrow
Experiment with it and be cre- will be perpendicular to the
ative. Make sure you allow for stripes. In order to look right,
ri matching when you buy your ma- your stripes, if horizontal, must
terial ; you may need more than be matched at the seams and if
the pattern says. your outfit is two-piece, the
Use stripes to enhance our fig-
stripes must match at the place
ure. Say, for instance, that you the two pieces overlap.
want to make a lounging palazzo Skirts are almost invariably
outfit. You may want to make the matched in chevrons, which are
A CANDY SALE at the hospital on April 15 sweetened everyone's day. The Whitechurch jacket of material striped hori- the Vs formed by matching strip -
Women's Institute donated the candy that the hospital auxiliary sold. Volunteers zontally and cut the pants on the es at an angle, thereby making
wrapping candy are Mary Procter, Rena Fisher and Catherine Forsyth. vertical stripes. If you tend to be diagonal stripes which are flat -
heavy on top, though, you would tering to any figure. If the stripes
look better in vertical stripes on in the material are even, this will
SENIORS EUCHRE top and horizontal on the bottom. be no problem; if they are un -
PO luck luncheon for zens held a progressive euchre FORDWICH — The Senior Citi- Always cut the front portion of even, you will need a mathemati-
your garment first for it is most cal mind to figureto match
a way
party in thecommunity hall on important that you match it. them at all seams.
meeting of B e lm o re WI Thursday ev„ening with 13 tables Then work on the back, sleeves A smashing spring '76 look fea-
in play. Winners were, high lady, and other pieces. If you want the tures an A-line skirt with the
BELMORE — A delicious pot- play of Bruce County jewellery atMrs. Annie Pittendreigh ; highh stripes moving diagonally, a fit -
luck noon luncheon was served at the May meeting and members gent, Stan Bride; consolation ted jacket; verticAl stripes serv-
the Pancake House in the tom- are requested to bring jewellery winners, Peggy Schneider and ing to add a slimming effect, with
munity centre, where an interest- boxes, 8" by 10" flat boxes suit- Deanne Behrns; special birth- a bodice yoke featuring the hon-
ing display of crafts had been set able for packaging platters, 9„ day, Mrs. Norman Harding. zontal stripe. Only one way that
u prior to the Belmore Maple stripes can be used to each in -
Syrup Festival. cup and saucer boxes. - -
Following the meal, the presi- •o You can use your own ideas and
dent, Mrs. Don MacAdam, pre- come up with a design specifical-
sided for the annual meeting and ly You.
requested the members to intro- Wedding —Visitors for Easter with Mr. Parisian designers, who very
duce their guests. Announcement and Mrs. Wallace Agar were Mr. often set the fashion trend for the
The secretary, Mrs. John and Mrs. Charles Hay and rest of the world, are even de -
Rutherford, read the minutes of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Coultes Brenda of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. signing their stripes for evening
the 19741975 annual meeting. of RR 5, Wingham'are pleased to Chester Higgins and family of wear. That's how big they are
These minutes were approved as announce the forthcoming mar- Brussels and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce this spring! If you own nothing
read. Reports were presented by riage of their only daughter, Hays and, family of Wroxeter. else in the fresh stripe look, go
the secretary -treasurer and by Brenda Margaret to Wayne Paul —Mr. and Mrs. Del Burkhart ^^' out and buy a striped scarf to
the Institute representative on Collins of London. The marriage travelled to Irvington, New wear around your neck, around
the arena board, Mrs. Leonard will take place at Knox United Jersey, on Easter weekend to your waist or as a wraparound
Metcalfe, as well as reports of the Church, Belgrave on April 30th at visit with Miss Sophia Martynec, for that drooping hairdo.
committee conveners. eight p.m. former reporter with The Ad: in Snazzy stripes — the million -
The roll call was answered by vance-Times. They also stopped dollar look this year! Get into
"What I Liked About This Year's Mr. and Mrs. William W. at Oquaga Lake, New York and some of your own!!!
Programs", also the payment of Adams, RR 5, Brussels, are visited with members of the Scott
fees. pleased to announce the forth- family. :?•
The District Annual will be held coming marriage of their daugh- =Many residents of Wingham s �+
in Whitechurch Presbyterian ter, !fancy Jean to Kenneth Gow- attended the annual Belmore ti� yt
Church on May 18. Branches of ing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maple Syrup Festival on Satur-
the district will display their day. Beautiful weather made the �� �•
� Y Gowing, HR 2, Bluevale. T}1e � •� . , • },.
crafts. The Area Convention will wedding to take place on Friday, day even more enjoyable than
be in Chesley November 15 and Ma-, 14, 197E at seven o'clock in usual. —Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woods
16. Brussels Presbyterian Church. - Mr. and Mrs. Rowland .� , f'': ' and Shelley of Pembroke spent
Mrs. Forler, a guest. from Ballagh were entertained by �, r r Easter weekend with relatives at
Lakelet Branch, invited the Bel- their family on Good Friday at a the homes of their parents, Mrs.
more area ladies to join them for BUSY STITC11WRh dinner at the Bavarian Inn, El- Walter Woods of Wingham and
a bus trip in June to the Hamilton The roll call was answered by mira. The occasion was their 53rd '�%'.:Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moffat in
area, which will include a visit to 'what learning -stitch article I wedding anniversary, the actual Lucknow.
the Erland Lee Home. This in- have chosen'. The girls cut out date of which was April 4. Those —Easter Sunday visitors with
vitation was readily accepted. their patterns and traced the attending were Miss Lavonne Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kieffer of RR
Mrs. Don Wallace read the design on the material They also ' Ballagh, Mr. and Mrs. John 1, Bluevale were Mr. and Mrs.
slate of officers for the ensuing practised doing the hack stitch Clark, Gregory and Steven of Rodger Kieffer, Rodger II,
year, reporting all offices filled and learned an ease way to Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Michael and Michelle of Hamil-
for. the 1976-1977 year. thread a needle with embroidery Bronson. Ron and Carolyn of El- '•�'t ton: Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart
Mrs. Arnold will present a disthre'd. mira. f} Schreiter of Kitchener, Mr. and
DECISIONS, DECISIONS. There was so much candy for sale at the Wingham hospital
that these two nurses were hard put to make a decision. The sale took place April 15. The
Whitechurch Women's Institute donated the candy to the Hospital Auxiliary to sell. From
left to right are volunteer Mrs. Rena Fisher, Mrs. Betty Moncrief, Reg. N., and Miss Ruth
Currie, Reg. N.
matched in chevrons at all
seams, give this fashion con
scious girl the new striped
look for spring. Hers is the
unified look. She could have
just as easily chosen •a two
piece 'look or a dress with a
waistline and used horizontal,
vertical and diagonal stripes
to match her mood or comple
ment her figure:
Mrs. William Kieffer, Sean,
Tammy and Jason of Bluevale,
Corrine Kieffer of Hamilton, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Weishar and Col-
leen of Stratford, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Kieffer of Wroxeter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Weber,
Denise and Danny of Stratford,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cuillerier,
Ruth and Kathryn of Ala& Craig,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bechberger,
Paul Jr. and Joseph of London
spent Easter Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and MrS. James
—Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Gorrell of
Port Credit spent the weekend
with the latter's mother, Mrs. W.
E. Heugan..
Wednesday, April 28
12:30 - 3130 P.M. 6:00 - 8:00 P.M.
I ' t