The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-22, Page 4M. I,, r � '�•.•� wham Advance -Times, Thurs., April 22, 1876 Insfitute names executive '{ The Wingham branch of the and Miss Agnes Williamson; were appointed delegates to at - Women's Institute elected its good cheer, Mrs. Wham Jar- tend the convention in Auburn, NOTICE ' executive for 1976-77 at the an- dine. May 26. Mrs. Wightman, who was t 1 Huai meeting held Thursday Conveners of the standing com- guest speaker, spoke on the work R 2.t�nOOA Lockridge mittees are: Agriculture and of the Women's Institute and out If YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL will succeed Mrs. Oscar Holmes Canadian Industry, Mrs. Shiell; lined rule changes in the hand k 9 as president; first vice READS APRIL 9-3-1-6 t pr president. Family and Consumer Affairs, book. r Mrs. Robert Powell; second vice Mrs. Omar Hasdgrove and Mrs A motion was passed that out- YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE president, Miss Anne Wilson and Ed MeBurneY ; Citizenshipand standing bills be paid. It was ap >l secretary -treasurer Mrs. W. World Affairs, Mrs. Powell and proved that $10 is to be donated to • Q ' '� McKenzie. Miss Wilson; Education and Cul- the Cancer Society for use in the • e-. ? Other officers elected were: n- tural Activities, Mrs. Robert Gal- local hospital. The program con AdvancessTimes ternate, Mrs. Charles Shiell • ���' veners submitted reports of the - Mrs. Lockridge welcomed the year's work. Mrs. Lockridge •.,,s� � public relations, Mrs. Roy Bar_ ladies to the meeting. Mrs. Ivan thanked all the members for their 0 rett; branch directors, Miss Myr- WightiRan, president of the fine cooperation and attendance 1gt1°`" a tie Johnson, Mrs. Lockwood, Huron West district and Mrs. D. during the past year. I Mrs. Milford Foxton and Mrs. S. MacNaughton were present at Following the collection and y •!, j William Elston; district director, ot7 the meeting. Mrs. Shiell read the the singing of the Queen, a lunch W1 N G H AM Mrs. Robert Powell; curator, minutes of the last meeting. was served and a social hour was Qk Miss Myrtle Johnson; pianists, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Lockridge, enjoyed by the ladies. The hos- ^_ ; Mrs. Sewers, Mrs. Dave Ritchie Mrs. Foxton and Mrs. Barrett tesses were Miss Williamson, FRUIT MARKET o , a Mrs. Haselgrove, Mrs. Foxton OPEN DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY and Mrs. Margaret MacKersie. UNTIL 9:00 P.M. Memorial Cross dedicated The group will hold a meeting in the near future to plan the pro WE DELIVER: PHONE 357-2240 • gram for the upcoming year. Sllverwood's—Meadow Gold or in memory of Gwen Swan Mrs. Wightman was later pre- sented with a small gift as a token Favourite A moving and unique ceremony Laidlaw, a fellow teacher, to of appreciation. took place Sunday morning at the make the cross. It will be used as ICE CREAM V. Gal. � • Wingham United Church when a a worship centre each Sunday 29 former worker in the school was morning in Sunday School and remembered and her memory will be available to any church Baptist Church .� honored. Close to 150 children group using the fellowship hall. It COKE Case 24/10 Oz. Cans 3 • 8 9 observed quietly as a highly- contains the letters IHS, the annual meeting A MEMORIAL CROSS was dedicated Easter Sunday in the Wingham United Church in grained wooden cross was dedi- Greek symbol for Jesus and Pennyworth memory of Mrs. Jim Swan. The cross was donated by the teachers of the Sunday School Bated "In Memory of Gwen bears a gold plate containing the Officers for the followingyear TOILET PAPER 4 ROIL Pkg. • who had worked with Miss Swan, a teacher for eight years. Taking part in the dedication Swan". Mrs. Swan, who died words, "In Memory of Gwen were elected when the cong rea ceremony75 were Mrs. Vernon Reid, Miss Janet Haines and Art Laidlaw. February 29, taught the younger Swan, 1976". tion of the Wingham Baptist children of the Sunday School for Superintendent of the Sunday Church held its annual meeting Culverhouse at least eight years until last School, Mrs. Vernon Reid, spoke Wednesday of last week in the PEARS 19 Oz4 5 October when she became ill..She briefly to introduce the dedica- church. Pastor Ross Smith pre- . • gave diligently of her time and tion service. She told of Mrs. sided over the meeting. Double -ring a er e m o n h e I�d ability and shared her knowledge Swan's invaluable assistance Included in the list of officers Stokely—Dark Red 14 Oz. y and faith with the children. throughout the years and intro- are: treasurer, Tom Shore; Fellow staff members with duced Miss Janet Haines who had secretary, Eric Cleave; chair KIDNEY BEANS inwhom she worked, who have felt worked for five years as Mrs. man of trustees, Bruce Mac 14 oz.3 / $1 TChurch,Beigrave her loss deeply, expressed a wish Swan's assistant. Mr. Laidlaw Lean; vice-chairman of deacons' Sun Squeeze—Frozen to honor her memory in a tan- thenexplained to the children the board, Tom Shore; head usher, gible way and commissioned Art meaning of the letters on the Bruce MacLean; head teller ORANGE JUICE 12 Oz.•�5 A pretty double -ring cere- Julie McBride, niece of the floor -length gown of mint green cross and said that Easter Sun- Frank Collar; Junior Church co� mony, solemnized in Trinity groom, of London, was flower chiffon with matching tapered day was an appropriate day to ordinator, Mrs. Eric Cleave; Anglican Church, Belgrave, at girl. Her princess -style dress of floor -length cape. She wore a Rev. Brown leads dedicate the cross for it was on Nursery supervisor, Mrs. Ross Powdered Detergent four o'clock on Saturday, April 3, the same material as those of the wrist corsage of red rosebuds .the cross that Jesus died for Smith; flower committee, Mrs. �� • united in marriage Joyce Mar- senior attendants, had. short The groom's mother chose a Easterices Christians. He explained that the Raymond Neill, Mrs. Glenn FAB KING SIZE lene Nethery of RR 4, Brussels, sleeves and a matching cape. She floor -length sleeveless gown iservices 19 n empty cross was the symbol for Scheifele; music committee, and David Alexander Ireland of carried floral arrangements in a pink with matching flowered BLUEVALE—Members of the their church because on Easter Mrs. Ross Wilhelm, Mr. Collar; Schneiders Teeswater. Rev. Fred Carson of similar umbrella. chiffon cape. Her corsage was Presbyterian Church joined the Sunday Christ rose from the Sunday School junior superin- WIENERS Blyth performed the ceremony Best man was Bill Whyte of RR ink Sweetheart roses. United Church congregation for dead. I E N E RS amid a sett of daffodils and 2, Seaforth, and p a tendent, Ross Wilhelm; bap - amid Ib. Pkg.. • setting guests were For travelling. to Bermuda the services in the United Church on Mr. Laidlaw then presented the tismal stewards, Mr. and Mrs. 79 daisies. Pink and blue candles ushered by Murray Nesbitt of bride wore a hooded dress of blue Good Friday morning. Rev. W. cross IIt�o the Sunday School and it Bruce MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. SChneiderS were surrounded by daisies and Auburn and Mark Ireland, the denim with multicolored stripes Brown was assisted by Wayne was fledicated by Rev. Barry Bill Stapleton; communion mums and daffodils withPassmore and tie belt. The dress was p ink groom's brother, of RR 2, Tees- Baswick. . stewards, Mrs. Bruce MacLean; BEEF STEAKETTES 1 Ib. Pk • and blue ribbons adorned the water. Daryl Ireland, nephew of fastened at the yoke with wooden Mr. Baswick gave a brief talk. For the dedication day only, the Mrs. Margaret Hotchkiss. g. guest 8 9 pews. the groom, of Welland, was ring pegs The events of the previous even- cross served as a worship centre Following the business -portion Mrs. Allan Bosman of Londes- bearer. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland will Ing were remembered with a in the church sanctuary where of the meeting, a fellowship hour Schneiders 24 oz. Can boro was organist and accom- A round three -tiered wedding reside in Teeswater. The bride is simple family -type Last Supper the church congregation had an was enjoyed when coffee and paned the soloist, Mrs. Ross cake decorated with pink and a graduate of F. E. Madill Secon- at the beginning of the service. opportunity to view the memo- doughnuts WIENERS & BEANS g• . dou nuts were served in the Jewitt of Clinton, who sang blue flowers and topped with two dary .School and graduated in The hymn, ` Go to Dark Geth- tial. church basement. .79 "We've Only Just Begun" and the doves holding wedding bands, Early Childhood Education from semane" was sung and from then Lord's Prayer. centred the head table at the Fanshawe College, London. The on the gathering darkness was \ Parents of the couple are Mr. Howick Community Centre emphasized. The service con- yQU groom graduated from F. E. C and Mrs. Atex Nethery of RR 4, where the reception was held. On Madill and received his Associate eluded with the extinguishing of 7 Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. each side of the cake, arrange- Diploma in agriculture at the all candles and a silence. Donald Ireland of RR 2, Tees- ments of pink and white mums University of GuelRh. EASTER SUNDAY HARD water. Mr. Nethery gave his and daisies amid pink and blue Guests attended the wedding Children with their parents and daughter in marriage. candles enhanced the table. from Welland, London, Toronto, friends celebrated the joyous DO� The brides gown was of poly- Daffodils and fern in bud vases Kitchener, Peterborough Ot- Easter season at the morning . . ester organza with bishop adorned the guest tables. O� taws, Fergus, Barrie, Walkertonservice in Bluevale United , sleeves, high neckline and sheer ,The bride's mother wore a Guelph, NewmarketGoderich Church. Rev. W. -Brown was in yoke. The gown was richly ap- , piiqued with rcharge and members of the re -embroidered and the surrounding area. sa Honored guests. were the bride's congregation participated with Vence lace and featured a self grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil readings and responses. The a train. The long veil with lace Social evening Dawson of RR 3, Wingham. children were delighted with the M headpiece completed her en- unusual presence of a corn semble. She carried a bouquet of for Mrs. Wylie popper in church. The corn STOCK UP ON DOMINION HARDWARE'S gardenias, yellow Sweetheart popping signified the explosion of OWN BRAND OF NEU-TONE PAINTS! roses, stephanotis and trailing WROXETER — The directors, the Good News — "Jesus Is 1. NEU-TONE INTERIOR SEMI -GLOSS Alkyd r ivy. management, staff and former Risen". Enamel in Trim & Finish White $9.99 gal. GI ozs (4 54 LITRES' �t Matron of honor was the bride's directors of Howick Mutual Fire Michael Fraser, Julie Stamper t 89 $2. q. sister, Mrs. Connie Nesbitt of Insurance Co. of Wroxeter held a HULA HOOPS and Steven Johnston spread the I o Auburn. Her halter dress of ink social evening at their office last "Color and Color Schemes" 2. NEU-TONE INTERIOR LATEX FLAT WALL 1 p g good news to the congregation by PAINT in Trim & Finish White $6.99 al. I I I 3 crepe flocked with Wednesday evening, Aril 14, to will be the theme of an exhibit to ng popcorn. All joined in g polyesterP y g, p ' passing the white daisies, featured a match- honor Mrs. Mac Wylie on the be Presented by the Wingham II the chorus "Hallelujah — Praise (Tints may be added.) $2.19 qt ing elbow -length cape. She car- occasion of her retirement the Club at Achievement Day. They Ye The Lord". Louise and Doug- 3. SIMMS Pure Bristle Streamline Paint I _ozs 14 54 LIT r� z ° ried a wicker umbrella contain- end of March, after over 20 years met last Monday at the home of las Stamper presented the story, Brushes an arrangement of Mrs. Clark. Three WALL I I • Ing ng pink November 24, 1955 to March 31, girls were "The Caterpillar and The Butter 1' - $1.44 1 ; z'" - $1.99 2 - $2,77 L 00 Sweetheart roses amid pink and 1976 — of faithful service as chosen to help set up the exhibit. fly"` Special music, under the white carnations and fern. secretary for the company. Each of the members showed direction of Mrs. Max Demaray, 4. PAINT ROLLER SET Tray with I I�III�II three different design 7'/2" roller ..... $1.49 In similar ensembles were the She was presented with a lovely gn ideas for was enjoyed with the choir sing - bridesmaids, Joanne Thompson wood -grain engraved jewel chest the'free-choice article. They dis- ing the anthem "There's Room at 5. PAINT ROLLER REFILLS 2 for $1.19 �I�G of Lucknow, friend of the bride, and engraved jewellery. The cussed their individual articles the Cross for You" and a solo 26. HANDY UTILITY DROP SHEET AL and and Miss Brenda Nethery, the evening was spent playing cards and reviewed the twisted chain "The Holy City" by Mrs. Allan `"., Protect our floors whilepainting,I 1 bride's sister. and crokinole followed by lunch. stitch. Mrs. Watcher .demon- Campbell. y ILII"III illUlunllllllllllllllllu strated the couching outline 1 mil. 8' x 12' 999 CURRAH'S GENERAL STORE Maitre D Coffee 10 oz.. .. . 4,79 Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 32 oz. .. 1.29, Kraft Sandwich Spread 24 oz... 1.15 Schneiders Patties . . . 2 Ib. 1.89 Schneiders New 8 oz. Wieners Pkg..39 Mir Liquid Detergent 2/24 oz. 1.19 Kellogg's Mini Wheat Cereql .79 We have lots 0'Multipli•r Onions Wintario and Radio Bingo Cards Phone 335-3451 Gorrie St. Paul's Church (ANGLICAN) W INGHAM REV. T. K. HAWTHORN, Rector MRS. D. RICHARDSON, Organist i and Choir leader SUNDAY, APRIL 25 EASTER 1 8:30 a.m. - Holy Communion 1 1 :00 a.m. - Morning prayer and sermon EVENTS WPri Anril 98 - Great Chapter meets at St. Paul's 8 P.M. Thurs., April 29 - Euchre party in parish hall 8:30 p.m. 0 It 0 stitch and Mrs. Clark demon- 7. I -BEAM DRAPERY TRACK White enamel + IIIIIIIIII strated the couching cross stitch. —Mr. and Mrs. Brian Coe, finish complete with runners and ''� 4 As a home assignment, the Barry and Clarence of Norval hardware 23¢ per tt girls were asked to complete the spent Easter weekend with Mr. GALVANIZED STEEL ROOF DRAINAGE two stitches on their learning- and Mrs. Clarence Henning and SYSTEMS. From GSW designed for the =� stitch article and the samplers. Mrs. Irene Henning. do-it-yourself enthusiast' AFTER THE W.I. MEETING on April 15, re elected prPsi dent, Mrs. Lockridge, presented the guest speaker with a gift. The speaker, Mrs. Ivan Wightman, who is the Huron West district president of the Women's Institute, congratu laced the club for its 74 years of work. I e 8. Round Corrugated Downspout 3' x 10' 19 $2.� I 1 \� \� 9 0" O.G. Eavestrough 10' length $1.99 e 10. DAP BUTYL GUTTER & LAP SEALER 5 For airtight, moisture tight joints on !/ aluminum or galvanized gutters or metalrr',� i. lap joints 11 oz cartridge $1.99 �� .�5 nnna� Your Dominion Hardware carnes a complete line of roof drainage system components SALE ENDS APRIL 24TH DOMINION HARDWARE CHAMBERS DOMINION HARDWARE Wroxeter, Ontario 3353165