The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-22, Page 2M/ ab PSAP 3,_"W V1OIOM AWance-Times, Thurs., April 22, W76 Belgrave Personals ]If. and liDon Metcalfe -and family of Ingersoll and Miss family of ts: Hanover visited on Margaret Curtis of Brookhaven "x Good Friday with her parents, Nursing Home, Wingham spent Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wightman. Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Hill of Willow- Harold Procter. dale spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. McGuire. Belgrave U.C.W. Mr. and Mrs. George M. John -9 ston and Tara of Uderton spent Easter meeting Easter weekend with their parents, Mrs. Laura Johnston BELGRAVE — The Easter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby. meeting of the afternoon unit of Mrs. Helen Martin was an the United Church Women was f Easter weekend visitor with Mr. held last Tuesday at the home of -' and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong of Mrs. Leslie- Bolt. Twelve ladies Thorndale. were present. - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bolt at- Mrs. Helen Martin, as the lead- tended ead tended the Easter service at er, opened the meeting with Bible Wingham United Church Sunday reading, followed by a hymn. A a morning and visited with Mr. and prayer of thankfulness was then r Mrs. Wayne Brown of Wingham. said wherein Christians were Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Edgar urged to be thankful, especially and family of Petrolia were for the death and resurrection of Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Christ. Lewis Stonehouse. Scripture lesson was read and Mrs. Pearl Wheeler, C. R. Mrs. Martin gave a meditation on. Coultes of Huronview, Clinton the joy of finding the stone rolled and Mrs. Ethel Wheeler went away. This was seen as a sign. — with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth that Jesus had indeed risen froma Wheeler on Sunday to the home of the dead. The popular Easter their daughter, Mary Ann and hymn "Jesus Christ Is Risen To - Vincent Makas of London. day was sung. Reports on home a Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hibberd and hospital visits were re- - visited on Sunday with Mr. and corded, the secretary reported Mrs. Kenneth Lichty and Wayne and offerings were received. AS PUNISHMENT FOR skipping school, Robert Currie as Tom Sawyer is forced to of Milverton. Mrs. Cecil Coultes gave a brief whitewash a fence while in the company of Robbie Rodger as Joe Harper in the operetta, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines of report on the Presbyterial held at "Tom Sawyer" last Wednesday evening at East Wawanosh Public School. The show was Niagara Falls, N.Y., visited last Brucefield and then gave a Bible Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. study, which dealt with the status Performed by students from Grades 6 to 8. Harry McGuire. of different women in the Bible, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Anderson showing how Mary Magdalene and Judith of Rexdale, Mr. and turned out to be a very important Mrs. James Anderson, Marian and devoted follower of Jesus. WMS conducts Thankoffering and Jeffrey of Guelph, Mark Mrs. Lawrence Taylor read the Euchre .party Schrieber of Milton, Mr. and Mrs. Easter story written by Kather- Thomas Moy of Erin Mills were ine Marshall, finishing with the BELGRAVE — The Women's guest speaker, Lavonne Ballagh BLUEVALE — Those winning weekend visitors with their reason for the death and Missionary Society held a Thank- of Wingham, who chose ask her prizes at the euchre party in the mother Mrs. Earl Anderson. resurrection of Jesus. offering meeting in the church topic Were You Therewhen community hall on Thursday p Mr. and Mrs. William Guas and A prayer closed the meeting,April 13 with Mrs. Joe Dunbar They Crucified My Lord?" She evening were, high lady, Charlie family of Listowel visited on after which Mrs. Bolt served a opening the meeting with the call gave a most inspiring talk and Mathers playing as a lady; low Sunda with her father, Mr. to worship. After a hymn was left the ladies with a lot of food for Y delicious lunch and everyone en- lady, Mrs. McCracken; high Charles Nicholson. sung Mrs. Dunbar extended a thought. man, Lloyd Taylor; low man, joyed a social half hour. Y Y Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanna welcome to guests from Seaforth, Wes Underwood; lucky draw, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Auburn and Brussels. Mrs. Dalrymple played "The Jean Mathers. Wayne Minick and family of APRIL 30 DEADLINE The worship service followed - Old Rugged Cross" aril Mrs. Vic - Kitchener. The Federal Cow Stabilization with Mrs. J. C. McBurney read- for Youngblut thanked the guest Mrs. Ross Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, program for cows shipped be- mB the scripture. Mrs. Mac Scott speaker, Mrs. Dalrymple and Stanley Moffatt and Mr. and Mrs. accompanied by C. R. Coultes of tween November 16, 1974 and also read between scriptures. Mr's. Campbell of Blyth fqr sing- Burns Moffatt were in charge of Huronview, hrisited on Friday April 30, 1975; and Cattle Stabili- Mrs. Ivy Cloakey led in prayer, ing two songs. A hymn was sung this euchre. The last euchre of the with Mr. Harold Buffett of Car- zation program (steers and hei- , followed by a piano solo "The at the conclusion of the meeting. season will be April 29 when Mr. sonville, Mich. They also called fers) shipped between August 12, Way of the Cross". Mrs. Garner Mrs. Dunbar closed with a prayer and Mrs. MurrayMacFarlane on Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Makas 1974 and August 11, 1975; have a Nicholson read two Easter and Mrs. George Fear served and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Frie lunch. Asocial time was later en Sr. of Strathroy. deadline of April 30, 1976 forPoems- g er will be the conveners. s. Dunbar introduced the joyed by all. bur Mr. and Mrs. John Spivey and applications. M ­qlmwp� � Come and visit our newly enlarged Garden Centre at the Listowel Co-op , We carry a complete line of seeds, fertilizers, and all those supplies you need to make your garden bloom this summer! We like to know our customer!- by ustomer!by name! LISTOWEL BRANCH Wolloce Ave. N. Phone 291.4040 UCO UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO J10 ANNUAIp_ � SALE ONE D�l�a=ONLY IT N 'Y NCE. A YEAR! FRIDAY AP �: �� .�,AM TO 9:00 PM 12 HO ,;A ' SIC BARGAINSA. 'MEN' S ,ITS i � BY SPECIAL WITH THEM NUF.9 TURF WE ARE SELLI� S!% OO 1 REGUfill LAR $125°�f � `� AT�1: U Ik i WILLIAM SIDEN'S Main SWEAR..t Listowel o.t.ri.Tel. :q1.1sv1ti . A