The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-22, Page 13a
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., April 22, 1976
1 1 ICI L.1
Cable Til meet:
with students Y
Student Council candidates
The positions of resident and
On Wednesda night of last p what everyone else feels is right. l
y gl► vice are vital parts in the working Susan and Brian are positive ,
week, there was a meeting of stu- of the school system. Without
dents interested in participatingthem, there is no one to organize thinkers and are willing to try.�� y,
in Wingham Cable TV. In Gym people to plan dances and winter
And they hope everyone else will
do the same- Wi.h the student
226, four cameras and recorders ,
carnivals, make money so clubs council and student body working
three of the cameras with moni- can exist and contrive extra -cur -tog ether, the feel next year
tors, were set up. After a brief in- ricular activities such as student 't be just a good year, but a3�
troductory talk by Dave Wenger teacher matches for the enjoy -
ng purposes of the ment of the students. This is a eat year.
concerning the �' y
o —Judy Nicholson 13B
cable television, the students to W:
ugh job, requiring much time,
were shown how each camera dedication, responsibility and
and each recorder worked, and imagination. Two people willing���
were told the rules of using a to give all this, and more, are a e s
microphone. Voting on��
p Susan Adams and Brian Jeffrey.
The students were then divided Susan and Brian are both high -
into groups of five, and each ly qualified for the ob. What a �' R
group worked at one camera. 1 election day
Bi p struck me first about them was
Each student present learned their enthusiasm and vibrant
how to film an interview, work energy. Both are very active in On Friday, April 23, every stu- r> 9
the sound system for an inter- school and community affairs, dent within the school receives a ry,
view, and had a screen test — while attaining a high scholastic chance to vote for next year's t;1
when they were interviewed in standing. Susan has had the add- student council. The voting is
front of the camera. The equip- ed responsibility of being presi- done by secret ballot in the home-
ment was found to be simple to dent of school clubs, 4-H clubs room period. The executive of the
operate, and everyone had a good and young people's class rep- student council tallies the votes
time. resentative and assistant tuck and later reports the results to
The work begins soon, though. shop manager. the school. If only one person
Mr. Wenger outlined three When asked why they wanted runs for the position, there is no
groups for the students to work in to be elected, they said that they ' voting and the person enters the
— sports, community affairs and really wanted to become involved position by acclamation.
interviews. Soon they'll be out with the student body, working As of Wednesday, the positions
filming all sorts of things — you, with the students for the benefit for president and vice president,
perhaps! of everyone. The also felt that activities officer, athletic pub -
The evening was educational this experience would be valu- licity manager and lounge man -
and recreational at the same able in their future endeavors. agers will be filled by acclama- #
time. All the students who parti- Susan and Brian believe that tion. The only positions to be vot-
cipated felt the meeting to be the enthusiasm in the school has ed on will be social publicity
worthwhile and fun. risen and they want to keep it that managers and boys' and girls'
way. To do this they hope to have athletic conveners. Nominations,
more student activities requiring however, will be held open until
student participation such as Tuesday, April 20th, the day be -
many school dances, in activities fore election speeches. This is
Jr, badminton banquet and a winter carnival in- your student council, it is your re -
eluding a slave auction, hat and sponsibility to elect a student
The Madill Junior Mustang tie day, world record breaking, council that will work for you.
Badminton team finished a dis- contests, pie throwing and crack -
appointing seventh out of ten er eating. The emphasis for
teams April 13 at the Huron- participation will be placed on
Perth Championships at Mit- the students, not on the teachers,
shell. For many of the Madill and a basketball game similar to ANALOGYOF A WOMAN
juniors this was their first year of the "California Cuties" would be She laughed as her freckles were
competition and as the calibre of 'a way to involve students. An- ~'
Badminton at the tournament other place to include students is And she chased the rainbows of
was excellent, it is certain they brightening up the Monday the years just begun,
gained much valuable ex- morning assemblies. Special ac- She jumped from rough and
perience. An excellent and excit- tivities and presentations will be ready, to meek and mild, IN T H E SENIOR RINGS competition, Peter Hilbert of F. E.
ing performance was made by planned at least monthly. It was in her blood — for she was Madill place ninth. This year the local high school hosted
our boys' singles player Rob They feel that clubs and ac -a child. the Boys' WOSSA gymnastics meet which drew teams from
Frank who single handedly won tivities are an important part of the London and Stratford areas.
11 of the team's 17 team points. the school, and they are .worried She experimented with each new
Rob had many long, tough about the decreasing numbers. reaction to fate,
matches, many going to three To get the clubs started off, an With elation in love, and heeding
games, and as the afternoon wore activities campaign will be plan- to hate. Caveat Emptor
on he played better and better. ned with posters and an activities Her awareness lay in opening
Solid performances by the girls' assembly, featuring guest speak- sentiment,
doubles team of Kathy Cruick- ers from the various clubs. Also, It was in her blood — for she was When in the market for home mine if installation and padding
shank, Chris Orien and Janet more money for clubs planning adolescent. furnishings, the consumer must are included in the price. This
Wood playing girls' singles added worthwhile projects, might be an - be absolutely certain he will re- means you should read advert -
the remaining points to our total. incentive. The class reps should She succumbed to one man, yet ceive satisfactory service for the isements closely and specifically
South Huron won the team cham- be better informed about matters placed in the world, item being purchased. He must ask this question of the salesman.
pionship. Thursday will be the they vote on so they can vote for Her pattern grew more rigid as it determine who will service it, Also be on the alert for advertise -
senior championship at Mitchell. what they feel is right, not just unfurled. how long it will take to get ser- ments that promise to carpet
She blessed every virtue, and vice, and how much it will cost. If your home for a very low price.
cursed any fault, possible, this information should Read the fine print in the advert -
It was in her blood — for she was be received from the retailer in isement and you will most likely
adult, writing. Make it a point to check note that the price quoted will
with relatives and friends as to only provide a certain number of
She flitted from sorrow, and fled their experiences so you can square yards of carpeting: Take a
to happiness, avoid the problems they may pencil and do a little arithmetic.
She held her wrongs not ready to have had. All too frequently the amount of
confess. Be careful of the salesman who carpeting offered at the price will
She never marked the days of tries to "trade -up"! This is a per- not cover all the floor space in
passing time, fectly legitimate sales practice of your home.
It was in her blood — for she was trying to get the consumer to pur- Liz Armstrong 12A
in her prime. chase a more expensive model.
Determine exactly the size of ap �f
She bounced each grandchild on a pliance you require and the fea
weakening knee, tures desired, and stick to your
And she began to dread what decision. An appliance larger
life's outcome would be. than your family needs or one
She realized her wishes were all with fancy styling and lots of gad
not sped, gets does not necessarily do a
It was in her blood — for she was better job. N F af.a,
aged. When purchasing furniture, be
3 expecially careful, since poor
She dreamed of a claim to im- quality furniture looks good when ,.
Drama production
The drama 401 classes will pre-
sent the Canadian play, Still
Stands The House, written by
Gwen P. Ringwood on Friday,
April 23 in the school auditorium.
It will be acted twice so that the
entire school may enjoy it. Inter-
ested friends and parents are also
invited to attend.
The drama class has directed
and staged the play under Mr.
Elgie's supervision. The role of
Ruth is played by Maxine Brad-
ley, of Hester by Ann Marie
Mahe, of Mr. Manning by Rod
Simpson and of Bruce by Robin
The play will be presented in
London on Saturday, April 24, as
the F. E. Madill entry in the
Drama Festival.
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mortality, it is new. It will not, however,
Through her dedication to pleas- continue to look good for very
antry. long if it is poorly constructed and GRUA&
Yet she knew her life would be and if low quality materials have
filed on a shelf, been used in the manufactu ing. IT'S A LIQUID
It was in her blood --for she was Vice is a fair guide to quality That make$ Afesin corf,vankint to handle and
herself when buying from reputable re easy to arm Ther$'S 1110 caffyover residue the
—Trudy Holmes 13A tailers. following r.
,. When in the market for carpet OOWng
I'lease turn to Page 4 ing, you must be sure to deter- M2 ECONOMId.KL TO USE
IN THE SENIOR PARA LL E L competition, Carl Bondi of F.
E. Madill High School placed twelfth. The local high school
hosted the 1976 WOSSA gymnastics meet last Wednesday
with a strong representation from Southwestern Ontario
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