HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-08, Page 4t
CE .■.TIMJS A page of editorial opinion Thursday, April 8
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The Kitchen 1 n S ink Papers: M
ett) s s ow some ntere st ._, -�,.� _ �-< - Lite
MiAs ke a Houselnusbaliid b Miles
had it made.
' Three martlad lunches, expense
A small group of adults in this commu people were on hand, the audience con- ..
account aunts around the world,
ni h n devoting silted chief) of hospital board and staff j
ty as bee deo g considerable time Y P ::. .......
and thought to the uses)t members—scarcely indicative of a live) ' y>:>:<:'<::>.>'.>:: two cars, a new swimming pool,
9 development of a con- Y Y $ Y L then one day he quit his job as a
structive program for young people. Several public interest in one of the most important - syndicated columnist to become
institutions in the community. ,:: _
meetings have been held, an organization Y• � -�., a ...housewife- During this year
known as Junior Citizens has been formed Fact of the matter is that a town the size
Mille lost more than a few of his
and discussions are under way about the of Wingham is a busy place and it is nota `
possibility of establishing a drop-in centre simple matter to pick on a night when there - masculine preconceptions. How-
' '- ever one thing he didn't lose was
for young people. is no other activity or i,._aing on the same his sense of humor. That helped
Last week parents of the town's young date. Service clubs, Canadian Legion, golf, N. him survive and this is the tale he
people were asked to attend a meeting at bowling, hockey, curling and many other or lived to tell.
which their advice and assistance would be 9
anizations all demand their share of at- p+
sought to further these plans. The parents at-
tention and time. f Y New Plants From Old by Charles
stayed away in droves. A letter in this issue However, the problems faced by our ` ; - �r. ns
of The Advance Times attests to the bitter Young people may well be created in large \0\0\01111
.\,`� / Step-by-step instruction and at
Hess of one man who has been workingpart by this very same busv-ness on the cart tractive line drawings explain all
of their parents. Teens ers e, all too often the secrets of reproducing your
without stint to foster a constructive pro 9 �l- \.,..�...�::..:.:;,:;.,:,.;.,:;;.:_.;;.;,�..;\;{.;;;.;;
left to their own resources• :? Y %//i/ Tants from seeds, from leaf,
ram for our oun ole. and we who are --. • .---•- ;:.::.:.... ,,,,.,- Q �iiryi�y/// P
� �;�•_:;:>::>::>:.>.< :»»:<::>>::;.<.:; / V l stem or root cuttings, or from
Adrian Keet is not a resident of the town, grown and settled in our ways are not always �\\. :.:::.:.:..:.::: y:%'1101 g
:>:::>::>;:>ti«:<>ti:.:.::>:<<:>::::>:::<Y<'<:':'�ff' �:. runners and offshoots. Special
but he is a responsible adult who recognizes happy with the consequences. The group of ; �: �:• ( �. � . P�
that all too often teenagers are criticized in- g outlets for theyoung-
oun techniques like layering and
9 adults who is seeking
sters' energies y 9 y'` ff WX \ division are described in such de -
stead of understood—and he, along with a g es and abilities is placed in the o� '
few other sincere adults, is trying to do unhappy position of having to make deci- e* tail that any indoorg ardener will
something about that situation. Mr. Keet and sions without the input of parents—and theybe able to accomplish these more
his committee cannot be blamed for a sense may well find that the net result will be criti- : " procedures. Th
�s,lllatitcc<„ � �' complex pros ere is
t �ti; also a section on pruning. i 4
of deep frustration at what appears to be a cism. If so, it won't be the first time that the�>\1��t)y
total lack of interest on the part of parents. energetic and active people who really try to
do something constructive have been torn to>::»;::;:. ����` Place of the Dawn by Gordon
We cannot agree that lack of interest is 9 Taylor i
feces for their efforts.
the onlyreason for the absence of adults at P \
that meeting. Precisely the same reception Nevertheless,- the possibilityof rovid / \ o., Thelandwhere e mountainous P
has been ranted to man meetings in this ing something better for our kids is worth the , Iran is a desolate mountainous
9 Y 9 area swept nearly bare of wildlife
town when serious efforts -were beingmade effort and the criticism so we hope the com-
and vegetation, its peasant in-
to meet community or business problems. mittee stays with it. If you are a parent, ja its clinging to an ancient,
waken u to the fact that b nts g
Only a week or two ago a critically impor- P you do have a stake « f.. rigidly traditional existence.
tant meeting was held—the annual meeting in your children's place in our community. For the last time NO. Julia Warren, ao
y ung, recently
of the Hospital Association. Although some Pitch in and lend a hand. widowed American, arrives in
Tanyeri, a remote village in T& -
key to climb a mountain and to
take part in an archaeological
dig. The moment she steps from
e ers othe the dusty minibus that has
brought her to the site of. the ex-
cavations she is confronted by the
'Passing the buck cause you let a olden o r unpredictable violence of the
P.O. Box 427, Stn. F., Y g PP° - felt that the Ministry of Health (Advance -Times March 25). You present.
Toronto, Ontario, tunity go by to help a great bunch may have been trying to discredit renewed my faith, that there are,
M4Y2L8. of kids to continue with the excel- Mr. Walker for his move to the I'm sure, many others who feel as Checkmate by Dorothy Dunnett
Dear Editor: lent job they are doing. With their private sector by his making this you do. This is the sixth and last of the
The first requirement in a successful One can well imagine the reaction had it We would like to inform you help and the help of a selected leakage public. "Where there's a will there's a "Lymond novels". For admirers
politician would seem to be the ability to find been suggested that the county's hospital and your readers that a centre to group of understanding adults Secondly, in the past when ne- way". Why not find that way to of all that is best in historical
someone else to take the heat when the going boards be given the power to allocate funds investigate and study the pheno- who have seen fit to really get be- gotiated rates were invariably cut your budget, and help Clinton novels, Checkmate offers the in -
gets rough. When Health Minister Frank for county roads—but that would make just menon of Unidentified Flying Ob- hind our junior citizens, we can cut back half to two-thirds of re- have the hospital they worked for comparable formula of violence,
Miller suddenly announced that several as much sense. jests (UFOs) has recently been and will make it. quirements by the Management and need, the same as any other warfare and intrigue against a
hospitals in the province would be chopped No reasonable person is arguing the established in Toronto. For those who chose to do no- Board of Cabinet and the Treas- community. brilliantly evoked 16th -century
out of the health care system the murmur of need to get health care costs under control. An independent private Cana- thing, don't waste our time with m•y Board, nursing homes were Ruth Jardin background. For the followers of
protest quickly rose to a scream. Every However, the ministry might well have com- than group, the UFO Research Your complaints of "the rotten very quiet about the inadequate Lymond it is the long-awaited
community which was on the list of closures menced a detailed study of why it costs so Centre: Ontario will seriously kids of today". You are Creating rates for quite a number of years PET LOVER UPSET key, the untangling of a web of
rose to arms and there was no question that much to build and maintain hospitals. They and scientifically study the com- them. In spite of bigger odds now. It is a general feeling in the suspense and mystery that had
the provincial government was in trouble. should be questioning the unreal pricing of plex and controversial UFO against them than when we were industry that this highly inade- 23149 Port Ave., been building up for 13 years.
Overthrow of the minority Davis govern- hospital furniture, drugs and instruments. enigma. The centre will operate young they are doing fine. You quate proposal that was leaked to St.Clair Shores,
merit was a distinct possibility and its re- They should re-examine the duplication and as a standing committee of the show them you care, really care, Mr. Walker by telephone was Mich., 48082 Quilting by Eirian Short
election was anything but a safe bet. overlapping of inspection services under Toronto Society for Psychical and pay attention to their needs possibly a trial balloon to test the Advance -Times, The Book starts with the tradi-
Then Huron County came to the rescue. which two or three teams of officials go over Research, set up in 1970 as a or give them a shoulder to cry on reaction of nursing home owners Wingham, Ont. tional methods of quilting; wadd-
Someone wanted to know whether there was the same ground at frequent intervals. the _ federally registered not-for-profit and they will repay you tenfold. to see if they would accept this Dear Editor: ed, flat, corded, and stuffed, and
an alternative to the closure of the Clinton ministry might do well to analyze the un- institution. From the experience I had last gross injustice meekly as before. I felt I must write to you in the continues with variations, which
hospital and the minister was quick to let the believable amount of paperwork and time The centre aims to be a place to Thursday (I believe) most of you This time the worm turned and hope that you will print this in without being true quilting, are
people of Huron get into the decision-making required for such a simple procedure as which individuals can report will never find out how loyal and the Minister of Health, and many Your paper as I receive it from closely allied to it. Some of these
process. After that it was neighbor against admitting a patient for a simple overnight UFO sightings or experiences grateful those kids can be. You others in government, and out of my family in Wingham. such as gathered and tied, are
without fear of ridicule, and with will be so busy looking after your it, were made very aware of We always take our two pet offshoots from the traditional
neighbor and wherever the axe fell they stay and a minor operation. They might try
cough blame themselves rather than the they separating the finicky and the nit-picking assurance that their reports will own needs, your businesses, your nursing home owners' unanimous dogs to the Wingham Veterinary techniques and some, such as pil-
eould blame
. That's a very cute trick. from., the necessary and the important. receive serious attention and be pleasures and other things that rejection of such an inequitable Clinic, as we feel they are the low quilting, are modern, time -
It was with regret that the Wingham A great cry has gone that Huron County treated in strict confidence. We may interest you that the best proposal. Since then, negotiations best and we have been to several saving short cuts.
aim to pursue a scientific study of you may do for your teenagers is have continued between ONHA here. The doctors (all of them)
hospital's governing body felt forced to council about the presence of patients in our such reports, to become a source to push a $5.00 bill into their and the Financial Controls Com- are so kind and sincere and have
openly refuse to cut back on bed space in hospitals who stay longer than the desirable of information and undertake hands and hope they won't bother mittee of the Ministry of Health. our highest praise.
favor of the Clinton hospital. They did so only 7.8 days. But at no point has anyone said that public education programs about you after that. While I am momentarily await- I was terribly upset while there
because they could see no long-term benefit we do not have enough nursing home beds or UFOs, and to co-operate with If I am wrong in any of my as- ing a personal notification of the a few days ago. A very angry
to anyone in jeopardizing health services in chronic patient facilities to take care of those other serious groups and indivi- sumptions, please let me know. I entire rate package — patient man arrived with one of the most Displays, s tours
the north end of the county. who should be pushed out of the hospitals. duals in the field. Also, we would would love to be proven wrong in and government portion — that beautiful and healthy dogs I have P Y
When it was proposed that Huron County The home for the aged at Clinton has what like to secure the voluntary ser- this case. And if you would like to was supposed to have been con- ever seen and had it destroyed mark open house
council assume eventual responsibility for one official has called "a waiting list as long vices of people such as astrono- see our Junior Citizens work and sidered and approved by the Cab- because of a few ducks, which I
deciding in what hospitals restraints or as your arm". mers, teachers, journalists and plan, come out and observe them. inet March 31st, all indications am sure cost not more than a few at Wingham P.S.
cutbacks should be enforced, there was Iittle Our health care costs merit an intelli- psychologists who have special We have a meeting almost every point, very unofficially as yet, to - dollars. I suggested finding a
or no opposition to the suggest ite gent stud and careful) considered deci- technical knowledge or skills or Monday at the town hall. I will the standard rate — patient's home. I would have taken it my
PP 99 P• Y Y g Wingham Public School will
the fact that county councillors are in no way sions, not a dramatic swing of the attention- facilities relevant to UFO re- guarantee you that it will be an portion — being increased to $7.90 self but I have two dogs now and
eye-opener and ou ma do well per g also because I live in a cit hold its annual Open House this
trained or informed on hospital problems. getting. axe. search.Y Y r diem and possible govern- y' Thursday with a wide variety of
If you would like further infor- to follow their examplement participation of an addi- I do hope the owner reads this exhibits. and displays available
mation about the centre please A Keet. tional $1.00 per diem. letter in your paper. Surely there
contact us at the above address. We would like to think that any should be a law that angry people for public viewing.
RATE CHANGE should never be allowed to own From 9-11:30, parents are in-
-Yours sincerely, public pressure that resulted vited to visit morning kinder -
Iris Owen (Mrs.) LEAKED BY MOH from Mr. Keay's letter might another dog. Thank you for your arten g classes followed by
an as
have had some influence on the time, but I am still very upset.
Honorary Secretary The Editor, sembly in the auditorium from
Wingham Advance -Times, Ministry of Health's financial A sincere pet lover, 1:30-2:30. Principal John Mann
recognition of the serious needs Yours truly, will greet and visit with parents
International idiocy Dear Sir: of excellent nursing homes in the Mrs. Jean MacKinnon g WHERE WERE Re Mr. Keays letter "Nursing very rapidly chs int health in the auditorium in the after -
Home Owners Worried" in last noon. Primary classrooms,
ALL THE ADULTS care picture. � power learning classes and the
week's issue of the Wingham Ad- � g
This column has mentioned on previous P purposes. Ot what value Ontario has undouubtedly the
p other than easeful p �A letter addressed to the adults vance-Times. :,olden Circle will also be open to
is the guarantee of a overnment which has finest total, and extended care, What's new of visitors. Evening events such as
occasions what appears to be an act of �irre- 9 9 of the community-) - It should be pointed out that the g
s onsible recklessness on the art of the fed- just seized power in its own country by force Did you think it was an April "reports" rts" concernin a possible health care network of any juris- 7 sports activities and public dis-
P P y p p° g p° diction in the world, one to which H u ro n V iew .
eral government. Plans are still going for. of arms and which may be deposed in six Fool's joke? Or is it that you don't government reduction in their plays will also be held.
the ple of Ontario can point
ward to sell a nuclear reactor to Argentina, months' time by another and stronger and care at all? share of Extended Care Costs, Mrs. Boersma accompanied at From 7-9 p.m., all classrooms
despite the fact that a similar piece of equip more ruthless junta? I am talking about the meeting and a suggested new rate for pa- with unifiable pride. The only the piano for the Sunday evening will be open to interested parents.
merit sold to India some years ago has al Canada has already forgiven India for on April 1st at the Armouries. We tient co -payment were not of any way his network can be main- song service sponsored by the The public is also invited to tour
ready been used to make a nuclear bomb. fooling around with nuclear bombs and is asked all concerned people to official nature. These alleged tarn d is if it is kept economically Clinton Christian Reformed the library, Golden Circle, power
healthy and not allowed to wither y learning classes and the Huron
Is Canada so desperately hard -up for going to get back into the atom business with come out and discuss what we new conditions were not received Church and led b Dick Roorda. g
that county young people g y and die.
cash that all the laws of common sense can y—a nation which has recently can do for our oun le in in writing, nor were an verbal Yours very truly, Mrs. Hull celebrated her birth- County Health Unit in the
be disregarded? Have we any right to place thrown out all democratic processes in favor Wingham. The young people commitments made by the Min- George A. Newbold, day on Monday and her relatives school's Health Room.
the potential for nuclear disaster in the of one party rule. Another prospective cus never let me down, but as far as istry of Health during any nego- Administrator, and friends were guests for the During the evening, video-tape
hands of governments which may at some tomer for our nuclear hardware is South the adults are concerned, I sadly tiations between it and the On Pmecrest Manor old time music program. Mrs. presentations, Cub and Scout dis-
future time trigger a nuclear war and the Korea, where a virtual dictatorship has been misjudged their concern. Either tario Nursing Home Association Nursing Home. Elsie Henderson and,.. Mr. and plays, Canadettes Eiaton Group
eventual destruction of life on this planet? established with the aid of American arms. the April joke was an excuse or I which is the official representa- Mrs. Lawrence Edgar provided display and the Wingham
The government officials who are nego Our government may have other and had my face kicked in. No matter tive and bargaining agent for On- the music for the afternoon with Recreation Commission display
which way you look at it I came tario nursing homes. step dance numbers by Mrs. are expected to draw interest.
tiating the sales of these reactors speak of unknown reasons for deciding to sell these NOT PROUD
"adequate guarantees" provided by their potentially destructive power plank abroad, out a mess. This information was leaked in Hull's granddaughter, Shelli Ed- From 7:15-9 p.m., the primary
customers— arra ilea that the b products of but. n s ll the Canadian people have ever I hope you feel good about your an extremely unorthodox and un- OF HOME TOWN gar choir, folk dancing demonstra-
P y p p P y inactive or unconcerned behavi- usual manner by an employee in a The Family Night entertain- tions and volleyball games will
these power plants will never be used for right to know what those reasons are. our, providing it was directed at the Ministry of Health via tele- Editor, ment was shared by two musical take place in the gymnasium.
me. If so, I would like to chal- phone to ONHA Executive Advance -Times groups: a men's chorus, The The girls' team versus mothers
lenge YOU to take action and pro- Director Mr. J. Malcolm Walker Dear Sir: liarboraires and The Pathfinders and the boys' team pitted against
vide a place where young people at 6:30 p.m. one day more than Have the Wingham Hospital gospel singers from the Blyth the fathers should bring the open
THE WINGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES can gather and be constructive, three weeks aan „ Board forgotten the Golden Rule Christian Reformed Church. house to an enjoyable close. In
rather than hanging around in the it is felt by the industry that and the meaning of the word John Greidanus was emcee for the Junior Hall at the John Street
Published at Wingham. Ontario, by Wenger Bros. Limited streets. I will survive — but what one or two reasons were behind SHARE? the program which included entrance, music will be provided
about the kids' this unorthodox leakage of pro- As a former resident of your three groups of songs y the Har- by students of the school. Some of
Barry Wenger. President Robert 0. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer Well, I will still stick with them, posed rates. etc. Mr. Malcolm town for 20 years I always felt boraires and several numbers by the performers are students of
TH Acm n
love them and work with them. I Walker became ONHA Executive proud of Wingham, but in no way seven girls; Joanne elaar, Mrs. G. Lear who provides pri-
Member Audit Bureau of Circulations will do the job where you fail Director March 1, 1976, moving can I feel proud of your an- Emmy Monks, Jo Ann Passchier, vate lessons in the school every
Member - Canadian Community Newspapers Assoc. Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. them. If, on the outside chance, from the chairmanship of the Fi- nouncement last week to support Jenny Reinink. Darlene Wes- Tuesday.
you think I can do it all by myself, nancial Controls Committee of the government's decision re -- selink, Anita and Gina Datena. Teachers and students hope
Subscription (10.00 per year. Six months $.5.25 To united States Ego 00 You are sadly mistaken. T have the Ministry of Health, the com- the closure of Clinton Hospital. Miss Grace Robertsdn tb}nked interested parents will attend the
you Helen Underwood the entertainers on behalf of the day of entertainment and enjoy
asked you for help but you did not rnittee with which ONHA nego- Thank
Second Class Mail Registration No 0621 Return postage guaranteed give it. I feel sorry for you be- tiates nursing home rates. It is for your well -expressed letter residents; merit.