The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-08, Page 2-per !--'lbs Wivoam Advance -Times, Thugs., April 8, 1876 I MWRAY GAUNT M.P.P. HURON -BRUCE Report from Queen's Park HAPPY HOOPERIIi Your Heart Fund sponsors The fourth meeting of Auburn nation-wide programs of re - III, 4-H Aub was held at Donny- search and education. brook at the home of Mrs. Ed- ward Robinson last Saturday. The roll call was taken and the minutes of the previotm muting read. Achievement Day and a WOOL tree choice of articles were die Realize the highest returns for cussed. Miss C. Foran and Mrs. your wool by patronizing your Robinson showed the girls the own organization. Discussion still continues about hospital closings in the province, the provincial government can obtain enough vaccine. U suffi port released last week suggested more funds be allocated for y I i s I : s 1 '--V couching outline and the couch- ing cross stitches. Ellen Thomp- SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered and.tbe Acting Minister of Health cient vaccine is not available, smoking research and education, 1 son closed the meeting. Warehouse No. 10, has indicated that four of the nine those at highest risk will be vac- and that the Ontario government _$ r +•' N00The fifth meeting was also held Carleton Place, Out. Ontario hospitals given orders to cinated. The minister said the ask the Department of National "' "!' at the home of Mrs. Edward Obtain sacks and twine close will remain open for an in- province hopes to use health units Health and Welfare to extend and f a Robinson, April 3. It was opened without charge from NORMAN McDOWELL &SON definite period while the health throughout Ontario to carry out intensify its national media anti with the pledge and the minutes. Auburn ministry studies other possible the vaccination program to smoking campaign. j • An outline of history was die or by writing to uses for the institutions and other eliminate any charge for the pro= Jack Riddell, MPP, Huron- 1 f cussed. The girls were shown the CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE ways to cut costs. cedure, although no decision has Middlesex, called for a public en- ; satin stitch. The sheaf filling WOOL GROWERS LIMITED The four, Doctors' Hospital in Toronto and public hospitals in yet been made about whether there will be a charge for the vac- quiry into the government's handling of the assignment of the / ".•' r stitch was demonstrated as well as the twisted rope. CARLETON PLACE, ONTARIO Clinton, Durham and Paris, have cine itself. licence to operate the Guelph appealed the orders to close. 0-0-0 Abattoir owned by the Ministry of ) There is, apparently, no chance Former Ontario Liberal Lead- Correctional Services. The fa that the remaining hospitals er Robert Nixon, speaking in the cility was previously operated by scheduled to close will be re- Throne Debate, referred to a Essex Packers until that com prieved, and the minister told the government pledge to take action pany got into financial difficulty Legislature that the government on the problem of alcohol abuse last fall. It has since been oper- has not altered any decisions but by teenagers, and called for a ban ated by the receiver for that com- <! is simply keeping an open mind on all liquor and beer advertising pany until the Government indi- �M while studying briefs which have in the province. Mr. Nixon said rated on March 18 it was assign - been presented. Even if some of that MPPs will be "seriously ir- ing the operation to Guelph Beef the hospitals being closed are put responsible and derelict in their Centre Ltd., a company of the De to other uses, the government duty" if they permit this kind of Jonge Group. Mr. Riddell stated still hopes to save close to $45 advertising to continue either on that better offers were turned million. radio or television, or in the print down by the government, includ- 0-0-0 media. He said, "There's no rea- ing one where the farmers would The Acting Minister of Health son for us to permit this kind of have been paid 100 cents on the also told the Legislature that the insidious pressure on young dollar as opposed to the 15 cents entire population of Ontario will people, particularly (when it) being offered by the De Jonge be inoculated against swine flu if simply identifies the use of beer Group. — much more than anything else :. iiii'Xi1llYllrll'Yii'&�~ — with thegood � life " OAssoc. outlines INGLIS FARM 'A' The Ontario Housing Action DRAINAGE Program aimed at bringing ser- prevention AN ACTIVE SUPPORTER of Ontario's Junior Farmers' Association has been selected to H viced land and new housing onrepresent the province's Junior Farmers in 1977 on a trip to Australia and New Zealand. the market as soon as possible, of cattle thefts Dixie Cameron (centre), RR 1, Lucknow was named the recipient of the Ontario Junior Quality Installation 1 will be continued for at least a Farmers' Association Travelling Scholarship to Australia and New Zealand at the asso- Clay or Plastic ;,iyear beyond the planned April 1 The Huron Cattlemen's As- ciation's annual meeting in Toronto. The scholarship is sponsored by the Junior Farmers' sociation will pay up to $1,000 for termination date, Housing Min- Association of Ontario and United Co-operatives of Ontario. Shown at the meeting are Free Estimates `� ister John Rhodes said last week. the return of stolen cattle in Hur- Bruce Saunders, president of the Junior Farmers' Association, Mrs. Cameron, and Reg =4 The new program will be unveil on County. Stan Paquette, secre- p g Cressman of UCO in Mississauga. PHONE: 392-6700 ed in the provincial budget on tary of the association, said the a i• R.R. 3 Walkerton.. Aril 6. mount of the reward will be at the -� p discretion of the executive. An internal Health Ministry re The association advises that 1►'li'IFl x � r r'u11r��Z�Z Z�I�'FZ- � • padlocking loading shutes, identifying one's cattle means Officer t Federation BANK OF MONTREAL of a brand, ear tag or tattoo and being more observant of trucks • HOME LOAN PLAN FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE. and cars around neighbors' yards about s a f e rprecautions FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGE FUNDS. UP TO 75% at night can reduce the number of y APPRAISED VALUE OF YOUR EXISTING HOME. MAXI- cattle thefts in the county. MUM 125,000 REPAYABLE OVER 15 YEARS. LIFE As another safeguard against The guest speaker of the April However, recognizing the need The Firefighters Association is INSURED. theft, farmers may obtain a meeting of the Huron County to move farm vehicles from place sending a resolution to CKNX re- brand allotment application Federation of Agriculture, intro- to place, he made the following questing that news of a fire he which can be completed. For a duced by Bev Brown,. was Con- recommendations: (1) Always, withheld for at least 4-8 hours. Good things hap en With a fee of $1.00 a farmer can register stable John Wray, Community use slow moving vehicle signs. The Federation members voted �his brand for more than three Services Officer for the Ontario (2) Although a farm vehicle is en- to support this resolution. Gold Medal B er. Lets talk. years. 'The association also Provincial Police. The first part titled to use half of the roadway, The next meeting of the Huron recommends that theft insurance of Constable Wray's speech dealt he urged that farmers use as Federation of Agriculture will be M The First Canadian Bank be included in the general in= with the laws governing the much of the shoulder as possible held in Clinton on May 6th. All surance coverage. Branding movement of farm vehicles on in order to allow traffic behind to Individual Service Members are B a n k of M ontre information may be obtained by the roads and highways. "Frank- see beyond the vehicle when try- urged to attend.Aiiiiiiiiii t writing the Livestock I Com- ly," he said, "farm vehicles on a ing to pass. (3) Have a steady red TEESWATER, ONTARIO missioner of the Ontario Ministry highway are a pain in the neck. light on the back of the tractor. of Agriculture and Food at They are too slow, too big and im- (4). Try to move the equipment Toronto's Parliament Buildingsproperly lit." before dark, or if possible, leave the equipment in the field over- night and move it the next morn- ing. He explained that a licensed Free treetruck can now be used to haul wa- gons, grain boxes, etc. as long as a slow-moving vehicle sign is service for farmland hung in clear view a the end of the wagon. The vehicle being hauled does not need to be li- Many farms in Huron, Bruce, strong winds. Good woodlots and censed, which is a recent change and Perth Counties have some shelterbelts increase the sale in the law. Farmers who need to land once cleared and farmed but value of a farm. Forest cover move over -size vehicles on, the now idle because it is too steep or helps reduce run-off and controls roads (anything over 102 inches rocky for cultivation, lacks suf- soil erosion by wind or water. wide and -or 65' long) should ap- ficient moisture or nutrients, or is Forested areas also improve ply to the Ministry of Transport - too small or irregular in shape. wildlife habitat and enhance the ation in Toronto for a special per - Changing methods of farming aesthetic beauty of the land- snit. There is no fee for this per - also have resulted in many acres scape. mit and it can be issued to cover a, of marginal farm land becoming More assistance than ever be- one year period. Constable Wray idle. Trees are a crop which can fore is now available to land- pointed out that this permit would make these idle lands productive owners for planning and estab- be of considerable importance again. lishing this new forest crop. The should there ever be an accident Reforesting such areas is im- Ministry of Natural Resources on the roadway. portant for many reasons in addi- pi ovides a tree tree -planting tion to production of lumber, service for all landowners willing SECURE HOMES During the last half .fence posts, fuelwood, and to have. 10 acres or more of suit -discuss - Christmas his trees. Windbreaks or able land planted to trees. Under speech, Constable Wray shelterbelts enhance the beauty this program the Ministry will, ed home security. Recommend - and comfort of farm buildings free of charge, inspect the ations included the use of proper ____ NJ and protect field crops from property to be planted, consider locks t house or barn (it -d ad - the objectives of the landowner, portant to use locks with a -dead- the as they cannot be picked), Look neighbour... you can offer advice on the proper species advise a neighbor that you are I Jr.Farmers to plant, and carry out the actual going to be away, leave lights and BELT IT OUT FAST planting work. The landowner radio on a timer device, do not I • purchases the nursery stock at leave a note on the door that you •' receive U.K. nominal cost from the Ministry of will be back at 5 o'clock, and do 1 Natural Resources nursery and not hide a key outside your house. travel awards assumes responsibility for pro- Other items covered were the tecting the young plantation from use of guns and dogs to protect Four rural young people have fire• livestock, insects and dis- your family and your property, ease. been awarded the 1976 Ontario ways of preventing cattle rust- I Ministry of Agriculture and Food Any landowner interested in ling, and how to stop gas thefts. ~` Travelling Scholarships to the further details of this free service Members of the audience had United Kingdom for 1976. These should contact the Wingham many questions for Constable - office of the Ministryof Natural people are Janet WhResources. itehead, Wray which resulted in several Teeswater; Donnalene Pletsch, discussions which were of inter- o RR 4. Stratford. Arlene Allin, RRest to all present. Allen Walper • ' 1. Orono: and Brvan Boyle. RR 3• Belmore set thanked Constable Wray on be- i Ripley. The delegates were half of the Federation and pre- selected on the basis of their con sented him with a small token of tributions to organizations and �o r festival appreciation. ' activities in their home com- Bl:.'I,MORE—The ninth annual John Strickler, representing munities and their ability to Belmore Maple Syrup Festival the Huron County Mutual Aid Butlers ' serve as ambassadors of.nntario will he held Saturday, April 17. Firefighters Association, spoke Volume -Belt .; cattle feeder—the rural youth, including over 30.000 from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. in the to the meeting about the prob- Junior Farmer and 4-H mem- community arena. The meal lems of fighting a fire when there Quiet One—belts feed out fast hers. served will consist of homemade are hundreds of spectators Furalan. without feed separation for The six week trip. from IAav 31 sausage. Belmore maple syrup crowding the area. This problem.I T II : in barn or outdoor feeding. 1 to July 15, will he an opportunity and hot pancakes is compounded when the location for the group to learn about life Also included at the festival of a fire is announced over radio styles in the United Kingdom, will be booths featuring the sale minutes after a fire alarm has Furadan current avricultnrnl practices peen turtled til. John cited the L ,....�.,� of home baking, maple products, But don't take our word for it. and the role and activities of handicrafts and farmers' sau- case of a recent fire in Ethel Ask a neighbour Who owns Butler. 1 Young Farmer Clubs. During sage which was announced over their travels each delegate will In the evening. a dance will be CKNX a half hour after the fire live as a member of several host held to the music of C.A.K.e began. Within an hour the streets Lynff Lowry Farm Equipment Ltd. families. From April 1 to April 15, a pan of Ethel were clogged with cars, Announcement of the winners cake house will be. open in the some of which had come over 30 Jim Armstrong Route 1, Kincardine, Ontario 1 was made at the Annual Banquet Belmore Arena from 5:30 to 9:30 miles to see the fire. The tanker PHONE: 519-395-5286 of the .Junior Farmers' Associa- p m Pancakes, sausages and truck was constantly delayed in RR 4, Wingham tion of Ontario on March 20 at the Belmore maple syrup will he its trips back and forth to the ri- ,� 357-1651 Prince Hotel, Toronto served "er to haul water. u A �r A10110611111111 - k E / SPRING xa// SALE CES THE ORIGINAL 1C SALE dsy Apr+l iZ'1 to l l•esdey A►Prit Q7,'1o7Q Free Anti -Rabies. Clinics. For Dogs and Cats FREE ANTI -RABIES CLINICS conducted by the Canada Department of Agriculture, Health of Animals Branch, in co-operation with the Bruce County Health Unit and municipal governments are being held at the following locations in this area: RIPLEY - Township Hall - April '15 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 Noon HOLYROOD -Township Hall -April 1S 9:30 a.m, to 12;00 Noon LUCKNOW - Basement of Town Hall April 15 - 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. TEESWATER - Culross Township Garage April 20 - 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Fordwich F**d Mill Fordwich, Ontario 335-3501