The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-01, Page 11Propose Ont -Building Code
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., April 1, INS -Pop 11 L -
cover a f � �.� Huron alters allocation
arm properties 4
Should farm buildings come count ng � ,� Biu' ii u.: Jill I , � of service dcosts
Y Planning board made a etc. and assessment only. � � ,,�
under the Ontario Building Reeve Boyle rng Code . recommendation to concur with a y questioned this � ; _ � ..r / _ . -`."-"'"'� ," : BY ��Y J. Keller Under the new scheme. which �
Reeve Derry Boyle of Exeter proposal from Perth Count ��
Y opinion, and said that all build ___A . Although Huron Count will not
thinks they should, and he thinks regarding the issuance of build- ings should come under the On be raising any additional tax dol- involved passu a bylaw in
the Ontario Building Code should #' lars this ear, some munid accordance with The lGaniciipal na
ing Permits for farm buildings. cons Building Code and be so Y Pte- Act, Section 507, Subsection 7,
be amended accordingly. Such building permits, council constructed. ties will face an increase in their four of the five towns will all pay to
The matter came up at Huron felt, should be fouthe purposes of "There are many persons who � � `", county apportionment for 1878. At lt8
County Council's March session locating the building more. Some villages' too, will ;iw
ire ng al the site share your view," commented the same time, some will have a
Friday in Goderieh when the with regard to road allowances count y - � ` � have an increase l0 1876•
Y Planning director Gar pleasant reduction and it is all
The Town of Goderieh, the lar -
Davidson. because of a belief that people geSt municipality in Hixon, will _
used CarSavings
T -"� t ' ;a- services should be id b the
' We have been silly enough to �People who use them Y PaY $370,287 in 1976 intro the
provide cheap food and lots of it," county coffers. That's arkin-7h
stated Deputy -reeve Grant Stir- VFor some time county council cry of $19,146.
'' has been stud The town of Exeter will pays
studying the tax strut- Lot
'75 ASTRE Panel, 3,000 '73 JAVELIN, 2 door. ►�, Goderieh Township, "but - � �'�� X63 959, >1811s more.
ture in Huron by which all funds 'm
when it comes to farm buildings � , - -. ,,,,u�> �f ".. `` ' t , were raised on an assessment a,
we build to last. There are farm - will pay ;132,536, down from a1
'73 DART, (2), 4 deer so- buildings around which have b, w basis. At the March session of $139,611 Clinton will pay 4=,12A, '74 ASTRE, 4 speed, rodie. di 6 county council held Friday in the ;6,992 more. Seaforth will pay :M
Cylinder, sluto- stood for 100 years or more. We`"• council chambers at Goderieh, 110
read in the paper that it is the $86,056, up ;3,778.
74 CHRYSLER, 4 deer se- �• public buildings ng R •,; decision was reached that people The village of Bayfield will I"
power steering p ngs that are failing
- services Children's Aid, have a reduction from ;34 3811ast JO
p0 ring 72 PLYMOUTH, 4 door down, not the farm buildings. „ , , ry Huronview, social services sd
OW brake$, redia. sem, N , year to $26,607 this year. All the
Reeve Boyle also questioned ° library - should be rest face increases - Blyth,
Y q ,� health and Libra -►r.
'73 CHRYSLER, 2 door the province's request that all funded according to population of ;30,205 to ;31,022; Brussels,
71 CHRYSLER, 2 deer historical buildings and heritage a municipality.111"0111;35,211 to $35,587; Hensa11,;45,600
• bordtop. areas be clearly designated on
"There's no doubt it is a fairer to W,347; rich, $30,401 to $30,
secondary plans. way of doing things," commented 998. _
'73 CHRYSLER, 4 door, '71 CHARGER SE, radio The planning director had Warden Jack McCutcheon to Two townships will pay more in her'dtep- a11to111atit, V-8, power pointed out that he does not have council. 1976. They are Stephen and _
'73 PONTIAC ASTRE steering OW power anyone on his present staff with x Tuckersmith. The townships and 18
broke:. the necessary expertise to do this z xs
their apportionments are listed
work. He said that to engageIAIbelow, the 1975 apportionment in
consultants to do the work would roxe t er brackets:
cost about, $2,500 for an urban Ashfield, ;95,181 (;105,597);
JE' I I mik Miss Mary Tanton, Toronto, Colborne, ;67,779 (;71,856);
i plan and -/;1,500 for a rural plan. NORMAN MUNDY, a local bird watcher and enthusiast, examines a new display at the was a weekend guest with Mr. Goderieh, ;103,232 (;112,923);
These costs would be subsidized local museum, carved by George Allen. The new exhibit, which shows a country scene and Mrs. Russell Hayden. Mrs. Grey, ;88,270 (;91,094); Hay,
the minimum of 50 per cent by withdisprobin Sunday n on her nest with eggs, took Mr. Allen 3 to 4 days to create and has been on Laurie Brown, Waterloo, spent
III ay;108,354 (;121,901);' Hawick,Sunday at the same home. ;123,095 (;124,496); Hullett,
Reeve Boyle felt this arrange- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock, ;84,183 ($87,398); McKillop
WINGHAM ONTARIO ment could infringe on a person's right to do what he liked with his Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. j74,485 ($79,108); Morris, ;68,983
PHONE ss z own property. Mr. Davidson ex- • • Vern Clark on Sunday. (;71,828); Stanley, ;87,225
eSunday guests with Mr. and ($89,830); Stephen, $189,117
Royal power commission
plained this only gave provision Mrs. Allan Griffith were Mr. and
fora 180 day period during which (;172,434); ltinckerstnith, X45,145
Mrs. Bill Nordstrom, Robert and ($134,765); Turnberry, $62,950
ANa demolition permit could be Cathy of Grand Bend and Mr. and ($60,576); Usborne, $90,599
N 0 U N C E M E N T withheld until some alternative n o w into s e e o n d s t nge Mrs. Walter Eaton, Seaforth. (;80,499); East Wawanosh,
plan could be achieved. Mrs. Craig Matthews, Bramp- ;51628 ($53,531); West Wawa
Upon being asked whether The Royal Commission on sion will be representatives of ton, spent a few days with Mr. cosh, $49,241 (;49,327).
anyone within the county had the P Topics to be discussed during and Mrs. Wallace Matthews. All munici
necessary expertise to do this hie second ostre of Planning began
Ministries of Ariculturef the ntand ariothe Hearings include such mat- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Taylor, �� �h� will be'�
g g pax their apportion -
Effective kind of work, Mr. Davidson an-ters as: Ontario Hydra's public Goderieh, visited Mr. and Mrs.
into long range electric power ments in two equal instalments,
swered that Nick Hill, a former planning on March 31, with the Food, Housing, Health, Energy, Participation in the planning pro- Russell Hayden on Monday. one June 30 and one December 15.
March 31 1976 county planner still living in Environment, Natural Re- cess, scientific and technological Mr. and Mrs. Blair
first of 64 sessions of Public In- m'P, Clerk -treasurer Bill Hanly said
/ Huron, was able to do this as formation Hearings. The final sources, Industry and Tourism development and assessment for Dave and Sandra of Sarnia were that municipalities which didn't
The Office of were probably several others in date of these hearings is laniied the generation and transmission They visitors with Mr. and pay on time would be billed for
the county. ng P and ,the Ministry of Treasury, of electric power, environmental Mrs. Allan Griffith, the interest on the money owing. 'l
Council gave approval for up to for July 229 1976. Economics and Intergovern-' and health factors considered in
$1,500 to be spent for the Hensall Appearing before the Commis- mental Affairs. generation and transmission
State Farm Insurance Secondary plan where heritage planning, prpvincial develop -
features are concerned, and up to ment and land use factors con --The Wingham United Church WINGHAM
$1,000 each for Colborne and sidered in electric power plan- has added a cassette recorder to
will be located at Goderieh Township secondary Stresses wealth of ning, energy utilization, avails- loft
plaits. Consultants are only to be • bility of fuel supplies and genera- the
ae choir loft w wand inspirational is proving to BODY SHOP
6 Patrick Street West used as necessary. tion and transmission planning
Reeve Bill Elston expressed his knowledge n books processes. aid to Sunday services. The re- Com lete Collision Repairs
(Rear of Handicraft g Flower Shoppe) regret at official notice that The information provided corder was purchased through p
Whitechurch Deposit Libra had FORDWICH -The value of the church's memorial fund with and Painting
Po Library ably spoke on the topic, "Canada through these hearings will be moneylac �
been closed. Librarian Bill Par- books was stressed by Miss Min- Cultural Riches" and raised utilized by the Commission and P d the fund by Towing Service,
AND MANAGED BY tridge said that only 15 books had nie McElwain when she spoke on some very thought-provoking the public as an information and family and friends in memory of
circulated in the entire final the motto at the meeting of the ideas. She said we are all kinds of data base for main hearingsPaul Swatridge. The recorder is
con- Radiator Cleaning and
Mr. Ken Walters month of operation and for that Fordwich Women's Institute held ..people; can we get along to- stituting the debate stage of the presently transmitting quiet R
reason, had not been considered a in the community hall on March gether? She said the word `cul- Commission's inquiry. The music prior to worship services.
viable library. Mr. Partridge 16. Miss McElwain said, "Some ture' has many different mean- debate stage will probably begin In the future, plans are to record SID ADAMS
added that if somebody in White- books are to be tasted, others to ings and feels that a cultured in the fall of 1976. VoCal selections by the choir for Proprietor
church would come forth with an be swallowed and some few to be man means a person with an open The information hearings will use on radio or during summer ININGHpM ONT
offer to maintain a'library in the chewed and digested". She open- mind. She closed with the words be held in afternoon sessions worship services' Res. 357-1171 Bus. 357-1102
home, the service could continue. 'ed with the question, "Why do of St. Paul: "We are members of beginning at 2:00 p.m. and even -
In the meantime, the county you want to read a book?" She one another". ing sessions beginning at 7:30•
At this time W@ would librarian reminded Whitechurch urged the members to read books Mrs. Wilson conducted an Irish p.m. in the Macdonald Block, 2nd I
cy d.^o Oreaders to remember the mail of different kinds because read- contest. Lunch was served by Floor, 900 Bay Street (at Welles-
�� ii service provided by the library ing is the art of interpreting Mrs. Lorne Siefert, Mrs. Harold ley) in Toronto.
like to say Thank You for for any persons in Huron wanting knowledge which broadens our Doig and Mrs. Wallace Bilton. In an effort to make the infor- Gold Banker
specific books to read. minds and interests. She conclud- mation and data provided at
the privilege of havingserved P y saying, "Reading is to the these hearings more readily
Joseph Dietrich, a former -ea b sa in abouthome
YOU. Stephen Township reeve and mind what exercise is to the available to the public outside of
county councillor, has been ap- body. Cancer Society Toronto, the Commission has ar • •
Itis our wish that you will Pointed assistant tree commis- Mrs. C. Carswell, president, 0 ranged for regional depositories hs meant
sioner in Huron. Mrs. Gurpal opened the meeting with the ode, ea m pa I g n needs 5 to be set up in the main Public Li- '' c
pl ace the some confidence in Thind, supervisor of Public Mary Stewart Collect and Lord's braries in the cities of London, a lot �-o �s
. Health Nursing, has resigned Prayer. She then welcomed public support Ottawa, Sudbury and Thunder •
effective March 31, 1976. everyone and asked Mrs. Edgar Bay.
r. Ken Walters that you A long discussion during the Gedcke to conduct the devotions. The Canadian Cancer Society The material to be available
have accorded us OV@r the afternoon session regarding She read a passage of scripture urgently
needs the asupport of all through these depositories will
employee benefits led to retain- and chose as her theme "The participate include all information and data
past years. ing W. F. Morneau and Associ- Blessings of Friendship". She re- sential and humanitarian pro- submitted to the Commission for
ates who willrovide consul- marked that friendship is one of gram of research, public educa
P these hearings as well as each
8111 p talion services to Huron where the best things in life, each friend tion and service to patients. Give day's transcripts.
at Wilhelmina May employee benefits are concerned contributes something to our generously when the volunteer Also, the Commission is
and act as the county's spokes- lives. "A friendship is like silver canvasser knocks on your door. arranging for daily summaries of
man when questions from staff but Christian friendship is like Much has been done in cancer the hearings to be available for
arise. gold," she said. control through education, early reference in Public Libraries in
During the business portion of diagnosis and better treatment some 100 other towns and cities in
the meeting, it was announced methods to reduce suffering. The Ontario.
that the next card party will be battle will not be won until re- The Commission's chairman,
held March 26. Mrs. E. Harding search has identified the causes Dr. Arthur Porter has stated:
asked the members if they would and found the cure for the di
Summer School and Extension Department be interested in taking a bus to lease. "I believe these hearings are
the Huron Country Playhouse in Thanks to the advances made the first of this kind to be held in G(�oe� thine hadperiwith a
SUMMER SCHOOL 1976 August to see "Anne of Green Possible by cancer research, Ontario, and even in Canada. The ^ M� Let's
Gables". It was agreed that she more than half of cancer cases questioning of the experts will be Gold Me -did Banker. Let's alk
inquire about securing a bus and diagnosed are now being cured. undertaken by a panel of eminent •
INTERVIEWS tickets. The Society hopes that all will Canadian engineers, physicians,
A short course, "More About contribute to the annual fund- geographers and consultants in a 00 The First Canadian Bank
Nutrition", will be held April 6 at raising campaign. variety of fields. As educational
Miss Angela Armitt, Director of the Summer School and Extension Department, of The University of p _ B a n k of Montreal
8 p.m. at Clinton Secondary experiences I am sure the hear
Western Ontario, will be conducting interviews for students .who would like to begin work on a Ings are going to be great."
degree or for those presently working on a degree program. School. I_ !/t����1CCI��O
Mrs. Gedcke gave the report of - -
the nominating committee, with
DATE: Tuesday, March 30th, 1976
TIME: 4:00 to 9:00 mall offices filled. -Harry Brydges assisted Rev.
p . Education and Cultural Ac- T. K. Hawthorn at the morning
PLACE: Room 18, Mount Forest District High School, tivities conveners, Mrs. Len Wil- worship service in St. Paul's •
MOUNT FOREST, Ontario. son and Mrs. Harold Gibson, took Anglican Church on Sunday.
charge of the latter half of the -Sunday guests of Mrs. Ger- ToCall Is r meeting. Mrs. Gibson very cap- shom Johnston, Catherine Street,
Summer School Courses will be offered in the Centres of Owen Sound and were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood
Clinton with Extension Courses returning to Mount Forest District High and Sylvia of Egmondville and
School in September. These coursesMrs. Lois McMichael of Seaforth.
will be announced in your local news- M
During the afternoon Mrs. Johns-
tU*-on accompanied them to Tees- 357=1652
water where Harry Miller rested
We are particularly anxious to increase Course Offerings and Registra- a -H STITCHEROOS at the MacPherson Funeral Cha-
GORRIE - The third meeting Pel.
tions at this Centre. If you have an interested friend who would like to of the Corrie 3 4-H Stitcheroos -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moffatt FOR INFORMATION ABOUT NEW
work towards a degree this year, would you be kind enough to tell, them met at the home of Mrs. Robert and family of Oakville spent the
about the Interviews or have them contact the Summer School and Exten- Sanderson on March 25. weekend with his parents, Mr.
Susan Mann read the minutes and Mrs. Farish Moffatt of INSTALLATIONS, OR TO REPORT FAULTY
Sion Department at The University of Western Ontario in London.
Roll call was "What is the colour Minnie Street.
harmony of your learning stit --Mr. and Mrs. James Donald- RECEPTION CALL
DEADLINE FOR NEW STUDENTS applying for admission for the first time cher article?" They discussed son returned home recently from
and presenting documents for Intersession and Evening is April 7th, 1976. how to create a design. It could be. a ten -week vacation,in Florida
The deadline for Day is May 31st. Application forms are available at the either traditional or Scandina- -Tom Shore, Ross Wilhelm,
largi The group worked on e en- Eric Cleave, Frank Collar, Doug WINGRAM
Main Office of your local High School or by contacting the office of the larging a design. Mrs. Sanderson Switzer and BrviceMacLean have
Registrar -Admissions, U. W.O. demonstrated the twisted chain been elected to serve on the Dea-
stitch and everyone practised cons' Board of the Wingham Bap- 357.1 652
this stitch. tist Church for a one-year term.