The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-04-01, Page 1Y
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FIRST SECTION Wingham, Ontario, Thutsday, April 1, 1976
County is seeking power "'"°„.n"
pay morefor
ronview meals
ede, ho . se'rvices
When it became evident that
Huronview's budget would have
bo be tightened to accommodate
By Shirley J. Keller In the 15 -day plus category, the Dr. Mills said the average from Huron's hospitals. He aho the government's announcement
Huron County Council is takitig percentages told the story. length of stay for patients in hos- pointeda'out that Huron has a thattld 11 approved in a 51,2 per cent
its role seriously. When Warden Exeter again held the lead with a pital all across Ontario is 7.8 large percentage of people over woolininitr a Chester Archibald
Jack McCutcheon asked council- record of 18.8 per cent spending a days, He feels too large a percen- 65; an additional 30,000 peopk was pleasantly surprised when
lors Friday at the March session total of 65.2 per cent of the patient tage of Huron patients are stay- from May to October each year; some members of his staff came
in Goderich if they were ready to days. ing too long in hospital. "It bears a number of high risk agricpl-
accept the responsibility for the Clinton and Goderich were looking at," insisted Dr. Mills. tural workers who require to him with the suggestion that
reduction of health care costs in neck and neck for the best perfor- "There is good reason for hos- nearby acute health care faci- the cost pf meals for workers at
the county should the govern- mance, Clinton with 12.8 per cent, pital administrations to get lities and a desire to provide tate home be doubled.
ment empower them to do so, few accounting for 51.2 per cent of the together and say what can we do. quality of health care services Mr• Archibald told Huron
members declined. patient days and Goderich with Everybody has to tighten down a throughout the county. County Council at its March ses-
Warden McCutcheon told coun- 12.9 per cent accounting for 47.7 bit. There should be a thorough "You can cut hospital staff but sion that at 50 cents each, the
cil that Ontario Premier William per cent of the patient days. study. We must ask who were you haven't cut out the over -use meals were bringing in $10,000
Davis and Minister of Health The totals showed that 14.5 per these people? Why were they of the hospital beds," Dr. Mills per annum. Huronview staff rea-
Frank Miller had been impressed cent of the patients in the five there?" explained. "If you cut beds there coned that an additional $10,000
with a Huron County Board of county hospitals spend 15 days or Dr. Mills reminded council that will be a natural reduction in could be added to the budget if
Health presentation which more and use up 52 per cent of the the Ministry of Health is firm in staff." the cost of meals to staff went to
stressed the fact that Huron is a total patient days. its order that 62 beds must be cutPlease turn to Page 5 $1.
"total county" that "sticks to- The board of management at
gether". Huronview had been considering
He said the only argument to the increase, butwhen the staff
which the premier and the mini- volunteered for the raised price,
stet of health would listen was the 'board members felt compelled to
one which put forth the claim that follow their example. They de -
Huron County wants to manage tided that on meeting days, each
its own affairs even where health board member would forfeit $1
cutbacks are concerned and for the meal that until this time
should be permitted to coordi had been free.
nate meetings with the five hos "You mean the a
. count pitals to work out an amicable a Y will pay
settlement to achieve the results for it," said Elgin Thompson,
desired by Toronto. reeve of Tuckersmith, hardly
"Are we ready to accept the re believing his ears.
sonsibilit to allocate bed
P y "No, my understanding was
reduction proportionately across + � ,o
that the committee members
the county?" asked Warden would pay for the meals out of
McCutcheon. is.. their own pockets," said Mr.
John Jewitt of Hullett seemed Archibald. Several heads nodded
to speak for all of council when he -�- �z j in agreement. "And it is high
E time we paid for our meals, too,"
replied, "If we've got to be the stated Reeve Thompson, obvi
body that takes the stand, then "•
we'd better be. the the body that i '' - ously getting into the spirit of the
takes the stand." thing.
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Warden 3ac'k McCutcheon
in GIVING ICE CARNIVAL QUEEN Carolyn Dinsmore a hand with her crown is Clinton
Only Reeve John- Flannery promptly brought the discussion Gibson who was named the Howick Ice Carnival King Saturday night. Carolyn had to
Seaforth voiced his concern n Nw to a close. stoop ret( low so four-year-old Clinton could official) crown her.
accepting the responsibility. He , P P Y Y Y
questioned whether council
should get into this kind of ad-
d ministration, even if given the n .> �5k
power to do so. "How many beds
�,' """'"""'*
will we expected to cut back on O hldsto
next year? " asked Flannery.Hur
"Will this become an annual
While council waits to the ) i� fl� ,, • .
government's decision on rate desc'te ia whether or not county council will ► .��:�,.�;,,!e cos
be empowered to allocate bed By Shirley J. Keller provision for increases to the re some things we need we're not
reduction apportionments There wasn't much dispute serve funds: working capital, getting."
throughout Huron, Dr. Frank ! ` over the county budget for 1976 $150,000; hos tial reserve, It was
r• p pointed out to Reeve
Mills brought forward some �4 when council met in regular ses- $200,000; employee benefits, Elston by Medical Officer of
shocking statistics for council's sion Friday in Goderich at the $150,000; and capital works build- Health Dr. Frank Mills that the
perusal. MPP MURRAY GAUNT presents the Walter Lockridge Memorial Trophy to Wingham March session. Although costs ing. $20,000• provincial costs are soaring for
The county's brief to govern- captain Bernie Haines Monday.evening after the local club defeated Durham 6-3 in the were up in most departments, Looking at the individual bud- medical care of young pregnant
ment had noted that $944,000 had Class 'C' championship final. Gord Kinahan paced the winners with two goals, Haines causing an overall increase in gets within the total budget, gen- women. He said family planning
to be cut from Huron's health adding another pair. expenditure of 13.7 per cent more eral government is up from services are designed to prevent
care budget. Five proposals had than in 1975, the county levy will $78,800 in 1975 to $94,850 this year. ever-increasing costly incidences
been made by the county to effect remain the same. County council sessions won't across Ontario.
these savings without closing As Reeve Gerry Ginn said cost any more - $32,000 again Plumbing and Environment
Clinton Public Hospital. These lin brief... following the meeting, "That this year - but the warden's has increased in cost from $44,500
were: should help soften the blow for salary and his pay for other in 1975 to $75.500. This depart -
1. All hospitals should make full the taxpayers in 1976." Reeve meetings is up from $5,000 to ment is subsidized by the govern -
and immediate use of Home Care Ginn, like many other rate- $6,200 and the county committees ment to the tune of $21,750. In -
services to reduce hospital bed payers, is looking forward to a will cost $4,000 more this year - spection fees will bring in another
days to a bare minimum. News o the N heavy increase in the cost of $16,000 instead of the $12,000 bud- estimated $33,750. Direct cost to
2. All hospitals should screen w education throughout the,county geted last year. the Huron County ratepayers will
admissions, carefully question- Following a demonstration by A massive force of some 16,000 strike pay for the first 30 days. this year. Convention and other commit- be $20,000.
ing the need for admission and some 15,000 union members on military and police personnel will After 30 days the strike pay will The total county budget is tee costs have increased from The Children's Aid Society
whether they could perhaps be Parliament Hill last week, Joe be required during the Olympic be a flat $45 per week. The year
Morris, president of the Canadian Games in Montreal this summer. end strike of teachers in Metro $7.710,664. That's $466.522 more $5.000 to $9,500 and there's $21,000 budget shows the results of
cared for under the Home Care than last year's total of $7,244,142. included in this year's budget for severe government cutbacks.
Labor Congress announced that Security measures have been Toronto cost the federation about
Program. g Y
3. All hospitals should immed- labor will remove its represents- stepped up in an effort to avoid a $7 million. After government grants and travel and convention expenses The province will this year pay
other revenue, the county rate- that wasn't there last year. $341.898 toward a total budget of
iatel discharge their loo sta tives from two federal advisory repeat performance of the trag- 0-0-0
Y g g' Y payers will be asked to contribute The history project last year $439,775. Last year, Ontario pro -
wherever possible to councils, the Economic Council of edy at the Games in Munich when Constable A. J. Westelaken of
Pa Po $2,528,000 - exactly the same as cost $10,000. This year, only $1,000 vided $321,246 of a total budget of
nursinghomes, Home Care, VON Canada and the Canada Labor terrorists killed several people. Kincardine resigned his post with
last year. However, it has been has been set aside. $405,092. The county this year will
etc - Relations board. The announce- 0 - 0 - 0 the provincial police after he was
moot followed a meeting with the Alan ewt elected charged with interfering with the necessary to use the accumu- Turning to the general admini- kick in $97,877 as opposed to
4. All hospitals should restrict g Murray,y Y lative surplus of $416,383 to main- stration budget, salaries account $77,904. In other words. both the
emergency rooms to emergency Prime minister, in which he re- president of the Ontario Second- administration of justice and fain the ley at last ear's figure. for a large part of the increase county and the province arc
cases onlywith no convenience fused to alter the controls over- ary School Teachers Federation concealing an indictable offence Y Y g from large
ear to increase
count about another $20 A0(
The constable was arrested by Included in the 1976 budget, is Y t g
cases either for people or physi- Prices and wages exercised by has said that teachers who go on this year. Salaries have gone up •
the Anti-inflation Board. strike next fall will receive no Detective -Inspector Thomas Hill
clans. 18 per cent - from $100,000 to
R Toronto and WPP Constable D Only written copy P
5. All hospital boards should $t 18,000. Likewise, employee •
immediate) meet and decide on R. Almond of Walkerton. Police pe Two are inured
Y • � benefits and workmen's tom n -
To receive e i ve hon degree did not release details about the for Sortie notices Y
unitizing of the hospital services cation have increased nominal)
• charge. The Kincardine detachment of
within the county so that certain Things like office supplies,
services may be centralized in 0 - 0 - 0 The Classified Ad Department equipment, postage, telephone, the Ontario Provincial Police
specific hospitals to avoid dupli- at Western University The House of Commons this of The Advance -Times regularly travel expensip and legal fees investigated a collision which
cation of 'expensive equipment week commenced debate on the accepts advertisements by tele- are all up. TKe general mainte- sent a Lucknow child to the Wing -
and staff. Nobel Prize winner Gerhard Robert Laidlaw and the late Mrs. controversial "peace and securi- phone, but there are a few excep- nance budget is up from $110,425 ham and District Hospital March
It was Dr. Mills' contention Herzberg and Wingham native Laidlaw. She was ,an under- ty" legislation. The bill has been tions. In future wedding notices, to $114,152. Again, salaries and 22. Arthur Clark was struck by a
that many Huron hospital beds Alice Munro are two of seven dis- graduate in Honors English at the written to cover a broad range of engagements, t In Memoriams expenses like fuel, utilities and car driven by Thomas Adamson
were being utilized for chronic tinguished Canadians who will be University of Western Ontario Problems. First phase of debate and obituaries will be accepted telephone have all increased. while playing in front of his home
long -stay patients who could be receiving honorary degrees at from 1949 to 1951. In 1951, she will be devoted to gun control and only in writing. These can be de- The county road budget is actu- on Lot 58, Kinloss Township. The
cared for in alternate facilities. The University of Western On- married and moved to Vancou- the government has so far insist- livered to our office (through ally down from $2,561,000 in 1975 child was later admitted to hos-
Seeking to substantiate his belief, tario's spring convocation, Uni- ver, then to Victoria, where she ed that this section be passed be- front door mail slot if after hours) to $2,493,600 in 1976 Road mainte- pital for observation after suffer -
he contacted Stephen Skorcz, versity President and Vice -Chan- and her husband opened a book-, foie debate moves on to the aboli- or by mail. They must be signed nance is up from $665.000 to ing a concussion and abrasions.
area planning coordinator for cellor Dr. D. C. Williams an- store. She continued to write for tion of capital punishment. and carry the writer's name, $771.000 as is overhead and ma- During the week of March 22 -
the Ministryof Health, to deter- nounced last week. Canadian and American journals 0-" address and phone number. 28, the Wingham detachment of
chinery• from $403,000 in 1975 to
mine the percentage of long stay The 220th convocation will be and magazines. A meeting of Bruce County No, we aren't getting hard $473.000 this year. But total road the Ontario Provincial Police
patients Huron had as well as the held Monday, June 7, to Friday, Ms. Munro's first book of residents expressed the belief noselSeveral instances have oc- construction is down from investigated two motor vehicle
number of patient days they uti- June 11, and ,during that week stories. "Dance of the Happy that little change should be made curre in which errors cropped $900,000 to $813.6W and boundary collisions which caused $3950 in
lized in active treatment units. approximately 4,300 students will Shades" (1968), won the Cover- in the present form of county up in these notices when they ap- bridges this year will cost only Property damage and injured one
Statistics show that there were graduate from all schools, facul- nor -General's Award for Fiction. government. An earlier study re- peared in 'the paper, simply be- $97,000 as opposed to $325,000 last Person.
445 patients who accounted for ties and colleges -1 Her first novel, "Lives of Girls Port suggested that the present 31' cause the person taking the call dear On March 24 nine-year old
23,360 patient days in Huron Hos- Also recOiving honorary and Women" (1971), won the municipalities within the county could not properly determine the The health budget is up $26.120 Darren Evans was northbound on
pitals in the "30 days plus" cafe- degrees will be: Elie Abel, Dean Canadian Booksellers Associa- should be reduced to 12. Although correct spelling of a name, or from $466,700 in 1975 to $492.820 Highway 4 when his bicycle
gory. Wingham hospital had the of the Cblumbia School of Journa- tion International Book .Year some changes in the fast-growing similar misunderstanding, in .1976. Salaries are all up, of struck a vehicle driven by Stuart
highest number, 150 spending lism; Roger Gaudry, president of Award. Another collection of Kincardine, Port Elgin and despite the fact that all such course, including fees to board Chamney of RR 1, Beigrave. The
7,028 patient days, while Seaforth the International Association of short stories, "Something i've Southampton areas, were recom- notices are always read back to members. Equipment and child received minor injuries as a
had the least, 49 spending 2,880 Universities and former rector of Been Meaning to Tell You", was mended only minor changes for the caller. materials are down slightly but result of the collision but local
tient days. On percentage the !J^.tversste de Montreal; Published An 1974. other areas were a roved. When we receive co for these K y' hospital officials had no record of
pe y pe g PP PY rent and utilities are u .
basis however, Goderich had the Barker Fairley, German litera- Ms. Munro returned to Ontario n -n -n notices on paper we then have a his treatment.
ture scholar, art critic and Added this year, at the govern
best record, 3.6 r cents spending in 1974 where she was Writer in The 34 unit Brussels senior Citi reference. With a telephone call Officers conducted 19 investi
per Pe B merit's order, is a family plan- .,.
24.6 per cent of the total patient Painter; W. E. C. Colter, Chief Residence at UWO during the zens' building was officially there is nb way of determining Hing program which will cost
gafions-with 47 persons charged
days. Eleter logged the worst Judge of the County and District 1974-75 academic `veer. She now optt!ned last Wednesday night who has made the error. under 'the +Fit�}Rway Traffic Act.
g 6.57.900 Thic particular item was
record - 7.2 per cent occupying Courts of Ontario; and Donald resides at Clinton. when County Warden Jack Mc Please remember, then, first questioned during the session by More than 44 warnings were
40.7 per cent of the total patient Creighton, Canadian historian. She will receive her honorary Cutcheon cut the ribbon. Cost of the notices we have mentioned Morris Reeve Bill Elston who issued during the week and four
days Alice Munro was born and degree, D. Litt. (Doctor of Let- the building was approximately above must come to our news commented. "We're getting charges ' were laid under the
raised in Wingham, a daughter of tern) on Wednesday, June 9. 550,000. office in writing or typed. some things we don't need while Liquor Licence Act.
.� 1.
t S
Salaries and employee benefits
are up but office expenses, train-
ing and conference expenses as
well as travel allowances are
down. It is understood the CAS
budget was "cut to the bone" and
according to Bruce Heath, direc-
tor, every effort will be made to
provide service equal to that pro-
vided in previous years.
Social services too, is hard hit,
The county this year will actually
pay more toward social services
while the province will pay less.
Huron will contribute $103,550
this year, $2,575 more than last
year. The province will pay
$378,200 - $8,100 less than last
year. u
General assistance is expected
to cost $283.900 in 1976, $7,700
more than last year's figure of
$276,200. Payments for citizens in
nursing homes will drop, drasti-
cally from $21,000 in 1975 to $1.000
in 1976. Supplementary aid will
also be down from $12,000 in 1975
to $9,600 this year. Special assis-
tance - drugs, surgical supplies,
moving, funerals, dental, optical,
vocational training etc., will drop
from $13,500 in 1975 to $11,400 in
The planningpartment
expenditures will to sharply,
from $93,690 in 1975 to $137,800 in
1976 But Huron ratepayers will
pay only $1;360 more in 1976 -
$88.100 instead of $86,740 The
hulk of the increase will come
from provincially -funded com-
munity study grants, worth
$42,500 in 1976. s
The biggest increase in costs is
for an additional staff member
plus salary hikes for present
staff. Printing costs (for plans
etc. ) will rise from $4,500 to
Land division costs are down
from $46,250 in 1975 to $41,000 this
Library costs have increased
from $261,800 to $301.250 The
County of Huron will provide
$188,278 and the province will pay
$107,172. Salaries are up as are
employee benefits, books, sup-
plies. telephone and rents for li-
braries across the county
Salaries account for the lion's
share of the increase in museum
expenses, up from $62,350 in 1975 '
,to 566,000 in 1976 Salaries also
seem to be the reason for the in
crease .in the reforestation
budget, up a nominal $100 to
$7,0(10. Salaries also have caused
the rise in the development
budget, up to $42.700 from $40.3(4)
last year.