The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-25, Page 12a
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Pact 3- -Tbe WiogNam Advance -Times, Thum_ March 25, 1976
Look neighbour
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1 Rugged Butler VII
silage distributor-unloader 1
1 with power ring drive
cuts level, feeds .fast 1
to save you time and work.
Lynn Lowry Farm Equipment Ltd.
1 Route 1, Kincardine, Ontario
PHONE: 519-395-5286
MORE THAN 200 STUDENTS at Wingham Public School
enjoyed an afternoon of cartoons provided by Lyceum donations which are to go to the Red Cross for earthquake -
Theatre Manager John Schedler last Thursday. An esti- stricken Guatemala. Mr. Schedler volunteered his free time
mated $175 was raised from admission fees and staff to show the cartoons which were only part of his collection.
Spring festivals in
All over Canada the arrival of singing groups will present an Tulip Festival) goes back to Sept- The first meeting, introducing
spring is welcomed each year opening show on May 7 entitled , ember,1946, when Queen Juliana the course, "A Touch of Stitch -
with festivals celebrating the re- Ethnic Heritage. of The Netherl'lands sent a gift of ery", was held at the home of the
During the parade next day, 20,000 tulip b leader, Mrs. William Behrns. As -
awakening of nature, and a re- � p albs to Canada as a
Miss Niagara Hospitality, Miss special sistant leader is .Mrs. Jack
Burger o of vitality. Canada, Miss USA and Miss Uni pedal thank -you from the Dutch Wright. Roll call was answered
Four of the most popular are verse will salute the crowd from people for the role played by Can- b ten .members.
the Blossom Festival at Niagara adian troops in the liberation of Y
Falls, Ontario, May 7-18; the Ot- a special float. Dignitaries, parli- Holland during the Second World Valerie Wright was elected
tawa Spring Festival, May 16-24; amentarians and mayors of War. The following year, another President and Freda Reninink,
the Guelph (Ontario) Spring Fes- neighboring communities will be gift of tulips came, and so on year vice-president. Anita Reninink is
on hand for the event. after press reporter and the office of
oval, April 23 -May 9; and the year —until today over two P Po
Creston Blossom Festival in Brit- Contestants for Miss Niagara million tulips of Dutch origin secretary will be rotated.
ish Columbia, May 21-24. Hospitality will take part in a bloom in the. Ottawa spring. A discussion was held on the
The Niagara Blossom Festival multi -cultural fashion show Sun- Queen Juliana, who had spent course and group work showed
day, May 9. A cooking competi- the war samples of learning -stitches
takes place in the fruit belt of years in Canada during P g -stitches ar-
tion, an animal show, boys' and The Netherlands occupation, ticles that can be made b mem-
southern Ontario. Besides orch- pation, also Y
ards in bloom it features a r- girls' soccer tournament, la- arranged for a personal annual bers. The color wheel was also
cross e game and grand dance at presentation of bulbs to celebrate discussed.
ade, folk dancing, sports com- P
petitions, handicraft exhibitions the Park Motor Hotel on May 15 the birth there of her daughter, Before the next meeting, to be
and sailing. will round out the program.. Princess Margriet in 1943. held at Mrs. Wright's home on
Multi -cultural dancing and The origin of Ottawa's Festival The tulips this year, as always, March 29, the girls are to begin
of Spring (formerly the Canadian will be the main attraction of the record books, assemble a com-
Festival of Spring There are plete work box and list contents,
When you sate ¢n¢r9Y
YOU save ey.
This is what Ontanno
to help you save.
Your Ontario Government's goal. by 1980,
is to reduce by one-third the growth rate of
energy consumption in the province. To
achieve that, eleven Ministries of your
Government are working together in the
Ontario Energy Management Program.
The Program has two objectives — to
find,ways to help you'cut your own energy
bill, and to find ways of using your
provinces energy more efficiently.
Right now, the Program consists of
70 working projects. including:
• testing ways to reduce fuel consumption
in automobiles and farm operations.
Province of Ontario
William Davis, Premier
more than 150,000 of them in a purchase fabric and embroidery
single bed at Dow's Lake at the thread.
south end of the Rideau Canal.
They also bedeck Parliament
Hill, miles of scenic driveways,
city cycle paths, the Rideau
Canal, parks and squares and
major public buildings.
Hull and other communities in
the National Capital Region will
also participate in the Festival.
Events include: a procession of
decorated boats on the Rideau
Canal; a bathtub race on Dow's
Lake, a giant craft market and
beer -garden in Major's Hill Park
and displays of fireworks.
The Guelph Spring Festival is
essentially a musical event. This
year the Festival is concentra-
ting on Canadian artistic talent,
highlighted by a few outstanding
international contributions.
The Canadian talent will be
employed in works including the
Hamilton Philharmonic Orches-
tra, the Cantata Singers of Ot-
tawa, a three -performance run of
Benjamin Britten's The Beggar's
Opera and the Canadian Mime
Theatre from Niagara -on -the -
Lake, Ont.
For children, there will be
Magic Tom, and for the swing
and jazz set, Moe Koffman and
his quintet. The Orford String
Quartet will appear both in con-
cert and in a special ensemble.
Principal attractions from out-
side Canada include the Italian
string orchestra I Musici di Ro-
ma; Polish composer and con- *>
ductor Krzysztof Penderecki and
Greek pianist Gina Bachauer.
The Creston Blossom Festival,
like the one in Niagara, features
orchards in full bloom. The
town's population annually doub-
les as visitors join the residents of
this southeastern British Colum-
bia community for a round of fes-
tivities that includes a parade, a
beauty ggeen contest, folk danc-
ing, a Bavarian beer garden and
a midway with rides and side- •�
For further information about
Canada, please contact the Can-
adian Government Office of
Tourism, 150 Kent Street, Ottawa
K1A OH6.
Euchre party
BLUEVALE—The euchre
party in the community hall on
Thursday night had Mr. and Mrs.
James Johnston and Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Johnston in charge.
Those winning prizes were:
High lady, Mrs. Les Green.
away; low iady, Ross Turvey;
high man, John Frieburger; low
man, Les Greenaway; lucky
draw, Mrs. Margaret Adams.
'Phe next euchre party wiii ire
April 1st with Doris Adams and
Alba Mundell as conveners.
ve 10-C sponsored a
aaye� �"D`ve
ind of London pre-
piring worship ser-
Quality Installation
ngs, with guitar ac-
Clay or Plastic `
and gospel mes-
ijoyed by all.
Free Estimates
its. Walter Black-
kwa visited for the
PHONE: 392-6700
their grandmother,
R.R.3 Walkerton
th Leslie, and with
P ]r1 ALA AL:AtiJ ill LL-aJa�-L
March 31, 1976
The Office of
tate Farm Insurance
will be located at
6 Patrick Street West
(Rear of Handicraft i Flower Shoppe)
Mr. Ken Walters
At this time we would
like to say "Thank You" for
the privilege of having served
It is our wish th >tit you will
place the same confidence In
Mr. Ken Wolters that you
have accorded us over the
past years.
Bill & Wilhelmina May
Jim Armstrong Fordwich Feed Mill
RR A. Wina# @ %F4%4 1% i,'vnTario
357-1651 1 a 335-3501