The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-18, Page 7I
WThey into Wmgham Advance -Times, Thurs., March 18, WN -Page 7
inter FOR hcut H=P S.S. board
CLASSIFIEDADS The Huron -Perth County Investigation revealed that a••+•� to exp the"cel
Roman Catholic Separate School these boards each exceeded the k**- Aloysius School, Stratford, eh travelled to Stratford to a retreat
Board will not endorse resolu- ministry's ceilings by substantial Mr. Lane stated the Huron- fective March 19, by mutual con- and Stratford went to Port Bur -
Phone tions from the County Board and amounts in 1975, Jack Lane, Perth Board has always con- sent. well. He received no answerer Belmore WI family night
the Separate School Board of Superintendent of Business and winmi iix simajin c�, .. ==-"M."�= =r.: Eiw� �• �••w• �� �l
Wingham Stormont, Dundas and Glen- Finance reported. He said a con- ministrymaking's ceilings and believes they are cuts where Marys reminded him he was out
ng support of scientious effort should be made all boards should do likewise, possible as the BEI.MORE-Mrs. Elmer Jet- Doll Dance of the Wind -Up
gamy, each Galli for su budget is pre- of order as the request had al-
r fray and Mrs. George Kieffer Doll".
3S7 2320 additional financial assistance to to reduce spendings to the mints- particularly in 1976 in keeping pared for 1876. Stratford member ready been voted on.
planned an enjoyableprogram of Mrs. Doug McPherson and
offset anticipated increases in the try's ceilings rather than en- with anti-inflation measures- Ronald Marcy said it is im- The Board supported a resolu- local talent for "Family Night" Mrs. Ralph Dickson may soon be
local mill rates. courage further provincial The board was short four possible to make cuts in the tion from the Brant County Board of the Belmore Women's In- "ready for the road" with their
�- trustees at the meeting held in transportation budget and with of Education to back the federal stitute, held at the Community show, as they appeared as Ma
Dublin Monday night of last smaller grants this will result in government's anti-inflation Centre. and Pa, rocking and reminiscing.
week. Joseph Looby of Dublin has increases in mill rates. board and the provincial anti -in A fashion show was held, The president, Ifirs. Don
been holidaying in Florida since Chairman Arthur Haid said he flation measures.
early January; Michael Connolly thinks the government is copping The meeting adjourned at 11:30 sta$ed by some 15 participants MacAdam, reminded the mem-
_ `e Num
�� ® of RR 3, Kipper, is in Ireland; out as urged formation of larger p.m. who gracefully modelled dresses, bers of the annual meeting to be
Call Is Howard Shantz, of Stratford is in school areas resulting in the need suits, dress and coat ensembles held at the Community Centre,
t Hawaii and Vincent Young of for transportation, and now and sleepwear. These outfits beginning with a pot luck dinner
Goderich, in Turkey. An inquisi- suddenly grants for transporta-were all made by the mothers or at noon on April 14.
tive mouse came into the board tion are cut. Cub members girls of the community. A meeting of the committee
room, but didn't seem interested Zurich trustee Ted Geoffrey receiClowns, modelling "not so co- conveners was arranged for
357ft•1652 in filling one ►hP empty chairs asked administration to come up ve awards ordinating" attire, added to the March 31 at 8 o'clock at the home
as it Boor. -d away. with some suggestions as to how Three members of the Wing show. of Mrs- Dave Eadie, to prepare
Trustee then of Strat- to cut the budget. "We'll ham Cubs received their Re- Mrs. Alvin Mundell led the reports for the annual meeting.
ford re rteu un the Family examine ever one that is s li con -in -Life ba audience in a singsong, with the
Po Y Y ug- g' badges and certifi-
Planning Advisory Committee gested," replied the board chair- Gates during the morning worship pianist for the evening, Miss
meeting which he attended in
service in the United
Evelyn Dickson, accompanying
her. Grant Rutherford, dressed in
journey to Port Burwell for a re-
ligious retreat, Wingham area
being 'chosen by God' to serve
Him and witness to His love. He
Stratford on February 25.
The board renewed the con-
Church on Sunday. The presents-
y. The
.Roll call was answered by 18
The board will write Susan
tract with the Simplex Interna-
tional Time Equipment
tion was made by Rev. Barry
traditional kilt, played several
numbers on the bagpipes.
to visit France
E. Tamblyn, Perth Medical
Passmore to Murray King,
share His -o and love for Chr•
United Church, April 11 and also
Health officer, requesting the
Aims and Objectives of the Com-
any, Ltd. for the time clocks in
the schools at a contract price of
Darren Hickey and Bradley
Shobbrook. They
Allan Kieffer �. favored the
audience with violin selections.
Twenty-four Ontario young
5 oz
mittee for the board to study the
, an increase of $168 over
are given to
those Cubs who have been active
Shelley Moffat performed with
people will leave Toronto July S
proposed family planning clinic
m te set up soon by the coin
the 1975 price. After the board
agreed a pay transportation
costs of approximately 1450. for
workers in their Sunday Schools.
In this morning sermon, Mr.
Passmore stressed the import-
U n I t meets nt
for a three-week visit to France.
This year the program includes
visits to Paris, Dijon, Lyon,
Avignon and Aix en Provence.
The -board accepted the
Stratford grade 8 students to
ance of a Christian's calling,
Hector Browne.
During the visit they will be able
resignation of John McCarroll,
357-1652 Stratford, physical education
journey to Port Burwell for a re-
ligious retreat, Wingham area
being 'chosen by God' to serve
Him and witness to His love. He
to observe first hand the cultural,
.Roll call was answered by 18
economic and political aspects of
consultant, effective at the end of
asked for an explanation
said that we are called upon to
French life and will visit many of
Correspondence included inti -
nations to attend the EasterASPERGUM
Thankoffering at the Fordwich
24 5
share His -o and love for Chr•
United Church, April 11 and also
y `S Mrs Stonehouse the famous institutions in the
tw,�.�►r tianity should not be solemn but . centres. While in France they will
reflective of the joy of the Lord. BELGRAVE - The March be the guests of the French
His love should show in our lives mating of the evening unit of government.
so we can touch the lives of others United Church Women was held To be eligible, candidates must
{ CLINTON and thus, witness for Christ. at the home of Mrs. Lewis Stone- be between 18 and 25 years of age,
'_! AT The senior choir sang two house on March 2 with 18 ladies
anthems, "That Will Be Glory for Possess a working knowledge of
�«u resent. spoken French and be active in
W I NG H A M H art and "It Is Morning in My p Mrs. Bert Johnston had charge the affairs of their community.
of the worship service which Candidates will be selected from
The three Cub members were P all over Ontario and from various
accompanied by their Akela, opened with hymn, "Jesus the
E L UCK NO W Very Thought of Thee". Mrs, fields including academic, busi-
N George Whitby, and two come Cliff Logan read the seri ness, commerce, technical and
O mittee members, Mrs. Wayne g scripture.
Blest Be the Tie that Binds" was agrtc ura .
Kreger and Mrs. T. Cornwall. sung. The offering was received. In August, 24 French youths
' Mrs. Bert Johnston closed the will visit Ontario as part of the
STORESworship service with prayer. exchange program.
• Evening unit Minutes of the last meeting Interested candidates should
DEPT,were read and adopted. Members wits to the Educational Ex -
meets at Fordwreh of the UCW are invited to Blyth change Program, Ministry of
and Brussels UCW meeting Education 19th floor, Mowat
' unit of the United Church Women April s4 Murrayou heed had Block, Queens Park, Toronto
tM h 1%. tth h f Y g
MTA 1L2 for application forms.
me arc 1 a e ome o Mrs. The completed forms should be
Eva Harris. Twenty members charge of the program.
answered the roll call. Mrs. Ken The April meeting will be held returned to this address no later
at the home of Mrs. Norman
than April 1, 1976.
Graham opened the meeting with
LADIES' MEN'S R the hymn, "The Church's One Cook. Lunch was served by Mrs.
,. Foundation". Jack Higgins and her group.
MIs. Cecil Wilson gave an in-eWpr•ngTo■S Work (11othin teresting talk on what the church
ns. The minutes - es of the previous March 17 blitz
J/4/ 2 --PIECE NYL" - �. - OF too PERCENT COTTON- ,WASHABLE meeting were read and apprpved. Lloyd Liesemer of A$ildmay
l' y + �ooler Tops SPRUCE GREEN , Ms. Hunt reported on the plant set for Red Cross spoke at the Belmore seM6ethis
she bought for the church.
Twin Set P week in place of Rev. William
/ A SIMULATED 2 PIECE Slacks,Mrs. Livermore gave a report GORRIE -The 35th annual Lake who is on holidays. A trio
/ SOLID COLOUR - SLEEVELESS ACRYLIC TOP SHORT SLEEVES on the Nursery Room in the meeting of the Howick Township consisting of Carolyn, Cindy and
SIZES 30 TO 40 P
UNDERBLOUSE AND MATCHING SIZES S -M -L church. The new curtains are u Branch of the Ontario Red Cross Julie Mulvey, sang the song,
LONG SLEEVE PRINTED REG. $4.99 ane rug was d the put down this Society was held at the home of "The Saviour's Waiting".
REG. $7.98 P Y
i OVER -BLOUSE $ S past week. Mr. and Mrs. Penny Mrs. B. Nay on Tuesday, March Leland Harkness, Arthur
SAVE 2.21= SAVE 1.22
SIZES S -M -L . and Mr. and Mrs. Lockie donated 12. A blitz day was set for March Fitch, Ross Jeffray and Rick Mc -'
Y REG. 59.98 SET $ ] ] ; 7 7 * ; NOW $30
] ] new lights for the kitchen and 17 to kick off the March Cam- Pherson have returned from holi-
SA V E $ 2.2 1 7 • EA. S • 7 ? nursery. Mrs. Doug Harding and paign. days in Florida.
EA. 3 • pql R Mrs. Mel Penny had a quiz on, "If Conveners elected for the dis- Mr. and Ms. Herb Cla n of
r OVERSIZE -- - you had a fire in your house what trict were Mrs. Allan Adams, Wingham visited Mr. and Ms.
Spring Top Tops e ' would you take out first?" Wroxeter; .Mrs. Alex Taylor; Earl Fitch, Karen and Debbie, on
Mrs. Alex Reid, Mrs. Ben Gib- Howick North; Mrs. B. Nay, their return from Florida.
pS S Iris Covera I I s s�El and Mrs. Ron Livermore Howick South. The McIntosh Junior Choir wi
SIZES 141/2 TO 17 ! SIZES 34 TO a4 sang a hyn. Ms. Gibson gave The following slate of officers be on "Singtime" on March 21.
SHORT SLEEVES- SIZES S -M -L 55 PERCENT POLYESTER - REG. $4.49 1 ZIPPER FRONT the closing prayer. was elected for the new year: The program will include several
as PERCENT COTTON CLOSING. REG. sio.98 The next meetingwill be April President, Dick Carson; treas- selections from the choir, two
REG. $2.98 EA. SIZES 42 TO 46 SAVES 1 . 1 2 SAVE
A $ 14 at Mrs. Cecil Wilson's. The user, Mrs. Dave Ed ar s
V E 2.2 1 Y g erre duets by Doug and Paul Inglis
REG. $2.98 NOW NOW a Eater, Tbankoffering meeting tary, Mrs. B. Nay; loan cupboard and a duet by Linda Renwick and
SAVE g 9 ] SAVE $ 9 ] will be April 11 at 8:15 p.m. in the convener, Ivan Haskins; swim- Patty Wright.
1 .O 1 E A. 1 ] ] ] church. ming convener, Lionel Johnston. Dave Burns of Wroxeter spent
• S1.01 • EA.) rte+ • Lunchrwas served b Mrs. 1
�• EACH 8 • EACH y r Car A motion was made to pure the weekend visiting with Mr.
�! 71 D'Arcey and Mrs. Eva Harris. chase a new stretcher for the Bel- and Mrs. Walter Renwick and
MINNOW - more arena. family.
.�■ ACW meets at
LADIES' MEN'S Dinsmore home o
Panty Hose Broadloom Dress Dress Shirts
Antron Briefs` too PERCENT FORDWICH - The. March
REG. $1.a9 ss Pieces Slacks POLYESTER meeting of the Anglican Church
^•,' ONE -SIZE Women was held at the home of
1 REG. 59c PAIR 100 PERCENT EVER -PRESSED I Mrs. Dave Dinsmore on Thurs
SAVE 7 1 c ��. HEAVY WEIGHT POLYESTER ,-SHORT SLEEVE L $ r Deodorant 6oz. 21 BOUND 4 SIDES NEW SUMMER day night. Mrs. William Sothern, Pi, Y SAVE 50e REG. $1.98 EACH MACHINE WASHABLE: SHADES resident, o ned the meetin2/10 l ASSORTED SHADES SIZE 141/2 TO 17 p g SUPER
SIZE OS SPECIAL SIZES 30 TO 42 / with all repeating the usual pray SECRET DRY $1009
SAVE 7 1 e o r a CIA OY A I D REG. $7.99 ers Devotions were taken b •
REG. 51.89 r
SAVES 1 .O 1 .:-'- J / � 47
7 3/,$1,27•1• EA
I--- _N1
Pot Oven
Holders Mittsr�
REGULAR 39c EA REG $1.29 PAIR Cloths
3 /87c
SAVE 32c
97c PR.
SAVE 28c
3/77c/ ol
SAVE $3.62
s 4 3�7
• EA.
REG. $1.98 LB.
SAVE 6 1 c
$, 37
• LB. /
Mrs. Elsie Strong and Mrs. -
Hector Browne.
17 Oz.
Minutes of the last meeting
Were read by Mrs. Hargrave.
.Roll call was answered by 18
members and articles were re-
ceived for the bale.
Correspondence included inti -
nations to attend the EasterASPERGUM
Thankoffering at the Fordwich
24 5
United Church, April 11 and also
to attend the Kurtzville Church
on Friday. March 19. Monday of
5 oz
this week the group will put
short program at the Fordwich
Cough Syrup
NursingHome and will also help
with a birthday party in April at
Midwestern Regional Centre,
Head 8 Shoulders
250 ml.
Plans were made for catering
to the Masonic banquet April 9. A
bus trip for early 'summer was
discussed and the secretary will
write for further information.
The Thankoffering meeting witl
4 Oz.
be held Sunday April 25 and invi-
tations are to bees sent to neighof
touring churches.
01*1 Olay$3.29
Mrs. DougBunker was in
charge of the study book. Mrs.
Peter Brown gave a very humor-
ous reading.
The meeting closed with prayer
and Mrs. J. Daunt conducted a
.. I e ti `
Dutch auction. Lunch was served
by Mrs. M. Kirby and Mrs. W.
Hargrave, assisted by the hos-
Open 9 a.m- to 9 p.m. Weekday% - candays :Moon to Six 1.