The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-18, Page 5I
i� 4oH
BELGRAVE — Dianne Scott
was elected president of the club
at the first meeting held in the
arena's library room. Other of-
ficers are: vice-president, Alison
Roberts; a-, rets y, —rN rZ%-: Tay
for; press reporter, �JoaAne
Coupes. The leaders are
.fames Bakelaar and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Bakelaar read the
requirements of a club member.
She also explained and demon-
504ted4ifferent stitches the girls
will two during this course. Mrs.
Gordon explained the color
wheel, color schemes and dif-
/grwn r :�, '.:.a W A"%2& WV used
�wheq mixing different colors.
The next meeting will be held
April 5 in the arena at 7 p.m.
READS MAR., 9411-7-6
Advance -Times
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., March is, 194—Pate s
Rp-- 1"Op,mirt fry, n Pri �goon cr
'"W ■ ■ s %0 ♦� VVVI I d' s %A III 9
The Third Session of the 80th
Ontario Parliament commenced
last week with something lean
than the usual pomp and cere-
mony. Even that has fallen under
the axe of the government's re-
straint program.
The Throne Speech was a short
one, but it did announce the inten-
tions of the Government in sev-
eral areas. A voluntary farm, in-
come stabilization program to
supplement the federal nl-n will
be introduced by the Mi.aister of
Agriculture and Food. This pro-
gram has been endorsed and pro-
moted by the Federation of Agri-
culture and is sure to be of inter-
est to the farming community.
A stricter meat inspection,
which has been prompted by the
Quebec meat scandals, will also
be part of the government's legis-
lative program.
Another important area of con-
Fordwich Personals
Sam Robinson of Kitchener
spent a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Robinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clarkson
visited over the weekend with
relatives at Maple.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron McClement,
Sandra and Tommy visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Johnston in
Sarnia over the weekend.
The Senior Citizens' St. Pat-
rick's card party was held Friday
evening in the community hail.
Twelve tables were in play the
winners being, high lady, Mrs.
Clare Harris, low lady, Mrs. Roy
Simmons; high gent, Eldon
Ziegler; low gent, Norman Hard-
ipg; special, Bart Scherpenzeel.
Mrs. Florence Wilson spent a
couple of days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Terry LaFromboise at
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Magill and
Jim of London visited Sunday
with Mrs. Marjorie Sotheran.
The sympathy of the commun-
ity is extended to the family of the
late Ross Doig. Mr. Doig passed
away at Palmerston Hospital last
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnston
visited a couple of days last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Les Lawrence
at Bramalea.
Terry Tudan and friend, Andre
Laforge of Guelph, spent the
weekend with the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan.
Quite a number from around
$ 2.65
here attended the Ice Capades
Lions drop series
last week in Kitchener.
IT'S NOT'AS EASY AS IT LOOKS, as Dave VanDenbraak of Howick Central School will
Friends of Mrs. Don King will
testify. One of the events of their sports-a-thon Wednesday afternoon was the trestle toe
Seaforth Midgets took a 6 3 de
be pleased to know she returned
tuck. For those who dared try the event, they had 40 seconds to do as many toe tucks as
cision from the Wingham Lions
home last week from Listowel
possible. More than 150 students took advantage of the annual event with their parents
last Saturday to win their best of
Hospital where she had been con -
acting as scorekeepers.
three WOAA consolation semi-
fined two weeks.
final two games to one. It was the
Mr. and Mrs. Art Mitchell of
Immediate treatment is avail
to injured if there
ha r 8
second straight victory for Sea-
forth after stealing an 8-7 win in
Kitchener visited one day last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
able an worker
e under
the second game of the series
are trained First Aiders on -the-
March 9 in Seaforth. The winners
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bride are
job. St. John Ambulance says,now
prompt treatment of an injury
advance to the finals against
enjoying an 18 -day conducted bus
can reduce the time an employee
sales a e t
In. Saturday's
tour to New Orleans, Padre Is -
game, Wingham
land and Mexico.
is lost to his firm because of an
accident. Operators of four Toronto them.
grabbed an early 1-0 lead with
Dave Bennett scoring from Gord
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson
wage ,
youget araise,
The Minimum Wage rates for Ontario went up on Monday, March
15th. If you are presently earning minimum wage, read -the
following schedule to find out what your new rate will be.
New minimum rates
General minimum, hourly ................. .
$ 2.65
General learner rate, hourly ......... .......
(during first month of employment)
Construction rate, hourly
Guard on construction projects, hourly
.... 2.90
Student rate, hourly ... ... , ..
(applies to students under 18, who work 28 hours
or less per week, or during school holidays.)
Ambulance industry rate
a) weekly .... ........................ ..... , .....
b) hourly (less than 48 hrs, a week). ..........
NEW: Minimuhourly rate for an employee who
serves liquor to a customer,,guest, member
or patron in any place operating under license
or permit issued under Liquor License Act
$ 2 50
New room and board rates
The following maximum rates apply when room and board are
used in calculating minimum wage
a) roo (weekly) 11 00
b) mea1S (each) 1 15 OR (weekly) 24.00
c) both room and meals (weekly) 3500
You can get more information Employment Standards Branch,
about the new Minimum Ontario Ministry of Labour,
Wage rates and the 400 University Avenue,
Employment Standards Toronto, Ontario
Act by writing or phoning M7A 1V2
Ministry of Employment
Labour Standards
Hon. Bette Stephenson. M.D.
R Minister
Jewellery companies, who al- Under the Pyramidic Salesvisited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Kinahan and Bernie Haines just E. Neeb in Kitchener.
legedly sold their merchandise
Act, anyone wishing to run such a 15 seconds after the opening face
by "pyramiding" have been scheme must supply the Ministry off. Seaforth tied the score at
charged under Ontario's Pyra- with a prospectus giving the full 12:19 and the first period ended in p
midic Sales Act, Consumer details of the operation, including a 1-1 deadlock. Qlmore defeats
Minister Sidney Handleman an- how many people are involved Seaforth pulled ahead at 4:23 of B
nounced today. and what the investment has to the second and Kevin Hickey Ku rtZV l l le 11 '8
Mr. Handleman said Robert be. evened the count three minutes
Walsh, Rose Martian, Tony In order to comply with the Act, later from Sheldon Jones. The In Midget action, Belgrave de-
Guzzo, William Leclair and pyramid operations must supply Lions fell behind for good after a feated Belmore 4-3. Ross Baird,
Maureen Giammarino, all of consumers who wish to become Seaforth goal at 11:06 of the Des Phair and Paul Dickson
Toronto and Tony Catafsamo, investors with the same informs- second. Seaforth pulled away in scored one goal each. In another
Claude Contant and Francyne tion. The Act also stipulates that the third, taking a 4-2 lead at 1:20 league game, Belgrave was de-
Contant, all of Montreal have they must guarantee, to the and increasing it to 5-2 at 10:02. feated 9-2 by -Belmore. Des Phair
been charged with running a Ministry's satisfaction, their Bennett narrowed the margin to scored three goals, Glen Jeffray
pyramid sales scheme without ability to repay any investor who 5-3 .at 13:27 from Jones- and two, Paul Gore] one, Dave Cronin
first submitting a prospectus for wishes to withdraw within six Kinahan but Seaforth got that one one and Willie Stafford the other
Ministry acceptance. months. back at 18:04 to secure the 6-3 single.
They will appear in court April "If the pyramid scheme com- win In PeeWee action, Belmore de -
12. Under the Ontario Pyramidic plies with the legislation and we Wingham took 47 minute in feated Kurtzville 11-8. Three
Sales Act a corporation can be are satisfied that there is ade- penalties to 28 for Seaforth. goals were scored by Murray
fined up to $100,000 and an indi- quate protection for the investor, Ih the second game of the Mawhinney and Alan Kieffer.
vidual can be find up to $5,000 the Ministry issues a certificate series, the Lions blew leads, of 5-2 Doug Busby scored two and
and one year in jail or both if of acceptance," Mr. Handleman after one period and 64 after two, singles went to David Eadie,
found guilty of violating the act. said. to eventually lose 8-7 in overtime. Keith Rutherford and Rob
The companies involved are "There is currently only one Gord Kinahan and Jay Mac- Helfenstein. In the Bantam
Aztec Fashion Jewellery Ltd., pyramid scheme in the province Laurin scored two goals each league, Brian Hays scored three
Lovex Jewellery Ltd., Ms-Tique that has a certificate of ac- while Kevin Hickey, Stan Staple- goals to place Belmore to an 8-3
Fashions Ltd., and Classique ceptance, Bestline Products of ton and Doug McGregor added a win over Belgrave. Don Busby
Creations Ltd. Canada. goal apiece for Wingham. and Doug Busby each scored two
Two of the companies Aztec With the playoffs out of the goals and a single went to Murray
Fashion Jewellery and Lovex Robert Fraser way, the Lions will be concen- Mawhinney.
Jewellery are both ,subsidiaries trating all their efforts towards
of Lonson Holdings Ltd.,-• conducts service capturing the 'C' championship
"This was a holding company at the upcoming Wingham B�Vt/ Ilii
for Robert Walsh who was the BLUEVALE — The service in Midget Hockey Tournament. g
principal in another pyramid the United Church on Sunday was Their first game will be Saturday
scheme, Holiday Magic; which conducted by Robert Fraser, SENIOR LADIES
recently did not renew its certifi- clerk of the session, assisted by morning against Stayner starting Kay Murray chalked up the
tate at 9 a.m. oP acceptance, Mr. Handle- Allan Campbell and Harold John- high double at Monday's session';
man said. ston. it` was a 346 and was followed
"Pyramiding involves a sales Mr. Fraser chose as his ser- closely by Velma Scott's 342.
distribution program that puts mon, "The Good Samaritan".Midget tourney Other good doubles were re -
more emphasis on recruiting Harold Johnston. Sunday School corded by Mary Henderson 332;
people to sell the product rather superintendent told the children's starts March 19 Jean Aitchison 309 and Adeline
than the actual sale of the mer- story. The men's choir sang an - Simmons 305. The high single
chandise," he explained. anthem, "Open My Eyes that I The 12th Annual Wingham Mid- honors were shared by Mary
"A person will invest in the May See" • get Hockey Tournament, featur- Henderson and Jean Aitchison,
scheme, receive merchandise Rev. Wilema Brown is at ing 32 top Ontario and Michigan each with 189.
and then try to recruit more Princeton Theological Seminary entries, will be held in Canada's The Special Ks added another
people to sell it for him. They, in for a seminar on theology prayer radio and television town over five points and are now up to 72
turn, will try to recruit more and independent study in the field two weekends in late March with points. There's just no holding
people to sell the merchandise for of communication. She will Champions to be decided in four them back' In second place are
return on March 19. categories. %the Krispies at 60, followed
Long recognized as one of the closely by the Wheaties at 59. The
premiere Midget hockey events Crackerjacks have 47; Sugar.
in Ontario, the Wingham Tourna- Crisps 41 and Cheerios 36.
T u r n b e rr y ment opens March 18th through
March 23rd with 'A' and 'C' start-
ers. The following weekend,
March 26th through March 28th
features 'B' and 'AAA' clubs.
Confirmed entries in the Bluevale
• tournament are Richmond Hill,
Courier Kitchener, Oshawa, London, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Craig visited
Owen Sound. Belleville,.and 15e- on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Last week the Grade six class troit and Fraser, Michigan in the Allan Craig.
made bowls of strips of paper and The Student Parliament elec- 'AAA' division; Merriton, God- Mr and Mrs. Stanley Smith of
cornstarch tion was held on Wednesday, erich, Saltfleet, Oakville, Camp Brampton spent a few days last
paste. When they a me March 17. At this time new
were dry we painted them and Borden,4Orangeville, Acton, week with Mr. and Mrs. Gord
varnished them. We' started prime minister 4 -as chosen. The Hamilton, Niagara Falls and Ruff and family.
making jars out of flour, salt and candidates are Wendy Arm- Elmira in the 'A' division. 'B' en- Sunday visitors with Mr. and
water a week before this and now strong, David Eadie. Vi i Jef- tries include Strathroy, Simcoe, Mrs. Clarence Henning to cele -
the • are dr fray, Bonnie Matthews. Exeter, Listowel, New Hamburg, brace Mrs. Lloyd Hennings
Y Y so We painted them Peel and Leonard Stam r We y
and then varnished them. ()n Fri- Pe St. Marys, Walkerton and Nan- birthday were Mr. and Mrs.
day everyone -got a piore of will have the results for you next over, while the 't� steams are George Fischer. Mr. and Mrs.
bristol board and a pile of tooth week. - Dresden, Seafort , Durham, Harold Elliott, Mr and Mrs.
picks. We all made a different de Mr. Sinnamon's class is busy Lambeth, Mitchell, Teeswater, Larry Elliott, Mrs. Marty Cretier
sign. All these things are oing in carding and spinning wogi. The Stayner and the host Wingham 'and Amy -Jo, Mr and Mrs. Joe
the Art Show at the Board Office entire class is enjoying this prat- club. Walker, Daryl, Marie, Kathy,
ject immensely. Additional activities for the
in Clinton. Sheila and Kevin
The Grade seven class have The Grade six assembly was visiting players and coaches are Mr. and Mrs. Don Nelson of
begun an intensive unit on the enjoyed by the school on Wednes- a reception hosted by the town Inglewood spent the weekend
metric system. We are enjoying day. During this Assembly the council, a hospitality -drop-in with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Ruff
finding our height in cm. and our candidates spoke to the student centre at the local Armouries, a and family
weight in kilograms as well as body prior to the election. dance for the adults. An added There will be a euchre party
weighing and measuring many We are looking forward to the feature is free admission for all March 18 in the BluevalP Com -
different things around. spring break next week. Senior Citizens. J munity Hall.
siderable interest is the fact that
after many years of oonsultation
the Province is now going to w-
troduce a warranty plan on new
homes to protect buyers against
poor workmanship.
Other areas mentioned in the
Throne Speech are as follows:
1. The formation of an all -
party Select Committee of the
1—i• ature to study highway
safety, driver education and ac-
cident prevention.
2. The hiring of more judges to
alleviate the backlog in the courts
and changes in estate laws to give
property rights to common law
wives as well as giving blind per-
sons the right to take seeing eye
dogs into restaurants and public
An interesting sidelight to this
year's Throne Speech is the fad
that the Provincial Government
has abandoned its election prom-
ise of tax credits to lower high
mortgage interest rates. The sug-
gestion originally was made by
Premier Davis du" last Sept-
ember's election campaign.
Under the proposal the govern-
ment would have given a tax
credit allowance of up to $500 a
year to reduce interest charges
on residential mortgages to loV4
per cent. The Government has
apparently decided to abandon
this plan in view of the current
restraint program, and has opted
instead for the home warranty
There is an attempt being
made by many people in the Grey
and Bruce Area to persuade the
Government of Ontario to bring
educational TV to our part of the
province. This is certainly a very
worthwhile objective, and if you
agree with this I would suggest
that you write to the Honorable
Robert Welch, Minister of Cul-
ture and Recreation, and to Mr.
T. D. Ide, Chairman of the Board,
Ontario Educational Communi-
cations Authority.
Minister invites
agricultural ideas
Agriculture Minister Eugene
Whelan urges farmers to apply
now if they have money coming
to them from the government's
cow slaughter or beef stabiliza-
tion programs.
"I am concerned that some
producers who are eligible for
payments have not yet made
claims to the Agricultural
Stabilization Board," Mr. Whelan
"I am extending the deadline
for claims under the two stabil-
ization programs to April 30, 1976,
and I urge eligible producers to
get their claims in so they may be
considered for payment."
The cow slaughter stabilization
program was in effect from
November 16, 1974, to April 30,
1975. Producers who sold cows
during that period can claim a
payment of $5.08 per hundred-
weight (liveweight), on up to five
per cent of their herd.
The beef stabilization program
for the year August 12, 1974, to
August 11, 1975, offers a payment
of 48 cents a hundredweight (live -
weight) for all A, B and C quality
cattle sold for slaughter during
that time.
Claim forms for both programs
are available from packing
plants, public stockyards, sales
barns, agricultural representa-
tives and staff of Agriculture
Canada's Livestock Division
across the country.
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