The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-18, Page 1r.A,(U) tAl
FIRST S"ION Wingham, Thursday, March 18, 197 sLnWv,Copy Not Over 25c
Lower Wingham owners want
market value.f or properties
Ever since the flood a year agS,
for a right to backtrack or with-
cause it has no direct bearing on
have any right to refuse com-
The sum of $,000 referred to
m the letter is the figure which
which caused extensive damage
draw from the deal, plus the fact
the subject under discussion.
pliance in acquisitions which are
could be spent for Lower
to homes in Lower Wingham,
that they'd be unable to raise the
In order to present both sides of
approved b the Authori
PPr Y �'•
Wingham properties, but over a
property owners in that area of
20 per cent required as their
the story The Advance -Times
However, before any acquisi-
motet' several years'
Turnberry Township have been
share of the project.'
interviewed Victor Bakker, clerk
tions can be completed, a Land
since there
re is no time limit set for
concerned about the eventual dis-
In addition to the above para-
of the Township of Turnberry,
Acquisition Committee must be
f h
clearance of the flood plain.
position of their holdings. The
graphs dealing directly with the
who made the following explana-
established and any properties
It will also be of some interest
following several paragraphs are
land acquisition problem, the
for consideration are valued by
to know that a Turnberry Flood
reprinted from a letter recently
letter refers at some length to the
The Township of Turnberry has
an assessor, not by the Authority
Relief Committee has been
received from one owner and ad-
claim a farm residents of the
agreed to share in the property
general! nor b the Township of
established and claim forms have
dressed to The Advance -Times.
"First of all we must make you
to � to get the lions
acquisition program, but re-
been distributed to the Lower
aware that, since the big flood of
sh cit attention and of
the x�yers' dollars. There is
quested the right to veto acquisi-
tions if they would bear too
The annual report of the MVCA
indicated that a sum of $15,000
Wingham residents who suffered
1975 several of the home owners
also reference to the expense in-
heavily on township revenues at
had been set aside for such land
damage. A fund of something
over $2500 has been collected,
in this area have attempted to
have their "acquired"
volved in rebuilding the Lower
any one time. However, the
acquisitions in Lower Wingham q �
$1500 of which comes from the
by the Maitland Valley Conserva-
Town bridge, as well as sugges-
in which the
tions about wayst
ministry in Toronto did not ac-
proposal and has asked
ce P this P posul
in the current year. No property
owner can be forced to sell his
township council and the balance
tion Authority. The Authority had
necessary funds for home
the MVCA for a simple motion of
holdings and thus no given price
in donations. The Province of On -
tario will match this fund dollar -
to acquire
and re willites
acquisitions could be raised—all
agreement. Under this latter ar-
can be forced upon an owner as in
for -dollar when claims are being
land d pro in his area at
of which is left unquoted here be
rangement the township does not
the case of expropriation.
fair market value, providing the
council of Turnberry gives their
full approval, but due to having to
be responsible for payment of 20
THERE ARE SIX CANDIDATES running for prime minister of student parliament at
Turnberry Central School, all grade 7 students. They are, back row: Wendy Armstrong;
Nathan Peel and Leonard Stamper. Front row: Vicki Jeffray, David Eadie and Bonnie
Matthews. The student parliament, in the past, has contributed a rug to the library,
gymnasium equipment and 50 to 60 species of trees.
per cent of the aquisition cost,
they feel, apparently that the residents here should not receivefull market value for their
homes, because of the high cost • ' � - � i� � � ree
involved. 9
�.. "�
"We, the home owners, on the j
other hand, feel that we are justi-
fied in our expectations of fair
and equitable market value for
our homes because of the
replacement value involved. The to bud et cutbacks
escalation of prices of homes in t
the area and elsewhere would The board of governors of the any industry, the additional time cerned with the closing of the ten assurance that Clinton would
make it virtually impossible toWingham and District Hospital to reach medical facilities can in Clinton hospital because it has remain open this would certainly
replace our homes unless we l has expressed concern and regret many cases mean the difference been a well-established institu- have a bearing on our decision,
have market value. at the decision to close the Clinton between life and death or be- tion for many years. We want to but there is no real assurance at
"We are also concerned that an het them in an way we can, but this time."
{� Public Hospital, but cannot agree tween the saving or loss of a limb. P Y Y
allowance of $300,000 has been to the closure of beds in the Wing- "Our Huron County farmers we can't go as far as they would Dr. Clarke expressed his
made towards the purchase of �` like us to." doubts that financial considera-
P �� ham Hospital. Health Minister have always considered the five
what the Authority calls the .. J � Frank Miller decided to close the relatively small hospitals in our Board- member Burls Milosevic tions are the actual reason for the
Saratoga Swamp in West Wawa -
Clinton institution three weeks county as a unit with five differ- asked whether there was any- closing, since the ministry is
nosh Township, while on the other % sin `,. - a o and when residents in that ent buildings." thing in writing from the health about to spend an estimated
hand only $200,000 was allotted r t' *yam,. area protested the decision, the The letter also pointed out the ministry to assure that the Clin- $'700,000 on public health facilities
for land and home acquisition in '` ton hospital would remain o if in the coup
q minister stated that if alternative severity of winter weather in this P• Pen h'•
Lower Wingham. Could not the measures to save health care area and the fact that roads are the other hospitals stepped in to Mr. Hayes said that despite the
swam land wait? ` "'"" ""'- ` "'
P ------- costs in Huron could be developed at times impassable during assist. Norman Hayes, admin- fact the Clinton hospital has one
"We'd written to Premier x»'.• he would consider such an alter- heavy storms and the influx of istrative director of the Wingham of the lowest daily rates in the
Davis after the flood, received a .,. s native. several thousand summer visit- hospital said that apparently the county, the institution faces two
reply, suggesting we approach w "'" #.Ai citizens' committee in Clin- ors who require hospital care minister doesn't care how the re- conditions wbich apparently led
the Authority through our council "� Ston then sought the cooperation from time to time. quired saving is effected as long to the ministry's decision. First,
for the previously mentioned land ` .y w of other count hospitals which as the budgets within the county it is located relatively close to
.,...+, Y P Board Chairman DeWitt Miller
acquisition and consequently a :'`� � _ mi t sacrifice a art of their an- can be• reduced by $940,000. fully modern hospitals at Sea -
solution to our problem of flood- ! = P said, "We are, as a board, con- The board chairman expressed forth and Goderich and second,
:.=,F _ noel budget allowances from the
ing• ministry and thus lose active regret at the haste with which the the Clinton hospital faces the
"Our main holdup at present treatment beds. The Seactive ,w' closure was announced. "Be- need for extensive capital outlay
and the delay in this project get- Hospital offered to reduce its r r a I k -a -th o n cause we have no time to prepare if it is to be brought up to present -
ting completed is the fact that our budget by a further $8,000 in addi- briefs we can't do much about the day standards.
township is holding back in their nets $ 19 , 000 situation," he said.
tion to a' cut of $92,000 already The director said that in order
decision for approval. Their The chairman also pointed out
claim, as said before, is the need � ordered by the ministry. Direct- Allan McLean, Lions' zone to effect the savings demanded
ors of the Alexandra Marine andthat no one knows whether the
chairman, reported that the present cutbacks in hospital bed by the health ministry in Huron,
General Hospital in Goderich felt Lions' Olympic Walk-a-thon held it was suggested that Wingham
' they could not accept a reduction in the fall raised more than space will be the last of such voluntarily cut its budget re -
Hosp. board in bed s ace but suggested that y P P moves. "We have over9opercent
P gg $19,000. Fifty per cent of the pro- occupancy now," said Mr. Miller. gwrements by $300 to $400,000
the 20 beds in the nearby psychi- ceeds are to be distributed among which would mean the loss of 20
seeks fenders atric hospital which will be oper- the clubs that participated in a we give up Zo beds this year to 25 beds here. He also pointed to
ated from the Goderich hospital to might di hit badly in the fu -
P sports in their respective areas. the present high occupancy rate
might be turned over to the Clin- tore. In addition, one-third of our
for roof job g Mr. McLean urged that mem in Wingham and said that with
DON AND YVONNE CARTER of Wingham prepare to begin their 35 -mile trek from the patients come from the County of
ton hospital. bers of the Lions Club attend the other hospitals reducing bed
Royal Canadian Legion Sunday at the annual snowmobile rally. The winner was chosen, Bruce."
The Wingham and District No word was forthcoming from District A9 Convention to be held space Wingham could not pos-
based on the number of penalty points, best poker hand and the time of arrival. Winner of Dr. Clarke said there is no as
Hospital board decided Wednes- the event was Aileen Davies of Wingham. � the South Huron Hospital at Ex- in Waterloo on April 3 - 4. He also sibly accommodate extra pa-
that the minister might
day evening to get additional eter on the subject. explained that re -districting will tients in less beds than are pres-
estimates for the repair of the The entire problem was under P y g not close Clinton a year hence,
P take lace Jul 1. Wingham is to eptly available.
roof south of the penthouse. intense discussion at the regular be in Zone 3 East along with despite aid from the neighboring
Wallace Conn said at the meetingmeeting of the Wingham and Dis- Howick, Palmerston, Blyth and hospitals. "If we did help out th The board re -affirmed its de -
that one firm submitted an esti- • trict Hospital board last Wednes- Brussels. year they might well close it in cision that it could not agree to
mate for evening, as it was a few Don McKague of Teeswater 77. If we had some form of writ- the budget cuts suggested.
The price estimated also in -Youth group ' scusses nights earlier at an emergency was guest speaker showing a
eluded the removing of all debris meeting of the same board. The movie and slides of what took • /
from the roof and the installation meeting, chaired by DeWitt Mill- place at Allan Park. He said W I I s t u d y t need f o r
of roofing control joints. Another t e s er, heard a letter written on be- Canada was the first in the world
possible. eentre svestimate from a second companyhalf of the Huron County Feder-. to use satellites for commercial Dist • Health CounciI
quotes on more extensive re- ation of Agriculture and address- communication. He added the
pairs, ed to Premier William Davis, satellites, which are approxi- Deputy Minister of Health, W. Women's Institute, Bluevale; Dr.
"This has seemed tb be a con- It was learned Thursday even- first. It would be safe to say we The group set an initial protesting the closure of the Clin- mately 22,000 miles in space, Alan Backley, has announced the J. K. MacGregor, Huron County
tinuing problem since the hospi- ing that the Youth Centre Com- are looking at a $20,000 a year goal of $50,000 at the meetiAg and ton hospital and pointing out were controlled from Allan Park. formation of a joint steering com- Medical Society, Wingham; Mrs.
tal was built," said Mr. Hayes. mittee will look into alternate operating figure. I know the suggested ways which this sum various reasons for keeping it In other business, the Wingham mittee in Huron -Perth Counties. Lyla MacLennan, Listowel; Ali -
"We're going to have the same sites for the establishment of a financial question is vague, but could be raised. Such events as a open'. The Federation's first con- club will assist in the Midget The steering committee will stair MacLeod, Stratford; Lloyd
problem until the repairs are drop-in centre. The sites to be we must have some idea before bake sale, rummage sale and car cern was for the farm population Hockey Tournament. Lee Vance, recommend to the Minister of Morrison, RR 1, St. Marys; Ed
done properly." He said the considered include the Minnie we go ahead," he said. washes were suggestions. Mr. in the Clinton area, claiming that chairman of the Easter Seals Health whether a District Health Oddleifson, Chairman, Huron
higher estimate represented half Street change house on the river- Chairman Adrian Keet said the Keet said, on the adult level, the health and even the lives of Campaign, said mailing has been Council should be formed for the County, Bayfield; Mrs. Gwen
the hospital's budget for repairs. front, the old railroad station and difficulty the group might be run- much could be done to raise the farm people might be jeop- completed and asked the club for two -county area. Further Pemberton, Bayfield; Delmar
"it simply has to be done. Every the warehouse next to the ning into is the supervision of needed money. "We should look ardized by the closing at Clinton. its support. In the financial re- responsibilities include promot- Smythe, alderman, Stratford.
time we get a leak, it is costing Veterinary Clinic. young people, primarily after into what the adults of this town In part the letter read, "As you port, activities cost $3,081, ad- ing public discussion by publiciz- Ex Officio, Non -Voting Mem-
the hospital anywhere from $700 - The committee also discussed school, Saturdays and Sundays. can do to help out. We could have are undoubtedly aware that the ministration $867, Crippled Chil- ing the concept of a council and bers: Warden John L. McCutch-
$2 000 the pros and cons of each al- The committee decided that a activities such as an Oktoberfest accident rate in the farming in- dren , $30 and convention costs of submitting, for the minister's eon, Brussels; Dr. Frank Mills,
The property- committee is to ternate site and will inquire person would have to be em- in the arena, the bringing in of big dustry is among the highest of $120. approval, a list of nominees for Medical Officer of Health, Huron
seek additional estimates. further into the adaptability and ployed on a full time basis, from bands, a barn dance in the arena membership on a council if the County, Goderich; Dr. Susan
In other business, the Women's size of each location for the pro- opening to closing time. As for or a carnival," he said. committee , recommends its Tamblyn, Medical Officer of
sed centre. The group is look Health, Stratford; Warden Ed -
Auxiliary reported receipts from Po g P obtaining a Wintario grant to help The suggested formation.
i for a bullet which would i ggested that organize- Lucknow res 1 de n t
Ed -
their January gift sales of $319 ng ng finance the centre, Mr. Keet said District Health Councils act in ward Doerr, RR 2, Gadshill.
provide space, adequate land and it should be a stsable sum. We tions a Wingham could become an advisory capacity to the
and $359 in February. A life mem- P Pa � rY Pa Y •
washroom facilities. The chane involved in the fund raising cam
bership was presented to Mrs. T. g don't want to apply for one grant '� ministry on the planning of inte- NO INJURIES
A. Currie of Wingham. The house ig about 20' by 42' and in- and then discover that we need ��� One member said the 's 100 e ^ grated health services in an area.
eludes water, hydro and ade- more and more as the time goes service clubs in the area have AREA FIRES
Candy Stripers' capping is to take Y g been long awaiting a major pro V g V A council identifies health care
place March 29, and May 12 is quate washroom facilities. on," he said. ject such as the youth centre. needs and considers ways of The Wingham Fire Depart -
designated as Wingham Hospital He also said that no one knows This week the Advance -Times remaining family members are meeting them; coordinates all ment was called to put out two
The group also learned that the what building might. come up greaServt
clubs could help out a nays tribute to a Lucknow resi- Katharine of Thornhill, Tom of health activities and ensures a fires last week. On March l l the
Day. Kinsmen Club supports their van- g,-ne deal if et,ougl� interest was
The annual meeting of the cor- next. 'With stores closing all the dent, Mrs. William MacKenzie of Walkerton, Frank of Kinloss and balanced, effective and eco- department extinguished an In-
poration is scheduled for March turn and is willing to donate time, we could have a variety of generated. Pinecrest Manor Nursing Home. Dr. John Kenneth of Toronto. She nomical service. A council also ternational truck cab which
19. The management committee funds to get the project off the Active members of the com has 13 grandchildren and two assesses how well a program caught fire on Huron Count
sites to choose from." it was She celebrated her 100th birthday g P oBt' � Y
reported that in the month of Found. Ian Deslauriers said the agreed that Bill Walden look into mittee include James Currie, on Saturday, making her the great-grandchildren. , meets the total health needs of Road 12, one-quarter mile north
committee would need to seta aur
Sandy and Ian Deslauriers, Jack
February there were 98 ambo- the change house possibility. oldest resident in the nursing Mrs. MacKenzie enjoys good the area it services. of Wroxeter. The cab, owned by
goal for specific dollars. "We and Anna Goodall, Adrian Keet,
Both -
lance calls with both vehicles out money right now or as Sandy Deslauriers raised the home., health and is very alert. In the in announcing the Huron -Perth Don Mathews and Sons of Both -
at one time numbering 22. There s nn the
possible because we have question of parent interest. She Doug Layton,
Harold Remington, The former Annie Paterson, words of Pinecrest staff mem; Steering Committee, Mr. Back well, apparently caught fire
were two non-essential calls in said the parents can be interestedshe was one of ni a children born bers, she "absolutely sparkled ley would like to commend both 'inside the engine. Chief Crothers
to know how much money is to be Steve Trapp, Bill Walden, Dan 2
the ambulance attendant's o in- in chaperoning. We could hold to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pater- during her birthday party which Boards of Health for their initis- reports there was extensive
opin- before we consider pur Webster, Harold Wild, Robert was attended b members of her tive in assisting the development damage to the cab but no one was
ion. The board also a roved the meetings with the parents to fill son of Huron Township. In 1908, Y ng P g
PP chasing a building. Wittig and AI Harrison.
financial report for 1975. them in on what we are doing and she graduated as a nurse from family. Many friends of all ages of a steering committee for both injured.
Steve Trapp said he ap- why. We could also approach the Doug Bishop, Ross Hamilton, Mountainside Hospital in Mont- also called at the home to wish counties. On March 13 a late model car
proached MPP Murray Gaunt on schools to send letters home with Carol Hamilton, Jack Reavie, Cal clair, New Jersey. her well. The Members of the Huron- owned by Jerry Wheeler of Brus-
-Mrs. R. F. Peter of Bowman- the question of obtaining grants. students," shO said. Burke, Frank Burke, Bill Keil, Mr, and Mrs. MacKenzie were During the party, the guest of Perth Steering Committee are: sels caught fire at 6:25 a.m. on
ville visited recently with her Mr. Trapp said there were two It was agreed that an April 8 Dave Mcgee and Barry Wenger blessed with six children, includ- honor tapped her toes to music Ms. Jeanne Baker, R.N.A.O., Diagonal Road Cause of the
mother, Mrs. Hazel Tuck. Vial- grants available—one for. the meeting is to be held with the are the associate members. T& ing two sets of twins. Her hus- played on the bagpipes by her Ciinton; Mrs. Wiida Lmmmond, 61aze is susimvied to iw a resuit of
tors at the same home were Mr, purchase of a building and the parents at the town hall for a dis- next meeting of the committee is band predeceased her in 1941; a son, Frank, and grandsons, Tan RR . 5, Mitchel: N. Hayes, a fuel leak. No injuries were re -
and Mrs. Earl Dunn of Cran- other to operate the centre. "We cussion on the centre's establish- scheduled for April 1 at 8 p.min son, Alex, in 1961; and another and Rod. Frank also sang two Wingham; Dr. Jim Htscock, St. ported but the car was nearly a
brook. must have a cost breakdown meet. the town hall. son, Dr. William, in 1963. The solos to his mother. Marys; Mrs. Carl Johnston, complete loss.