The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 9Howick residents ask council to
look into senior citizen housing
A delegation of Gorrie citizens
ing and delivering 25,000 cubic
convinced Howick Township
yards of gravel to be delivered
Councill to look into the possibility
anywhere in the township under
of establishing senior citizen
the supervision of the road super -
housing there.
intendent. Tenders must be In the
Council agreed to request the
township office by noon, March
Ministry of Housing to conduct a
survey of need, and demand -for
Tenders will also be accepted
rent-geitred-to-incorwe housing
for 14,000 cubic yards of pit run
for letitor citizens in Howick.
gravel to be in the hands of the
Cou&il told the ministry that
clerk by noon, March 23.
they would be willing to contri-
A by-law requiring a covering
bute seven and a half per cent of
for all liquid manure storage la -
any annual loss arising out of any
goons more than 10 feet above the
operation of this type of project.
grade was passed by council
If the ministry survey es-
after being read three times.
tablishes a need for this type of
The road account payroll by -
housing in the township, Howick
law which boosted two grader
may become eligible for pro-
operators' salaries from $1,50 an
vincial subsidy.
hour to $5.30 an hour was also
In payment for installation of
passed by councillors.
sidewalk in Gorrie, residents
Building permits were issued
there will be paying an additional
to: Phil Maier for renovation and
one mill in 1976 tax. Village trus-
addition to barn; Ralph Metcalfe
tees requested the hike.
for extension to barn; and Ernest
Agreement was also reached
Smith for house.
with the Village of Clifford for
In other business council:
fire protection as in past years.
Agreed to pay delegates for the
The mill rate will be five mills on
convention for Rural Municipali-
the assessment of the area pre-
ties of Ontario ($25, hotel and
viously agreed upon, to last two
mileage) and the Good Roads
years. Protection for other parts
convention ($20, plus hotel);
of the township are covered by
Named to the Gorrie Ball Park
fire departments in Wingham,
Committee for 1976, James
Listowel and Harriston.
Schefter, Peter Keil and Jack
The road superintendent was
instructed to advertise for crush-
Appointed Norman Wilson to
Josephine St. Wingham
Feb.. 15 - 29 ... On Thursdays
Mar. 1 - Apr. 29 On Tuesdays and Thursdays
Saturday Mornings By Appointment
OR PHONE 392-6382
Fully Trained Tax Prepar,er and Consultant
ilk with our FBDB
Management Services
Look neighbour
1 41.
N A- J
SO 1
1 Quiet Butler Volume -Belt 6,,
cattle feeder belts feed out
1 fast without feed separation
in the barn or outdoors. 1
I For single or multiple lots.
9 1
Y 1 L nn Lowry Farm Equipment Ltd.
Rout* 1, Kincardine, Ontario
PHONE: 519-395-5286
L__ __ ___ Milk Milk
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., Hard► 11, 1976—Page 9
Rev. W. Brown of Bluevale
the Howick Municipal Recreation glJe st speaker at serV+�.e
Asuxtiation for 1W.6 to fill the `
Mrs. deBru n. Mrs. Millan
vacancy left as a result of the � � A>� WHITECHURCH—Rev. Wil- Y
resignation of Garfield Gibson; w; �c ����►lf�/ Moore was ted
c ♦ / *-_../ ens Brown of Bluevale was the �n lmY wo-
Granted $20 to the John guest speaker for the World Day man. Scripture passages were
'► + read b Miss Betty lits.
of Prayer service held in Chat- Y Y In6l�
Authorized the road superin mere Presbyterian Church on Davidson and Mrs. deBruyn.
tendert to attend the Anderson PFriday at two o'clock. She was Participating to the dramatic
course at the annual road school r t'r ! f\\�� i�'��l introduced by Mrs. Millan Moore skits were Mrs. Wallace Conn,
at Guelph; and speaking on the theme, Mrs. Gordon • Rintoul, Mrs.
Supported the Chesley resolu- "Education—For All of Life", Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Russel Chap•
tion opposing the closing of the f'w► , � "' ` 1, she told of different churches man, Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs,'
local hospital there; -\ t where she had been present at Tom Davidson. The offering was
Passed general accounts of ;r + received b Mrs. Dawson Craig
g � - ` � - such a service—in the West Y ig
$4,827.20 and road accounts of i�, _ _ _ where all were as one family— and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and dedi-
$12,644.79. S r ' " and in a beautiful Greek church cated by Mrs. John deBoer.
in Toronto where there was no Twenty-one were in attend -
feeling of oneness. ante, representing three denomi-
�y a f Miss Brown spoke of people in nations.
Anna Van D ke ' a/2 ' `'} ? • ' Eastern countries who live on the
Y 1 1 streets. She urged her congrega Wingham group
1 +' - ) . ✓ ' tion to pray for people in other 9
to be speaker _. countries, think of them every holds meetin
BRUSSELS — The afternoon b.` day until "we feel they are part of 9
unit of the United Church Women , t us." Jean Rintoul, president of the
met at ,the home of Mrs. W. Shol- 4s "We teed to use other people as Wingham Business and Prates -
dice on Tuesday, March 3. Mrs. p ' cheap machines," she said. "Let sional Women's Club, chaired the
William Miller read a poem, �/� j �« g. us realize the power we have as group's regular dinner meeting
"Manners Maketh the Man", to
r Christians." She urged all to at the Manor Hotel Tuesday,
call the meeting to order. Mrs. J. K remember that Jesus called His March 2. Bill Partridge, B.A.,
Smith convened the devotions. •! ` followers 'the salt of the earth' B.D., B.L.Sci. Huron County I!-
andThe ladies took part in a hymn . _1. (?' / said,"Wemustcare.Justiee, brarian was, guest speaker. He
contest followed by the reading of love and mercy go together." decribed the Huron County U -
Psalm 33. A story entitled "The f" Miss Brown was thanked by brary system, inter -county loan,
Patchwork Quilt" was read and ",3 Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. film rental, talking books and
prayer was offered. Mrs. Don Ross provided piano also large type books.
Eleven members answered the music while the congregation Vera Murray and Kae Forgie
roll'call with a verse of praise. t.y was gathering. Leaders through- were conveners. Members were
Twenty-two visitations were re- j out the service were Mrs. John, notified that April is the .month
corded. , deBoer, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, and for paying fees. Funds were vot-
The Presbyterial is to be held in ed in support of Ramallah, a
Brucefield United Church on l commitment which provides
Day OT
March 17. The guest speaker will DaPrayer scholarships for young Pales -
be Anna Van Dyke. The general a tinian refugee girls to take busi-
meeting will be held in the church service held ness courses at a residential
hall on March 16. The spring § training centre in Ramallah,
Tbankoffering service will be GORRIE — Ladies from St. Jordan, making it possible for
held in Brussels United Church, Stephen's Anglican Church, Knox these girls to become independ-
April 4 at 7:30 p.m. The guest Presbyterian, Gorrie, and St. An- ent•
speaker will be Rev. W. Ball of AT 1 HE MISS WINGHAM Majorette competition held at Wingham Public School last drew's Presbyterian at Moles- Draw tickets on the Shamrock
the Gorrie-Wroxeter church. Saturdao eveninq, five winners were named in the contest. Winners are, back row: Julie worth joined the ladies of the head table centre -piece were sold
Special music will be supplied by MacDonald, Queen of Baton; Pam Cameron, Baton Princess and Joelle Reavie, Baton United Church in their church for with Stella Dabrowski the win -
the Belgrave Men's Choir. Sweetheart. Front row: Heidi Robertson, Itsy Bitsy Batonner, and Christa Curzon, Tiny the annual World Day of Prayer ner.
Mrs. Crocker used a map to Tot Twirler. service at three o'clock.
illustrate the further study on Mrs. Lorne Mann opened the
Cuba. Cuba is about twice the size service which featured the Clintonrov
of Nova Scotia, and under theme, "Education—For All of'" g p
Castro's rule many improve- Concerned farmers accuse Life". Scripture readings were seeks to pressure
ments have taken place in the given by Mrs. Thomas Mac -
educational system. Hospitals Donald, Mrs. Lloyd Felker and local hospital
have been built, and doctors andMrs. Bill Nay.. Prayers were
medical supplies have become Timbrell o r e a in g promise offered by Mrs. Burns Stewart,
more plentiful and efficient. Mrs. A. Graham and Miss Louise Faced with total closure of its
Hospitalization is free as well as The Concerned Farmers of the handled by the Royal Com- possible answer for the Royal Matthews. hospital, residents of Clinton and
telephone service. Most people United Townships are demanding mission on Electric Power Plan- Commission and that is "Yes." Participating in dramatic the surrounding area have been
are atheists with a scattering of that Energy Minister Dennis ring under Dr. Arthur Porter." The United Farmers further presentations throughout, the seeking the cooperation of other
Roman Catholics and Baptists. Timbrell keep a promise which Now, says Mr. Moore, the contend that since the govern- service were Mrs. Graham, Miss hospitals in Huron County.
Rent and food are very cheap in they say was made to them ata United Farmers, a group opposed nest has indicated that Kitch Matthews, Mrs. William A. Health Minister Frank Miller in
Cuba. meeting of the OAiario Cabinet in to the southern route which would ener is to be a secondary growth Smith, Mrs. John Brush, Mrs. timated that if $800,000 in health
Kitchener on June 11, 1975. take the line across prime farm- area and that London has been Bennett Mitchell, Mrs. William care costs could be saved in Hur-
In a letter to Mr. Timbrell land, are finding this is not the designated as a major growth Bennett, Mrs. Roland Bennett on by other means he would allow
-- dated March 8, Lloyd H. Moore of case. area, "the need for power is and Mrs. M. Fischer. Members of the Clinton Hospital to remain
Listowel, chairman of the Con- "We now have been notified by obvious. The Porter CoMmission all the churches comprised the open.
cerned Farmers, states the the Royal Commission on Elec- can only say yes to this need." choir and Mrs. James Robinson The Goderich and Wingham
minister "promised our com- tric Power Planning that they, are "The need for these projects sang a solo, "Open My Eyes", Hospital boards became the targ-
mittee an independent hearing not able to rule on the routing of has happened because of decis- accompanied on the organ by et of considerable fire when they
FRUITY FiVE into the feasibility of the second the second line out of Bruce, only ions by the government," Mr. Mrs. John Freeman. declined the proposal to cut their
WHITECHURCH — President (or southern) route of the pro- on the need for it." Moore states in his letter. "The . Mrs. Harry King introduced own budgets in order to save
Lori Anne Jamieson opened the posed 500 kV hydro transmission Because Bruce 'B' Generating Porter Commission is put in a the speaker, Mrs. Willidm B. Clinton. A citizens' committee in
meeting of the Whitechurch club line from Bruce Generating Sta- Station when completed will re- position where it has to give its Parker of Gorrie, who is a Clinton at first announced plans
which was held at the home of lion to Georgetown Transmission quire a transmission line to get 'blessing' to these projects. This teacher at the University of to set up mass protests at the two
Mrs. Archie Purdon, assistant Station. You assured us at that the power out, the United Far- in itself is an injustice to the com- Western Ontario. Speaking on the reluctant hospitals, but this plan
leader. Roll call was answered by time that the hearing would be mers contend there is only one mission. theme, Mrs. Parker urged her was abandoned in favor of a ser -
the three members present, tell- ,� "Having established the 'need' listeners to set an example .in ies of presentations to be made at
ing one way to use dried fruit. for these projects, the way is now their homes. "Encourage your town and township council meet -
Minutes of the last meeting werecleared for the Environmental child to try harder and give him a ings in the hope that the muni -
read by Lori Jamieson. Gorrie P Board to select a route. The re- faith to carry him to the end," she cipal• bodies would bring pressure
Designs for the quilt block were sult of this piecemeal action said. on the local hospital boards to cut
discussed. Mrs. Elliott discussed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie Keith Finnigan of London over could be the establishment of a their budgets.
planning daily meals and fruit accompanied Miss Karen Blythe the weekend. bulk transmission grid in the Goderich town council on Mon -
snacks. Kathy Pardon demon of London and spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCal- Georgetown, Kitchener, London, day evening did approve a motion
strafed fruit salad as an ac with the latter's parents, Mr. and lum of Wingham spent several Goderich and Bruce area. This Paper Maehe craft calling on Alexandra Marine and
orated ment and Lori Pardon Mrs. Jack Blythe at Sauble days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. action would have a permanent General Hospital in that town to
Beach. p shown at meetin reduce its budget in favor of Clin-
showed how to prepare Oriental Lorne Mann. -. and detrimental impact on this g dg
chicken. Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie re- Bruce Grainger of London important food producing area." ton. To date there has been no re -
Mrs. Pardon demonstrated the turned Saturday from vacation- spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. Moore stresses that a study LAKELET — Special guests of quest for a meeting with the
ing in the Bahamas. Mrs. Cecil Grainger. of the impact of generation ex- the Women's Institute at the Wingham council.
making of fruit salad as a main Mr. and Mrs. William Knox,recent meeting were members of
dish and all the girls helped make Kevin and Kerri of Owen Sound, passion, transmission corridors the Clifford Women's Institute.
the'salad which they later tasted. and their associated development
The next meeting will be held Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, Douglas. on these areas "must be made The meeting was held Thursday, e
Karen and Colleen of Harriston. before the act, not after." March 4, in the Clifford Com- Morris council
at the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott
Miss Marilyn Rae of Stratford"We expect you and your munity Hall.
: E. Waw. council Mrs. Harold Wal -
on March 31 at 7 p.m
and Mrs. Harvey Adams were government to keep your promise lace was in the president's chair. to advertise
guests of Mrs. Wilfrid King on to hold an independent hearing," Devotions were led by Mrs.
Sunday. refuses to pay states Mr. Moore in his letter to Cliff Hallman. The roll call,
New apartments Mr. and Mrs. James Austin. A motion was passed by Mr. Timbrell. "We believe such a "What Does Happiness Mean to f or tenders
Jeffrev and Derek of Elmira counsellors Vincent and Currie ofYou° was -answered by 11
hearing will ultimately benefit
being made in visited Sunday with Mrs. William East Wawanosh Council to refuse every consumer and taxpayer." members and eight visitors with Members of the Morris Town -
Austin. many varied answers such as
to pay two payments into the The Concerned Farmers ship Council, at their regular
Gurney building Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann County Rate A rtonment for peace of mind, health, helping meeting, passed a motion b Sam
ppo chairman noted his organization n8. Pa y
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mann 1976. Council also applied for a is "not debating the necessity of others, etc. Pletch and Thomas Miller that
Present apartment facilities have returned from holidaying in supplementary allocation of Bruce Generating Station 'B' or During the business portion, the road superintendent adver-
are scarce in the Wingham area Florida. They also visited Mr subsidy money in the amount of the necessity of a second line out short courses for the coming year tine for tenders for supplying,
but, if Lorne Humphrey has his and Mrs. Bert Mann, near Sara $10,000 under the Public Trans- were discussed. It was learned crushing and delivering a
of Bruce GS. That decision has t3 g p
way. the situation is likely to sota. portation and Highway improve- been made by the Ontario that 4-14 leaders were obtained proximately 20,000 cubic yards of
change. The old Gurney Glove Mrs. Thomas MacDonald at nest Act for the year at the for two clubs and they attended ravel. Road accounts of
Government." g
building, on Josephine and Vic- tended the funeral of Mrs. Hance March 2 meeting in the Belgrave ''Our point has always been the training school in Gorrie on Feb $11,606.92 and general accounts of
MacDonald in Caledonia on Mon ruary 25 and 26 $1.944.03 were
toric Streets, may very well be Community Centre incredible wastage of resources passed for pay-
day. In other business. council which would result if the southern This was the Cultural Activities nest.
the, place for apartment -search meeting The group was leased
crs to go Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steedman., passed road accounts of $13,. route were implemented. Being g g p p in other business, William Els-
Mark. Paul and Darren of Sud 233.88 and general accounts of to have Mrs D Cranch of Lakelet ton was chosen to look after re -
Mr. Humphrey of Cambridge, g longer it would necessitate tell about her work with paper
owner of the building, said Thurs bury spent the weekend with Mr $2,367.66. Resolutions were en- roughly 23 additional miles of p Pe pairs to the Lamont Drain, on a
y and Mrs. Clifford Cooke. machek She demonstrated the
da that a four -man crew has diesel from Chesley and Clinton 1{cdro equipment towers, motion by James Mair and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie statin that further consideration cabies. etc i and the shadow of various steps from newspaper to Miller. An application for a tile
been working since Jan. 12 in g finished product. and showed
six one -bedroom apart- were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- be given to the intended closures development would be attracted p drain loan for 322,500 was accept -
ments in the building. As of last of hospitals. A bid was accepted to the proposed Goderich many original pictures she hased
Thursday, partitions had been g made using paper mache. Every Council as
from Allied Chemical Canada for Generating Station instead of passed a by-law auth-
Damage bulk flake and calcium chloride being attracted away from our one agreed this is a unique and orizing the sale of part four of Lot
erected and wall boards instal R fascinating hobbv. 7n Pian +y� f ,r "
leu. iw 2— IL — At R74 45 n r tin i:r�nfc ,rnr•n �.. --
sss a.Y`ii IisI�iltV f• tn�ffic• ffn,�;afiu, bunch was served by Mrs. �•j"icis rown-
The new apartments are to in P proved to the Belgrave. Brussels The Concerned Farmers have ship. Members also agreed that
elude kitchen facilities, bed- Wingham town police investi- and Blyth School Fair Boards of proposed a shorter more nor- Harry Judge and Mrs. Wallace the county apportionment be paid
rooms, living rooms and baths. gated only one minor accident on 950 with $150 being allocated to thern route for the proposed in two installments, namely June
"All new insulation, wiring and Josephine Street during the week the Auburn Hall Board transmission line. Members of Fed. inquires 30 and December 15
plumbing are being installed of March 2-9. On March 3 cars Council accepted two tile drain the organization come from the q On a motion by Councillors
right now," he said. Completion driven by Glen A. Jeffray of RR loan applications on Lot 39. Con- Townships of Turnberry, Howick. • Pletch and Grasby, the resolution
date is scheduled for the end of 2, Wingham and Jane A. Smith of cession i and Lot 40 Concession 7 Wallace, Maryborough, Peel, into interest from the town) of Chesley regard -
April. The new apartments will Wingham collided. Estimated in East Wa,wanosh Building Woolwich and Pilkington, all of The executive meeting of the ing closure of the Chesley Mem-
also contain wall to wall carpet- damage to the Jeffray vehicle permits were approved and which would be affected by Morris Federation met Feb. 26 to orial Hospital was endorsed
ing. Last Thursday workers were was $200. issued to Peter VanWyck, Chris, Hydro's proposed southern route. discuss the ways to raise interest Members agreed to pay Adam
bringing in will boards, which The department also investi Cowan, Leslie Caldwell and Snell Commenting on their attempts in local meetings it was decided Smith 31 W per dog for dogs
were passed through the windows gated one break and enter The Feed and Supplies in ii motion to Ret an independent hearing to have the president, Bill Pullen, counted
by a boom tnick. persons involved, police report, from counsellors Vincent and into the transmission line route, look into the possibility of having A statement of proposed ex -
Two 'foo carpenters, one elects- were frightened from the scene. McDowell, the road. superin '.fir Moore said. "We're a bit de- a machinery or feed dealer pPnditures a, adopted, for pub-
cian and one plumber have been Merchandise estimated at $100 is tendent is to advertise for 12,000 jetted right now, but we've been present at a meeting to either lic transportation and highway
contracted for the job The apart- reported stolen. Two charges cubic yards of crushed gravel promised this hearing and we in- show slides or give a talk on their improvements in 1976 for the
ments ate to be maintained by under the Liquor Licence Act and for a new pick-up truck. tend to keep pushing until we get product. The meeting ; sched- amount of t:lga,an, fon- - y
electric heat. were laid during the week. Council will meet again April 6 it " tiled for .lune allocation of 389,3(1(1.
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Y 1 L nn Lowry Farm Equipment Ltd.
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PHONE: 519-395-5286
L__ __ ___ Milk Milk
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., Hard► 11, 1976—Page 9
Rev. W. Brown of Bluevale
the Howick Municipal Recreation glJe st speaker at serV+�.e
Asuxtiation for 1W.6 to fill the `
Mrs. deBru n. Mrs. Millan
vacancy left as a result of the � � A>� WHITECHURCH—Rev. Wil- Y
resignation of Garfield Gibson; w; �c ����►lf�/ Moore was ted
c ♦ / *-_../ ens Brown of Bluevale was the �n lmY wo-
Granted $20 to the John guest speaker for the World Day man. Scripture passages were
'► + read b Miss Betty lits.
of Prayer service held in Chat- Y Y In6l�
Authorized the road superin mere Presbyterian Church on Davidson and Mrs. deBruyn.
tendert to attend the Anderson PFriday at two o'clock. She was Participating to the dramatic
course at the annual road school r t'r ! f\\�� i�'��l introduced by Mrs. Millan Moore skits were Mrs. Wallace Conn,
at Guelph; and speaking on the theme, Mrs. Gordon • Rintoul, Mrs.
Supported the Chesley resolu- "Education—For All of Life", Wesley Tiffin, Mrs. Russel Chap•
tion opposing the closing of the f'w► , � "' ` 1, she told of different churches man, Mrs. Fred Tiffin and Mrs,'
local hospital there; -\ t where she had been present at Tom Davidson. The offering was
Passed general accounts of ;r + received b Mrs. Dawson Craig
g � - ` � - such a service—in the West Y ig
$4,827.20 and road accounts of i�, _ _ _ where all were as one family— and Mrs. Fred Tiffin and dedi-
$12,644.79. S r ' " and in a beautiful Greek church cated by Mrs. John deBoer.
in Toronto where there was no Twenty-one were in attend -
feeling of oneness. ante, representing three denomi-
�y a f Miss Brown spoke of people in nations.
Anna Van D ke ' a/2 ' `'} ? • ' Eastern countries who live on the
Y 1 1 streets. She urged her congrega Wingham group
1 +' - ) . ✓ ' tion to pray for people in other 9
to be speaker _. countries, think of them every holds meetin
BRUSSELS — The afternoon b.` day until "we feel they are part of 9
unit of the United Church Women , t us." Jean Rintoul, president of the
met at ,the home of Mrs. W. Shol- 4s "We teed to use other people as Wingham Business and Prates -
dice on Tuesday, March 3. Mrs. p ' cheap machines," she said. "Let sional Women's Club, chaired the
William Miller read a poem, �/� j �« g. us realize the power we have as group's regular dinner meeting
"Manners Maketh the Man", to
r Christians." She urged all to at the Manor Hotel Tuesday,
call the meeting to order. Mrs. J. K remember that Jesus called His March 2. Bill Partridge, B.A.,
Smith convened the devotions. •! ` followers 'the salt of the earth' B.D., B.L.Sci. Huron County I!-
andThe ladies took part in a hymn . _1. (?' / said,"Wemustcare.Justiee, brarian was, guest speaker. He
contest followed by the reading of love and mercy go together." decribed the Huron County U -
Psalm 33. A story entitled "The f" Miss Brown was thanked by brary system, inter -county loan,
Patchwork Quilt" was read and ",3 Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw. film rental, talking books and
prayer was offered. Mrs. Don Ross provided piano also large type books.
Eleven members answered the music while the congregation Vera Murray and Kae Forgie
roll'call with a verse of praise. t.y was gathering. Leaders through- were conveners. Members were
Twenty-two visitations were re- j out the service were Mrs. John, notified that April is the .month
corded. , deBoer, Mrs. Lorne Durnin, and for paying fees. Funds were vot-
The Presbyterial is to be held in ed in support of Ramallah, a
Brucefield United Church on l commitment which provides
Day OT
March 17. The guest speaker will DaPrayer scholarships for young Pales -
be Anna Van Dyke. The general a tinian refugee girls to take busi-
meeting will be held in the church service held ness courses at a residential
hall on March 16. The spring § training centre in Ramallah,
Tbankoffering service will be GORRIE — Ladies from St. Jordan, making it possible for
held in Brussels United Church, Stephen's Anglican Church, Knox these girls to become independ-
April 4 at 7:30 p.m. The guest Presbyterian, Gorrie, and St. An- ent•
speaker will be Rev. W. Ball of AT 1 HE MISS WINGHAM Majorette competition held at Wingham Public School last drew's Presbyterian at Moles- Draw tickets on the Shamrock
the Gorrie-Wroxeter church. Saturdao eveninq, five winners were named in the contest. Winners are, back row: Julie worth joined the ladies of the head table centre -piece were sold
Special music will be supplied by MacDonald, Queen of Baton; Pam Cameron, Baton Princess and Joelle Reavie, Baton United Church in their church for with Stella Dabrowski the win -
the Belgrave Men's Choir. Sweetheart. Front row: Heidi Robertson, Itsy Bitsy Batonner, and Christa Curzon, Tiny the annual World Day of Prayer ner.
Mrs. Crocker used a map to Tot Twirler. service at three o'clock.
illustrate the further study on Mrs. Lorne Mann opened the
Cuba. Cuba is about twice the size service which featured the Clintonrov
of Nova Scotia, and under theme, "Education—For All of'" g p
Castro's rule many improve- Concerned farmers accuse Life". Scripture readings were seeks to pressure
ments have taken place in the given by Mrs. Thomas Mac -
educational system. Hospitals Donald, Mrs. Lloyd Felker and local hospital
have been built, and doctors andMrs. Bill Nay.. Prayers were
medical supplies have become Timbrell o r e a in g promise offered by Mrs. Burns Stewart,
more plentiful and efficient. Mrs. A. Graham and Miss Louise Faced with total closure of its
Hospitalization is free as well as The Concerned Farmers of the handled by the Royal Com- possible answer for the Royal Matthews. hospital, residents of Clinton and
telephone service. Most people United Townships are demanding mission on Electric Power Plan- Commission and that is "Yes." Participating in dramatic the surrounding area have been
are atheists with a scattering of that Energy Minister Dennis ring under Dr. Arthur Porter." The United Farmers further presentations throughout, the seeking the cooperation of other
Roman Catholics and Baptists. Timbrell keep a promise which Now, says Mr. Moore, the contend that since the govern- service were Mrs. Graham, Miss hospitals in Huron County.
Rent and food are very cheap in they say was made to them ata United Farmers, a group opposed nest has indicated that Kitch Matthews, Mrs. William A. Health Minister Frank Miller in
Cuba. meeting of the OAiario Cabinet in to the southern route which would ener is to be a secondary growth Smith, Mrs. John Brush, Mrs. timated that if $800,000 in health
Kitchener on June 11, 1975. take the line across prime farm- area and that London has been Bennett Mitchell, Mrs. William care costs could be saved in Hur-
In a letter to Mr. Timbrell land, are finding this is not the designated as a major growth Bennett, Mrs. Roland Bennett on by other means he would allow
-- dated March 8, Lloyd H. Moore of case. area, "the need for power is and Mrs. M. Fischer. Members of the Clinton Hospital to remain
Listowel, chairman of the Con- "We now have been notified by obvious. The Porter CoMmission all the churches comprised the open.
cerned Farmers, states the the Royal Commission on Elec- can only say yes to this need." choir and Mrs. James Robinson The Goderich and Wingham
minister "promised our com- tric Power Planning that they, are "The need for these projects sang a solo, "Open My Eyes", Hospital boards became the targ-
mittee an independent hearing not able to rule on the routing of has happened because of decis- accompanied on the organ by et of considerable fire when they
FRUITY FiVE into the feasibility of the second the second line out of Bruce, only ions by the government," Mr. Mrs. John Freeman. declined the proposal to cut their
WHITECHURCH — President (or southern) route of the pro- on the need for it." Moore states in his letter. "The . Mrs. Harry King introduced own budgets in order to save
Lori Anne Jamieson opened the posed 500 kV hydro transmission Because Bruce 'B' Generating Porter Commission is put in a the speaker, Mrs. Willidm B. Clinton. A citizens' committee in
meeting of the Whitechurch club line from Bruce Generating Sta- Station when completed will re- position where it has to give its Parker of Gorrie, who is a Clinton at first announced plans
which was held at the home of lion to Georgetown Transmission quire a transmission line to get 'blessing' to these projects. This teacher at the University of to set up mass protests at the two
Mrs. Archie Purdon, assistant Station. You assured us at that the power out, the United Far- in itself is an injustice to the com- Western Ontario. Speaking on the reluctant hospitals, but this plan
leader. Roll call was answered by time that the hearing would be mers contend there is only one mission. theme, Mrs. Parker urged her was abandoned in favor of a ser -
the three members present, tell- ,� "Having established the 'need' listeners to set an example .in ies of presentations to be made at
ing one way to use dried fruit. for these projects, the way is now their homes. "Encourage your town and township council meet -
Minutes of the last meeting werecleared for the Environmental child to try harder and give him a ings in the hope that the muni -
read by Lori Jamieson. Gorrie P Board to select a route. The re- faith to carry him to the end," she cipal• bodies would bring pressure
Designs for the quilt block were sult of this piecemeal action said. on the local hospital boards to cut
discussed. Mrs. Elliott discussed Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie Keith Finnigan of London over could be the establishment of a their budgets.
planning daily meals and fruit accompanied Miss Karen Blythe the weekend. bulk transmission grid in the Goderich town council on Mon -
snacks. Kathy Pardon demon of London and spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCal- Georgetown, Kitchener, London, day evening did approve a motion
strafed fruit salad as an ac with the latter's parents, Mr. and lum of Wingham spent several Goderich and Bruce area. This Paper Maehe craft calling on Alexandra Marine and
orated ment and Lori Pardon Mrs. Jack Blythe at Sauble days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. action would have a permanent General Hospital in that town to
Beach. p shown at meetin reduce its budget in favor of Clin-
showed how to prepare Oriental Lorne Mann. -. and detrimental impact on this g dg
chicken. Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie re- Bruce Grainger of London important food producing area." ton. To date there has been no re -
Mrs. Pardon demonstrated the turned Saturday from vacation- spent the weekend with Mr. and Mr. Moore stresses that a study LAKELET — Special guests of quest for a meeting with the
ing in the Bahamas. Mrs. Cecil Grainger. of the impact of generation ex- the Women's Institute at the Wingham council.
making of fruit salad as a main Mr. and Mrs. William Knox,recent meeting were members of
dish and all the girls helped make Kevin and Kerri of Owen Sound, passion, transmission corridors the Clifford Women's Institute.
the'salad which they later tasted. and their associated development
The next meeting will be held Mr. and Mrs. Earl King, Douglas. on these areas "must be made The meeting was held Thursday, e
Karen and Colleen of Harriston. before the act, not after." March 4, in the Clifford Com- Morris council
at the home of Mrs. Walter Elliott
Miss Marilyn Rae of Stratford"We expect you and your munity Hall.
: E. Waw. council Mrs. Harold Wal -
on March 31 at 7 p.m
and Mrs. Harvey Adams were government to keep your promise lace was in the president's chair. to advertise
guests of Mrs. Wilfrid King on to hold an independent hearing," Devotions were led by Mrs.
Sunday. refuses to pay states Mr. Moore in his letter to Cliff Hallman. The roll call,
New apartments Mr. and Mrs. James Austin. A motion was passed by Mr. Timbrell. "We believe such a "What Does Happiness Mean to f or tenders
Jeffrev and Derek of Elmira counsellors Vincent and Currie ofYou° was -answered by 11
hearing will ultimately benefit
being made in visited Sunday with Mrs. William East Wawanosh Council to refuse every consumer and taxpayer." members and eight visitors with Members of the Morris Town -
Austin. many varied answers such as
to pay two payments into the The Concerned Farmers ship Council, at their regular
Gurney building Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann County Rate A rtonment for peace of mind, health, helping meeting, passed a motion b Sam
ppo chairman noted his organization n8. Pa y
and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mann 1976. Council also applied for a is "not debating the necessity of others, etc. Pletch and Thomas Miller that
Present apartment facilities have returned from holidaying in supplementary allocation of Bruce Generating Station 'B' or During the business portion, the road superintendent adver-
are scarce in the Wingham area Florida. They also visited Mr subsidy money in the amount of the necessity of a second line out short courses for the coming year tine for tenders for supplying,
but, if Lorne Humphrey has his and Mrs. Bert Mann, near Sara $10,000 under the Public Trans- were discussed. It was learned crushing and delivering a
of Bruce GS. That decision has t3 g p
way. the situation is likely to sota. portation and Highway improve- been made by the Ontario that 4-14 leaders were obtained proximately 20,000 cubic yards of
change. The old Gurney Glove Mrs. Thomas MacDonald at nest Act for the year at the for two clubs and they attended ravel. Road accounts of
Government." g
building, on Josephine and Vic- tended the funeral of Mrs. Hance March 2 meeting in the Belgrave ''Our point has always been the training school in Gorrie on Feb $11,606.92 and general accounts of
MacDonald in Caledonia on Mon ruary 25 and 26 $1.944.03 were
toric Streets, may very well be Community Centre incredible wastage of resources passed for pay-
day. In other business. council which would result if the southern This was the Cultural Activities nest.
the, place for apartment -search meeting The group was leased
crs to go Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steedman., passed road accounts of $13,. route were implemented. Being g g p p in other business, William Els-
Mark. Paul and Darren of Sud 233.88 and general accounts of to have Mrs D Cranch of Lakelet ton was chosen to look after re -
Mr. Humphrey of Cambridge, g longer it would necessitate tell about her work with paper
owner of the building, said Thurs bury spent the weekend with Mr $2,367.66. Resolutions were en- roughly 23 additional miles of p Pe pairs to the Lamont Drain, on a
y and Mrs. Clifford Cooke. machek She demonstrated the
da that a four -man crew has diesel from Chesley and Clinton 1{cdro equipment towers, motion by James Mair and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hastie statin that further consideration cabies. etc i and the shadow of various steps from newspaper to Miller. An application for a tile
been working since Jan. 12 in g finished product. and showed
six one -bedroom apart- were guests of Mr. and Mrs.- be given to the intended closures development would be attracted p drain loan for 322,500 was accept -
ments in the building. As of last of hospitals. A bid was accepted to the proposed Goderich many original pictures she hased
Thursday, partitions had been g made using paper mache. Every Council as
from Allied Chemical Canada for Generating Station instead of passed a by-law auth-
Damage bulk flake and calcium chloride being attracted away from our one agreed this is a unique and orizing the sale of part four of Lot
erected and wall boards instal R fascinating hobbv. 7n Pian +y� f ,r "
leu. iw 2— IL — At R74 45 n r tin i:r�nfc ,rnr•n �.. --
sss a.Y`ii IisI�iltV f• tn�ffic• ffn,�;afiu, bunch was served by Mrs. �•j"icis rown-
The new apartments are to in P proved to the Belgrave. Brussels The Concerned Farmers have ship. Members also agreed that
elude kitchen facilities, bed- Wingham town police investi- and Blyth School Fair Boards of proposed a shorter more nor- Harry Judge and Mrs. Wallace the county apportionment be paid
rooms, living rooms and baths. gated only one minor accident on 950 with $150 being allocated to thern route for the proposed in two installments, namely June
"All new insulation, wiring and Josephine Street during the week the Auburn Hall Board transmission line. Members of Fed. inquires 30 and December 15
plumbing are being installed of March 2-9. On March 3 cars Council accepted two tile drain the organization come from the q On a motion by Councillors
right now," he said. Completion driven by Glen A. Jeffray of RR loan applications on Lot 39. Con- Townships of Turnberry, Howick. • Pletch and Grasby, the resolution
date is scheduled for the end of 2, Wingham and Jane A. Smith of cession i and Lot 40 Concession 7 Wallace, Maryborough, Peel, into interest from the town) of Chesley regard -
April. The new apartments will Wingham collided. Estimated in East Wa,wanosh Building Woolwich and Pilkington, all of The executive meeting of the ing closure of the Chesley Mem-
also contain wall to wall carpet- damage to the Jeffray vehicle permits were approved and which would be affected by Morris Federation met Feb. 26 to orial Hospital was endorsed
ing. Last Thursday workers were was $200. issued to Peter VanWyck, Chris, Hydro's proposed southern route. discuss the ways to raise interest Members agreed to pay Adam
bringing in will boards, which The department also investi Cowan, Leslie Caldwell and Snell Commenting on their attempts in local meetings it was decided Smith 31 W per dog for dogs
were passed through the windows gated one break and enter The Feed and Supplies in ii motion to Ret an independent hearing to have the president, Bill Pullen, counted
by a boom tnick. persons involved, police report, from counsellors Vincent and into the transmission line route, look into the possibility of having A statement of proposed ex -
Two 'foo carpenters, one elects- were frightened from the scene. McDowell, the road. superin '.fir Moore said. "We're a bit de- a machinery or feed dealer pPnditures a, adopted, for pub-
cian and one plumber have been Merchandise estimated at $100 is tendent is to advertise for 12,000 jetted right now, but we've been present at a meeting to either lic transportation and highway
contracted for the job The apart- reported stolen. Two charges cubic yards of crushed gravel promised this hearing and we in- show slides or give a talk on their improvements in 1976 for the
ments ate to be maintained by under the Liquor Licence Act and for a new pick-up truck. tend to keep pushing until we get product. The meeting ; sched- amount of t:lga,an, fon- - y
electric heat. were laid during the week. Council will meet again April 6 it " tiled for .lune allocation of 389,3(1(1.