The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 6fi
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I ! Winowa A&MMeWrimes, Thurs., March 11, 1176 ' •
., ir"!¢, . graadcbilldi'ea and twelve Hear! Disease kilts about p•"@
CaMI�. early.
f�� Ztie` r♦ t�+e
e Q lieath,Ladie Funerel Home,
Mitchell, where hservlcq was
�► iw,• ,• 1 t1�1 held Thursday, MarfSr 4 at. _
: l I
C ` ` `��� "„i� `.{ P.M. tttcerawni, wue iu A&IiIA y . A.". RETURNS
nn V +
V � lT— Q.r.,craaaw+r;,'t«•xca:nwVayaon,.• ,:,.,:«<«:.,>.•.;•:,„;a..•.:+:ac::ax•�•.vx«;a•>• Anglican Cemetery. v
FIELD—Passed, away suddenly /FINANCIAL
at his home in Manchester, STATEMENTS
For Sale Miscellaneous Wonted Tenders Wanted Notice To Creditors Announcement Connecticut, Dr. W. John
Field a ed 68 formerly of
45 GAUON steel barrels for TEACH YOUR DOLLARS to APPLICATIONS for head in- TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nethery, RR Wingham, a son of William and
holding sap with tight lids. have more cents at the North structor and assistants for the Gravel Tenders IN THE ESTATE OF- 4, Brussels announce the forth- Sarah Field. Left to mourn are 6OOKKEEPING
Barrels for other uses. Pick up at Huron Credit Union. Deposit in- Howick Lions' Pool, Gorrie for Sealed tenders will be received M(lUD PORTERFIELD coming marriaSe of their lough- his wife, Florence (EcRmier);
Mathecs General Store, Bluevale, terest rates at 9 per cent. Office July and August swimming pro- until 12:00 noon on Tuesday, ALL PERSONS having claims ter, Joyce Marlene to David two daughters, Barbara West
w phone 887-9098. Chambers Hard- hours, Belgrave, Tuesday, 2 to 4 gram. Send qualifications, etc. March 23, 1976 by either the un- against the Estate of the above- Alexander, son of Mr- and Mrs. of Dallas, Texas, and Virginia
ware, Wroxeter, phone 335-3365. p.m.; Wingham, Wednesday, 12 and experience to Bev Currah, dersigned'or Clerk -Treasurer at mentioned, tate of the Township Donald Ireland, RR 2, Teeswater. Chu of Los Altos Hills, Cali- M• C. McDonald
Carson Hardware, Gorrie 335- noon to 5:30 p.m. and Friday, 4 to Gorrie 335-3451. the Municipal office, Gorrie, On- of Tuckersmith, in the County of The marriage will take place on fornia; brothbrs, Arthur of
3551. 11-18 7 p.m. Phone 357-2311. tario for the crushing, hauling Huron, Widow, who died\ on April 3rd, 1976 in Trinity Anglican Lambeth and Frank of Tees- gelgrave
rrb BABYSITTER to babysit in her and supplying of 25,000 cu. yds. January 14. 1976, are required to Church, Belgrave. water; sisters, Helen of Walk -
BALED first cut hay for sale, own home, 3 days a week, hours more or less of 4s incjr gravel. file proof of same with the under- erton, Mildred Carrol of Wes- 357-1418
Alvin Mundell, 357-3219. INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE 8:30 to 4:00. Call after six p.m. Tenders must be submitted” on signed on or before the 20th day of DIED ton and Edith Robertson of `
11-18 LEARN HAIRDRESSING—for 392-6670. Township forms available at the March, 1976. Stayner.
more information on this career Municipal office, Gorrie, Ontario. AFTER that date the Execu
tors will proceed to distribute the CtIESSELL—Suddenly, on Tues. /�
4,000 BALES Trefoil hay, $1.00 write, hone or visit K -W "2 -ton Lowest or any tender not neces P March 2, Wilfred J. Chessell, AUCTION SALE
each. Phone 367-2504. P GOOD USED r ton truck in good sarily accepted. All tenders sub- Estate having regard only to the
SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING, condition only; apply with all claims of which they shall then of Mitchell, age 79 }rears. Be -
407 Highland Rd. W, Kitchener, particulars to Box 415, The Wing- jeet to approval by the MTC. y loved huspand of Mabel of
BERG STABLE cleaners and 745-5641. Lodging available. P g Carroll Johnson, have had notice.
g g ham Advance -Times. '1'imt»s. Dear father of Farm Tractors A Equipment
stabling.Bunk feeders'and water rrb Road Supt., DATED at Wingham Ontario
4 11 Liam of Varna, Gordon, Bruce
bowls. Silo unloaders and farrow- Fordwich, Ontario. -this 1st day of March, A.D. vies and John, all of Mitchell,
11-18 Crawford Mill & Davies Saturday, March 20
ing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, FOR YOUR (Cora) Mrs. Earl Harvey of •
WOULD LIKE to rent or lease 50 - Wingham, Ontario
Holyrood. Phone 395-9390. Insurance Needs in Automobile, 100 acres of cru land. Phone 887 Solicitors for the Niagara Falls, (Burnie) Mrs.
rrb Farm Liability, Accidents and P TOWNSHIP OF' Wanted
C'K Homer Andrews of Clinton, , 1:00 p.m. sharp
9481• Tenders Wanted Executors.
Sickness Home Protection 4-11 4-11-18 (Helen) Mrs. Edward Jenkins Kurtzvillo Forms Limited, Kurtzvilte
Pit -run Class "B" Gravel
PHILIPS HI FI, contemporary, Call Your Cu -op Agent— - _ __ of Goderich, and Evelyn of Ontario, 6 mhos northeast of Listovwl
walnut, dual speakers, AM -FM LLOYD MONTGOMERY Sealed tenders will be received Mitchell. Also survived by one
radio, Gerrard record changer, 53 Maple Street, Wingham For Rent until 12:00 noon on Tuesday, TRACTORS
March 23, 1976 b either the un- NOTICE TO CREDITORS brother, Dalton) Mitchell, two
;'100; round dinin¢ room table, Dial 157-3739 y IN I'll ESTATE OF sisters, (Mabel) Mrs. Wilfred John Deere 4630 cab and duals, John Deere 1010 cab. Ford
pedestal type, said oak, $200. IN TEESWATER, a ground floor, dersigned or Clerk -Treasurer at 4000. Massey Ferguson 50 Industrial.
JA111':S FOUND HURRAY T. Cruickshank of Wingham,
Phone 335-3764 after six. 2 bedroom heated apartment, the Municipal office, Gorrie, On- (Dorothy) Mrs. John Ritchie TRUCKS
Upholstering available April 1. Private en- tario to supply, load and haul ALL PERSONS having claims
against the Estate of the above- of Brussels. Twenty-seven 1972 Ford r2 Tori with racks and dump, Fertilizer truck with
ONE FARMALL Super C, wide Chesterfield, Chairs trance and parking. Phone 392- 14,000 cu. yds. more or less of g
front end, Al condition; 1975 John Car, Truck and Tractor Seats 6982. rrb gravel (pit -run)- classified "B" mentioned, late of the Town of V box.
Deere 2130 with loader, 190 T. KESS 'for use on roads in the township to Wingham, in the County of EQUIPMENT
hours; 1972 International one -ton Q TWO BEDROOM a artment on be rebuilt in 1976. All work to be Huron, Retired Painter, who died New Idea 7050 Unasystem 8so has cab and all attachments,
truck with fifth wheel and neces- •+��-Z7 P done to the satisfaction of the on November 27th, 1975, are re- John Deere 3800 Harvester with 3 row corn head and nick un
Patrick St. Phone 357-3262. Road Superintendent. quired to file proof of same with John Deere Flail clapper -new, John Deere 9 foot haybind
states; 1969 Chev one -ton with 11 18 g
stake racks; Allis Chalmers D14 As to roads being rebuilt con- the undersigned on or before the new, International Harvester 6 row Air corn planter, J.F. 33
tractor. Phone 357-1227 or Palm IF YOU ARE A FRIEND or rela- tractor is asked to contact the 20th day of March, 1976. foot cultivator and harrows, 2 - Hanson wheel sprayers,
five of an alcoholic, the Al -Anon THREE BEDROOM home in Road Superintendent. A certified AFTER that date the Execu- McKee snowblower,, John Deere 247 baler, John Deere
erston 343-3504. FamilyGroup may be able to trix will proceed to distribute the Hanover rollaway rake, 4 -New Dion 4-H boxes, New Holland 676
P Y Wingham. Call after six 524-6613. cheque for 10 per cent to accom-
help you solve your side of the Estate having regard only to the manure spreader new, International Harvester manure
USED fridge and stove. Phone pany each tender. g g Y spreader, Lely liquid manure spreader, Huskey manure
g problem. Please contact Post Of Wanted To Rent The lowest or any tender not claims of which she shall then • pump, Lely fertilizer spreader, stone picker, 15 foot wheel
357"3250• fire Box 1135, Wingham. have had notice. Holiday disc, John Deere offset disc, John Deere blade, posthole
necessarily accepted. y
EATON'S CLEARANCE sale: rrb ONE BEDROOM apartment by Carroll Johnson, DATED at. Wingham, Ontario, digger, load packer etc.
one 16 cu. ft. refrigerator, reg. REYNOLDS April t for single male; trans- Road Supt., this 1st day of March, A.D. 1976. Tours No small items, farms rented out -
rice $579.99, sale rice $419.99; ferred td Wingham. Call, collect, Township of Howick, Crawford Mill & Davies
P P REFRIGERATION AND g Fordwich, Ontario. WinghamOntario Terms cash the day of sale
one 15' cu. ft. refrigerator, reg. APPLIANCE SERVICE 376-2632 after six. Brindley Auction Service in charge
11-18 Solicitors for the
rice $599.99, sale rice $399.99; P P prompt 11-18-25-1 MID TERM FLORIDA Phone 524-6451 Goderich Ontario
P P De endable re airs, ram t
one 13 cu. ft. refrigerator, reg. Executrix i
service. Phone 357-1085. TOWNSHIP OF 4-11-18 1 - BY motor coach - 9 days, !
price $419.99, sale price $319.99; rrb Help Wanted nights, departs evening Mara
one 30 inch continuous clean EAST WAWANOSH 19.
Tenders for Gravel
range, reg. price ;,349.99, sale - GOOD RELIABLE babysitter, to NOTICE TO CREDITORS 4 - BY air - 9 days, 8 nights, -
price $249.99. CONCRETE septic tanks, 650 Y and Pick-up Truck departs March 20.
4,000 gallons available; backhoe Y Y 'TENDER A for Gravel. Sealed
bsit two children in m own IN THE ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENT
USED MOBILE HOMES: 2 years for digging holes and drains; hoo
me, Monday thru Friday. To and marked tenders will be re- NORMAN EDWARD KEATING
vacuum pumper for cleaning start April. Phone 357-2448 after ceived b the undersigned until 12
old, double width 24x50, '3 -bed- P � g Y g ALL PERSONS having claims
rooms, living room, family room, septic tanks. Ronald Forster, RR six. 11-18 o'clock noon Tuesday, March 23, against the Estate of the above -
1, Lucknow 528-2346. g 1 - Washington Cherry BlossoR WINGHAM SERVICE CENTRE
dining room and kitchen, 3 -piece 1976 to supply, crush and deliver mentioned, late of the Town of
-- - - April 29 FULLER BRUSH Company to Festival - S days, departs April 7.
A to the Twp. Road approx. 12,000 Wingham, to the County of 2 - Arizona, buy or sell our products'�Call 1- Nevada, California
Has recent) been purchased by
bath and lots of shag carpeting, to y
your lot for $10,000. J. Mathers,-----•• • • cu. yds. of Ye gravel. Also to stock Huron, Retired Electrician, who 15 da air, departs April 10.
?�96-4646 collect evenings, or write pile 500 ds. days, by
357-3208 after five. PREGNANT D. Wight, RR 2, Thedford. Valu- P Y died on January 6th, 1976, are re- 3 - Senior • citiizens Special tc MR DON MONTGOMERY
A certified cheque for $500 to quired to file • roof of, same with Florida, l5 days, departs April 21.
ANtXD)STRESSED able territories are now open in accompany each tender. All the undersigned. on or before the
4,000 BALES Trefoil hay " $1:00 this area. g
each. 367-2504.4;11 Call BIRTHRIGHT 11-18-25 tenders subject to MTC approval. . 2V day of March, 1976. Who will continue to operate
524-7157, 432-7197 Lowest or any tender not neces- AFTER that date the Execu- EASTER WEEKEND
WE CARE sarily accepted. trix will proceed to distribute the the business as a
QUANTITY of choice hay and - CLASS A MECHANIC for trucks., TENDER B for Pick-upTruck. Wheeling 3 days, 3 nights, nt
straw; large bales; Joe King, 357- Estate having. regard only to the overnight travel. Departs earl) LAWN & GARDEN CENTRE
g g Apply Box 416, The Wingham Ad- Sealed tenders will be received
2459. ANYONE wishing to have hand- varice-Times. b the undersigned until 12 claims of 'which she shall then enclud April 15, returns April 18
4-11 Y g have had notice. Includes 3 nights ac- and
saws, circular saws, tools, etc. 4-11 o'clock noon March 23, 1976 for DATED at Wingham, Ontario commodation, guided tour of
sharpened, call 357-3644. the supply of ��-ton truck. S cf SMALL ENGINE REPAIR
HAY FOR SALE: Alfalfa and PP Y Pe this .1st day of March, AJ). 1976. Wheeling, reserved seat for
Timothy mixed. First and second rrb I HAVE an outstanding oppor- fications and tender forms avail- Crawford Mill & Davies JAMBOREE.
)unity for you, full or part-time, able from the Road Supt. 1971 Wingham, Ontario
cut.. Phone 357-3637. MEALS -ON -WHEELS For reservations contact: Don has also acquired the dealership for
- in. the motorist service field. No /z -ton Chev 6 truck trade in, Solicitors for the
rrb Phone Mrs. L. James, 357-3657 or investment. Excellent new and approx. 60,000 miles. Executrix ALLIS-CHALMERS LAWN & GARDEN
Mrs. H. L. Sherbondy, 357-2552. repeat commissions. Call me, Ed C. W. Hanna, 4 11 18 LISTOWEL
CHOICE, GRAIN -FED, govern- rr Bauer, at Wingham 357-3805. Road Supt., , EQUIPMENT
ment-inspected beef, by the half 11-18 Belgrave, Ont. Travel Isreaa
or quarter; cut, wrapped and de- Livestock For Sale Listowel We invite you to Stop by soon to discuss your
livered. Phonek 335-3754.
291-4100 spring lawn and gardening needs.
ONE MACHINE moulder for the Rea I Estate _ P 9 9 9
ELECTROHOME stereo; floor R.O.P. TESTED Landrace and Harriston Casting Company. For Sale
model. Phone 357-3606. Hampshire boars. Contact Ron Phone 338-2840. BIRTHS
Harkness at 367-2666 for more in- DOCTOR'S RESIDENCE sitdat- JIM COURTNEY
formation. 11-18 ed on rime parcel of land corn-
sports jacket, brown, size Auction Sale P pTravel Service
42. Two ladies' long dresses and prising two large elevated river- IRELAND—At the Wingham and
spring jacket, all size 14. Phone SERVICES side lots. 323 feet of river front- District Hospital on Monday. Listowel
357-2982. AUCTION SALE March 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Rob" 291-2111
age. Flour master -size bedrooms,
Of machinery, livestock and feed, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, dining eat Ireland, Teeswater, a son. SERVICE CENTRE
SAWS SHARPENED by ma- will be held for room, lounge, study, laundry Darren, Robert., HANOV ER
PURE 1976 maple syrup pro- chine. Call 357-1291. MR. GEORGE MARSHALL room and fully -panelled and
ducts. For information hone 19-26-4-11 East half of Lot 22, Con. 2. Travel Service WINGHAM" T 357-1791
P carpeted basement. Fitted shag MOORE--Af the Wingham enc 790 loth St., Hanover
Robinson Maple Products, RR 2, Culross Twp., 2 corner south of carpets throughout remainder of District Hospital on Tuesday
Auburn, 357-3149, 11-18 Teeswater, 1 r,'2 miles west, on house. Interior decorated 5 March 2, to Mr. and Mrs - t 800 265 3007
McARTER MASONRY: brick SATURDAY, MARCH 20, months ago at a cost of $1,500. James Moore, Brussels, a son.
2,000 BALES of hay; close to
and block work, new houses, AT 1:00P.M. House built new in 1971. Land- Judson Alexander James. KINCARDINE
foundations, chimneys built, re- Auctioneers: •• •
Keith Fitzsimmons, paired, etc. Call 887-6325. ming , large patio and swim-
Wingham,Business and Professional
WALLACE BALI,ACH, min 1 River depth suitable RILEY—At the Wingham enc Travel Service
357-1117. rrb 4-11 Teeswater 392-6170. g P� P g
for mooring motor .boat. For District Hospital on Thursday. 831 Oueen St. Kincardine
GRANT McDONALD, more details, write or phone Dr. March 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Car -
TWO CASH REGISTERS, one INCOME TAX SERVICE: indt- Ripley 395-5353. R. D. Wilkins, Wingham Medical man Riley, RRJ, Londesboro, 396 3477 Directory
manual, one electric. Phone 357- vidual, farm, business. Mrs. Centre, 357-2500. a ,daughter, Heather Lynn.
3631. 4-11 Carol• a McDonald at Elliott In AUCTION SALE rrb COACH HOUSE
saran a Agency, or phone 392- SKELTON—At the Wingham and '
200 GALLON oil tank, good con- 6382. rrb CLEARING AUCTION SALE Travel Service BRAY WINGHA M
g District Hospital on Sunday,
dition. 357 1846 after five. Of farm machinery, swine feed, WILLIAM S REED March 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan
4 11 some antiques and household ef- z , Wingham, a daughter, Goderich
BROPHY TAXI, Wingham. All fects for g g 5248366 CHIROPRACTIC MEMORIALS
full insured. 24-hour Reel i6tst• Broker attW Cara Lynn.
SAVE MONEY. Buy oranges and alawrsl Insursfhta OFFICE
service. 357-1234. rrb On Lot 20, Con. C. Turnberry Dial 357.2174 ALLAN—In Li
grapefruits by the case and Lip
by the bushel. For special Township, ltz miles north of WINGNAM, ONTARIO rial Hospital on Friday, 197 Josephine Street REASONABLE PRICES
rices hone 357-3482. Wroxeter on Huron County Road March 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Ar B Direct and Save
P P Work Wanted Wipgham, Ontario �'
No. 12, then 1st farm west on COMMISSION RATE — 3% nold Allan of Fordwich, a son.
rrb Phone 357-1224 Bas Ph. 337.1910
FRESH maple syrup for sale.
Phone 357-1498.
H -i8
DIESEL auxiliary generator, 4
cylinder, used approx. 100 hours.
Complete with automatic panel.
Has been inside. Phone 523-4455.
1971 YAMAHA 292 snowmobile,
$300. Phone 3.57-3088.
PAINTING, interior and ex-
terior, in spare time. Call morn-
ings and evenings, 357-3170.
Cars & Trucks
For Sale
'6.5 CHEVROLET station wagon,
automatic, good condition. Phone
357-3417. 11-18-25
'69 VOLKSWAGEN fast -back,
good condition. Phone 357-3417.
AT 1 P.M.
Farm is sold.
Owner or auctioneer not respon-
siMe for any accidents or inju-
ries on property day of sate.
Walkerton ARI -1711
1974 AUSTIN Mini 1000, new en- on Highway 86
'76 ARCTIC CAT, 4000, F,1 Tigre. gine, safety checked. $1,600. Midway between Wingham
Phone 335-3286. 11-18 Phone 357-1017 after 6. and Listowel
1971 SNOWJET, 19 h.p., electric gas miser, 2 -
start, new drive belt and gaxi door hardtop, power steering and Phone
brakes. Needs new hood or hood radio. Opening new radiator LISTOWEL 2914159
repiair$. $100. Call 357-3649 after shop. John Brown Motors, Gorrie GORRIE 33S-3314
six. 33.5-3325.
Immaculate 3 bedroom family
home with living room, dining
roum, modern kitchen, 4 piece
bath, sunporch, oil furnace, at.
tached garage. Good lot. Well
located. Early possession.
with 2 self contained apart
ments. Five rooms down, four
up. Oil furnace. Good location.
Large lot. Mortgage available.
List now for early spring sale. We
have several sincere buyers.
The Square U4 -7"l
Auction Sale
Saturday, March 1.3
11 a.m.
I% mile North, v, mile East of Carlow and 7 mils N" East
of Goderich, Ontario, Canada.
Consignments Welcome
Telephone Lakeview tales & Service 5244451
Terms Cash Pick up can be arranged
Lunch Booth on Grounds
R.G. Gethke Gorden H. Brindley Richard Lobb
Not responsible for accidents day of sale
Chartered Accountants
218 Josephine St., Winghom
Ph: 357-1522
J. A. Peterson, C.A. S. W. Roid, C.A.
K. C. Lentz, C.A. Res: 357-1087
Res. Pit 857-1013
Fr•d•rick F. Homuth
Wi n ham
Phm.B., R.O.
E. Homuth, O.D.
Advance -Times
Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D.
PHONE 357-4320
Chartered Accountants
218 Josephine St., Winghom
Ph: 357-1522
J. A. Peterson, C.A. S. W. Roid, C.A.
K. C. Lentz, C.A. Res: 357-1087