The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 2�1
Pqp IF --TU Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., March 11, 1876
Seatbelt'protelst meetin
( Continued from front page) hands into our pockets whenever from petitions protesting seatbelt
talking stages to third reading of it needs some money. I'M getting use, correlate them and present
tha bill. '"rhe amount of haste fed up with all the politicians — them to Queen's Park.
VMS very indecent." He said he we shouldn't be told what to do Mr. Scott told the gathering
spent three days in jail and that if and what not to do. Politicians to- how his life was saved by not
be bad tried to appeal the case, day aren't interested in us, but wearing a seatbelt. "If I was
"it would have been an exercise without people, there is no harnessed to a car seat, I would
in futility." government. We should try to get have been killed instantly." He
"What I'm really talking about them out if they are not doing the was confined to a wheelchair for
is the rescinding of this stupid job. " an irldefinite period as 6 result of
legislation. Get the hell out of our He said police are now playing his car accident. And one person
can, Mr. Davis. The people are guard with the motorist but add- in the crowd added, "What is the
the government because we elect ed that he thought 88 per cent of government going to do next?
representatives to represent us." the police are doing a fine job in Step their feet into our bed -
"In the letter from Roderick the community. He strongly em- rooms?"
Lewis to the clerk of the assem- phasized that government should Dave Mitchell, founder and
bly, the first reading took place be given back to the people. director of the association from
about Nov. 18 with the second and "Let's take the issues to the Niagara Falls was also present at
third readings Dec. 2 And royal people." If Mr. Biggins' appeal the meeting. "We must force the
assent was given a mere two fails, he said he will start his own government into acting for the
weeks later on Dec. 18." private war. people. We now have roughly
Mr. Biggins continued. "The In another letter from MPP 100,000 names on various peti-
government always sticks its Jack Riddell of Huron -Middlesex, tions with the same number scat -
it said the seatbelt legislation was tered throughout towns and
never brought to a vote. The let- cities. We certainly don't ques-
ter also stated that the new task tion the validity of seatbelt use in
was to convince the Minister of some situations, but we shouldn't
DRAINAGEopposition to the new law and that be told when to wear them. We
consideration should be given to predicted the estimated revenue
the appeal. "The law was never in seatbelt fines to be about
Quality Installation 4 voted for in the House ..." $600,000 to pay for all their adver-
In the Wingham area, five peti- tising. We plan to knock the
C I a y o r Plastic ;� tions have been circulated by the government full of holes , in this
Free Estassociation with more than 1,700 matter."
signatures procured. About 25 Mr. Mitchell explained that the
PHONE: 392-6700 ..4 ore are to come in from areas Citizen Protection Association is
R.R.3 Walkertoni such as St. Catharines, Tees- an organization of a group of
water and Goderich. The associa- people foe'the people. "The group
tion's first step is to form a lever is for people to become unified
rather than doing something on
their own behalf." The associa-
tion has 12 centres and is starting
up 10 more very soon.
To The Electors
Of Turnberry Township
As a resident of Poll Number One, 1 re-
spectfully solicit the support of all electors of
the Township of Turnberry on March 15.
Notice is hereby given that the election
for councillor will be held on March 15, 1976
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. in
the Township of Turnberry at the following
polling stations.
POLL NO. 1: The home of Mrs. H. Saint,
Lower Wingham
POLL NO. 2: Community Hall, Bluevale
POLL NO. 3: Township Shed, R.R. 1, Bluevale
A BOOM TRUCK was used to raise wall boards to the windows at the old Gurney Glove
building on Josephine and Victoria Streets. Owner Lorne Humphrey, who is making six
one -bedroom apartments in the building, said Thursday construction may be done by the
end of April.
A quarter -inch opening along in a wall. Weatherstripping helps
the bottom of an outside door to conserve energy and saves you
results in a heat loss equivalent to money.
that from a aine-square-inch hole
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between the Federal government
and the Clinton Action Com-
mittee said a decrease in wages
would not result in unity. "Right
now, three hospitals have agreed
to support the cutback but there
are two that will not," said Mr.
Riddell. "We are almost at the
stage where we can keep the hos-
pital open if we have the support
of these two. That way, they
could finish off the job. They say
they can't cut back because of -
their 88 per cent occupancy rate
but that is no criteria."
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullens of
Aylmer, Quebec, spent a gcouple
of days last week with Mrs. Noah
Miss Jacqueline Nickel spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
` John Leppington Jr. in Gorrie.
`' Mr. and Mrs. Les Watkins of
4lton spent the weekend here.
Mrs. Clare Harris returned with
° ` x them after spending a week in Ot-
tawa with Mr. and Mrs. John
_. • """ Miss Ruth Johnston returned
' home Saturday after visiting the
"r 7; past week in Toronto.
The sympathy of the com-
munity goes to Mrs. Lorne Kelly
- - in the death last week of her
GEORGE WHITBY, RALPH BEATON, Gerald Lyons and Lloyd Humphrey have been Mr. and Mrs. Jack Douglas ar-
quite busy since January 12 on the new apartments in the old Gurney building. Two car- rived home over the weekend
penters, an electrician and plumber are working hastily toward the completion date of after enjoying a two weeks' vaca-
May 1. tion in Hawaii.
Miss Linda Ettinger of Water-
loo spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Et-
POLL N0.4: The home of Mr. Jackson Dunkintmger.
R.R. 2, Wingham ro n h s t a t • � o n -
u y
RETURNING OFFICER is topic in Fed. meeting
Two special matters, one con- posed sites from 1975-93. "The County. It said more than 85 per
cerning the installation of hydro present food producing land we cent of total production is grown
stations in Huron County and the have left in Southern Ontario, and in Huron, Perth and Middlesex
other of the closure of Clinton the rural society associated with Counties. "We plan on staying on
DOUG FORTUNE Hospital, were discussed with it, are being written off in favor of top of this," said Mr. Riddell. "It
MPP Murray Gaunt (Huron- an industrial urban society in is questionable if they will start a
Bruce) , MPP Jack Riddell some of the best agricultural land plant in this area until they catch
For Turnberry Township (Huron) and MP Bob McKinley in Canada." up with other projects. Our aim is
(Huron -Middlesex) when the "If it ever comes to an option not to allow this plant to be built
Council Huron County Federation of on building a hydro plant near because the bean industry would
Agriculture held its annual meet- Goderich or having Ontario Hy- be doomed to pollution."
ing in Clinton last Saturday. dro expand its present location, I The discussion of the hospital
As for the installation of 17 new would prefer to see the latter take closing came when Bev Brown of
MY INTEREST IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS hydro stations from Lake Super- place," said Mr. Gaunt. "The the federation said the Health
IS EVIDENCED BY: for to the tip of Lake Ontario, all area has had trouble with power Minister is prepared to keep the
agreed the idea would have ad- lines in the past and I feel this hospital open only if others in the
.Member of committee which obtained wid- verse affects. "Waste products trouble would increase. If On- county contribute in their own
er toll-free telephone service in the Wing- would have to be stored in under- tario Hydro did expand where cutbacks. Mr. Gaunt said he talk -
ground containers which would they are now located, then they ed with Mr. Miller and learned
ham area. have to last 100 years," said Mr. would not have to carve into good the hospital would definitely stay
Riddell. He assured the feder- agricultural land. For that mat- open if there was a sign in 10 days
ation that he would approach the ter, why can't the location of the that the other hospitals would be -
Five years On Turnberry Federation of Agri- Minister of Energy Resources proposed plant be in Northern come involved. "If more than
culture executive (2 years as President). concerning the affect these plants Ontario" s8w,000 could be saved from all
would have on the next gener- The brief also said food would the hospitals put together, Clin-
ation. be the most critical problem the ton would probably remain open.
Six years On Huron County Federation of „The very fact that these world would ever face, and would The name of the game is dollars
Agriculture executive (2 years as President). plants are proposed only invites worsen, in the year 2000. "Re. and cents."
other industries to move in. We taining the land resources we "I've talked to the chairman of
.4-H club leader for six will try to point out that there is have left, capable of producing the Wingham and District Hos-
y ears. no reason why plants such as food, is essential". pital Board and its administrator
these should be built on the rich Mr. Riddell said the instigators and found they would co-operate
agricultural areas of Ontario were looking at today's needs and with Clinton's case but wouldn't
MY ABILITIES WILL BE DIRECTED TOWARDS There is certainly land unfit for not toward the future The brief cut beds. The decision has to
POLICIES AND PROGRAMS WHICH ARE IN agriculture, why not use that"' also stated that Ontario Hydro come from Huron County Warden
THE BEST INTERESTS OF ALL RESIDENTS OF He did believe that these pro- should redesign its present plans Jack McCutcheon and the
posals would eventually have and develop energy sites near the Health Committee. The county it-
TURNBERRY. drastic affects on agricultural area where industry is planning self has to be the vehicle for the
land. "i'm going to keep on top of to locate. solution." Bev Brown suggested
this and make sure they don't in a separate report submitted that a ten per cent cut in wages
Support Your Community
build any of those plants in this by the Bean Producers Market- would be one way to save money
area. ing Board, it feared that farm throughout county hospitals.
in the brief, submitted by the crops would be drastically affect- Then the question of unity was
Huron County Power Plant Com- ed by air pollution if one of these brought to light.
mittee, there are to be 17 pro- plants was located in Huron Mason Bailey, liaison officer
Friday, March 12, 1 - 3 p.m.
Batteries, accessories, repairs to most makes
Hearing Aid Sorvica Ltd.
HEARING AIDS 88 Queen St., Kitchener
Sunday, March 14, 1976
1:00 P.M.
Assemble at Royal Canadian
Legion Parking Lot
The $4.00 entry fee includes
a hot meal. There will be an
extra charge of $1.00 per meal
for extra riders.
This is a 'timed' and 'poker'
Coffee will be sold by the Junior Citizens at
the midway check point .
T-500 Titan
Our biggest twin -
cylinder machine has
earned a reputation
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k stamina. It has de-
sign and perform-
ance reliability
second to none in
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P & F Lawn & Sports E
Highway 23 North, Listowel 291-2441