The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 15E
19) 291-3040
in a review of
Human Rights
is conducting a comprehensive review of the
Ontario Human Rights Code.
The Commission will examine the changing
human rights needs of Ontario residents and
make recommendations to the Government of
Ontario designed to:
1 . strengthen the Human Rights Code;
2. improve the structure and effectiveness
of the Human Rights Commission;
3. encourage responsive, effective
community and educational programs
in the field of human rights.
Briefs and comments are invited from individu-
als, groups, and organizations and should be
sent to the Commission no later than May 15,
The Commission will also conduct a number
of public hearings throughout the province.
Locations and dates will be announced.
Your enquiries are most welcome and should
be directed to:
Review Committee,
Ontario Human Rights Commission,
400 University Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario M7A 1T7
Rosalie Abella, Bromley Armstrong,
Lita-Rose Betcherman, Jean Marie Bordeleau,
Elsie Chilton, Valerie Kasurak, N. Bruce McLeod,
Thomas H. BI. Symons, Chairman.
Ontario Human
Rights Commission
The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., March 11, 1976—Pap 5
Beol"grave Personal Notes
Mr. and Up. James Hunter Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- held in the arena roil on March
and Glen returned home last Cormack, Christie and Eimilie of 16 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Garner Nichol -
Thursday from their trip to Or- Orangeville, Mrs. Claire ]Rainer son is convener of this "R,esalu-
lando, Florida, where they of Scarborough spent the week- tions" meeting, the roll call being
visited with relatives at Merritt end with their mother, Mrs. Mary "As a consumer what would you
1 Island. Chamney. - like to see improved?" Mrs. W.
Mrs. Mary Armstrong is now a Mr. and Mrs. Gary Leitch, Bradnock of Auburn will be the
resident at Huronview, Clinton. Julie and Jeffery of London spent guest speaker. The lunch com-
the weekend with her parents, mittee is Mrs. Lawrence Taylor,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby. Mrs. Mervin McDQnald and Mrs.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Robert Hibberd Bert Johnston. Institute mem-
attended the Royal Black Knights hers are also reminded that each
Rev. William Lake of Ireland of Huron County an- one is to provide a half loaf of
nual county meeting on Saturday bread made into sandwiches for
guest speaker at night in Clinton. The ladies were the shoot party on Friday, Manch
entertained by pictut'es of the 12 at 8:30 p.m. in the Women's
prayer service Holy Land. The Grand Master, Institute Hall.
John Munroe of Hamilton, con- Mrs'. Helen Martin attended the
BELMORE — The World Day ducted the election of officers and 50th wedding anniversary cele -
of Prayer was held this year at Lynn Jones, the Grand Chaplain bration of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
the United Church. Guests were of JBritish American, conducted Martin of Seaforth in the Walton
present from McIntosh United the installation of officers. All United Church on Saturday.
Church and Belmore Presby- officers were pre- elected. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fear have
terian Church. Leader of the The March meeting of the Bel- moved into their new home. We
service was Mrs. Wilfred Johann. grave Women's Institute will be welcome them to the village.
The printed service was used
and the Presbyterian ladies pre-
sented the skits. Special music
was presented by the McIntosh
ladies' choir who sang "Just
every Day".
Speaker for the service was
Rev. William Lake. PI
Lunch was served at the clos-
ing of the service by the Belmore
MRS. JOHN BREWER of RR 4, Wingham signs a petition protesting the use of seatbelts
at a meeting of the Citizen Protection Association held at F. E. Madill Secondary School
last Thursday evening. Advising her what the petition means is Marie Park, Lynn Wall,
secretary and Ramona Humphrey, treasurer of the association.
CAS directorpoints to
pOfi ti s i n tight budget Mrs.E. Dustow, Mrs. A. Dus-
tow, Mrs. Ivan Mawhinney and
Director of Huron County's not be overcome in one fell "A 5.5 per cent increase in ex- Mrs. Walter Renwick from McIn-
Children's Aid Society, Bruce swoop." penditures at a time when tosh church attended the Bruce
Heath took some healthy swings "Without falling into the trap of inflation is at or near 10 per cent Presbyterial held at Palmerston
at provincial
rcgovernment g makingp
absolute comparisons on can only be a decrease in real last Monday. The theme for the
cialslastweekatthe annual the basis of limited statistital terms," Mr. Heath reasoned, day was "Women Alive". Guest
meeting of the CAS, in the 65th data," Mr. Heath continued, "I "especially when roll-over costs speaker was Mrs. Netty Haffman
year since its establishment in must seriously question the are taken into account." of Windsor. A packe&church and
the count multitude echoing the call of re- Mr. Heath pointed out that in lovely, sunny day for travelling
Speaking about the govern- straint when we find this local
y slow growth . periods, as at combined to make the Presby-
ment's "travelling road shows" society operating at per capita present- there are greater needs terial an unqualified success.
which preach the doctrine of re- costs one third under the provin- for social services. "As a result, On Saturday, March 13, new
straint, Mr. Heath commented, cial average, and half as large as there is greater pressure, espe- books will be available in the Bel -
our largest colleague in the field cially on the municipalities, in more Library. While choosing
s The central reason for the under-
g g regard to General Welfare Assis- ►�� everyone is urged to look
straint program as we under- of child welfare in Ontario. Y g
stand it, is that the province The director challenged the tance•programs, for the provision in on the skaters in the skate-a-
overnment on over-simplifyingof services," Mr. Heath said. thou and give them support.
cannot go on' spending at the g The director said the Ministry's g pl?o
present rate. The daily presen- the economic problem. "History
talion of the extent of govern should make us somewhat wary an
to get people off welfare
ment debt is of concern to all the of those who in times of crisis or and into a job "demonstrates a
people of Ontario. It is obvious, difficulty present simple and lack of sensitivity toward the Bridge results
however, that this problem did clear answers," Mr'. Heath realities of the present economic
environment." The Mitchel] system was used.
not develop overnight and it will pointed out. "Such approaches en
might be appealing and enticing 'The fact of the matter is that North and South: first, Bernice
g- pp g g at a time such as this, a period of Crawford and Yvonne McPher-
to a public genuinely concerned.
Unfortunately, as we know too slow growth, the job market is son; second, Norma Parker and
well from history, more often tight and those least able to com- Farish Moffatt; third, Kay Mof-
than not such statements reflect pete cannot obtain work," said fatt and Leonard George. East
political opportunism more than Mr. Heath. "The jobs just aren't and West: first, Patricia Hay and
genuine concern, understanding there." Omar Haselgrove; second, Rena
and thoughtful effective solu- Present budget requirements Fisher and Mary Caslick; third, IT'S NOT EVERY DAY, as Wilbur Beninger of Wingham
for CAS in 1976 hover at about an Harley Crawford and Arthur Wil
tions." son will testify, that one buys a calendar with,two months of
Sewing Machine
Mr. Heath said that the 8per cent increase over 1975, Mr. March in one'
ear, But that's what ha
Heath said. That is making no al- Y peened. Mr. Beninger
Ministry of Social and Commu said he bought the calendar from Snell's Grocery and
nity, under which the CAS lowance for those contingencies Locker in Blyth about three weeks ago but didn't notice the
operates, has called for agencies brought about by the closing of Mark's,B & E
P g peculiarity until two weeks later. Mr. Beninger said Mrs.
Goderich Psychiatric Hospital, a
to re-evaluate priorities to sees- Alvin Alton of Wingham has one just like it.
SALES 9 SERVICEservice well utilized by CAS in the
This week we are
again featuring oar
+ Embroiders
+ Makes Button Holes
+ Sews on Buttons
+ Darns and Overcasts
+ Sews Forward and Backward
+ No Attachments Needed.
$ 990
We also carry a large selection of
popular makes and models... Bernina,
Morse, Brother, Universal, Omega, etc.
In portable or cabinet ... at reasonable
We do accept trade -fns. Also a large
selection of good used and fully
reconditioned serving machines.
We carry a full line of
and Material by the pound
rate essential programs from
those which although desirable, past. "All in all, we are clearly game winners
are not essential. talking of doing more with less,"
,... �.,.. _. said Mr. Heath. "The challenge
.. The director argued that the
_ social service field with its to so do we accept with some The Peewee Bantam house
"multiplicity of funding sources trepidation." league play-offs are underway
_"The res onsibilit for achiev with two close games. In Series"
and delivery systems" requires P y
in this broad general goal, how- A, Marks nipped Staintons 4-3.
much more communication and g g Tim Henderson scored a hat trick
i ..�► i ) participation in decision making ever, clearly is a shared respon for Marks while Blair Bushell
than the Ministry has to date al- sibility between this Society's
board and staff, and the people of scored the other marker. Steve
I°`ved. McKay added an assist on
the county," he concluded.
"The guidelines and the man- Bushell's goal. Bruce Levan, Bill
a tier in which they are being LeVan and Bobby Hubbard re-
introduced certainly do not give plied for Staintons. Bruce LeVan
jr r. us the confidence that the com • • added,oassists while Ken Mac-
df the problem and the Wingham fifth Leanisted on the third goal.
necessary processes for rational In Series B, IGA and B&E
intervention and decision making • Leasing skated to a 5-5 deadlock
are recognized by the Ministry." in 1purnament at the end of regulation play.
stated Mr. Heath. Both teams were scoreless in the
He said that statements that Sll Storey, Julaine Adams five minute overtime period, but
the budgets are not being cut or and Terry Rintoul of Wingham B&E won the game on shots on
frozen, but are being increased at took part in the Master Bantam net. Murray Gardner scored four
our a lesser rate than in prevjouc Bowling Tournament Feb. 29 in goals for IGA and one assist.
� ear` are misleading. ''The Collingwood. The winners were John O'Hagan registered the
Sewing Machine dollar figure is being increased Brenda Cleland and her bantam fifth. Ron Johnson assisted on
but the actual services that the boy and girl of Listowel with a two goals and Murray Gardner,
Expert larger dollar figure can purchase total of 3,059 pins. The Wingham Vaughn Passmore, Gary Adams
f 15
are decreased," Mr. Hand O'Hagan assisted on one goal
EARLBERSCHT silted. with, a total of 2,890 pins.eath in team placed fifth in a field oeach.
will be at our store for
.demonstrations and repairs �""
Friday, March 12 k.
5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. lob,
Saturday, March 13
10:00 a.m. 6:00 P.M.
Come in and ask for a
demonstration on any of our
brands such as Bernina,
Universal, Domestic, Morse,
I_ Brother
, d� The Stare that Saves You Mare'
Monday - Thursday
11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
a Friday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
JACK McBURNEY, second, Olive McBurney, lead, Helen McKague, vice and skip Bob
M(. Kague of Wingham were presented with the Keil Insurance Agency trophy by Bob
Scott last Saturday evening at the Farmers' Bonspiel held at the Wingham Curling Club.
We'll show you how to collect
extra money
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You don't need writing talent to write for
prof it .... all you need is a list of items you'd like
to sell .... good things you no„ longer enjoy but
that someone else would pay cash for. You
reach that someone through the classified ads
in The Wingham Advance -Times.
THEN PHONE 357-2320