The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 14a
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page 4_7W WioOLM Advance -Times, Thurs., March 11, 1976
Sunday School officers
are elected at Belgrave7
S `*
x� SBELGRAVE — After several Mrs. James Hunter, Mrs. James'
postponements the weather Walsh, Mrs. Willard Armstrong,
finally settled and the annual Mrs. Bert Johnston; music, Mrs. " W
meeting of Knox United Church Murray Lougheed and organist;
Sunday School was held in the corsages, Mrs. Laura Johnston
basement of the church with ✓12 and Mrs. James Coulter '
people present. The following officers were
The meeting opened with elected: superintendent, George 4 or -
prayer by Rev. John Roberts. Procter-, assistant, Clifford
Minutes of the last annual meet- Coultes; secretary, George gj
ing were read and approved. The Michie; treasurer, Mrs. James a:
secretary's report was given, Coultes; auditors, George John -
showing Sunday School held on 44 ston and Mrs. Laura Johnston; 4
Prize winners
Sundays with an average at- librarian, Mrs. James Walsh.
tendance of 44.1, compared with
44.5 one year ago. The following teachers f B@IgrQv@
The Junior girls had the best appointed: Bible class, Cli'
attendance with five months and Coultes; assistants, Mrs. Ken- BELGRAVE — Mrs. Albert
neth Wheeler, Mrs. Cliff Logan; Bacon and Edgar Wightman took } `
one tie; Junior Primer, th1ee , irls
and b
termeae boys months; Junior boys, one month InY g the prizes for having the highest �u `
Ross Anderson, Murray Loug ' scores at the euchre party held in
and one tie; Beginners, one
heed; Junior girls, Mrs. Laura
month. Attendance awards go to g the community centre last r 3
h `
Johnston, Mrs. John Kerr; Junior Wednesday evening. Three tables
16, with four having perfect at- Y g'
tendance. boys, Murray Scott, George were in play.
Procter; Junior Primer, John Prizes for low scores were �g'a
'the treasurer's report was Kerr, Mrs. Harold Vincent, Mrs. awarded to Mrs. James Coultes
then given. It was decided to
close Sunday School for the Ross Anderson; Beginners, Mrs. and Victor Youngblut. Mrs.
Murray Lougheed, Miss Doreen Clarence Hanna won the novelty
month that the minister takes
holidays. Attendance awards are Anderson, Mrs. Murray Vincent; prize.
to be the same for 1976. Senior class, Ross Procter, Glenn ., g"g
Sunday School anniversary will
A short discussion followed and
be held the second Sunday in
June, the program committee to it was agreed to find some use for IS
p sr old lesson material. Mrs. Ce Douglas
be George Procter, Clifford Mr. Roberts closed with x
Coultes and Mrs. Cliff Logan. dinner Speaker
Decorating committee will be prayer.
BELMORE — The annual din -
ner meeting of the Chamber of�
Commerce was held Thursday
WMS m i ssi on study night in the hall of the locals'
arena. A delicious beef dinner s
with all the trimmings was
served by the Women's Institute.*x
led b Mrs • D u n b ar Guest speaker for the evening f
Y was Mrs. Carl Douglas who spoke
BELGRAVE — Mrs. Joe Dun- swered by giving one of the Ten on life in the rural community. "
tbar he Presbyterian Churchin Tai Commandments. Mi uteEven though our rural schools ,
Po "Education under
' sof the last meeting have been closed, close coin-
wan" when the Women's Mis- were read by Mrs. McBurney and munity ties are still maintained --
sionary Society met at her the treasurer's report was given by activities at the arena, the
home on Tuesday, March 2. Mrs. by Mrs. Youngblut. She also an churches, community projects
Dunbar said the main concern is pounced the executive meeting and support of the local stores V
training community leaders. She .would be held in Seaforth on April and businesses. Chairman Ralph'
also conducted a quiz and read a 21. Metcalfe thanked Mrs. Douglas
story written by a, missionary in Plans were made for the and presented her with a gift
Taiwan, Ted Ellis, about a girl Easter Thankoffering to be held from the chamber.
student who tells how her life April 14 with Miss Lavonne Bal- Winner of the draw for the cro-
changed after attending a Chris- lagh as guest speaker. Mrs. cheted afghan was Mrs. Walter
tian school. She read a letter George Fear will be the lunch Woods. '
from Ann Teekover who teaches convener. A short business meeting was `
kindergarten at Taiwan. Twenty-five visits to sick and held, at which the three` new
Mrs. Garner Nicholson opened shutRns were recorded. Mrs. Ivy directors were announced to re "
the meeting with a poem. Mrs. J. Cloakey read a poem, "A March place the three retiring directors.
C. McBurney read the scripture Garden", and Mrs. Nicholson New directors are Mrs. Brian
and Mrs. Victor Youngblut led in closed the meeting with prayer. Marston, Ralph Dickson and MORE THAN 100 CONCERNED citizens attended the Citizen Protection Association's
prayer. The roll call was an- Lunch was served by the hostess. Jack Stafford. The financial meeting over seatbelts at F. E. Madill Secondary School Thursday evening. Those who
report for the year 1975 was given attended listened to seven speakers and signed petitions in opposition to the legislation.
by secretary, Murray Mulvey.
Ho w i e k Lions' Several new projects were dis-
cussed and appropriate com
Friends Are bingo winners mitees appointed to carry them
g •
out. m of all the Nursing'homes re Nest
Howick Lions' bingo winners ladiess off the the commumu gnity will be q
A Nice Thing were: held. March 16 at the arena to -
Regular games: Miss McKin- organize shifts and assign duties •
non, Gorrie, Shirley Leek, Wrox- for the syrup festival day.
eter, and Mrs. Huisser, Listowel; Memberships were taken for rate increase o f$3*79
ToHave... Mrs. Caswell, Bluevale and Mrs. 1976 and„the meeting adjourned.
Angus, Wingham; Dolly Felker, The Ontario Nursing Home As- $1.00 from the current rate, and experiencing a continuing trend
Listowel; Stan Cherry, Wrox- sociation, which represents the private accommodation by $2.00. to the provision of heavier care
eter; Barbara Lang, Amble -majority of the nursing homes in "The increase proposed by the for residents, and under these
sides; Mrs. McInnis, Fordwich Mrs. McKercher Ontario, is asking the Ontario Association will ensure that the circumstances staffing reauc
�n i
and Mrs. Lorne Fischer, List- Government for a daily rate in- resident who is eligible for the tions are not anticipated.
owel; Barbara Lang; Mrs. Cas- s WMS hostess crease of $3.79, effective April 1, government's Guaranteed An- "Increase in costs, resulting
_ well; Mrs. Cherry, Wroxeter; 1976, to meet rising costs. nual Income Supplement, will be from salary and price escalation
VVC�(Q Jr'0� Millie Nixon,- Fordwich; Mrs. BLUEVALE — The March "Backend loaded labor con- left with approximately $50. per to meet the high standards of
rr,. Angus; meeting of the Women's Mission- tracts, which have expired dur- month," said Mr. Walker. care delivered by nursing homes
Share the wealth, first, Kaye ary Society of Knox Presbyterian ing the past three months and es- "We feel that it is unreasonable throughout this province must
Rich, Wingham, second, Shirley Church was held at the home of calations of the average cost of to expect the government to ab- therefore be financed by increas-
Leek, Wroxeter; $25 special to Mrs. Glenn McKercher. providing nursing home care are sorb the full increase of $3.79 a es in the daily rate," said Mr.
Mrs. Angus, Wingham; stand-up Scripture taken from St. Luke's the main factors," said J. Mal- day, at a time when government Walker.
THIS EMBLEM IS THE bingo to Mark Westerterp, Wrox- Gospel, chapter seven, and com- colm Walker, executive director. is engaged in constraint meas -
SIGN OF GOOD BUSI- eter; Jackpot consolation plus ments from the Glad Tidings Mr. Walker, a certified general ures. This is why we have pro- -
NESS AND GOOD bonus to Jan Thurlow, Listowel; were given by Mrs. Glenn Golley. accountant, was appointed posed the increase be split be -
FRIENDS. Lap Cathy Craig, Wrox- Mrs. Ross Mann offered prayer. March ist. tween government and resident."
eter; dart game to Jan Thurlow, The minutes of the February The Association's executive The cost increase of $3.79 was
For information call: Listowel; meeting were read and roll call committee, which has been ne- calculated from cost projections
Door prizes: Roberta Brent, was answered by the members, gotiating with the Ontario supplied by a sample of Ontario
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return the cortlarner and we wdl rotund your Molloy
Smith a Nephew Limited 2100 52na Avenue Lachine Quebec MOT M
Is there enough interest -
The Wingham Recreation and
Community Centres Board
has called a meeting at
F. E. Madill Secondary School
Thursday, March 25, 7:30 P.M.
To Discuss These Questions
Wingham Motel, WINGHAM
on the 3rd Tuesday of
each month
(March 16th)
For prior information call 271-5650 or
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford.
Opening new doors to small business.
Phone 357-3275-' Wroxeter; Stewart Holloway,
each giving a Bible verse con-
Government proposes the $3.79
nursing homes. The samp a was
in conjunction with and,
11 ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wingham; Jan Thurlow, Listowel
taining the name of an annual.
be split between the government
from our
and Cecile Clark, Wroxeter.
Forty-three visits to the sick were
Wayne Rounding
q '
Who will be at:
Lucky draws to G. McKinnon,
Wingham Motel, WINGHAM
on the 3rd Tuesday of
each month
(March 16th)
For prior information call 271-5650 or
write 1036 Ontario Street, Stratford.
Opening new doors to small business.
Phone 357-3275-' Wroxeter; Stewart Holloway,
each giving a Bible verse con-
Government proposes the $3.79
nursing homes. The samp a was
in conjunction with and,
Wingham; Jan Thurlow, Listowel
taining the name of an annual.
be split between the government
and Cecile Clark, Wroxeter.
Forty-three visits to the sick were
and the nursing home resident.
has the approval of the Ministry
Lucky draws to G. McKinnon,
The government, through the Ex-
of Health. The operating cost pro-
jections have also been received
Gorrie; Connie Fenton, Wrox-
The group accepted
tended Health Care plan would
eter; Lorne Fischer, Listowel
from Gorrie and Wingham increase of $1.49 a day for
and analyzed by the Ministry.
and Anne Yeoman, Wroxeter.
societies to attend their Thankof-
standard ward care. The current
"From recent statements
f " -vices on April 14 and 20
rnment a ment is $12 85
made by the Minister of Health,
is se p love p J
' respectively. Plans were made and this would increase to $14.34. the Honorable Frank Miller and
for the Bluevale Thankoffering The resident's increase would be from discussions with Health
Used Car Savings on the evening of April 6. $1.75 a day, up from the current Ministry officials no cutbacks in FURNITURE
The offering was received by rate of $6.15 to $7.90. Semi -private nursing home beds are con -
Mrs. McKercher and Mrs. Golley accommodation would rise by templated. Nursing homes are PLAY PENS
15 ASTRE Panel, 3,000 '73 JAVELIN, 2 -door. gave the offertory prayer. Mrs. -
miles. _ '73 DART, (2), 4 -door Burns Moffatt gave a most inter-
esting topic on the life of Moses. APPLIANCES
'74 CORONET CUSTOM, 4- sedan, 6 cylinder, Mrs. Golley thanked Mrs. Mof- .�
automatic. fatt for presenting the topic and
door, ressed gratitude to Mrs.
matin, power steering '73 PONTIAC ASTRE (2) McKercher for sharing her home. yam, . IN YOUR BASEMENT OR GARAGE?
y � �: r
and radio. Following the singing of a y-< k ;,+ s
'73 CHRYSLER, 4 door, hymn and closing prayer, lunch
'74 CHRYSLER! 4 door se- hardtop was served by the hostess, assist-
ssist don, power steering ed by Mrs. Golley and Mrs.
and brakes, radio. 72 CHEV IMPALA, 2 -door Mann.'
'74 DART SPORT, 6 cylin-
der, automatic with
'73 CHRYSLER, 2 -door
'72 PLYMOUTH, 4 -door
sedan -
'71 CHRYSLER, 2 door
Euchre party
BLUEVALE -- Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Paulin and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Walker were in charge of the
euchre party in the community
hall when seven tables were in
play. Those winning prizes were:
High lady, Mrs. Harry Elliott;
low lady, Joanne Edgar; high
man, George Grigg; low man,
Lloyd Taylor; lucky lady, Mrs.
Les Greenaway; lucky man,
Harvey Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston will
be in charge of the next euchre,
March 18.
JANET CARDIFF, vice-president of F. E. Madill's Student
Council, presents John Butler of the Ontaeio Society for
Crippled Children with a cheque for $500 Monday afternoon.
The money was raised from a dance held Feb. 20 at the
school. More than 100 students paid a $2.50 admission
To Sell or Buy
CALL 357-2320
Winghom Advance -Times
6, ,