The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-03-11, Page 11THE ADVillICE iiiiiiiii',TIMES I A page of editorial opinion Thursday, March 11
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Very few people in the entire country and whether or not an older hospital would'
r .Jd r..m oA AcJ I
will deny the need for cutting back on high shortly require funds for a building or fm
prices. Long before Prime Minister Trudeau provement project.A True113oma by nce Jacky act Gillet
announced on Thanksgiving Day that we Truth of the matter is that most hospi` _ Olivia Bennett has everything,
would have to tighten belts, most of us were tats in this area did have vacant beds—nota stable marriage, a comfortable
complaining bitterly that somebody had to because they were unneeded, but because / - country house, a highly success-
do somethingto halt the spiral of inflation. admission " ful career as a romantic novelist
p' policies set out b the health •°�
Y�' +� i f �` and both the looks and figure of a
What we never did admit was that we were ministry itself demanded that bed occu
in no wayread to make an of the Hetes: �' woman nearly half her age. But
y y panty should not exceed 80 per cent of total t ;� l two things threaten her confident
sary sacrifices ourselves—that would have capacity. The remaining 20 per cent was I
to be done b somebody else, like the people supposed attitude. Her mother, to whom
y y p p pposed to be held in reserve for emer she has always looked for sup -
in the cities, or the fellows in the unions, or gencies—presumably a plane crash, a ten- r i f4 -
port, dies and the lives of her
maybe the farmers out West. vehicle highway pile-up or fire in a local '
Y 9 Y P P i three children develop in ways
Ever since the program of restraints school. So the excuse of low oct;upancy was k � irl s, that are beyond her understand -
was initiated the cries of "Not me!" have ready-made when closing time came. ��111 ing and sympathy. This is a re -
been loud and clear. Every decision by the Apparently the possibility of local disas i markable study of a woman in
Anti-inflation Board has been greeted with ters has been entirely forgotten, because re 4 ..<, middle age who must eomeAo
shrieks of outrage. duction of bed space in many towns will t - `' i terms vi+ith parenthood and the
As the PM rightly suggested, the medi- guarantee that the 20 per cent safety factor ' } values of contemporary life.
cine required to cure the ills of inflation is will disappear. s
f'' Close Doesn't Count b John
not pleasant to the palate. There is no way to Aim of the health minister's program is �. y
halt that wild ride to ruin without loss of jobs not to close out surplus hospital accommo- ; % Craig
or at the very least, limits on the increase in dation as such. It is a decision to tell a given Joe Belmont was a tough Tor -
es and rices. number of Ontario residents that when the !' onto cop ,until someone tried to
both wages P Y
The bitterest pill of all in this part of the are sick they might as well forget it, for the t _ kill him. While convalescing in
country has been the closing of hospitals and province will simply not allow medical care � � rural Ontario he finds himself
reduction of bed space in many that were not for them—despite the fact that they have trying to unravel the bizarre
-, � � �� � mystery of what happened to a
closed completely. Although the "not me" paid their health insurance premiums. ✓ �6./
factor is a strongone in each community The entire health care cutback scheme localgir125yearsago.Thetrailis
, Y cold' and the townspeople hostile
where hospitals are affected, that is not the bears all the evidence of hasty planning and ;> . o f• •`
;;:.;:...a. _ , � � � . p his resource -
only reason for the tremendous outcry direct and ruthless action where study, care:;;::;;;<:>.::>"` I.,: v ; but with the del of
�' fol girlfriend, Belmont is deter -
against the health minister's decisions. The ful consideration and complete- understand- ' ( r mined to ferret out the truth.
more impelling reason is the apparent lack ing of each community's needs was called `
of sympathy or even understanding with for.: N.. -
� . The Love Potion by Carlo Zezza
which the ministryhas made its moves. It now seems clear that the Davis
1 � a �.: Ever since Eve gave Adam the
An aide to the minister admitted that the government has lost none of its famous ,, apple, loving couples have
only factors employed to select the victims political sagacity, for the leaders of both the ', A wanted a real aphrodisiac. Now,
E9nnoMbN , ugM1
of cutback were present usage of the beds in NDP and the Liberal parties have let it be in a funny, fast-moving story, the
a hospital, proximity of another hospital known they will not demand an election on "Osgood .really likes to get into the spirit of the- game." real is here: a_ genillne
which might handle the displaced patients the health care issue. aphrodisiac that stimulates de-
sire and makes sex better. It
a could only happen in America. A
marketing man discovers the
formula, a company president
smells profit in the enterprise, a
7 � i
giant food company gears u to
Here s a newpro bl e m a e r S O sell the • love potion, dubbed
Tingle by a world -famed ad
affair and economically so. And start the whole inside is des other area may be in the bed agency. The public responds
Principal R. P..Ritter of the F. E. Madill that the natural enthusiasms of youth make AT THE CORE y to "Tingle" beyond any mar-
ROTTENSecondar School in Win ham said at a alcohol a trap for the uninitiated. The statis- what about the metric system? troyed. All that is left of that when you need it. keter'swildest dreams,makin it
Y g P The Editor, Did we have a choice in it? Is the beautiful apple is a rosy shell ;• They fought and won against g
meeting of the Huron County Board of Edu- tics of liquor -auto accidents among young The Advance -Times. benefit of it going to overcome rotten at the core, which soon col- the government putting an air- an overnight success' while
cation last week that some students have to people prove the point. rotten rt at Pickeent company, jobs and beds change
be sent home from school after they have What is Deornocracy . The dic- the expense of enforcing it? _. Po g. This is just as
Our school teachers are shouldering the tionary defines it: Government Give these back to the people Demoncracy — government, a important. A little boy fighting hands. The Love Potion could
visited the local cocktail lounge during the only have been written by a
blame, albeit unwillingly, for a serious lack that is run directly or indirectly and save money. servant of the people. for his life was given oxygen at
marketing man who discovered
lunch break. Mr. Ritter added, however, that of basic learning skills in those who graduate by the people who live under it. is the government really con- Dictato,ship--people, sertiauts Clinton Hospital. He couldn't that everything is
the situation is b no means "epidemic" and Seat belts are in the limelight cerned with the safet•- of the of the government. have gone any further. Many r g � possible, given
y P from our secondary schools. Responsibilityskill, energy, experience and the
that a comparatively small number of for that situation might be better placed on now but is it just the seat belt people by insisting on seat belts Which do you want, or is it too other such cases. Get acting be unlimited resources of a great
students are involved. those who have so badlymaltreated our issue we are fighting or is the seat or is there a member of parlia- late for us to have a choice? fore it is too late.
- corporation.
Long gone are the days when a few quick whole concept of child training. "Permis- belt the straw that broke the merit lining his pockets by having Margaret Brewer, A Very Concerned Citizen,
drags on a cigarette in the school washroom siveness has been the watchword for 20 camel's back? a big share in the factory that RR 4, - RR 3, Clinton, Ont. Summer at Forty-five Acres by
g g ? Win ham, Ontario.
was a serious offense. How long will it be be- years and a whole generation of young Unemployment insurance was manufactures seat belts. g Alan Wildsmith
fore teachers will be forced to allow the people has been affected. Educators are no
a voluntary issue at one time but In 1914-1918 and again in 1939 COMMITTEE SEEKS When the family first.. moved
students to pass the jug around the class- longer permitted to enforce the disciplines now compulsory. Canada Pen- when an outside intruder was a FORMER STUDENTS
from the city to an abandoned
sion was also the same. School threat to our democracy how
room? Or, on the contrary, how long will it necessary to inculcate respect. Our young CLINTON Feb. 25, 1976. farm about 90 miles north of Tor -
boards and assessments, etc . quickly all rallied to defend it. Dear Editor: onto, John, Paula and David set
Tor -
be before we do something about raising the people have conceived a contempt for all were run by the municipality ata How much more destructive is a HOSPITAL CLOSING
legal drinking age to a sensible 20 years? types of authority which will be a burden for lower cost than they orf' Hop: •t id worm that starts at the core of an Wing ham Advance -Times; Cobalt High School is celebrat off delightedly to explore their
No two people in this world can handle years to come. ing its 50th anniversary this year. new territory of forty-five acres.
the people knew what was going apple . At first the wee hole Dear Editor: To celebrate the occasion, we are It was John who made the first
liquor in exactly the same way. It is obvious What is it with our school system any- on where he went in is hardly notice- I would like to tell the people to holdinga reunion on August 2nd, disturbingdiscovery,hot ashes in
there are lots of us in our later years who can way? Any business owner or plant manager Hospitais were a commun t\ able but unless he is cut out at the open their eyes to this political 1976. g the hearth of the log cabin in
make bigger fools of ourselves with a bottle who found an employee half looped after lust forwer at the expense of
of booze than even the 18-year-olds, despite lunch would not only tell him to go home— p° We hope to contact and inform which knew one had lived
sick people. We need every tom- 311 former students and teachers for years. It was
not until after
long years of practice. It is equally apparent he'd tell him to stay there permanently. munity hospital. They were built and invite them to attend our re- Shan, the baby, was lost that the
and furnished by community union. We plan open house all day mystery of the ashes, odd noises
TODAYS' CHILD money. It was poor management 3t Cobalt High School and adin- and various other happenings
of money, so why should our sick 'ier and dance in the evening. was solved and the family could
people be left to die? All former students and teach- settledown to enjoy. their new
Everybody should share in par yrs who are interested in further life.
Ing down budgets. Dr. Smith said tetails should contact the Secre-
C o v e ra a e overdone I - BY HELEN ALLEN you can close beds and they can Anniversary Committee, Cartooning byRoyPaul Nelson
`�' be opened up again, but a hospital Cobalt. High School, Box 9, Co- How to create gag cartoons,
Thinking back to the Progressive Con- the same subject time after time when it was is very hard to open again. halt, Ontario. POJ 1C0 editorial cartoons, comic strips,
servative convention in Ottawa two weeks obvious the candidate did not prefer to an- Everybody must wake up and Yours truly, and caricatures for publication,
ill find it an interesting exercise, saver. fight this. It might be your lite Dr. L. D. McGarry, illustrated with the works of
ago we still
Robert, recently turned t4, is a good looking lad with that is lost. Somebody from an- Chairman. nearly 106 great comic artists.
and one which the entire nation had a
chance to share because of the television The public's right to know through the brown eyes. Ifew curly hair, medium tom
brown slightly
plexion plus a few freckles Ile s quiet and sh% but m subjects
coverage of every detail of that important medium of print, radio and television is one he is interested in. he can hecoine quite talkatn e
meeting. However, it is to be hoped that both which we defend totally—but there is also A healthy boy. Robert lig%es the outdoors and nature He
convention organizers and television net- the rjght of the subject to a certain amount of likes camping and sw,mnung but is not keen on sports In brie f ...
works learned something from what turned time for personal business. It would not be at Robert is in special will( ation doing work ranging all the
out to be a distinct overkill as far as news all surprising if we find that future conven- way from grade three to grode eight it is felt he could do much
coverage was concerned. titins will be organized with a stipulated better in school if he had the encouragement and pride of a •
mother and father and help m developing confidence in him News
O Nation
The TV interviewers working on the amount of time in each hour for interviews self t
floor of the convention not only provided de- and the remainder of the hour left clear for Robert's foster paren.r> he is level headed rc>ponsil le
tailed coverage, they provided a test of pa the business of the meeting to proceed un and helpful He has a sense of humor
tience on the part of candidates which was, hindered. He will be a tine son for parents w ho will apprecurtehr, quiet Well, it's finally settled. The Whelan the answer to cutting to 20 and 80 per cent would be op
at times, embarrassing not only to those they personality and well he ahle to convince hire the} know he is it San Francisco Giants will not be Canada's surplus is to convince posed to returning to the 21 -year
spoke with but the viewing public as well. At Those of us in the news business who worthwhile person coming to Toronto. Two business- more of us to drink milk. age limit.
least one candidate broke under the constant recognize not only our responsibility to To inquire about adoptm,: Hobert, please write to Toda. s men in the California city have 0-0-0 0-0-0
Child. Ministry of Comnnunt\ A Social Serciccs. Box 988
pressure and wrestled an interviewer to his report, but the individual's right to courtesy, Station K, Toronto M41' 11 in dour lever tell soething of raised $8 million to keep the Prospects of increased housing
knees right in front of the whole nation. Most get more than a little teed off with those �uur way of IrmGiants on the west coast in the village of Milverton were Tougher credit conditions will
your present fanul} and (e
other candidates were gracious when they brash young people who give the news media For "general adoption information, contact your local 0-0-0 brightened when the local council prevail following the Bank of
must have been annoyed beyond belief. a bad name. Children's Aid Society Irondon and District Building granted tentative approval for a Canada's increase of the prime
The candidates and their staffs are ex Service Workers Union has re- 136 -home subdivision in that lending rate to 9.5 per cent from 9
trem he busy people at such s convention. duced its contract wage demands community. The homes would all per cent. The prime rate is the
for an increase of $2.50 an hour. be single-family dwellings. one at which the federal bank
They must be instantly aware of every wordThe new increase demand is $1.75 0-0-0 loans to the chartered banks,
spoken by thei'r opponents, they must hear '' an hour. The union represents Herman Young, chairman of which in turn, increase that rate
hundreds of reports from their henchmen r non-medical workers in 14 West- the fund raising committee for when lending to the private bor-
and be prepared for quick decisions. In addi- Wild and ugly l ern Ontario Hospitals the completion of the Kincardine rower or to business. One of the
tion, this meeting proved they must never g y I 0__0__0
and District Community Centre, more important consequences
forget the roving eye of the TV cameras and In what we hope will be the final month One hundred and fifty employ- says it may take two years to will be an increase in the interest
the microphones forever being thrust into `
of abad winter, an ice storm, followed by ees at the Goderich Psychiatric complete the project. A cam- rates on home owners' mort-
their faces. Hospital have accepted alternate paign is at present under way to gages. However Finance Min -
howling winds, certainly proved that modern
Tr~ � .,oa.fy t .700 news people at emnlnyment to work at the insti- raise $167,000 to match a Wintario ister Donald Macdonald says that
„Ere v:%�.. "`- technology has not yet mastered the weath-
that meeting. Intervie% * were constantly tution after it has been converted grant of $385,1100, but the chair some banks will have to reduce
being demanded by ntSt one but two tele er. Ontario Hydro stated that at one point to a centre for the mentally re man expects only one-third of the their charges for services, such
last week about 3the homes in the south- tarded. Other staff members necessary money will be forth a., the sale of travellers' cheques
vision networks, as well as representatives we -,tern Sector of the province were without
of goodness knows how many newspapers. have accepted employment in coming from the present pro- or reducing interest rate spreads,
electricity. Some ioo were still without various sectors of government jects. Total cost of the complex is the difference between the rate at
Most aggravating of all must have been the service at the weeke d. Hydro hoped to have
questioners who would not accept an answer service and some have gone to 51.8 million. which the bank itself borrows and
them all back by Tuesday of this week. private employment. A total of 0 - 0-0 the rate charged to its customers
to a given question, but kept coming back to k about 300 workers were affected Terry Jones, Mississauga for loans. if the banks' profits are
by the health ministry's decision North MPP, has been appointed in excess of -the anti-inflation
�a to close the hospital to psychi chairman of an inter ministry guidelines rollbacks will be or
�:•, atric care. committee to study the problems dered, according to the minister.
Published at Wingham, Ontario. by Wenger Bros. Limited a 0 -0 -0 of teen-age drinking. He said the 0__0_0
According to federal agricul- committee will be making "very A rise of eight cents per gallon
Barry Wenger, President Robert O. Wenger, Secretary -Treasurer ture minister Eugene Whelan, strong" recommendations on in the price of gasoline and home
Canada has tried in vain to get rid what should be done to correct heating oils is predicted as early
Member Audit Bureau of Circulatioi4s - of surplus of $200 million worth of the problem. Talking to young as this summer. Negotiations are
Mcr. �r — f'nnadian Community Newspapers AMI Ontario Weekly Newspapers Assoc. skim milk powder, including of- adults across the province, Jones proceeding in Ottawa to arrive at
fering it free to underdeveloped says he finds that about So per a new "well head" price for oil.
Subscription =10.00 per year. Six months f15.25 To United States $20.00 countries. The past year has been cent favor raising the drinking Ontario is still determined to hold
one of record milk production in age to 19. There is considerably down the prices which will be
Second Class Mail Rergistration No. 0021 Return postage guaranteed NEEDS ENCOURAGEMENT many countries. According to less support for an age increase charged here.