The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-26, Page 11. !r: '. .w:: � . ,., T :.: Fati.:'iJ+.t'4W., ,:kk,'�:w ,a .. ... •. ;,.� �, ' , . .:: 'r.... , - n i s' _ , .. i ..�, � . r . • , � 4�� 1.
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The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., February 26, 1976—Page 11
_ IJIp IUUJ IuLll19...I!h
Wingham able r
fFZ �,r second antenna
f The owners of Wingham Cable
Television are in process of
y changes and additions to the
"head end" equipment, located
=P on the B Line of Turnberry.
WV In an effort to attain improv
w r reception on Channel 4, Buff o,
four poles have been exec to
carry a rhombic antenna. j Poor
/ weather conditions have delayed
' the installation of the necessary
wiring to make the new antenna
a '� 43 .? Y.b�%BiT.rrY' ,,.,.�rfnl71°i11�'+%`.• '
m 4y a F N+ functional
F' Alterations on the existing an -
COMPACT DRYER tenna to provide better reception
of Channel 11, Hamilton, have so
4 s
*Switch for heat or no heat tumbling far proved disappointing, but fur-
ther work will be undertaken � � /
*Large easy to clean lint filter shortly to bring in unproved pic-
tures may be set up to 90 minutes I
I tures from this popular station_
*Dryer stops automatically when aipa -Within coming months it is
I likely that cable viewers will
door opened KAREN COULTES received first prize for her discussion on the Guinness Book of World benefit from technical develop -
*Special thermostat prevents over- Records on Monday at the public speaking contest held at East Wawanosh Public School. ments now under way. The in -
heating Second place went to Eric Taylor on the Olympics and Karen Jaretzke took third with her stallation of a "booster" station
German holiday, in the senior group. Thirteen seniors took part in their class,, with the in Western Ontario should bring
1 winners receiving cr.estsand prizes. They were judged by Mrs. Bill Tiffin, Stewart Beattie the Ontario educational channel
and Rev. John Roberts of Belgrave's United Church. audience. This channel
SU P E RTW I N WASHER SPINNER toa wider auis not confined to scholastic pro-
*Completely portable
grams, but rather to a. wide.range
*Handles 12 pounds of clothes of interesting subjects.
When the CN Tower in Toronto
all at once \ Roof saved by f begins to carry TV, broadcasts in
* \� early spring it is expected that
F y
Efficient + quick action Y ,ti Q t 3 additional programing will be
*The ,agitator puts all the water to
y*F , available to this area. At present
' Fr . f it is not known which channels
work, quickly c k I easing i n out soil I ' The Citizens Band Club came �' x, y will n carried on the new faci-
q y g to the rescue again last Monday «f
NO SPECIAL PLUMBING � lity, nor which will be authorized
! - in order to save the roof of the � ��.. -� � .� � . for broadcast here b the Cana -
factory from .collasping. The than Radio Television Commis -
COMPACT „ I plant, on John and Leopold. .. sion,
It is highly possible that the
DRYER $209QQ I Streets,' is an old landmark in �° w construction of new micro -wave
Wingham. "• networks will still further
Barrie Paul, co-ordinator of the ; r
Citizens' Band Club, received a broaden the scope of cable tele-
., d ! FS y, >. 4
call from plant superintendent vision within the next few years,
�r QQ ;«<
subject again to CRTC approval.
Gerald Wilhelm requiring some- k 1 g pP val•
one to clean off more - than three y.
feet^of snow on some areas of the k i
,�./ WHITE AVOCADO GOLD y r k;, rim.`
- $3500
_roof. The' call came Friday even ,� � ,
`� �� R Mrs. Mabel Harris of L mbeth
STAND S ing and by Monday, Mr..Paul got j y a
the midnight shift of the club to. ° has been visiting with Johnston
do the chore. ` relatives in Bluevale and area.
The ten' man crew worked, _ ' 3 Mr. and Mrs. Carman" Nixon,
throughout Monday and Tuesday �.�� �” Grant, Lori, and Andrea of
® for a total of 20 hours to clear a London visited on Saturday with,..........
® 7,500 foot area of the roof. Mr. ;
� _ s � l�� IMr. and Mrs. Fraser Haugh and ,
Paul said some of , the workersq* :' Eileen.
were situated on a spat where the � � � � � � � ��� � Dewayne Golley was a patient
roof had previously collapsed. He a z in Wingham and District Hospital
said the workers cleared off as� r a at the weekend, following sur -
much snow,as possible. "It was au�� a e
i n rin i t g rY•
e. . big white elephant,” "'said, Mr. y � -Ivan Ha was a supper,gu est ,
9F"/A EWA =9 _ Paul. "It's a good thing it started M � ' . M. of Mr' and Mr Fr Ha
to rain because it helped to clear
off the rest of the snow. I was im-
pressed withall all the men who
came to help."
OPP investigate
two area thefts
The Wingham detachment of
the Ontario Provincial Police is
still .investigating two thefts in
the area: On Friday, Feb. 20,
thieves stole the citizeA band
radio from Tolton's tow truck at
Bluevale. The radio was valued
at $250.
Sometime during the week of
Feb. 16 - 21, thie-es.entered a
home under construction owned
by William Treadwell of Turn -
berry Township. • They stole a
television set, record tapes,
radio, sabre saw, electric drill,
tool box and a propane gas stove.
The stolen merchandise was
valued at $300.
There were only three motor
vehicle collisions involving a
total of $900 damage and one
minor injury.
Miss Deborah Dwinnell was
examined and released from the
Wingham and District Hospital
February 21 after the car she was
driving went out of control and
entered a ditch on Concession 4 in
Culross Township. She was the
lone occupant of the car at the
time of the accident.
During the same week the
Wingham detachment conducted
21'investigations, with 23 chaYges
being laid under the Highway
Traffic Act, 41 warnings being
issued and three Liquor Licence
Act charges being laid with one
impaired driver arrested.
vice-president of a Toronto e
history and attractions of
Plowmen's annual. The Int(
be held in Bruce this year.
Day, of Praye
slated for St.
Christian women of Latin Am-
erica, who have prepared the
World Day of Prayer service for
1976 on the theme "Education —
For All of Life", call their sisters
and' brothers throughout the
world to join in celebration and
prayer on March 5.
In writing of the values of .
education, the Latin Arl'terican
women stress that -education is
not simply academic instruction.
"Everything that we know must
be used as an instrument to make
life -more human in the place
where we live,"
Quoting from author Morris
West, education means being
truly human. "It costs so much to
be a full human ... One has to
abandon altogether the search
for security, and reach out with
both arms to the risk of living.
One has to embrace the world
like a lover. One has to accept
pain as a condition of existence.
One has to court doubt and dark-
ness as the cost of knowing. One
needs a will stubborn in conflict,
but apt always to total accep-
CKNX staff member and now
ngineering firm, described the
Bruce County at the Ontario
�rnational Plowing Match will
r service
These thoughts will guide
speakers and leaders as they re-
quest:that their congregations re-
discover the world as a total' re-
Offerings from the annual
World Day of Prayer services
support ecumenical projects that
communicate the gospel around._the
. world and serve human need.
This year's service in Wingham
will be held at St. Andrew's Pres- '
byterian Church at two o'clock.
Everyone is welcome to attend
this time of worship and unity to
enjoy Christian fellowship as
throughout the world people join
in a common quest for peace.
Used Car
'74 CHEV IMPALA, 2 door,
'74 CHRYSLER, 4 door se-
dan, power steering
and brakes, radio.
s. aser Ugh
and Eileen.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Ross Peacock of
Freelton visited with Mr. and
Mrs. W, J. Peacock on the week-
Dr. and Mrs. 'Jack Conti' of
Vernor; Ont., visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Keith Johnston and
"A Festival of Winter" was the
title of the sermon in Bluevale
United Church, Sunday. The ser-
vice took a different form• of re-
sponsive readings, poems and
stories.The children's story was
"Snoopy and 'Charlie Brown
Share Their Experiences". The
youth choir�ang, "Pass it on".
Complete Collision Repairs
and Painting
Towing Service
Radiator Cleaning and
Res. 357-1171 Bus, 357-1102
'73 OUSTER, 6 automatic
'73 JAVELIN, 3 -door'.
'73 DART, 4 door sedan,
6 cylinder, autocratic.
'I tance of every consequence of 73 P®NTIAC ASTRE ( 2
= living and dying." '74 DART SPORT, 6 cylin '73 CHRYSLER, 4 door,
der, automatic with
radio. hardtop
Saturday evening guests of Mr. '74 CORONET CUSTOM, 4- '72 CHEV IMPALA, 3 -door
and Mrs: Lorne Jamieson were ydoor, 6 cylinder, auto -
Mr. -and hardtop.
Mrs. Herbert Lennox of
Listowel and Mr. and Mrs. —The .Denim Disciples, youth matie, power steering '72 PLYMOUTH, 4-d®qr
Clarence Hanna. workers of St. Andrews Presby- and radio.
Mrs. Cliff Logan, Mrs. Roy terian Church, through' special sedan.
McSween and Harold Vincent at- money -raising projects on Feb- ,
tended the funeral of their aunt, ruary 14, have reached their goal 73 CHRYSLER, 2 d®or '71 CHRYSLER, 2 door
® tu
Mrs. Roland Vincent of Blyth on of $40. They intend to purchase a hardtop. hardtop.
A n rMonday. cassette player for missionary
mvJ411Mr., and Mrs. Lewis Cook and use in the Sudan Interior Mission,..................................:.......:.................::._ ......:..::..::..:._.::......
Mrs. Telford Cook visited on Sun- Africa.
day with Mr.,.,Stanley Cook of Cal- —Rev. Barry Passmore spoke
lendar Nursing Home, Brussels on the importance of tithe church
® m ' and with Mrs, Jean Taylor of in society when he addressed
Brussels. members of his morning congre-
nnt;nn nt +he iTnitad r`hilreh HP
rw ingham *Ralf �� 7 ' %P Judith
and ivirs iirii.i! rtuublavu, a----�•- _
Judith and Leslie of Rexdale and said the influence of the church is!
Mrs, Ivan Telfer` of Weston were very important in the community WINGHA M*
weekend visitors with Mrs. Far] and asked each member'- "Are
P o f a i 3 e a
Anderaon You pulling y ur Weight^
,..,..°...An..aau�Oaa«r+�aiv�D+„>m�•,�+wowna «., v. . ,.�... •a.:.�•�-.« '..,. ."wro'.•m«.,u.,....,,.,,,,y,-,.. ,,. .. �. p. i�ar L >,, f