The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-19, Page 9..� ,:va.^.�. ..,.. .K.war .::"•'iy�� 6'fptCw#w'4"rerri'^ p•.•' WWW.,.alldr^^v.iw.iJa,;t,::,.'a;(%F6'� ;u�+s ,o+vn^r�ry*'+"""�"k.a...w'_�r
aper. i� 4 -' .�,!-T ,' .'�;,. :.• a ,
Unused electrical wall outlets A child should not be left un- ® j' The Winlgham Advance -Times, Thurs., February 19, 1976—Page 9 ,t
should be covered with a safety attended with electrical appli,
devise, recommends 51:. John antes that are in operation- ""' � e to
Ambulance.,Young children have cautions St. John ambulance. A
been serigdsl injured or even •
Y j � child's natural cus�iosit can often �•. � ,. I
electrocuted as a result of g Yr ���� �� �rI�Q#�IV�11
le4d to tri edw When 1 ft un � — FTTFR.S
tamper tng with sut!la outlets. i ■ .1■ • ■ ■ ®®r , ■ Y %fr # ii V �Ii,s>apery sed. � ] � =.,
fi I ..
BELMORE — A community Dickson. Supplies all be looked r TO EDITOR
meeting was held Monday night. after by Mrs. Lore Fischer.F
to set up committees and finalize In charge of equipmeiit, are Dear Editor: b
® plans for the Maple Syrup Festi- Tom Inglis ata r'reor a Dickson. t
g This letter is directed to dog`
val. Mrs. Ralph Dickson was John Dickso and Jack Stafford ,
�1 y �; � z .� -,, ` , F � � . owners, and I don't mean those � 5
secretary for the meeting and are in char of tickets and ticket �:;, ; n who love their pets and keep
Bruce Harkness was elected as booths. other committees are: ys
them tied u at hom : This is for
chairman of the ninth annual chairs and tables, Lorne Fischer, � y P e
�. those who think it ' fine for their
festival. Actin as vice-chairman Vic Gorel Wilfred Johann, alph g9�
Acting , a` a dogs to roam the reefs, tearing u 5...
BAYER Will be Barr Mulvey. Advertis- Dickson;ice removal Brian �c:,,; K
Y Y•
. � _ ..«�. � v �� up garbage and making a mess.
ing committee is Mrs. Jack Marston, Walter Rem-Aclt, JohMn = N g g TM�
I sent about an "hour this a
Stafford and Mrs. Murray Dickson; tours and entertain- - `» s morning in the emergency room tri,
S�� I N , ®®s Garniss. Anyone wanting invita- ment Mr. and Mrs. _Jim Ren-
} '' ' � ,� at the hospital with one of my
tions, posters or information is wick, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm " `
p children who had been bitten by a � u
Tel® asked to please contact these and VIi .and lViis. Ralph Dickson; ?' un ? dog. Why should this happen t
ladies. traffic, Keith Mulvey and Jim ,�
Miscellaneous booths are beingwhen there is a by-law that says
McKa ue; 'washroom facilities
g;. „v all dogs are to be tied up?
SHAL looked after by Mrs. George and maintenance, John Wilhelm, r Remember that your dog is
oz. ® Kieffer, Mrs. Jim Fischer and Doug Baird, John Moffat, Randy ', w our responsibility—if you care
Mrs. Elmer Ballagh, the meat Scott and Dwight Metcalfe.' Y
for it, keep it out of trouble. x�
PLANTER'S - Cocktail and sausage booth by Harold Looking after registration are s Mrs Bill Hanula ;
Finlay and Murray Mulvey. Food Robert Harkness and Tom 134 Charles St.
A N TS control is under the direction of Darling. Mac Inglis was ap-
®z. tin ® Mrs, Stan Hays and Mrs. John pointed as treasurer. It was . - y tet•
decided to leave the prices the y
same as last year: adults, $2.50; r"
w � �
FLINST®NE - Children's y ,.I children 12 and under, $1.25. ® _
Molesworth r�® MS There will be a pancake hpuse k "� t �f I'®1� t
in the arena from April 1 to 15��� y
VITAMINS$2*59The afternoon group of the Px�, CLASSIFIED ADS
Where pancakes, maple syrup
1 ®®s WMS of Molesworth Presby
terian Church met for their Feb- and sausages will be served
every night from 5 p.m, to 8 p.m.
ruary meeting in the Sundayag r Phone
SUN COUNTRY The festival will be from 11,a.m. e.>� : ` $J.
School room of the church. There to 8 p.m. on April 17. �•�'
were 15 ladies present. W • ,
A verse on prayer opened the r� �Qg�Qm y 4
meeting, .followed by a hydrin and THE SACRED HEART grades one and two classes had their own special "ma ilmen" for
Mrs. W. D. Campbell re Valentine's Day. They were: front, Doug Montgomery and Paul Fear; back, Sean Kieffer, ��� - ���®
prayer. p UCW donatesFRESHENER., pY and MurrayN1Urra Skinn
ported on the Presbyterial annual Y Doug
meeting in January.
y The Molesworth group will err Harkness, ou ie Snider � ;f4
g P to Touth,'Group
with the Uorrie congregations forPIPE TOBACCO the World Day of Prayer to be
held in Gorrie United Church on WROXETER — The United
March 5. Church Women held their meet a
®z. tin ® Mrs. George McDonald read ing in the Sunday School room on
from the Phillip's translation Tuesday, February 10. Mrs'. Jack � � �:••
scripture. Mrs. John Freeman Clarke presided and opened the x
read the Japanese version of the . meeting with a poem followed by 4.
23rd Psalm. -the scripture reading and Mrs. ,
Mrs. Mel Dennis introduced the Warren Fines read the commen-
study for the year, using a,geo- tart' followed by prayer: Mrs.,
graphical chart to the loci -p Lillian Gallaher gave a short talk
tions of JapaTiawan, on "Your Future Needs". pF
islands along the hAsian coast. Mrs. Lloyd McGee occupied the �
CHIPS Members learned that the chair for the business 'period.
8.8 o z V Korean in Japan is on the lowest Mrs. Harvey Coupland gave the , �z r z"; y`
social level there, and also is very treasurer's report. Money was
receptive to Christianity: Tiawan donated . to the Youth Group so
` Getyour :.
T R I A N•G C E has a good educational' system Rev. Ball can buy games or books ?. Olympic Tickets and
t . ®1 ®� T and is productive both in agrici�l- that are necessary. The garden Group buy forms at
Amy rr .rr �I�l��i ia►imt�ey (,Ti« mu•� LMAW The WMS aim and purpose was party
" Y Y . "; R I`���" pharmacies
tore and industry. art will be held Wednesday, variety
P P Ma 26 in the communit hall. qa, . rmacies and
repeated in unison and the Miz- bunch was served b Mrs. p
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon t® Six pah benediction closed the meet-
Y grocers everywhere. };
Allan Munro and Mrs. Stewart ,H
ing. Higgins
,, Its '
" gonna a t
R aPre=, n a, ion r,i c, es
MERRY CHAOS prevailed in Mrs. Don Carter's grades one and two. last Friday when the As(
students undertook a St. Valentine's Day celebration. The special day called for. food, funk.
and laughter and there was an abundance of all three.
+ ® ® • EU.CHRE, PARTY About
C e n t e n n i a l 1 S re view"
w ed �LUEVALE — The euchre
party which was
cause cause of poor. weather was held at '
C� t St. An'drew's A n n u a' the hall on February 12. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott ay Mr. and Exciting.
i The annual business meeting of display of centennial banners and Mrs. Les Greenaway were in
the congregation of St. Andrew's th^ld-fashioned church service charge. The prizes were as fol-
Presbyterian Church was held on conducted by Dr.. Finlay Stewart, lows: •
F bruar. , 9. After an enjoyable Mrs. Jack Henderson, scene High lady, Mrs..Mungo McFar o
That's I ht - check .these rices against what you ot, luck supper, the meeting was tare -treasurer, read the minutes leve; high man, Wes Underwood; r'' -- ..�
`� called to order by Rev. Robert . of the last annual meeting. Re- low lady, Mrs. Stan Moffatt; low '`
are paying now and you'll be ald you did . ports from nineteen. or ani- man, Gond Machan; lucky draw,
p ,/ (� �/ g .Armstrong. An interesting set of p g Cameron Ross, G�o
S. n
r slides was shown reviewing the zations and individuals were re- The regular euchre will be put
Our girls want to be busy and If this SALE doesn .t events that happened at St. An- viewed and acelpted.
on by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
I11®v� people then we're not interested in drew's during the celebration of The new business included -the Edgar and Mr.. and Mrs. Ed Ste -
r the centennial of the Presby- reading of, a letter to St. An-
-, wart 'on Feb. 19.
q ` terian Church in Canada. Includ- drew's, promising that the new ' °
/`� V I N MONEY. ed were pictures of the erectioh of organ would be ready 'a'nd in -
the centennial 'sign, the preach- stalled in time 'for Easter. In
ing mission of Dr. Mariano Di anticipation of the final payment
Gangi, the Sunday School picnic, of the debt on the building, a NOTICE
the cradle roll, graduation, the discussion was held fegarding
Pant Suits for only the celebration of the: tenth anni-
y95 versary of the opening of the pre- IF YOUR ADVANCE -TIMES LABEL
Dresses Senior ei�tizens Sent church in May 19le READS FEB., 9-8-7-6
Six people were elected to \
serve on the Board of Managers. Men's Suits plan "Fury Night" They are Johnston Conn, John A. Y®UR SUBSCRIPTION IS DUE
OR any combination'of above Currie, -R. John Currie, Mrs. Jo
Plans to hold a "Fun Night" English. Gordon Leggatt and
were finalized when the Wing- Gerald Smith.
ham Senior Citizens held their, ' Special words of appreciation Advance4imes
February meeting in the Armour- were given to the Ladies' Auxili-
ies on Tuesday c, ening. The spe- ary for such activities as the 4 a
Pants®ants or Slacks tial event will take place Febru- Nearly New store,' quilting,
ary 26 at 8 o'clock. catering to weddings and fun -
Skirts or Light Jackets
' 'Mrs. Lewis chaired the meet- erals, etc. Appreciation was also � Come to, our
ing which opened in the usual expressed to the Centennial
OR any combination of above manner. Minutes were read and Committee to Rev. and Mrs. � 11141 G
the treasurer's report given. Mrs. Armstrong for their faithful
Lillian Patterson resigned as Christian witness in the church .
corresponding secretary as she is and the community, to the organ
leavin town. Mrs. FN'eryn Scow SPRING CLEAN YOUR DRAH5g and the St, iu re 's
was appointed to take her place, and the St. Andrew's Bell Ring- � ®� �� J � � �,�®
Jim Breckenridge was chair- ers, to the Sunday School teach -
man for the program which ers, to Mrs. Don Robertson, the 159 William Street, Palmerston
everyone enjoyed, Clark John- organist, to Mrs. M. Cleland, the
ston entertained in his usual jo- office assistant, and to Terry February 27 and 28
® DIS(OUNT vial manner with songs and Nethery, the caretaker. The
2 jokes. Mrs. Mary Burchill gave a meeting was adjourned and Rev. n
humorous readingabout "Ma lam-
g- Armstrong closed in prayer. � � FASHIONS FOR THE MOTHER -TO -BE'
gie 'and Jiggs in Heaven" and , i, icons dresses pantsults linger o
Mrs.. Breckenridge played sev-
At all threeSpeed.Neen'Stores era] numbers on the accordion. VALENTINE EUCHRF, FURNITURE FOR THE NEW BABY
Mrs. Kay Aitcheson, in costume, FORDWICH Th@ Senior b� dieoers owllor,, peonrs
.A 'gave a couple of humorous skits Citizens held a Valentine euchre �,r,ss,,,q tahiPs
Mount Purest and Mrs. Verena Bone gave two party in the community hall on
Listowel readings. February 13' High lady was Mrs, � HANDMADE CRAFTS
__ , .. � Wellington Street IIIIingharn Lunch was served by the com• Doris Adams; low lady, Mrs. \ • C ,h q ,its ,woofer sets shawls
�e,9 y/al IaCe ._ - � - mittoo in rhnrpe and a social George Ashton; high man, Carl
near new Post ®f- 330 Josephine St. time enjoyed. Geiger; low man, JIM warreii;
Avenue South . The next regular meeting will birthday Feb. 13, Mrs. Allison COFFEE AND DONUTS
flce be held the third Tuesday, March Demerling; lucky cup, Mrs.
IB, at two o'clock. borne Kelly. ,
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