The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-19, Page 5JUNIOR GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL front, Joyce Martin,
Mary De Bruyn, Joan Huether, Nancy Dickson, Esther
Nethery, Linda Taylor; back, manager Mary Dickson, Lise
Gunby, Betty Meurs, (mascot Eunice), Carol Webster,
Cathy Cruickshank, Janet Wood, coach Miss Schofield,
absent Norma Maclntire.
Josephine St. Wingham
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Mar. 1 - Apr. 29 ... On Tuesdays and Thursdays
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® The Wingham Advance -Times, Thurs., February 19, ,1976—Page 5
I r
The hospital Issue - who cares Club activity Soho®I Doze
The closing of area hospitals is good experience. You Boob forget After school as you sit devour- This year, an "old fashioned" y"
a major issue right now — one pain and discomfort when you mg your milk and cookies in front winter has hit the town of, Wing -
which affeevery one of us. are surrounded by ffamiliar of the television set, members of
cts ham, bringing with it joys, '~
Last week I thought: "Well, friendly faces. There was a the Yearbook Club sit chewing disillusions and many disappoint- y s
warmth that is hard to describe their pencils at late meetings as ments.': r N
that's progress, I guess — there's
nothing I can do." Hospitals — the warmth of people, who they work to reach their deadline. Disappointment Is:
The club has added eight more
g people., The greater part of the Winter
weren't really an integral part of care for people, Helpin
pages to the 1976 yearbook, so 44 Carnival cancelled because of too n°
my life. This made me stop and think pages remain to be handed in
Then this week, I suddenly how I would feel if sudden' I had before the March 15 deadline. B much snow,
found that I faced a series of tests y Y Waking aap in the morning to
at the hospital — and at once the to go to a hospital in a major working diligently and missing snow and how rin AfiYids° only to
hospital became a r- centre, although I m sure the "The Flintstones" the club has find that every school in the area
P Y im p° nurses and doctors would be as managed to send four extra is closed except F. E. Madill S.S.
tant place. friendly, it just wouldn't be the pages. The 10 hardworking,,. _ Shivering in one frigid class
I was scared. When I entered F. E. MA®ILL Student Council executive: Henry
the front doors I felt m les same as being cared for by dedicated regular members of room, and looking forward to the
Y g people I know. the Yearbook Club deserve our next "warm" class, only to find Olechowski, assistant to the vice president; Janet�Cardeff,
shaking under me. Then, at the I think that most people realize co-operation and congratulations vice president; Lois McLaughlin, president; Mariclrle
reception desk, I was greeted you can see your breath in there Powell, secretary;MurrayP
with a great big smile. This this. Now that I have discovered for a job well done. Everyone too. Murra Keith, assistant to the resi-
ft, I no longer feel that closing should work to meet the dead- Leaving our car in the parking dent; Brian Wall, treasurer.
helped a lot, but what really gave local hospitals is progress. I feel lines of the Yearbook Club (grad lot in the morning and at night
me a little bit of courage was the that if theovernment truly photos, activity write-ups) so the
g e finding it has disappeared; then
fact that the receptionist didn't
have to ask me whom dad was wishes to prune budgets, there staff can meet the company's realizing that that great mound of
or where I lived. She already must be ways to do it which will deadline. Working together we white is the vicinity. where you
knew, hurt the public in general to a can help the yearbook staff left it. Teachet'Interview
I went on to the emergency lesser degree, produce the best yearbook yet. When CKNX predicts a fine
department and there the nurses So, here I am — one person. But spring day and it turns out to be a MISS SCHOFIELD the school that she is also an
recognized me. These were I know there are a lot of people Q blizzard. Miss Schofield is in her second accomplished guitarist. Her
people who had looked after the who feel as I do. So what can we Club N e w S Being storm -stayed for three year of _teaching at Madill. She favourite colour is blue and she
rest of my family. They soon had do about it? I have no idea, but I whole days without your books, teaches Physical Education and has no special favourites among
me laughing and relaxed. I felt as know this: it's all up to us. What Intended for last week Wand coming to find you're having Health grades 9 and 11 and Home foods because she enjoys them
if I was among friends. happerfs or doesn't happen, re- This is only the second year a test that day. . Nursing, grade 10. Miss Schofield all.
The whole day, a' day I had fleets on us, as people. Howthat the Safety Awareness Con -
A snow storm on Friday night grew up in Belleville, Ontario Miss Schofield has a soft spot in
dreaded, turned out to be a Dretty strongly do you feel about it? test has operated as an activity. and not being able to get out until where she attended Quinte her heart for dogs, one in particu-
Prior to last year it had operated Monday. Secondary School. To further her lar. Miss Schofield is part owner.
on its own, without club status. The view from Mr. Morrison's education she studied at Me- of "Obi" a very friendly Tattle
The Safety Awareness Contest is English room — snow all the way Master University for four years. dog. Its name stems from the
run similar to the "Reach for the up the windows. Miss Schofield previously taught word obesity ... it eats too much.
® Riding on a late bus and hoping at Blind River District High Miss Schofield is planning to
s� • Top" contest but all of the ques- that you'll, miss the Math test School, continue teaching at F. E. She
an ��l�i 1�,� tions involve various aspects of first period, only to find that you She enjoys most sports. likes the students at F. E. Besides
safety: For the past two years F. E.Madill was runner-up in the arrive ten minutes late ... and I[Aitening to music and reading teaching Phys -'Ed she coaches
"Lost, yesterday, somewhere another assignment). regional contest. This year the you still have to write� the test. are two more of her hobbies. It senior girls basketball, junior
between sunrise and sunset two An F. E. Madill student will team 'composed of And Heim, Hearing that all other buses has been rumoured throughout girls' volleyball and .badminton.
AnyY She commented on Madill's
r are leaving early became of the
golden hours, each set,.with sixty. readily agree that there are cer- Robert Strauss, Glenn McLean School spirit: More winning
diamond minutes. No reward is tain days when you Wish for and Cordon Wray won this con- blizzard, and yours doesn't come P
teams would improve our school
offered for they are gone for- nothing but next week — 2,000 test and travelled to Ingersoll for until the regular time.
AFTER READING spirit, .more school spirit would
ever." word English essay due the inter -regional contest: Here TWO SOLITUDES help produce more winning
We each use and measure time tomorrow, should • start. soon, competition was- much keener QUESTIONNAIRE?? Bonjour, O' young one, teams. When the teachers and
so differently it is almost beyond .. Geography project coming up, with many.of the competitors so What is' your opinion of this Are we so different? students were competing in a
comparison and to students it ;impossible Math questions, oh, knowledgeable of safety prat- year's. dances? It is true, we speak separate game of broomball (winter
seems to take on a whole new. no, another late slip, three books tices that interrupting the ques-. 0-0-0 tongues, carnival week), Miss Schofield
definition. Time is 9:00 - 4:00 p.m. to have read before exams, snow tion was common. F. E. Madill ."I like 'em" -Kathy Cruiek- 'Your traditions are not mine; proved to be an exceptional
and is Monday to Friday; time is up to your hips, with a plaved its best game of the year. shank, 9C My culture is not yours. player, mainly because of her .
September to June and is first running nose and no kleenex' against a much superior team 0 0 0 But, do - we have one single checking students into the
grade to graduation. We, as stu- Just one of "those' days' from Tillsonburg but lost by three "During my time as a foreign element that makes, us one? boards.
dents, use a very unique scale to But we should -be. greedily questions to become runner-up. correspondent for the United Do we.. not live Now if you see a green Datsun
measure it. Time is not here -for swallowing up every moment of Congratulations to the team. Nations, I have seen many great on the same map? 2402 whiz past the school on Ftti-
perspiratiort, work or the making every day because twenty-four Once again this year the ere- bands and the best come to F. E: Are we not enveloped days. at 3:24 you'll know Who
of memories — no, for us it is the hours can contain so much oppor- ative writing club is sponsoring a 'Madill. —Jack Vath 13C into one diverse folder?• deserves a speeding ticket .. .
mere passing between happy tunity, and satisfaction and bliss. contest. This contest is to decide 0-0-0
Can ' w,e not be; simply, Cara- . Miss Schofield.
moments. Don't wait for ' extraordinary who can write the best short , "Looking Good" --Syd 11E & dians? Mary Anne
How can we be ,so negligent , circumstances to realize times' story, poem or essay. Prizes are Diz 11D So we must learn 'to trust each
with such a precious gift? Well bounty, try to use ordinary ones; $20,$10, and $5. Come•on. Display 0-0-0 other.
you see, we think one can kill you'll find they are just as that talent you know you have. "How would I know, I, have • I did not take your land on pur-
time without injuring eternity. rewarding and far more fre Enter the. creative writing con- nothing to do with them." =Mark pose in '59;•
Tiffin, (social convener).
We are living with the detri- quent. test. n 0 0 0 France really did not care about "
mental theory that today holds ' We are young first of all and you; r Friends Are,
little and means nothing (except next we are impulsive (touching LOVING AGAIN "I thought Major Hoople was She would have sold you to 'the
perhaps the completion of on incompetency) and whim If it's' true you've been in love great" —Kate O'Gorman 12E Spaniards in time
sical. No excuses — be cautious before,. 0-010 And I needed you then, NiV Thing
too -cause lost time can never be There's no need to feel ashamed. Wish we would have polka's, Just like you need me now.
found. For the heart that's truly learned waltzes and square dances" — I'm sorry'about Riel,
Joan Leishman; Editor to love, Kate Farrell 13A So" ehow justice was not clear to TO Have...,
® 'Can truly love again. 0-0-0 me. then..
"The older kids hardly ever . But now, lam transformed..
'Resolute, with its population of For you see, a heart that's loved come. It's mostly the younger I belong to no one, least .of all, '
210 inhabitants, is the only settle- and lost, grades. They're great". — Britain.
ment on Cornwallis Island in the Loses much of pride. Theresa Cronin I am no longer her child., and j
Northwest ',Territories, 960 nau- So'it h•as,a lot more room, .0-0-0 you ceased'to be France's heir
tical miles due north of Churchill,, To hold real love inside. • :'Ian Thomas sure•;,wasn't what -long'ago. ?ryr '
'�---� Manitoba. Teena O'Hagan I expected".' —Fern Adams 11A' We are adolescents;.
a Reaching out to our new found
And because we are the same,
I see your mistakes more clearly
., than mine.
�p � � i � � �'
k�u►!G.'1U�U UV o w Your tantrum frightened me., THIS EMBLEM IS"THE
I k i. g for +he, x Gradually I came to respect your
o o
�• potential; SIGN OF GOOD BUSI-
+ { rs signs of S prir�q', "'' 1 I realized your pride had been NESS XN D GOOD
damaged, and your p' ide would FRIENDS.
come i
before my fall. For information call:
a w
I knew you would not kill Cross 357-3275
ffa�u �p You see, I do not understand you, 1)p Phonp
' But like a brother, I know you,
,,� „ ,; So we must attempt to live with
new. I ' each other, L
"r r Not just -out of a need,
` I �W But out of a love. j
So run' along, little one; •
Ft* Plopessmway . �4, �' l�' W g y _ .
,It will not be long before you are
' Perhaps then, grown.Registered Retirement
�Ya v Plans
You will realize Sa tri S
How much we love each other.
�. This poem was written by
a E 1larilyn Congram after reading
CN Express announces the opening of Starting February 16, 1976, dial these -"'` the book Two Solitudes by Hugh
a new modern terminal at Kitchener neve CN numbers for express services. � � , !MacLennan. The book is a story
for improved service throughout the ` 3 § of the French and English -speak -
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Owen Sound, Peterborough, St Catharines,
Toronto, Windsor and MONTREAL cj\j exspoftk ress
K ;
IMPORTING SNOWMEN into this area might sound like too much of a good thing, but
these tWo are really different. Called "borthommes", they were purchased by Dale and
Scot Lougheed as mementos of a"trip by Madill students to the Quebec Winter Carnival.
The group spent four days in Quebec City, returning home tired but happy last Thursday.
�Nti,N(v.+« Fl .475,. We 'Nln;..�e ...rvea,;ywM+r+-.^r.. -Y .,�ns'^•� , , \"� �:.... ...... r .... � ,i..i . ... _._ ..............-...-a-..
,e.. t.-..,.."vivstwudltitlydml •... ,x .•
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Paid On
You hurt me,
But you didn't care.
live Fear term
I loved you,
Now I hurt everywhere.
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I want you,
to see where you went wrong.
But I can't tell you,
Member Canada Deposit
and soon I will be gone.
Insurance Corporation
I loved you, i
With all my heart and soul. .
And this lingers,
) verywhete I go.
I tell you,
4 �., n,• 4 . f RRQ
That I must say goodbye.
But sincerely,
Mrs. Shoron E. Scott
I don't want to try.
Teens O'Hagan
Moin Street Listowel