The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-19, Page 1r
4i97 'T
FIRST SECTION Wingham, Ontario, Thursday, February 19, 1976 Single Copy Not Over 25c
The plans for expansion of the sit tight for another week or In other business, Board Chair-
Wingham and District Hospital two," he said. man DeWitt Miller reported that
came under discussion once more Mr. Hayes urged the board to the public relations committee
during last Wednesday's meeting consider meanwhile the rapid in- met on January 28 to consider
of the hospital board of directors. crease of "geriatrics" through- ways of improving the image of
This most recent discussion, out this entire area and the prov- the hospital. Mr. Hayes elaborat-
however, was slightly different in ince. He suggested that a review ed on several of the suggestions,
dimension from that at the Janu- of the situation might call for
ar meetin —in view off Ontario expansion of certain hospital
including the possibility of estab-. .the public relations committee.
lishing an "ombudsman" at theTwo nominations were re -
hospital. "I don't care how good ceived fgr the annual meeting to
you are, you can always im- be held March 19. They \vere
prove," he concluded. The John Fischer from Huron County
matter will be further discussed and Gerald Gibson from Brus-
after more complete review by sels.
Y g
Health Minister Frank Millet's services or even the 'implemen- Tea
� � � r salary � I � r y
policy of hospital closures and tation of new wards. He told
I, l b d 1 ar
bo d members he would tr to
osp�ta e c osures. y
The Wingham hospital board obtain reports on the issue for a
was informed in a. letter last future meeting. /� Boar
month that any plans for expan- Asfor hospital closures—``All started b Huron—■perth
sion will have to be postponed we can do is just pray for Sun y
until at least next year and that day,',' Mr. Hayes said. He re- by Wilma Oke creased from $2 million to $'J English Catholic Teachers'
no answer will be forthcoming assured the board that the Wing- The Huron -Perth County million with an ' increased Association will get underway on
until December 1976 `at the ear- ham hospital is in no, danger from Roman Catholic Separate School premium of $208.15. February 25 with Zone 2 held at
liest. This 'decision, however, that threat, however: "We have Board voted to start , salary The board will continue to have St. Patrick's School,. Dublin, at NOT MUCH INTRODUCTION is needed for this well-known twosome, but this week the
nitiating al ole stud' and possibilitye the eHe also p1resent d stat s ics coassurances from m- negotiations with teachers on the financial statement printout 10:30 a.m. and at St Joseph's earned the spotlight. Carol Wheeler and Blaine Moore returned Monday with silver
liminary,plans.• Y P paring he Wingham hospital to at the 1. Thedecision board meetin made
produced by Monteith P Com -
School, Kingsbridge at 7:30 p.m. medals in the Ontario Winter Games held Saturday in Sault Ste. Marie. Medals are
monthly g pany of Stratford for the Named to the ad hoc committee
Roly Kaufman, board member, other general hospital's in the Seaforth on Feb. 9. January to May, June to for
August Focus on Faith -was Anthony nothing new to the talented pair, but second place in Ontario is definitely cause for con -
suggested that this course of ac- province with respect to costs In other business, the board and each month thereafter for the Chafer, newly hired co-ordinator gratulations and cheers.
tion could be best, since the and occupancy. Wingham regis also voted to expand the school year 1976.
matter is still urgent and needs tered lower over-all costs and a site of, the Immaculate Conte y The public speaking semi- for the family life program;
consideration. He suggested that higher percentage occupancy P p p g board chairman, Arthur Haid;
tion School in Stratford by the finals sponsored by the Ontario and board vice-chairman Ted
the board formulate a policy of rate than the average figures purchase of a house and lot on 233 Geoffrey.
guidelines on the issue. presented in the Ontario Hospital Queen Street. The cost to 'the �n brief .. .
To datte 25 teachers have taken
Executive Director Norm Association summary. boafd will be $20,000., the family life course at Fitch -
Hayes proposed that the matter All policies for general insur- rr ongham girl
was ever as a summer course, and
The. of efficient
be tabled at least until 'the next Y ante for the board will be .
this year the board will, again pay • .
meetingof the mane ement also supported in a preliminary bitten t,t e n b y dog tuition fees of about $250• each for News Of the Na�'O g renewed with the Duron -Perth
committee. "By that time, we year-end financial report for -insurance agents' association
1975. The Wingham hospital was g A young Wingham girl was eight e. 10 teachers to •take the
should have an idea of what's g P Y g g
through Leeson -Filler Insurance course. Of the 19 schools in the
happening in this area, if $87,620 underbudget for total Limited, Stratford, for one year treated at the Wingham and Dis- With altered plans for con- can be dangerous where, only the
operating costs in 1975 based on. Y trict Hospital Tuesday morning Huron -Perth system, nine g Y repeatedly threatened to punch a
anything," he explained. P g to Feb. 26 1971. •The annual P Y g struction at Ontario Hydros strapthat crosses the la is em newspaper re orter on the nose
He said he agrees the hospital the unaudited figures. This figure after being bitten by oneof a pack schools have not had a staff Bruce Nuclear Develo Pp
p• premium will -be $25,012.58, in- member take the course, and P ployed: However, he agreed that when an altercation developed at
could proceed with role study reflects a decrease in total hos- eluding accident insurance for of dogs on the way to school. Mrs. these teachers will be invited to. employment forecasts have been when both lap and shoulder belts a joint meeting of city and county
preparation on its own, but ex- pital days for 1975 as presented in the superintendent of program. Bill Hanula said that daughter issued for the benefit of munici- are used it is likely that lives will finance committees. The report -
the statistical report of over 1,000 P P g Debbie,. 15, was treated for a bite attend. The objective is .to have a.
plaind that the matter will P The limits of legal liability trained teacher in each school to. palities in the Tiverton area. It is be saved. er, employed by The Stratford
eventual] have to'clear through days. The "baddebt" write-off t t, p net -ate<' the blue jeans now indicated that 1976 will be the
y gh Y under the policies .non -owned teach the. family life program. • 0-�0 Beacon Herald, was attempting
and socks- Y P g
a district health council when•one for 1975 was close to $1,500 as automobile, owned automobile Trustee F. J. Vere of Stratford p�•; k year for employment at the Opposition Leader Stephen to attend what he believed was to
is established. "All we can do is compared to about $2,400 in 1974. Mrs. Hanula reported the inti- Point with approximately 9,000 ' be an open meeting. He said he
P and school liability be in- was named to re resent the PP Y 'Lewis said he is not anxious for p g.
dent to the Wingham police who P workers.' From 1976 forward the an election but unless the Davis had n I idea whythe Stratford
detailed an officer to investigate
boa, d on the . SEratfor ei`8ure
g' work force will diminish to about government can be persuaded to alderman launched a personal
the ,case. Chief Robert Wittig re
Advisory Council. The'I,�.xt meet
the 3,000 in 1986. change its restraint policies the attack on him. Mr. Bradshaw
e ported later in the da that three inf; of the council is Wednesday,
P Y 0�0 matter may have to be settled "at later apologized to the .man he '
of the dogs in the pack were r;r'lary 18..
'Town e nra_g;�,d ` ` ,,.te decision P Hospitals in Virgil, Paris, the polls The Legislature had threatened.
rounded up and .impounded but y orlderned .about the loss of Cpo er Cliff, Toronto, Chesle 0--0-0
that the rest of the pack is still assessment in the two counties, andwinter recess, Durham were last week reconvenes s, March after the
the board administration is to the first occasion Donald Tansley, administrator
roaming the streets. ordered closed by provincial on which a vote of confidence .of the Anti-inflation Board's poli -
The info the possibility of could called.
t o c I®s e, u p' Durha Memorial
p dogs running Investigate P • Y• Health Minister Frank Miller.
The problem of do be � ]lied. - cies on wage and price control;
at -large, is not unique. Wingham getting information tinoHuing protests, of course are manifold.
changes in assessment 'in •Huron 0=-0-0 has ordered the Irving Paper Co
Public School Principal John g Doctors' Hospital in . Toront`o' Toller .Cranston, Canadian of New Brunswick to pay $125,000
Mann said that dos have in- and Perth counties.
by Dave Wenger looked on the decision as a theft the patient load: g claims it serves a -special ethnic figure skating champion, in fines for granting its employ -
A Mount Forest councillor was of their name: Durham Memorial has been vaded the 'school playground /� group in their own foreign lan- emerged in the winter Olympics ees a pay increase of 23.8 per
right on with his prediction •of A ministry of labour decision in under the gun from provincial when children are out at recess-, Lucky y winner guages, a service riot available in at Innsbruck, Austria, with the cent. �'he company had ignored a'
trouble in Durham on Friday. February of last year closed the health officials since 1964 when and that two or three dogs run- the larger Toronto hospitals bronze medal, emblematic- of directive to roll the increase back
Approaching Durham Memorial town's arena, the heart of the Ontario Hospital Services Com- ning together have been spotted in 50-50 draw where patients are not cared for third place. He was bested by to 14 per cent. However, the
Hospital, and, a crowd. -of about community in winter' The minis- mission suggested an area hos- "the odd time". "We try and 5 by their own family physicians. John Curry of Britain with the paper company had sought to
400 demonstrators upset because try decided that the '22 -year-old pita] at Walkerton. A econd ar^a chase them -away," Mr. Mann ex- Mrs. Walter Brown of Victoria The Copper Cliff Hospital was gold and Vladimir Kovalev of the protect its position by paying the
of news that the hospital would be building could not withstand the proposal came from OHSC in 1968 plained. Street was the lucky winner Fri- being subsidized at' the rate of USSR with the second place $100,000 in excess of the govern -
closed by Health Minister Frank snow loads of winter and the and on both occasions, concerted About 100 dog bites were re- day in the Atom All-Star 50-50 $200,000 a year by the Inter- silver. Cranston was critical of ment figure into escrow, . by
Miller, Harold Reeves questioned doors were shut. efforts by citizens of the area de- Ported throughout Huron County draw. The prize half of the money national Nickel Co. the Russian judges who were which the money would be held
the light security. "I wouldn't Rita Lawrence, president of the feated the idea. , in 1975. Chief Public Health In- amounts to $350. 0-0-0 severe in their marking against back until a decision was
walk into that crowd without Durham Business and. Profes- The board breathed a little eas- spector Jim McCaul said this ,is The $350 balance earned by the Statistics'from Ottawa indicate him in the initial round of figures. reached. Despite this precaution
protection," he warned. sional Women's Association ier in 1971 when then Mir.:. ter of probably only half the actua"i Atoms in four hard weeks of work that while there were 800,000 job- 0--0--0 Irving will forfeit that amount
It. was only a short time later 'summed it up as level headed as Health Dr. Potter attended a cases of dog bite incidents. Re- will be used for a team trip to the less in Canada, no less' than Alderman David , Bradshaw of plus a $25,000 fine. The case will
that the minister was pelted with any 'one. "We don't have much board meeting and promised that ports are received from police Toronto :Maple Leaf Gardens to 197,000 were holding more than Stratford is reported to have be appealed.
snowballs, jeered and jostled by left now," she said. the hospital would not be closed departments,, hospitals and see a Junior 'Agame. The trip is one job
the crowd. The people were obvi- Kenneth Cook knows full well during his administration. He physicians. He explained that scheduled.. for Sunday, Feb. 22. 0__-4--0
ously stirred up with a long wait what a hospital means to a small promised to get them quick ap- owners of dogs who have bitten Prizes were also, awarded to Toronto will not see the San
Museum e u m display W f I I be
and cold weather, filled with de- town. He suffered a heart attack proval for an addition. - people can be prosecuted under the boys who sold the most tickets Francisco Giants coming north.
spair. . and angered,. through when on a trip recently and has Others were not as quick to the Vicious Dog Act, for the draw. Tim Brown who The former New York Giants.will
speeches calling for a fighting not been able to work since. He confirm the existence' of the Owners of dogs that are sold 82 tickets received the first remain in the Pacific coast
y said that he was` aggravated hospital as the minister. In 1974 allowed to run at -large are also in prize of $10. He also sold the win- following an offer to purchase by W. A. Heughan memorial
attitude b Durham Reeve Neil � a ravated P
Benninger and Grey M.P.P. Bob when the school was closed,. 'but the report on healt). planning violation of a Wingham by-law. ning ticket to his. grandmother. California investors which
McKessock. now they want to close the hospi- known as the Mustard Report, Town clerk Bill Renwick con- Robbie Strong was second with 76 equalled the Toronto offer. A letter. from Bqb Carbert, would like to see added to the
The minister was scheduled to tal. Who is oing to live ,here if and the report of Dr. Schwenger firmed that the by-law has been tickets sold for a prize of $5, while 0_4_0 former Wingham. resident and collection. We know that several
arrive at 9:30 to give the hospital mire's no hospital?" he quer and Dr. Palin on community in effect for about three years Paul Robinson received the third A coroner in Wallaceburg ex- now general manager of the On- pieces of equipment were dis-
board the news about the closing. tioned. health services in Grey . and, now. prize of $3 for selling pressed his opinion that seat belts tario. Agricultural .Museum at posed of within the last few years
Waiting in a chilling cold, the Mr. Cook uses the Durham Bltice counties, again suggested :Milton, has informed The Ad- and we would very much like to
crown, prepared (down to the last hospital every two weeks for tests closing the smaller hospitals in t, vance Times that much of the trace these and re acquire them
minute,) signs of disapproval and says he must live within half favor of larger ones. equipment which was owned and if possible. We would also like to
ranging from "Herr Miller" and an hour from a hospital. He says used by the late W. A. Heughan locate some harness or pieces of
"Miller the Killer" to a subdued he will move. MEMBER DISTRUBED will be placed in the mtseurh, harness that were made by hi
''Miller o home". Helen Wilton the 'nursing co The board of directors and the Mr. Heughan, who carried.on a in his shop. We are particular
Ml', '4 harness making businss in anxious to locate the large dip -
h community learned Thursday To fill in some of the time while .ordinator for the hospital, said Y Y
waiting, a car with a sound sys- that the town needs a hospital. evening that the ministry had 1 a Wingham for many years, was ping tank which was located in
tem was called for and the reeve She said a Durham man was finally fallen into line with these one of the last to follow his trade the middle of Mr, Heughan's bar-
M.P.P. used the time to talk treated just recently, when a car views. Bob McKessock said Fri- in the province. ness shop where c dipped his
to the crowd. Both men calked on battery blew up in his Face. She day morning a call from the 9 Bob's letter says, "it will be of harness in oil upon completion of
the' residents tohe the decis minister the evening before was " « •� interest to know that the Ontario his work. Any other photos, news-
"fightsaid he would be blind today if he 6
ion down to the line' ,.and be ag- had to travel to Hanover for his first word about the closing. ... Agricultural Museum has been paper chippings, pieces of leather
gressive in their appeal of a "I don't think he knows the im- very fortunate in acquiring Most work, tools, equipment, etc., re-
gr PP emergency care. '+''{�l�r` of the workshop tools and equip- lated to Mr. Heughan and his
decision. By the time the rep- Kroehler Manufacturing Co. Plications for a rural communi ., 61�,�
Ltd and Durham Chair a-nd Fix- t he said. ilii redicted<that <:, mint of the late W. A. Heughan, shop in Wingham would' be great
resentative of the g e present
Y, P who was so well known and loved ly appreciated and most useful in
" arrived the few police present tures Ltd. both let employees off the town will deteriorate.
could do little to control the outwork to attend the demonstra
burst of hatred felt by the dremon- tion. Joe Dilworth, president 1of now The vast majority of people in the Wingham area where he our work as we prepare .this fit-
-bein treated in the Durham performed his services as har- ting tribute to Mr. Heughan. Any
strators. Durham Chair, predicted that the Hospital will be looking to •Han- _ ness maker, shoe repairman, etc, donations of such equipment,
over and District Hospital fort Mr. Neughan's grandson, W. etc., will be recognized by the
LAST STRAW closure would hurt future Indus-
The decision came as a final trial growth in the town. Work- care after the April 1 closing. a Peter Gorrell, of Brussels, Bel- Museum and the donor's name
straw on Durham's back. The lit- 'men's compensation, he pointed Last year the cost of treating pa-ium. to whom th--sc tools wer c will, ;c, aff"Excd to the iten when
a -
• . _.-._ ..r n cM had q]rnoAv ani_ ..,,4 ...,..11„ h�nn.•1 on the uio tipntR in Durham hncnitat waa Oso bequeathed by his grandfather, placed on display.
fer@d several other major upsets tante of the industry from the a day compared to $81, in Han has agreed that they should be
at the hands of the provincial nearest hospital. "It'll hurt over. Proposed 1976 costs showed placed in a museum and we, at "Those of us who had the plea -
government. our industry," he said, "and a difference of $65 in Durham and the Ontario Agricultural Mus- sure of knowing Mr. Heughan
In 1969 the province decided to compensation rates will go up $89 in Hanover. a eum, have been most fortunate to personally appreciate- how sin -
set up the county school board immediately." Doctors in Durham were being have been selected as that place. core and individual he was and
careful in talking about the future "It is our intention in the near we welcome this opportunity to
system in Grey. The decision
meant the cliDsing of, the town's Shortly after the minister ar- following the announcement. The future to develop" a harness provide a opermanent place for
high school and, the busing of stu- rived in Durham with his bad town is served oy a medical clinic Taking display that will not only these artifacts with which he
dents to schools in Hanover and news, the ministry phoned area With five doctors and a number of depict the harness making trade worked.
Flesherton. newspapers saying that a full consulting specialists on the but will, in fact, be a memorial to "We' appreciate any efforts
A 1973 decision to name a new news release concerning the clo- hospital's staff. L NNWW. A. Heughan. We are currently which you may be able to expend
regional government east of To- sure was in the mail. When it ar- Health care will be changing I involved in researching the life of in this regard. Persons having
Durham Region, also rived the release, said in four for the residents of the Durham Mr. Heughan and we need addi- information or items could either
ronto, area. It will be a while before the MINISTER PELTED — A very disturbed minister of health, Frank Miller, heads into tional information, artifacts, etc. leave the information at The Ad -
following appeals to both the tal will be closed for a net saving present resentment felt rhy hued- P• � "it may well be that residents vance-Times office or contact us
drovincial. and Canadian court of about $550,000 annually and reds who have workedihard to the hospital, jeererd, jostlLd and pelted with snowba Is. Grey MPP Bob McKessock, of the Wingham area have some directly at the Ontario Agricul
Orovin s the duplication of the that hcasnital t in hln,rnvr*r O,�Fn have a hospital in Dtirhm mpl- followinq the mini artially ohscurpci by a snn%n,h ll ,glhl�h h.+ rho m:r.istcr, aWdii-Jg items or artifacts relatd to Mr. tural Museum, P 0 Box 38,
dame was upheld. The town Sound and Walkerton will absorb
lows. to the snow already visible on his suit. (Wenger Photo) HeughAn and his shop which they Milton, Ont. Telephone 878-8151.
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