The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-12, Page 94..
In 1931, Canada had a popula-
. tion- of toffllmo.
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-The Wingham Advance—Times, Thurs., FebruaJ7 l�, ,9�Ap i
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13LUEVALE At the Febru- `I.Q.W Visits to the sick were
ary in off I�tiox Presby—recorded
terlan WQ $ M1
®] py r Missionary $o- Mn.. Ik'dOCI 1111de1�� ailed MrB.
i''eR ay7' yr psi$., 'n z '
x ciet Mrs:'Glean trolleyspoke on rwrve Robertson gave,excellent
$.:� d i' .i. t ,i�..s! j �. !i qd y
a `w� r:a� the life of Joseph, son of Jacob reports on the aun�,�,/artteeting of
tGRAD> ONE fast. Then I found some gold on . , ;V . .. " ; a t r `
g the moon. I took it. All that was , .K °' and Rachel. She gave a very the Maitland F°resbyteraal wha -
Grade one has been talkie t rJ.:w '.r interesting detailed story of his was held at St.Andrew's, Pres
about metric measurement. The left on the moon now was a whole X4�,, life from his birth until his death terian Church Wingham, on
children enjoyed tracing each lot .of junk.,; k f j £ f y q January 19. Offering wa re
n i H, at 110 ears old. A question and
other's body shapes and taking —Douglas Clarke Kw��F ( a
FLASH l various body measurements, i.e, One da a cat went to town and "°e � � � answer period followed. ceived by Mrs. Ross GT and
Y a ° * !G The societymet at thWhome of dedicated b Mrs. Golfe
length of arms, hand. -span, etc. then the cat met a dog. The dog Y
BES►\/ R F For the past two weeks we have was eating a bone. The cat said, Mrs. Harry Elliott. Mrs. Golley Mrs. Golley thanked lrs. Elli-
E E Y E� gave the; call to worship, after ott for sharing her home and the
been watching a TV program "How come dogs eat bones?" The,
,� ,`� which a hymn was sung. Scrip- meeting closed with a hymn and
has hit about "Boots". This program in- dog said, "I don't know why we tun, was read from Psalm 19 and the Lord's Prayer in unison.
troduces new words, rhymes and flogs do." The cat said, "I will eat ,. j E';a!'� 24 and wlr neri: ,t•c , Lunch was served by the hostess,
HARRIS 'STATIONERY songs. It encourages the children a bone." The dog shouted, "No." gr en by Mrs. Rrr l trd Thomas assisted by Mrs. Bernard
in Winghgm to write their own'stories using The cat did what he was told. Mrs. Burns Muf:at' rf ,d Thomas and Mrs.•Burns Moffatt.
the words introduced on the. pro- —Jason Conley& ,, � - ���, y ; . prayer.
IT'S HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS I gram. Here are some stories that One day I went to the airport. Y
BUT YOU'LL LOVE ITI'x The minutes of the j.. iary
were written by pupils in the An airplane and a jet blasted off. J meeting were read by Mrs. ult Ai,t
(Prominently displayed at class. Then another air lane blasted off
the rear of the r P°t : McKercher and adopted as read. Cavities Gtt®C�
e s ore) One day I went to the moon. I again. My Daddy came on the h t , - X• P'. Roll call was answered by 1'
went in a rocket that went very next airplane. �xau members, giving a verse from
eVejn those who
Chris jinn the Bible containing the 'word
One day I did want to go out
side. But mother would not let medon't, eat C(in®y
go outside' So I waited for one Try this one
® more"day. But it was still stormy. *' With February designated as
H : ,�• e
So I waited for two more days. s� �3 x, Dental Health Month common
The storm was over. So mother ;: `' Sa�� m/nl�fr�
,.:a f• parents' questions are being an -
let me go outside. So I took a Not o us have time t d swered.
toboggan outside and had fun. 11 f t' o spend _._.,. P
making a batch of home -baked "My son has a couple of teeth
—Andy Versteegfi X beans from scratch even though filled each time he goes to the
Gillette - Super Max - My brother found two puppies a �' � �� it is hard to beat that home- dentist, But he does not eat a lot
Reg, $32.95 week before Christmas. We cooked flavor. But if you have the of candy. What can I do about
500 Watt named then Sandy and Cindy. We �y �1 ?
craving or if you happen to need a this?
had another dog. Now we have f" <' dish for that upcoming gathering Unfortunately, there are a lot
e ,three dogs and two kittens.<of family or friends, here's a of other sweets in addition to
—Bonnie Dillon k ,+ recipe that you'll be pleased with. candy that can lean ~to dental.Hair Dryer
KINDERGARTEN w sweetened
You and our friends rhay not deca ekes, coo per,
Kindergarten parents are visit +• y. be fooled into believing they are drinks, ccandied popcorn, even
. Pc
ing Mrs, Maclntyre for inter- :, '; _ ��` home=baked beans, but that breath sweeteners. He may be
Toothpaste _ �` ,fig y you one of those compulsive
views. The interviews cancelled i� `' b. ,.- x,: hard, matters. Some of sweet
due to stormy weather -will be re �:F
might like this dish better! •eaters who is ruining his dental"
• scheduled. This recipe was developed by health.
What a wonderful month 'to be THESE KIDS have the,righ{t idea of transportation in these snow-ladgn days.'Why walk, food, •specialists at the 'Ontario To'minimize tooth decay, it is
Crest 1 ®® rr11. painting and making snowmen when you can hitch -a ride on the most comfortable vehicle in this kind of weather? An Food Council, Ministry of Agri- impo nt to avoid eating such
and snow pictures. besides, there's not all that much to push if y6u ever get stranded!' d, culture and Food who suggests sweetened foods and beverages, ,
Clairol -.Final Net GRADEFOUR w that if you want to feed a large particularly between -meals.
Grade four had an - interesting crowd, double or triple the reef- Each time that foods containing
assembly.' 1t featured Tim o /y o pe. If you want to save a few sugars are eaten, certain bac-
Hair S Thompson as the fairy god- New off I e e r S r e I n s t a' I e d Pennies; buy the larger cans of teria in the mouth are stimulated
OZ. mother and Bert Sjaarda as baked bear7s. to create acids that attack the
Cinder -Riley in an Irish version, SHERRY BAKED BEANS tooth enamel, eventually causing
of the old story, Cinderella. We 4 slices bacon. decay..'
Clairol - N i C e' n' Ea s y also watched a Polynesian dance t Belgrave UCW meetin I med. onion, chopped The most serious damage to the
in which the dancers had to be g 2 tsp dry mustard teeth is done within about 20 min-
.� very careful net to gef' their
Harr Color _ BELGRAVE -• Mrs. Kenneth ship, Mrs. Ross Higgins; stew- Nixon, Scot Lougheed, Wayne 2 tbsp water ute`s after eating sweetened
ankles .caught between' the Wheeler was installed as the new, ardship and •recruiting, Mrs. Cook,. Donelda� Lamont, Janice 2 cans (19 oz each) baked beans foods_ So the more often the
snapping bamboo poles. president of the -Bel grave United Helen Martin; press and• publi- . Coultes' and Doreen Taylor. 2 tbsp sherry', - sweets are eaten and the longer
Grade four is also workirtg at. Church Women at the first meet- city, Mrs.. Taylor; flowers and A skit entitled "Tell Me, Fry bacon until crisp; lift from they remain in the mouth, the
Pot Of Gold some string art designs that they ing, of 1976 held Feb. 3. 'Past presi- sprays, Mrs. Lewis Cook and- Doctor" was presented by Mrs. skillet, drain on paper towel and longer the decay process con -
are designing mathematically 'dent Mrs. Ross Anderson called. Miss Annie Cook; church flowers, Ross Anderson,, Mrs. ' Janisa crumble; set aside: In bacon tinues.
using numberlines. on Rev. John Roberts to conduct Mrs. Lewis Stonehouse; auditors, Coultes; Mrs, Willard Armstrong, drippings; saute 'onion until If ,your child must eat between
0--" transparent. Meanwhile, blend" meals, select items like fresh,
the installation of ,new officers Mrs. Willard Armstrong and Mrs, George Johnston, Mrs. Ross
(hocolat es Ib. hOX$29,9 The house leagues are Very mustard and water. Empty cans fruits,: 'raw carrots and celery,
including: vice-president, Mrs. Mrs. George Michie;, . Higgins, Mrs. Leslie' Bolt, Mrs. P Y
active at noon hour. The senior Laura Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. committee, Mrs. George Procter Lorne Jamieson, Mrs. John, of heans into a 1 I quart Casser- potato chips and popcorn, milk
Delsey pupils are playing„volleyball and Jack Higgins; secretary, Mrs. and Mrs. Norman Cook. Roberts, Mrs. James Coultes•and ole. Stir in bacon, onion and mus- and cheese. Or foods and bever- .
the junior pupils 'bordenball. Lawrence Taylor; finance, Mrs. Twenty-eight members at- Mrs. Murray Vincent. The meet- tard mixture. Bake at 375 degrees' ' ages that are made with artificial
Mr. Kerr and Mr. Sinnamon F uncovered for 40 minutes. Stir sweeteners.
Harold Vincent; manse commit- fended the meeting which opened "ing closed with the mizpah bene -
Bat room99 have an active music club in tee, Mrs. Robert' Grasby and . -mith the worship service con- diction, in sherry. Makes four servings. During the pre-school years., it
operation. Practice sessions are Mrs George Johnston; program, -ducted by Mrs. Laui"a Johnston ^ is a lot easier for you to control
held at noon hour with all.partici- Mrs. diff Logan, Mrs. William' and Mrs. Helen Martin with Mrs. ,your child's diet. This is the time
pating on a voluntary basis. de e' k Alsoayed �� to hel him establish ood eatinCoulter, Mrs. Murray Lougheed, George Johnston- at the, piano. M P g g
Tissue 4 roll ack The members of the recipe club ,_Wrote. Scott- -and• Mr The.•theme for the meting was In 'ian s s a habits by prpviding the proper;
P are making a supper dish at ” foods and by '•eliminating an
home. Each Albert Coulter; social, Mrs. Wil- Take Time". Mrs. A. K. Ghosh and Mrs, P. S. Secondary School immediately: abundance of between -meal
share the recipe with otheer is �mem liaing to m McArter, . Mrs. George Mrs. Johnston led in prayer, Bhatnagar, program conveners The! campaign for the Heart snacks that contain deca -caus-
We have a •large selection of P Procter •and Mrs. Clarence and' Mrs. Helen Martin read the for the meeting of the Maitland. Fund was discussed; with Mrs. Y
hers. Hopefully the students will Hanna; supply, Miss Annie Cook scripture from Ecclesiastes 3:1-' Women's Institute, resented an ing sugars.
have 20 easy supper dishes that P, Stan Orien named captain.
each can prepare,
and Mrs. Willard Armstrong; 11. Mrs. Johnston read a poem interesting and informative talk The meeting closed with the
literature and •communications, entitled "When I have Time". on their homeland, India, when Institute Grace and' lunch, can-
VALENTINE Mrs. Leslie Bolt; Christian Mrs. Wheeler conducted the the members held their regular sisting of Indian snacks, was
education, Mrs. John Kerr; Citi- . business, including the reading of meeting in the council chambers. enjoyed by all. "NEW" BINGO
zenship and community friend- the minutes, treasurer's' report Dressed in theirnative saris,
LATS ` t�C>L and thank -you notes. The budget the ladies also displayed a lovely MONDAY, $:30 P.M. .
CARDS4 CHOCO y for 1976 was presented by Mrs. array of silks and explained how FEBRUARY 1976
. Harold Vincent, and a motion they are made. Minor damage
—Mr. and Mrs. Bill Willis at- was passed to forward 15120 to the The president, Mrs. Jacklin, 9 at
Lake -let g opened the meeting by repeating ' ' YANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE
tended funeral service held Fri- �
T R 1 A N G LE church treasurer to o toward the i n car , f /re JACKPOT - $250.00
- day at the Egan Funeral Home, "Observer". A' grant of. $25 for the Opening Ode and the Mary
DDISCOUNT Bolton; for Mrs. Lorne F.,Ilis..Mrs. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Murray and the Victor Home was also ap= Stewart Collect. Theme of the The Wingham Fire Depart- . on SS calls
Ellis was an aunt of Mrs. Willis. family, visited on the weekend proved. rgeeting was Citizenship and ment answered only one fire call with a consolation prize of $40.00
—Mrs. Gershom Johnston of with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Biles and Mrs. Wheeler announced that World Affairs. Roll call was last week. That call came Sunday If, not won, Jackpot grows by $10,
Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to SO Catherine Street visited Thurs- . family at Don Mills. Rev., Roberts will be the speaker answered by naming a duty of a afternoon to extinguish a car fire and number of calls increases by
day in Kitchener. Sympathy is extended to Mr. for the World Day of Prayer to be good citizen. The motto, "•Citizen- on Carling Terrace. Chief Dave, one, each week.
and Mrs. Walter Zimmerman held in the united Church this ship, like charity, begins I at Crothers said the fire'was caused t S REGULAR GAMES AT '10.- EACH
and family in the loss of a son and year. She then called on the Hi-C'Thome", -was given. by defective wiring that set the 3 SHARE-tM-WEALTH GAMES
' brother, Larry. group to report on their trip to the The 4-H training school was an- steering wheel, signal switch and ADMISSION $1.00 - INCLUDES
and Mrs. Jim Inglis visited Toc-Alpha Conference in Niagara nounced and any mothers of girls horn mechanism smoking. The ONE. FREE CARD. Additional,
ARE YFriday with Mr. and Mrs. George Falls in December 1975. Belgrave 11 or 12 years of age are asked to horn went off, warning the owner, cords 23c each or 6 for .'1.00.
Pinkgey and Mr. and Mrs. Will representatives at the conference contact leaders. The course on Earl Young, that something was -- --
Inglis in Walkerton:of 625 young people. were Glen stretch knits was, also an wrong. Chief CYothers estimated °"a-"
. n oc .o• O OVER
nounced; anyone wishing to take damlige to' the 1972 Plymouth
` it should contact F. E. Madill wagon at $100.
l `
T® Sell or Buy
CALL 37-2320
W. T
ingham Advance. -Times
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HiJRGfd-13RUCIE MPP MURRAY GAUNT was one of the
celebrities present Saturday for the celebration of the fifth
year Of success for the Wingharn Canadettes. Mr. Gaunt
had the very pleasant job of presenting seven of the original
15 majorettes in this area with special batons. Connie
Stretch, 12, was one of the delighted majorettes so honored.
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