The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-12, Page 7ause of (go much, f000pLae%errased �l, can be, ed to finish
little activity,ft of hp a , COX, - , ,so, 4 0 ,
P liquor, `says the
a Ra in Canada are oierwlolit. 09tariq $4,foV Leaoue.
V .....
Mj'kVE' N, "I
U 0 CE
...two strips of bonded
steel fibers under your rear wheels give
Gaut POWER ... on ice or snovv
ONLY 5114 PAIR (plus 26c sales tax)
Don Crerar
870 London Rood,.Sarnia
Josephine St. a Winghimm
Feb. 15 - 29 ... On Thursdays
Mar. I - Apr. 29 ... On Tuesdays and Thursdays
Saturday Mornings By Appointment,
OR PHONE 392-6382
Fully Trained Tax Preparer,driiti Consultant
nNiRnvei [T11
The Wingh4m Advonce-Times., Thum., Febmary 12, 187��� ? e ��aA f ` t
uorne Pr c: on4k 1
Mr. and bfts. Elgin McInnes of Gorrie. Mr. and W
, g.
Oshawa visited Sunday wft Mr. and faWly visited witb Nr,.- omd
and Mrs. Thomas L. McInnes, Mrs. George Mac0o4old of
At* Wendy Amos of Burling-, MOlesworth on Satw4,
ton and Xichaol Harrison of Oak- Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn Thomp-
ville spent the weekend with Ws. ion of Walkerton called at the$
Glad Edgar. home of Mr, and Ws. George
Harry Rhame is a patient in Brown on Friday.
Palmerston Hospital. Mrs. Lome Walker returned
• Mrs. Marilyn Connell and Carol home Saturday from Wingnam,
Ann of Clinton spent the weekend
and District hospital.
with Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Mann.
Mrs. Delbert Clegg spent a few
days with relatives in Kitchener—
Mrs. Warner Deitrich, Gorrie CANADA LIFE
RR 2, visited Wednesday with
Dick 9skerodof Wingbarn has
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Smith.
Miss Elizabeth Neilson of recently ',completed a coo
Guelph spent the weekend with hensive threpday business insur-
ance, course conducted by The
her parents, Mr, and Mrs. David
i.Canada Life Assurance Company",'
NrMrs. ilson.
Thomas MacDonald re -
in Windsor. While on the course,
turned Friday to Toronto from a he was honored by his company
for his achievements during the
four weeks' holiday with Mr. and
1975 Fall Campaign and for his
Mrs. Fraser MacDonald at Mesa,
Arizona and while there visited. personal productiontotals during
the Grand Canyon and Mexico. the past year.•
On Saturday she accom I panied A life insurance underwriter,
Mr. Eskerod wrote 49 applica-
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Stevenson,
tions in the Canada Life Canadian
Debbie and Robbie of Toronto to Division Fall Campaign, to place
AN IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY niarked the fifth anni- ceremony attended by their friends, parents and several fifth in total applicationwritten I
versary of the W'ingham Canadettes Saturday. Seven of the local dignitaries, including Huron -Bruce MPP Murrayin Canada.
-original 15 majorettes received special awards 'in a Gaunt. Stereo dedicafed His total production for 1975.;
was 105 applications which qtiah- I
GORRIE — Rev. Wesley Ball, fied him for membership in
at the morning .service in the Canada Life's exclusive "106
Gorrie United Church dedicated: Lives Club". He was honored by
a stere( rWory of Mrs. Lil- his associates and officials of
Personal N®tesfrom' Belgrave lian Sach, organist and choir Canada's first life insurance:e..�.a
leader from 1968-1974, donated by company from Toronto head
All church services in the Marian and Jeffrey .of Guelph, Wednesday. London visited on the weekend Rev. George Sach and daughter office at a dinner meeting in
village were cancelled on Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Thomas May Of The Public Relations meeting with her mother, Mrs. Robert Margaret. The sacred music may Windsor. (Advertisement)
morning due to the stormy Erin Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Robert of the Bel rave Women's Insti- Higgins. be played over the bell tower as
weather. Hartwell and Susan of L Port, tute will be held in the W.I. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Logan and well as in the church. Mrs. Sach
Douglas' and Danny Thompson Credit were weekend visitors on Tuesday, February 17. This is Kevin of Wyoming spent the is remembered fondly for her
of Goderich spent the weekend with Mrs. Earl Anderson. the 65th anniversary of the found- weekend with their parents. Mr. warm personality and contribu-
with their grandparents, Mr.. and The Belgrave Tyke hockey ing of the Belgrave Branch and a and Mrs. Cliff Logan and Mr. and tion in the field of music in this IF INTERESTED
Mrs. Bert Johnston. team played with Blyth on Friday dinner is planned for noon. The Mrs. George McGee. village of Gorrie.
Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, and won by 54. Next gameis members living in Morris Town- Miss Nancy Anderson of Lamb- The flowers in the sanctuary PLEASE CLIP 10
ship are asked to provide, food -for ton College, Sarnia, spent the were also in memory of Mrs. Ul-
the first course: Members in East 'weekend with her parents, Mr. lian S4ch. The congregation
_:o Wawsnosh will, supply. the and Mrs.- Ross Anderson. greatly appreciated this fittid
.9 1, would be pleased to have
Mrs. Cliff Logan spent several me&orial. visitor's
dessert. The members are also see my room and
urged to bring a story,' picture or days recently at the home of Mr. Stafford Schol6s of near Dur -
birds in the Winghbm Mus -
any -items which can be inserted and Mrs. Barry Logan of Oakville ham, England, a guest of Rev. eum any Saturday or Siinclay
MC - 4 in the Branch Tweedsmuir while they were on holidays to and Mrs. Wesley Ball, gave the afternoon after March 1.
History books Interested women Florida, Nassau, and Freeport. sermon. He based his remarks on
'in the community are invited to Ross Yuill of Elmira was a- - Paul's letter to the Romans,.
Please Cali t.
this historic meeting.weAend vi
sitorwith his, parents "Without faith there. is no hope in
. . . . .
. miss Margaret Higgins of Mr. -and Mrs. Clarence Yuill. this sick world".
Mr. Scholes is an enginder con GEORGE, R. ALLEN u.
sultant, also a local preacher in 357-1023
lk 1A
the Methodist Church in the Dur- For Time
General Products Division Dave. Dinsmore heads An. SOC• ham circuit.
requires a annual Mae Moffat, of Wroxeter.,
FORDWICH — The ann
meeting of the Howick Agricul- Delegates named to, attend the
jural Society was held at the convention for the Ontario As- OFFICE BUSINESS SPACE
Stationary Engineer, ? community centre on January 28. satiation of Agricultural Socie-
I& his president's address, ties, to be held at the Royal York FOR RENT OR LEASE
Harding, RR, 1, Gorrie, Hotel', Toronto, on February 18
Progressive Company manufacturing: rub- Listowel
reviewed the activities of the and 19 are Mr. and Mrs. David
A modern office coproximately 675 sq. ft.
bei and �tailic products re vires a -person Wety during FEATURING:
n the past year, as Dinsmore and Mri. Mari6n Fdd-
who holds a 2nd class Ontario Certificate for well ell as the highlights of thp skov. The FEATURING: Fall, Fair Excellent location downtown
Fall Fair. He
Shift work in an oil fired plant.. Good rate of Zwlch, expressed Queen, Elizabeth Armstrong of
his gratitude to the direct6rs for Wingham, will also attend the 2.private inner offices, I large outer office
plus shift -premiun-ts and full range'of Fully carpeted throughout
their assistance. convention. Fully air conditioned
fringebenefits paid by company. -David Dinsmbre of Fordwich October i and 2 are the datesof
Lots of free parking
was elected president for 1976, the Howick Fall Fair, at their • * Private washrooms
APPLY, TO:Norman Fairles, RR 1, Gorrie, new location on Highway 87 at the
, '
named 1st vice president and Howick Community Centre. * Extra storage area as neided
Ron Shelley, RR 2, Gorrie,' 2nd , A •variety concert, -to be held in All utilities included
PERSONNEL OFFICE Owner will decorate to suit
A& president. The auditors are April, will include local talent.
Gordon Mo�r and Alex Graham of Anyone wishing to participate is Phone 291-2881
U N f R ORAL LTD.Feldskov invited to contact the committee.
. I
Gorrie. Mrs. Marion,
W FordWich, was appointed secre- Mrs. -Lyle Murray, Clifford, is in
tary7treasurer, replacing Mrs. charge of the program.
General Products Division
duo&& I
51 Breithaupt Street
Kitchener, Ontario
Tel: 74'4-7171 Howick Lions. results
• Ext. 525 DALE LOUGHEED of Belgravia collected a prize'at the
annual meeting of the Nortl4Huron Credit Union lbst F SHAVINGS
—but the prize was1for someone -else. Dale was the proxy in weekly bingo i'D.RY
winner, however, and accepted the draw award, with a, 7
smile from George Michie, treasurer- r;ha nager of the union. Reg4lar%games: Mrs. Me- Agnes Williamson, Wingham-
Laughlin, Harriston; Mrs. Bill stand up bingo: Wayne Morris, Delivered in truckload
Boyd, Gorrie, and Shirley Leek, Wroxeter
Wroxeter; Mrs. Adams, Wrox- Jackpot and bonus: Kathy
,AS etbr and Dianne Leek, Wroxeter; Wroxeter ($105); lap card: (USTOM LUMBER. AND
Agnes Williamson, Wingham; Donald McInnis, Fordwich, Mrs.',
Mrs. Derbecker,,Wingham; Ida McInnis, Fordwich, and Mrs. Bill
r A H6wal.d, Luck,now; Ruth Gowing, Boyd, Gorrie; Dart game: Kay MILLWORK LIMITED
2 Luck Rich, Wingham;
Listowel; Joan Robinspn, L
now and Mrs. Hastings, ListowO Dojor Prizes: KathieenMamil- Box 430, Bolton, Ont.
Sharpin, Wroxeter; Isabel- ton, Listowel, Jack Felker, Lista- 857-1882 962-1627
der Tiffin, Lucknow� Kathy Craig,. wet, Dolly Felker, Listowel and
in Wroxeter; Patsy Theodorff, Cecil Clark, Wroxeter. Lucky
Listowel; Draws: Doris Morris, Wroxeter, ..................
from our
representativeShare the -�vealth, first,- Mrs. Cecil Clark, Wrdxe-ter, Gladys
Dodkin, Listowel second, Mrs. Bates, Harriston and Anna Mae
Wayne Rounding Griffith, Gorrie; $25 special. Congram, Wingham.
who will be at:
as Half a million topped
Winghom motel, WINGHAM
on the 3rd Tuesday of
in Credit Union astiets
each month I The North Huron Credit Union that an eight per cent dividend be
(February 17th) topped the half -a -million mark in paid members for the year.
assets in 1975, almost doubt- Elections were held during the JACK ETS
meeting to elect new members to
it you re4uire financing to start, modernize or ing the 1974 figure of $300,000. the board and the committees.
expand your business and are unable to This was part of the report pre- Elected fora treeyearterm
obtain it elsewhere Or! reasonable terms and* sented to over 70 members and
mf6j1w--AV in the gtieq_tq_ at the second annual were: directors'—Archie Purdon,
Friday john Taylor and Richard Cam-
IB management services of counse0fin—g— meeting of the union last peau� credit committee, Albert
and training or wish information I Oil in Belgrave. Bieman� supervisory committee, SAVI N GS UP TO
government programs available for your Treasurer -m ana ger George
business, talk to out represent Michie told members that "busi- Lloyd Casemore.
ness has been very•good all year,, Rev. A. J. Nolan of the Wing -
and forecast reaching the first ham Sacred Heart Church was
million in 1976: He also reported the special guest speaker at the
meeting. He spoke bribfly on the
81 ndw membersfor a total of 594
with an average share balance of spirit of brotherhood and co-
operation fostered by credit V
$392.52. Over $430,000 was ex - s. union"I have seen them per
tended in loans, and the union miracles," he said,
ERAWas forced to borrow over form
$100,000 from League Central to He urged the union to strive for
offset the loans. A balance of a larger membership and more
DEVELOPMENT BANK SN,000 still remains to be repaid. support from the community and
. .. ... Hill Stevenson, president of the praised it for the example of
For prior information call 271-5650 or FATHER A. J. NOLAN of the Wingham Sacred Heart board of directors, reported that neighborly love it provided. READMAN
too Vf�eet, Stratford. Church was the guest speaker last Friday at the annual the interest rate on deposit ac- Father Nolan concluded his talk
w r I V^ ' 330' 1_1 AN U— ff� IV ••• i dinner and meeting of the North Huron Credit Union. counts increased from eight per with a quotation from I PeterA CLEANERS AND MEN'S WEAR
opening neW doorS ItO sn1aH business. Father Nola praised the work of the credit union and the cent in March to nine per cent by and urged the members to "keep WINGHAM 357-1242
spirit of brotherhood it fosters in the community, the year's end. He recommended up, the good work".