The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-12, Page 5M
THE 'tU'G-OF-WAR was just part of the fun in the Madill ,Winter Carnival.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
A mn[labu' IvnP' 79"
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The Wingham Ade�anc -Times, Thurs.,Februa 12 1976'-Fa,f l;
Very cop$used it WO ,` + 1 x
100' ' h for the top �ar� day' at � .
iritic ! '$• 1=1
in gym 228 last Thursday two � .
teams gathered for co*.bat. The ed this particular'pa t pf +allot' '
` ' students' 66 ach for tete Tap" -- Winter Carnival.
Marilyn Congraxn, Gordon ray, j There were bids with s oa
Stan Loree, and Don iatlderson� shirts, jumpers and skirts on
backwards, socks and necklaces
faced Mrs. Tiffin, Mr. C;'avrelu�,kr ,
Mr. Hunter and Mr. Mali. C - je ns back-tnd and eve.- vtnW
jeans on back to front (f#e�e a
am a Canadian petition was fierce and the tycare dents found getting up staiircas
My skin is black or brown or sibilities as a citizen — bounced back and forth, first a extremely Challenging).- So�-
favoring the teachers, alien the
red or white or yellow. My goal giver, not a taker; to preserve students. When the final score Elutes you were 42fC-in genuine
has many names, for my beliefs unity and the law atld to bringwas tallied, the teachers had 175 wonder-- did she really mean to
are Christian, Catholic and about change by orderly means. points. The students won by 15 put that on wrong? Some bids jut*
Protestant, Judaic, Islamic ' or It means doing, my share to en- points ,with a final score of 190 dressed in their usual malum y.
Budhist, even agnostic or atheist. sure that the best people run for points. Congratulations are due and still qualified. To sam �. .
My ancestors came from many public office and to see that they to both the students and teachers least, it was a -confused and -
lands, some recently, some govern wisely and well. who took part. nous day for teachers and stl
centuries- ago. My language is Being a Canadian means that IOm student team plays their dents. Thanks to , all who. took '
many tongues. MY philosophies must help ensure the Preserva- first game In the formal competi- ,r.pmt• k'
and politics range across the tion of my country against tion this month. Let's hope they MY .DEFINITION
whole spectrum of man's beliefs apathy, i ignorance and prejudice, good luck! OF LOVE `
Pg have g
understanding and experience. against greed, avarice and Love'is ...
My Canada is a totem ole The most beautiful expression,
p jealousy; against selfishness ��t��®itis D� people.
beside a Pacific inlet, a train shortsightedness and ex loita- "Between two le.
winding through the mountains, a tion. A collection of the deepest em'
prairie elevator, a barren stretch Being a Canadian means If any visitor had come to Ma- tions, '
of tundra, city skyscrapers standing proudly and fearlessly dill, and viewed the students'' Pouring forth with greatspilendofq,
against a sunset, a lighthouse to proclaim: I am a Canadian. `dress on Friday, I'm sure he And emerging with great beauty.
beam wheeling from a lonely --Clint Buehler would have left quickly — feeling --Teens O'•Hagad i
cape, a church spire thrusting
from a blaze of trees in autumn, " 3
fishing boats pulling into shore at
dusk. A
My Canada is the lonely cry of m
Ek loon across a still lake, crisp
mountain , air at dawn, the Marilyn Congram 12B satirical, overly critical and walls -and on the table. I continue
crackle of harvest stubble under- I have often thought that the downright.,nasty? I am, Give me to find the ketchup and salt stolen
foot, newly fallen snow turned public is misled by food adver- two minutes with the bright and I seethe empty bottles on -the tr'
blue by a pale moon shining. tisements. For instance, your' "goody -two -shoes" and I'll wipe way home. I suggest we are not i
M Canada is lovers walking television screen is suddenly that smile off her'face!,S Speaking the educational utopia we-_ con-
Y g Y P g P
by the sea, old men soaking up brightened by a smiling girl, who from experience,. I can 'tell you sider ourselves when I continuef
the sun on'a park bench, children informs you that unless you buy a that a takeout food store is never to see children of welfare fami-
racing across a schoolyard, Big Mac, your life will never be as it is portrayed on a MacDon- lies being sent with twenty dollar
secretaries rushing to the office, quite complete. She smiles, and ald's commercial. Certainly bills to bring home some onion
young men watching girls go by. murmurs her orders to the cook, there are smiles and laughter,, rings, coke and french . fries. t'
Being a Canadian means that I and before you can say "Frosty but there is a good deal of anger, Everyone complains about infla-
am aware of needs', problems and Queen" she's back with your frustration and discouragement tion, but there'has been no short -
dreams -of those with whom ,I package plus .a picture of Ronald involved as well. age of people buying the con -
share this land. It means I must MacDonald to hang on your wall. Emotions are a very essential venience foods that the Frosty`
recognize and accept my respon= So you think I'm being part of the Frosty'Queen. I have Queen offers. This bothers me.
worked there for the last two Often when we are busy, one -of us i' 3
'v i years, so I think I rank as an,, will say, "Why don't people stay t'4;
authority. Tempers seem to blow home?" Thanks to the MacDon-
fuses at the Frosty Queen and I aid's commercials, people don't`
have come to believe chat ,it's 'a stay home, but spend their moneiy '
necessary part of working there. foolishly by forgetting that mods
The following is a usual oc- eration is a theme of life. t I
BROOMBALL GAME y P currence at the Frosty Queen. A Although there are the sombre,
Tuesday and came u with avein- �.
On Wednesday .the teachers Ring score. They overpowered . person smothers his french fries troubled and confusing times,
and students nad their annual Seaforth 44-37 despite a late with ketchup and clumsily there is always time for laughtc%. 1
broomball game in the Wingham charge by Seaforth. Strong re- . squirts the ketchup on the win- 'I have said that anger plays a
Arena. Many enthusiastic kids bounding by John Underwood dow, and then absent-rnindedly definite roll at the Frosty Queers,
and cheer -leaders trudged down and the fast break scoring of lets the carton fall to the floor but laughter is the single most
Mown through the snow to 'watch Ralph and Rodger Morrison seal -
while knocking over the vinegar essential emotion to survive N ..
this'grudge match', Mr. Cardyof ed the victory. High scorers were I usually move to the back and there. I have found that you havg
the Geography department was Rodger Morrison with 16 and mutter to myself incoherently. to overlook your pride andlearp l
goal tender for the teachers and John _Underwood with 10. By the time I have located a dish- to laugh at yourself. When the -
"Gator" ( Brian Wall) wasp goalie 0-0-0
cloth, broom and dustpan, some
for the students. It was a fast yOLLEYBALL P milkshake carton breaks, and..It
}} t
other person will, probably have sprays in all directions, everyone
game with — almost — no contact -JUNIOR GIRLS: On Tuesday, accidently dropped his milkshake outside laughs. I know if .I were
which displayed the skill of our at Clinton, the juniors defeated'_ in front of the .counter. This them, Y would laugh too. I also
mustang team. The . game was their first opponents, Exeter, in leaves me with a mess which any know that I generally .get the last
refereedby Henry Olechowski two straight games, 15-13, 17-15, ' health inspector would faint upon laugh. The man who finally. gets a
sand Gary Nicholson. As' indicated by the scores, the seeing. Of course this does not his milkshake, goes to bis egr .o
A thunderous roar 4 clapping games were close and exciting. happen all the time, but it does thinking that the girl inside mbst
and cheers went• up when John , game matched Madill happen too often for my liking. have an I.Q. rating of below 40.
Henderson scored the first goal against the defending Huron- The utmost• infuriating actionSuddenly he stumbles and the
assisted by Jim Ritter. Keith Perth champions. Madill took the occurs when someone asks for milkshake pours through the
rNethery, who was the sports an- first game 15-12, but in both the five ice cream cones. After two open car window and sinks into.
nouncer, kept everyone informed second and third the juniors gave long years of dropping ice cream the obsorbing brown plaid uphol-
about the plays during the entire up too much of a lead at the be- cones, 1 can tell you that you stery .
game. Although the teacher dele- ginning of the game, losing with 8 cannot open a door holding five . Sometimes we laugh at people
gation put forth their greatest of-, and 9 point deficits. ice cream cones. I know of no one who have foreign smells, and buy. ,
fart it was useless ' against the who -can make and hang on to only chicken soup. There are the
over -powering' student team. Jim more than four cones at one time. people who frequent the Frosty
Ritter, who was chosen star of the LI'E'S PATHWAY
r However, people continue to hold Queen every day and always buy
game, dropped in a second goal I stand alone,
making it 2-0 which was the final Upon the highest mountain one, two, even five cones at pre- black coffee and cheeseburgers:"
And face the world cisely forty-five degree angles. There are the people who inquire
wore. The ice cream proceeds to fall out of you ,how many chips are in )
Thanks to Coach Lougheed and With all its troubles of the cone on to the floor. Their thirty-five cents worth of french
Manager Willits for a job well And all its joys. faces are blank, they can't under- fries. Then there are the nights
done. Special thanks to all organ The bare rock of mountain top stand how soft ice cream is able when nothing goes right. Finally,
I izers, teachers and'students who" Is barren -cold and aloof:
' to fall from a cone that is being it is time to close. Everything is
participated in providing us with And I want to descend,
To the rest of the world. held upside down in its place when you remember
a fantastic afternoon. Teachers h I time, you learn to laugh at that the door that locks from the
— maybe next year! I cannot decide,
Which path is the safest to follow. these little episodes, for it is only inside is unlocked. The other door
After the broomball game P
there was a free ice-skating for Should I stumble, human nature for people to drop is locked and you finally have to anyone who wished to go. I would fall swiftly to .the bottom. spill and knock over these types lock the inside door and crawl in
of, things. My anger subsides through the window while trying
.0-0-0 1 would not have to contemplate, quickly, but discouragement and to hold down your skirt and stop
BASKETBALL. Or discover new joys along the frustration remain much longer. laughing. After four valiant at -
MIDGET BOYS: On January 27 • way.I am told we live in an affluent, tempts, you make it -and you feel
the boys played Seaforth with .the But should I linger too long, and intelligent society, but I tears' in your eyes. You're still
score, in Seaforth's fay or, being I will be feeble when my pathway continue to'wash and scrub the laughing when you climb into
40-29. Madill was badly outplayed ends. outside picnic area, after some- bed,
in the first half but came on —Teena O'Hagan
one has sprayed mustard on the And that is'what it is all about.
strong in the second half. The Perhaps that is the reason I
lead Seaforth had proved to be detest Colonel Sanders, A&W,
too much to overcome. Caveat Emptor and yes, MacDonalds. They
Top scorers were Brent John- never swear kerchiefs when the
ston and Steven Burke.'
thermometer breaks at 120 �. r
SENIOR BOYS: The senior COSMETICS thing, therefore, to remember degrees F in July; nor do thely
boys also played Seaforth on, Women have always wanted to when applying eye shadow is, to ever feel the sweat and grease
be able to .improve or beautify be careful not to get it in your intermingle on their foreheads.
themselves. Cosmetics have been eye. They have air conditioning. They
darn i va I the answer. They are substances When you are shopping for face never have to lift ten gallons of
which will not cause any physical . creams you should be aware that ice cream into the machine,
ick -off change'but will promote attrac- hormone creams can be danger because they have scrubbed
tiveness. There are some things ous if they contain too large "an shiny -faced boys to do all the
The assembly to • kick off the you should remember and look amount of the hormone. Also they heavy work.
Winter Carnival was held Tues- for when you purchase cos- haven't been proven to mois- I detest them, but also I pity
day morning, a day late because metics, just as you do when buy- turize skin any more than any them. A good healthy scream
of the menacing sleet. Neverthe- +ng food or clothes. , other face creams. makes you feel better and a frank
less, this did not temper the en- You should make surekwhen Most kinds of toothpaste are peal of laughter creates a happy
thusiasm of the student bodv. buying mascara, that you're get- alike. They all clegn but they do atmosphere.
The co -hosts of the program ting the eye lash covering and not not brighten as much as the com- So the next time you see "that
were Biff Barf and his side -kick, the lash extenders. Mascara mercials say they do. A further wonderful Miss Perfect", think of
who brought back the nostalgic which covers the lashes is just a guard against tooth decay is to the Frosty Queen. Everyone will
t carnivals. coloring but lash extenders con- use dental floss. This removes be in a frenzy; you may end up
moments ul ;,a�-
Remember those wrecklass dar- tam iu,,L .wh'ch makes the lashes any food particles from, between with mayonnaise on your ham-
'-- w_��� ++to
ing tricycle riders, the student- thicker. This could be harmful to your ieeiil �v ii J���• t u�..- -ay. i,gc£, in vnnr cherry ......�o...-_
teacher "grudge match" or, the people who wear contact, lenses. Hair colors may cause skin ir- milkshake or onion rings instead
musical trio from SS Llidam E. In applying mascara, be sure not ritatiori so a patch test should be of french fries. But there will be
F. who are practising for an ap- to get it in your eyes, be sure you done before you do the complete real people behind that counter,
pearance on Circle 8 Ranch? Or have nothing on your bands and coloring. Never use a bit of left- laughing, yelling and screaming
do you remember the toboggan be especially careful not to poke over coloring on eyelashes or eye at each other, carrying on the
races, or thAegs in the leg con- the mascara applicator in your brows. This could cause blind- Frosty Queen tradition of unique
test or our talented stars in the *eye, since it could damage your ness. insanity in a real world.
talent showcase? All of these eye. r If you are about to buy a cos-
events are being brought back You can get lipsticks,
which are butte which you've never used,
again with some new ones such as indelible or just,lip coloring. buy the small size, in case you
the tug of war and backwards day The lip coloring is preferable aren't satisfied with it. If you
added, since the indelible lipstick may ,. aren't familiar with the brand h
Despite tradition, it looks like cause irritation to your lips. Your name of a product, buy a product
n we'll have snow, too much, in fact best buy would be the non-aller- under a brand name you like and
if the CI{NX weather reports are genic lipstick. know, to begood'.
`A, ��oou AA A� correct. But will+ G�� .:.•.. _!+nd en- Eye shadows can sometimes be Therefore when buying cos-
357-2910 HARDWARE NW I N V H A M thusiasm and -student teacher harmful if Lhey con nbras- mptire hp inat AC fielective aS -
participation, this carnival will ives, which could get in your'eye when doing other shopping. Know
be they best one yetand cause damage. The only the facts and shop accordingly. a
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