The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-05, Page 7,f
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rThe Wingha x►. Advance -Times, Thuri., February 5, 1976,• 7{MG^ : H� r,3r .:i/'I'�l 9'i a+?r'.l> u Xa�„� r y'- r t Y 'J ✓ j1:.7 r t:,'.;. r 7ryrs"i '•r',/'",'"3'q /51 h^'x 91""We'stern
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success o"t Win h a ., ore. x'7 i✓?'X ,rrh fb �xf �rrrt 7 ;,i. '4
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The `rootip-tootinest' wild west presentation of certificates "to Falls co ►petitipn in Jul and the Cindy Evans, Jill Me dtleoa,..' Country Waltz—Mary Webb, a.m.,
r<r �Yy�: _; 1 . „ ?,; ?•�,
Y Y Michelle
McCutcheon, r, �.:` t orf3
show ever came to the Wingham amateur coaches Within the club. Toronto competition in 4ogut Sandrahompsctn, achelld utcheon, Joan ,,, ° ..r
Arena last week when the Wing- Th%s , ear's recipients were: 191 This ear has . -alread Cam ciao, Huether, Carol Wheeler, Cheryl
y y p , Earen eXat#de1F� .Edward
ham Figure Skating Club pre- Leanne Cossitt, Carol Wheeler, started auspiciously with silver Paula Cox, Bonnie ans, E#za,s, Catharine Cardiff, ,j ✓ ,; �k;'a� , f
rented its 24th annual ice show. Shirley raceQti. r'y . k� ��/��K
kat y Wheeler and Catherine medals in t'he 1976 W st rn On- beth $ d ges, Ma reen Beagh G Kueneman, Pat Anstett. a N �4;, �'y f� "v t
Close to 100 skaters of all ages Cardiff, all of Brussels and tario .Sectionals held in Cam- Andrea McGregor, El.izabetti Junior Square Dance—Lori ° ,� % H; FIN`
andiPr91<n all ,the surrounding Rachelle Campeau and Cheryl bridge, and should continue just Kaufman. Gavreluk, Curtis Moore, Eliza 01? MOP f y 1%
beth Kaufman, Mark Moose,
area' participated in the Gavreluk bf Wingbam. as well if not better when Carol Indians—Jeremy Schefter, �:"
"Vlfestern ,Jamboree on Ice" As for the show itself•—sufficeit and Blaine copnpete later this Tracy Thynne, Charles Trapp., Elaine Kueneman, Kevin��
Wheeler, Bonnie Evans, Robert ��y y
Saturday for the delight and to say it was the most spectacular month in the Ontario Winter Yvonne Trapp, John MacUcnald, ,„ > rr�1?�.
enjoyment of a near -full house. ever, in terms of participation, Games in Sault Ste. Marie. Karah Kirkland, Murray Lapp, Cardiff.
The highlight of the show was performance and costumes. There were m' any.. other con- Kathryn Newell, Stephen, Jones, Senior Square Dance --Carol
the presentation of awards to- The acknowledged super -stars tenders for the super -star title, Billy' Kinahan, Tanya Stainton, , Wheeler, Blaine Moore., - Cheryl < .- � k, ._ •, �. �� , ,� >° "
ward the end of the evening. The of the evening were two skaters however, among the soloists and. Colin Jones, Christi Curzon, Gavreluk, Kevin Wilda, ,April
covetted Marguerite Burrell very well-known to figure skating, pairs in the show. The c ming Philip Thompson, Angela Moore, Danny Gordon, Catherine �. • ',' ;
q Cardiff, Chris Cossitt.
trophy was presented this year to fans in this area. Carol Wheeler years should see them mora and Coulter, Jason Coulte's,Murray
Cheryl Gavreluk. This trophy is and Blaine Moore, who opened more in the limelight winning Foxton, Terry Daer, Brian Steff- Pettico +-4unction—Sylvia
presented annually to the senior the program with a delightful even more edals' and awards ler, Julie Leedham, Andrew Beard, Cheryl Beattie, Elizabeth it
skater showing the most im-. duet, are no strangers on the ice. for the Wingham club. These in- Armstrong, Steven Templeman, Kaufman and Karen Wood.
provement, personality and all- The pair has skated not only in eluded: Mark Moore as the Jason Bateson, Nancy Walton., Farmer Girls and Boys—KarenR r`
round help to the club throughout Wingham ice shows but has also "Lone Ranger", Michelle Me- Janette Taylor, Joanne Taylor, Shaw, Jamie Robinson, Sherri .( yf� `> i. t' ` ' '.•,.
the year. The top sellers of carni- participated in man g "Hiawatha", � y y Wright, e ��1""`f`�`'�
p y .comps- Cutcheon asLori Robbie Chadwick. g Audrey Baxter, Judy K �� 1wilfs
vol tickets were also honored, titions throughout Ontario, earn- Lee Gavreluk as "Miss Kitty" in Western Swing Dance—Ra-
Donna Steckley, Sheldon
Cam -
with awards going to the top ing medals galore for their talent a duet and as "Little Miss Sun ensile Campeau, Natalie Cam- Baker, Judy Anger, Pamela N
three: Curtis Moore, Lori Lee and performance. These include shine" in a solo, Curtis Moore as peau, Elizabeth Kaufman Mark Passmore, Terri Baker, Sally x,.; tz�x l ; t
Gavreluk and Elizabeth Kauf- gold medids•in the Sarnia compe-"Matt Dillon" in a duet and Moore, Harold "Shorty" Brooks, MacDonald.
man, tition in -March and the North Bay "Davy Crockett" in a solo Kevin Sandra Thompson, Maureen ' Cowboys --Cindy Evans, , Jill
One unprecedented event dur- competition in April 1975 and Wheeler as "Jessie James", Beattie, Cheryl Beattie, April McCutcheon, Karen Alexander,
ing the program was the silver medals in the Niagara Cheryl Gavreluk as "Annie Oak- Moore, Cheryl Gavreluk, " Lori Mark Moore, Kevin Wheeler,
ley", Leanne Cossitt as "Ellie Lee Gavreluk;. Curti Nioore. „ Robbie Cardiff, Curtis Moore, `
_ Kevin Wild, Elizabeth Kaufman, CHERYL GAVRELUK was the 1976 winner of the Marguerite Burrel Trophy presented at
May a White
April Moore as Barmaids—Michelle Mc- the 24th annual ice show of the Wingham Figure Skating Club Saturday. Mrs. Harold
• "Little White Dove", Catherine Cutcheon, Mary Webb, Cheryl Lori Gavreluk, Maureen Beattie, 9 9 9 Y• '
°Cardiff as "Calamity Jape", and Edwards, Joan Huether, Sylvia Cheryl Beattie, Leesa Cook, Kim Wild, club president, and Mrs. Fred Moore presented the trophy which is awarded
W11 GHAM KINETTES Joan Huether as "Rose". Beard, Marlene Webb, Mary -Jo McGregor, Lois Pennington,, Lisa annually to the senior slater with the most improvement, personality and all-round help,
And there were more stars than Moran, Carol Wheeler, Catherine Hamilton, Kelly Lougheed, to the club throughout the year.
that in the group productions Cardiff, Leanne Cossitt, Patricia Dianne Orien, Karen Wood,
which sparkled with smiles and Dilworth, Grace Kueneman, Pat 'Sandra Thompson, Rachelle
MARCH an overwhelming enthusiasm. Anstett. Campeau, Natalie Campeau,
The stars of these ice "spec- Western Poodles and Hound Paula Cox, Elizabeth Brydge,s, Annual rorts indicate
taculars" were: Milkmaids— Dogs—Jennifer Prue,.'Brenda,Bonnie Evans, Andrea Me-
Lori Lee Gavreluk, Elaine Chambers, Christine Thompson, Gregor, Margaret,- Lemoine, • `'
OF DIMES Kuenenian, Margaret Lemoine, Eileen Mahe, Dale McFarlen, Elaine Kueneman. church groups Cheryl Beattie, Leesa Cook, Kim- Debbie Wright, Heidi Strong, Lasso—Michelle McCutcheon, ''active*
c t' v e i n 7 5
%. berly McGregor, Lois Penning- Sarah Lougheed, Nancy Henry,
Carol Wheeler Catherine Car- WHITECHURCH — Lorne with scripture reading and a church and the Pinecrest Manor.
ton, Natalie Campeau, Lisa Annette Carter, Sheryl Hanula, . diff, Cheryl Edwards, Mary Forster, John deBoer and Mrs. prayer. Mr'. Kay was elected Nursing Home, Lucknow. Of -
The canvass which was to P ave,been Hamilton, Kelly Lougheed, Jeffrey Mann, Steven Thynne, Webb, Marlene 'Webb, Grace g
h Dianne Orien, Karen Wood, Lisa Ritchie. ' Kueneman, Mary -Jo Moran Hugh Simpson were elected" to a chairman and chosen secretary ficers were ,Barry Elliott, Bob
conducted this past Monday will be held Sylvia Beard, Cheryl Gavreluk, three-year term on the Board of was Wallace Milligan who read Ross and Wendy Kay. Adult
y Managers of the Chalmers the minutes of the 1975 meeting. advisors were Philip Steer and
April Moore, Joan Huether, Presbyterian Church when the Annual reports were accepted by Mr, and Mrs. Jim deBoer. Their
Monday, February 9 � , worths Cossitt, Patricia ild-congregational meeting the congregation who had end -of -year balance is $129.93.•
K .r annual
3` r,.' w� � worth, Dan Gordon, Kevin Wild. y previously pportunity. to
• �/►� �/ i `' k , 2�w„ was held in the Sunda School reviousl had o
J J l review of the show would not room on Friday evening. Mrs. study the printed information. Rev. Glenn" Noble conducted Tete without a.mention at
P John Gaunt was re -appointed to As of December 31, member -
the business, read correspond -
least of those organizers and serve on the board. ship stood at. 112. Throughout the encs, discussed the new budget
workers that didn't appear on the Also re-elected were trustees year, there were three baptisms and the raising of the minister's
r ice but deserve everyone's Don Ross, John .Gaunt and. and one death.' salary. Also increased were the
thanks for their work: the club William R. Purdon. "Auditors are Sunday School operated for 29' .salaries of the organist, treasurer
professionals who . worked with Bill• Versteeg i and Mrs. Bill Sundays in 1975, with five and caretaker. Mr Kay thanked
. key the skaters and the entire execu- Gibson. teachers; superintendent Walter all for their support'during the
o.,.,lo. 511.. a Black Fb.t five of the club and the carnival. Bev Kay opened the meeting Elliott' °and ',secretary -treasurer year and .Walter Elliott ex -
Mrs. John Gaunt. The Sunday pressed gratitude to Mr. Noble
School was self-supporting and for -his assistance.
, • $1Thd the
year with balance of Mr. Noble closed the meeting
ye h a anc.
Speaker eX tains role new 'president of theith prayer.
p Women's Missionary. Society is The anniversary service at'
D t p Mrs: John deBoer. There were 15
Chalmers will be held .May ,
ofpastor and deacon active members and 11 Home with Dr. Finlay Stewart as guest'
g� Helpers who met their allocation. speaker.
Mrs. H. Simpson: and Mrs. A.
r y The two major offices of the must be under control, having a Purdon led the Children of the d
r y~ church were explained by Pastor faithful wife and obedient child- Church. Officers were Donald
Ross Smith as he spoke Sunday ren. His wife must be faithful in deBoer, David Ross, Vicki Scott
„ „, morning to the congregation of her speech, faithful to the Word of 7, and Clara Milligan. Membership Bel more Inst•
Neer► -laundry Soil end Stain Remover = the •Wingham Baptist Church. God, faithful to her husband and was 14 with an average attend-
lf Reading from the third chapter of faithful in the attendance of the ance of nine.'
Paul's first letter to Timothy,,he services. Finally, the deacon BELMORE — Members of the
SHOUT R suggested that there were only must be a saved man and desire The Young People's society, Women's Institute worked on "a
99cter' y with a membershi of 30, was
r Q OZ./ two offices in the local church and strive to reach others for p' quilt for the 1976 Maple Syrup
very active with an average
according„to Paul. He said, `'Man Christ. Festival when they met January
3 • has complicated the offices and During the morning service, attendance of 25. Special activi- 15 in the community centre.
structure of the New Testament Mrs, Jorritsma and son Klaus ties were attending the fall rally
feberge -Organics - •Wheat Germ and Honey ' at Fonthill and Camp,,Kintail in The topics of discussion were
1 church as he has complicated so sang a duet, with Klaus ac May. Socially, they held beach the. current teachers' strike; the
many other things.” "However. companying on the guitar.
' t the Bible shows the church At the evening service, Pastor parties, a pancake supper, a box raising of the drinking age to
Shampoo or - _ , g social and several social even- above high school age; the teach-
p_ ,p. government to be simply pastors SmAh spoke about the "Great g g
10V qind deacons." Tribulation", a period- of seven ingsat various homes. During the ing of sex education in schools;
o g ' Describing their roles. Pastor years' duration, prophesied by Christmas season, they ,went and the newly -enforced seat belt'
a, Smith said the pastor is some the prophet Daniel, which begins carolling at Langside, White law.
ditioner time�scalledabishoporelder. He to unfold in the sixth chapter of
Con70 OZ.; is the overseer, leader or Revelation.
1 shepherd of the flock`. The. speaker said, "Thereis a
The office of the deacon began terrible time -coming upon the
Philips ; ` r because of problems - in the ` world, according to the Word of
church at Jerusalem. T& deacon God. This terrible time will not
is to work with the pastor, doing come until the 'saved' have been
Lio h t Bulb's Pk -Of 4 C A the work of the church together in gathered up to meet Christ g harmony. He is to be honest, not bodily." (I Thessalonians 4:16,
THIS "SWINGING" PAIR was part of the act in, the y•
"Western Jamboree on Ice" Saturday at the Wingham double -tongued or two-faced. He 1 ) �
'Pastor Smith referred to the,
Arena.. April Moore and Cheryl Gavreluk performed their "not tb be a drinker,'not greedy" "
Gillettepart in the "Western Swing Dance" with grace andenthu- for financial gain—buti coin- ecumenical movement and the
siasm. passionate and kind. His home fall of many. nations to Com-
munism which seem to support
TRAC ' ' t Biblical prophecy concerning a
5 Blades one-world.government•under the
antichrist. In closing, he
r _ ..... remarked. "God's HolyWord
gives comfort: "Look up, for
Johnson your redemption draweth nigh."
Mrs. Koss Wilhelm and Miss �
Sylvia MacLean pro'vidM organ
Baby a and piano music throughout the
.„ � � service. \ .
Powder. 14 oz. .
.... _.._............. .... 1 , —Mrs. Peter (Aileen) Carter `
,�.. � returned to her home on F.d�+aid
Johnson Street last Tuesday after spen-
ding 16 days as a patient in,St. ,
o } Joseph's Nnspital . London.
'' undergoing X-rays and tests.
• ® '1*59 ,� ., Bruce Anger of R'in ham".•M<, g �iho yeas a patient in the Wing -
®II y s
OZ.ti 'r ham ar"id District Hospital. was
transferred Friday h} ambu- S :•'`�,x� � .
r , lance to l'niyersity Hospital in
We have a large selection o1 � � Lcrndun. We wish Bruce a speedy �
?> A recovery. A�x
_ ,.. , . , a,_ Mrs, ,
.��� 'V1r and tilrs Mel blathers
'VALE,WINE and Mr. and Mrs Charles
Bosman have returned from a
holiday at Lakeland, Florida. It
CARDS CHOCOLATES was a little Cooler than usual but '���is`
when they left it was between 75
n 0 degrees,
Mrs Gershom Johnston of_16
TRIANGLE, Catherine Street and Mr. and Y
`' " Mrs. Charles Wood.and Svlvia of THIS HIAWATHA ,never. stood on the shores of
00 8 C 0 10 Ni Gitc'hiqurnf " but 1s definitely much prettier than Lon fel
I,gmondyille attended th.e Y p 9
. CARNIVAL CHAIRMAN Mrs. Robert Gavreluk congratulates the top three sellers of low's char a ter M' t tl C
° a
� A
tickets on their success. They are: third, Elizabeth Kaufman; second, Lori Lee Gavreluk;
funeral o Claude Grubbe at
f 1 f ud
< ever waS �c ie e Mc utcheon portrayed -
the famous Indian In the Western Jamboree Ice ' Sa
P.m. days Sys Noon to Saar
(open 9 a.m. to 9.... m. Week
first, Curtis Moore.
All three were awarded prises during the "Western Jamboree on Ice"
Barrie on Fria an spent the
weekend with relatives at Thorn-
o'n ur
day skating with a skill arid grace that the first Hiawatha
........ .......
on Saturday.
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