The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-02-05, Page 11Fro
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The Wingbom Ad.yopemeTlws, 0. MM, 000FAWXY f5t
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Mr. and Mrs: wellingtorl, bqwl qo pltiglog-a#0. We ve�t fiVe last -s ob
Receni III owl". w tgomi. J v"zone *2�10RE Intormi g
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Patterson v�ril Mr.: and- Mrs. el" 1peb, 0 at jD " eA ooilM fighting tion pay was held at the arena from the ab. ,e ass or
XF.'ailo.rflrs. Ron McCletnent, .w Tiger Vats )v
'I Tbursd y, Jan, 29, Approxi- many loc�l/prod
Rick Mo&y Brampton and ClIftlisandt4ePWO. a al/prod
pQ of B Enpietjfion will
4pgompaqed by, Mr. and Mrs. Winners in tbat,goi
RE NcQitcheon of Listowel le Mr. and Mrs. Jim Patterson and from the Grey- may� WA V-1;
third place at 0 0,40. mately 35 people Pack# .tile. next Opic
ft family of, Toronto, advance to the provincial, finals keys had $7, and the JF?a Pw
Ily to the n cue - for be.
ational finals. By district attended. A wet-
Thursday from Mailton for a Mr. and Mrs.' Ralph Lee left 30, Au L�.r wore expPla
The Wingham bowlers who come to all those present., and duced
webk' vacation to St. Lucia Saturday for a*vacation in- Flor- Denis Adams captured Ut,00 I' opening remarks were given by The �.o A
qualified for the "second step" #s_ r is o
AsTan; fIr 11
itotiom and
ida. high single and double] President Jim McOillvary of of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson are:
boys with 164 and.W.. Paisley. He iiitrodu�ed the maple
Mr. and Mrs, De�yk Weber, p IS $110pift.
Bantams: girls' single, Julaine
Rodger was girls' 'higo. s, jo
Andrew and Corry visited in Kit Ad syrup extension specialist, f6i 6n- the says too
Adams, am, Sherry
ener on the we 1!009; te with 149, while P-ebbilp 1,0_1wap ma syrup.
carie, John Butler, who gave a
ch ek6nd
Walden, 969, Joanne Henry, 952,
ith.270. 0,#'r�hidh
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Martin,-- Kim Zimmer, hign double wi
bh6f Account of his job and ex- The ti
mee mg was adjourned
wINGINAIR mer, 918, Debbie- Roy, all
Donna and Brenda returned 894 Debbie Lee, 805; Boys' scores -were: Julaine A plained to the producers that withI producers anxious II:6,gei
maple syrup, as compared to into the bush for the 1976 season
home on Saturday after'spending Debbie I.&e, 130 i4Q;.
single, Stephen Gaunt, IJ36; V� wwu
-BODY SHOP two weeks in Florida. team Randy, Bain, 1,118, John Willis, 145 i Andy Jarvis, 13,N; 001 snack and convenience foods, on but dismal ed at the amount of,
Mr. and Mrs. Wray Cooper re- Darrin Aicte � '' ' 0
131; "&
Andy J �-w a pound to pound basis does not snow which will have to �e
Leedham, 1,049, Jarvis,
Corplete Collision Repairs turned home on Saturday after a 1028, David Scott, 974, Robbie 135; A40 fall into the luxury class as many trudged through.
and Painting ten-day cruise on the Caribbean. Willis, 956. - I., people presume,
Lynda Wittig swept, the Aft0r,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim McInnis of Juniors,: girls' single, Kerry Density of syrup, marketing
double tb'
Towing Service Toronto spent the weekend at girls' high single and d W1, acid judging at fairs was also dis-
Thompson, 1,397; team, Jo -Marie
their home here -� 159 and 286. Tim cussed, The four methods of
McCormick, 1,314, DebraWittig
Steven Anger shared the
Radiator Cleaning and Mr. and Mrs. �ifl arriner left I' bo, checking density Were outlined, HOC
1,236, Sheila Burke, 1',181, Brenda 17A �p
Lakelet and Cliffe) played to a
Repairs over the weekend ?n a freighter high single Jitle with 174,*4a "4 -
MacLennan, .1,154, Susan Bain, namely the dipper method that- score of 4-2 for 1,4kelet in
SID ADAMS cruise and will visit such coun- 1,125; boys' single, Greg Storey, while Stephen Gaunt was high mometeir,. hydrometer and r6 -
tries as the United States, Por- double? with 323. The only other fractrometer. more Friday qight, January 23
1 269; team, Scott Cornwall, and January 27 Wroxeter and
Proprietor high scores were: Brian Hoy
to al, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia. 1,224, Brian Hoy, 1,223, Jeff ar bush
WINGHAM, ONT. I - A discussion on sup Lakelet, in, Belmor6,
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Dinsmore 162; Stephen Gaunt 164, 159; management including fertiliza- again
Resp357-1171 Bus. 357-1102 left over the weekend for a two MacLaurin, 1,188, Jeff Jackson, Tommy Foulon, 162.' played to a score 5 to I 16r Lake -
1,184, Richard Daugherty, 1,137. tion, pests, thinning and farm tax
— weeks' vacation in California. Seniors: girls' single, Nancy The Double Bubble led with 57, rebates was held. let. On Friday, January 30, Ford
Peggy Tervit, and the Chicklets followed ata After a coffee break the busi- wick and Lakelet battled to au.
King, 1,484; team, savers score of 9 to r
1,425, Brenda Foxton, 1,387, distance with 50. The Life ness meeting was conducted with 3 for the Lakelet
WARD & UPTIGROVE had 46; the Speatmints and
Rhonda Lee, 1,353, Pam Gerrie the 1976 state of officers as fol_
CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1,331, Christine Foxton, 1,329; Doublemints tied at 4o each, and lows: president, Jim McGill -
the Black Cats had 37.- vary; secretary, John- Lambie;
boys' single, Jay MacLaurin, R
John C. Word, C.A. Listowel The lead.of the Senior Juniors 11111, directors, Art Garland, Harry
1 11 "'1": 0
1,687; team, Ricky MacLennan
was shat by the Big Macs and
Thomas, Glen Casemom and
R. E. Uptigrove, C.A. (519) 291-3040 1,515, Jamie Smith, 1,447,
the Submarines at 55 each. the M Alan Shields. Irrnpre
Footlongs sl -H Clubs
ored 50,, followed The Maple Syrup 4 Monday nights at the arena are
the Big Boys with 40, the Red THIS LITTLE INDIAN not only lost the battle on the ice but were explained by Mr. Butler, Craft Nights. -Everyone is . wel--
Hots with 36 and the French. Fries also lost the rest of his tribe Saturday. Despite the best of who said that the new material is come to come and work
on the
with 34. intentions, he found he needed lots of help to get him ready for this year and lie would craft of their choice. Materials
STAINLESS STEEL SCISS(M Kerry Thompson 'was girls'*, through his part in the "Western Jamboree on Ice". In be glad to send it to anyone in On-, are supplied by the BeAmore
SHEAR ,®i(! '
Now you can cut the most difficult design patterns high single with 228 And high keeping with the stoic Indian tradition, however, he smiled tario interested, in leading a Women's Institute and instruic'_
and intricate curves. The Scandinavians created double with 438. Greg Storey bravely throughout the ordeal.' Maple Syrup 4-H Club. For in- tion is given'incrocheting, knit -
this style scissor a while ago. The original sold tens
scored for the boys with 198 and
of thousands at $7.951 We, have recreated that formation write to John Butler, ting and quilting, to name a few.
ONLY scissor - with its plastic finger grip and stainless 320 for the high single -and double, Ontario Food" Council, • Parlia- Articles made will be for sale at
steel blades for only $2.98. It's light! Only 3 ounces
$29 . 8 and they're 8W long. Send $2.98 plus 60c ship- respectively. The only other high ment Buildings, Queen's Park, the Belmore Maple, Syrup Festi-
scores were 210 rolled by Kerry
ping & handling to STERLING HOUSE. Scissors. Toronto. val, April 17th. The time is 8:00,
537 Steeies Avenue W., TH9 Willowdale,OPIT Thompson and 304 for Blair Man- Gorrie Personals A discussion was held on pric- p.m, in the Institute Room in the,
sell. Mrs. Lloyd Jacques spent the Kingston where they visited with ing and it was a recommendation arena.
NAME Brenda. Foxton was the top from the meeting to the Ontario Rev.
weekend at the home of Mr. and Lois Ferguson. George Curininghaih of
CUSHION ADDRESS Seniors' bowler last week with a Mrs. Lewis Ta" Miss Margaret
rgaret Dane spent sev- Maple Syrup Producers Associa- Toronto was guest Speaker at
Taylor of Hawkes -
PLASTIC CITY 294 high single that earned her a ville. eral days at the home of Mr.
and tion that 1976 prices be, $15 a Knox Presbyterian Church. in.''
PROVINCE CODE "100 Pins over Average" badge. Nethercott, Mrs. James Walker of Brampton.. gallon and.$8.50 a half gallon. The- Belmore on Sunday. 4M' Js in •„
HANDLES Her average is, 178. She also Mr. and Mrs. Roy. X.
E] Order Two! Only $5.50 plus $1 shipping Listowel R. R. 2,,visited Friday Bill Strong and Ian Inglis at- recipe
pe book, "Tempting Treats charge of Evangel 'HAA' and
handling Tolled the high triple of 644. Paul Sugar Bushes" was missions for the needy
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Grain- tended theFarm Show at Toronto from Ontario uga in down
(Ontario residents add tax.) Cerson was boys' high single at ger. . Bruce Grainger, London, from Tuesday to Friday. on display. These books proved to town- Toronto, and told of, his
280, and Jay MacLaurin was high spent the weekend at the same Mr. and Mrs. Keith Small, and 'be very Popular since introduced work. there.
triple'high scores
with 693. Other home. family, Wroxeter;'Mr. and Mrs. Intended for last �veek .;7',
were: Nancy King, 207; Paul Little Marlene Coulter dau. h- Oscar Kieffer, Bluevale;'Mr. and Friends and :neighbors - wild
Cerson, 208; Spencer Burley, 257; .9 visited like, to congratulate Dick Konings
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Coul- Mrs. �aRobert Hastiq
Tom Remington, 218; ,Jay Mae- Mrs. B•ellnac.ter had her collarbone broken Sunda'yk-with Mr. 'andand Mrs. M. Grupp on their itw-
Laurin, 260, 237; Ronnie John- George Keil.
whiles skating Saturday at the ri,ge January 2 at Gorrie-.-Mie*
sten, 205; Stephen Burke, 203; 'Howick Community Centre. Mir. and Mrs. John 'Van de- S couple owns the Belmore General
Bill Ohm-, 209. Argonaut
The Clue, Klux Clan held on to Mrs: John Boyd spent a week at KeTnp visited recently with Mr. Store. ,
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William And Mrs. Tim Van, de Kemp of BFLMORE. — The "annual Several ,representatives f
their giant lead with 87, followed Dettman of Wroxeter. .'Stratford. met I I oe, of the Belmae A�gonauts Ae Belmorie community atten46d
distantly 'by'!�e Pink Panthers
recialio-ni" Wighf-16re' 'I n
with 67 and Anonymous With 58. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar, '' Mrs. William Darling ,is a p97 was held Jan. 26, in,the McIntosh Appreciation
The Crusaders had 56 and the 'Brian and Karen of Georgetown tient. in Wingharn and District' Church basement. The meeting Haskins who. retired recently s,
spent the weekend with Mrs. Alex .Hospital. was opened with the singing of clerk of Newick Township.
Freaky Five and the Jaws tied at A Mrs. i;dward Stewart' the "Mariner's Hymn'.' with Mrs. A benefit'dance was h6ld in *%e
55 each. Edgar. Mr. an
Mrs. Joe Simmons spent the of Bluevale visited Saturday with Lake•at the piano. The Mariner's Mildmay Arena on January 24,16r
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Stew -art. psalm wad repeated in unison and FYank Haelt]46 of the Belmore
Robert Peel of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. George Cherry, Alain Darling read a poem, area' who lost his, barn by fire.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ferguson Robert, William and Donald of "Remember the Days". The Walter Renwick was the guest
Laketet returned Saturday from a vaca- Palmerston, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian hymn "D Master It Me Walk speaker at th6 Neustadt Women.'s
family, Palmerston,
tion in the Southern States. They Van Ee and with Thee" was s g and Alan Institute for "Senior Ci ' tizehs'
Mr. and 'Mrs., Jet* DeBruyn Visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Kestle and read the scripture lesson. Betty, Night" January 26. He spoke on
Jim Nabors sings The Lord's Prayer. have moved to the house of Ferguson of, Raleigh N.C. and Billy, R. R. 2, Palmerston, visited Darling gave an interesting read- the history of the Belmore Maple
I Johr Milligan. Mrs. Milligan will recently with Mrs. Edward Ing titled "True Or False" and Syrup Festival and on mVle-
Tommy's Greatest Hits. 111t a week At Myrtle Beach,.
On I I be moving ' to Clifford in the 'P' der and" Robin Bolander. then closed d6votions With syrup production.
Johnny Cash's Greatest Hits - South Carolina, returning via Bolan
I future. prayer.
Skating Time ,Ken Griffin. Albert Dettman was able to Mr. Lake conducted the. busi•
Ray Price -For the Good Times. return to his home last week for Delmore teems win three -games ness meeting and reviewed %the
from the. Hanover Hospital.
-constitution. It was decided to
Marty's Greatest Hits - Marty BELMORE — As if they didn't being scored by Brian Hays, ffelmore WAILS
Robbins Mrs. Bob Tozer and baby of -accept the constitution as read.
Red Bank, N.B. d home know International Women's Willie Stafford (two) and Donnie
returned Year had ended, the gals' hockey Busby. The Intermediates lost to Programs.were then outlined for plans quilting
after spending two weeks with the following year. They are as P
team scored two of Belmofe's Atwood and the Belmore Squirts1. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey De . merling. few wins last week when they did were defeated 4-0 by Belgrave. follows: Feb., Everett and Wilma BELMORE'' The WMS
battle with Palmerston and Belgrave Tykes also defeal .f I the Dustow; March,' Ivan and Ali gathered for their first meeting in
Vednesday, Jan. 21 in the
0-1 trouncing, with Mawhinney; April, Murray adM976 on Y
Harriston. local lads, a I du y
Glenda Ballagh led the scoring the. lone goal scored by Sheri Cathy 'Mulvey; May, Alan and church basement. The roll call,
[a brie, pwty with three goals and Twyla Dick- Stafford. Betty Darling; June,., Bill and "An article or poem on New
son and Carol Kieffer scored one in exhibition play, the peeWees Nancy Mulvey; July, John' and Year's" was answered by nine,
LOOKI fel 111111W S 11111410thil 'Jean Rutherford; Aug., Walter members.
each to, defeat Palmerston 5-1. enjoyed some competition with The president, Mrs. Elmer
and Mary Renwick; Sept., Mac
WROXETFR — The Senior Cathy Willits earned a shutout. Cooksville. Though they lost 14
and Norma Inglis; Oct., Jim and Jaffray, took charge of the devo-
Citizens' So, sal Club 'held its over Harriston as Glenda Ba4agh to, they showed "the team good
meeting in Vie L,rit.-unity Hall and Cathy Kieffer scored two hospitality as the out--6f-town Marg Renwick; 'Nov., Wilfred tions ,and..Opened with the singing
SIX GREAT 'REC on January 26. each, Jane McPherson, Gwen - boys were billeted in different and Eileen Darling; Dec., Earl of "Great God We .Sing", which,
Followinf, :!:, -nepting the Dickson and Jean MacAdam, one hoines im the• Belmore area. A and Audrey Fitch; Jan. '77, was followed by the scripture
$7 Price Range) committee, and Mrs. Stewart each, to make it 7-0. banquet was held after the game Elmer and Helene Haskins. reading and prayer. A short busi-
(06§inally selling in the $6 Higgins, Mr;. Laura Munro and In other winning action, the when a turkey dinner was served Each couple, plus members of ness period was conducted, Plans
quilting Mrs. Harvey Reidt, conducted a PeeWees defeated Belgrave 7-6. to the players. Local goal -scorers their lifeboat, are to be rex were made for q ng in Pebru-
ho sponSible for their month's pro- ar
euchre party. Winners were: They tied East Howick 4-4 -,11, �tL-Ft� Murray Mawhinney w Y.
his part by scoring gram. Mrs. George Nickel led in Bible
NOW ALL AT ladies' high, Mrs. Andy Gibson; goals scored by Murray Mawhin- certainly did Mr. And Mrs. Lake showed study, reading from Romans.
low, Mrs'. Lillian Gallagher: ney (two), AIIJIn Kieffer and seven of the ten. goals. Doug
gents' high, Frank King; low, Les David Eadie. Busby takes credit for two: •Allan slides of their trip to Tobermory Mrs: Alvin Mundell showed the
�4 W C
Douglas; novelty prizes, �Irs. Not making it to the winning Kieffer one. and pictures taken at the film "The, Path' of Others",
Della McMichael, Herb Braniff. end of a score but having lots of In March, the Belmore team R.A.W.F. Lunch was served by depicting the Korean Church,
There was a euchre party fun anyway, were the Bantams returns to Cooksvillo for a second Lifeboat 4 and an enjoyable The meeting ended with the
Monday evening, February 2. who lost to KdrtzviIIe 64, goals game. social hour followed. hymn, "Guide Me Great Je-
I . . hovah", followed by a prayer.
$4'0 A%wX
(These are'of top quality stereo records)
WINGHAM '_'__'___'_ 317-M
IL Al 0 Aft IFN IL 8 "N'111110111 Oft—
nn I Zxt
gym N
L n
WOULD YOU BELIEVE poodles and hound dogs?
"Western'.' poodles and hound dogs, th t is, in 3 delightful
routine that won the young skaters an appreciative round of
applause from the audience at the "Western Jamboree on
Ice" Saturday.
could have been
the day you sold
that extra living
room furniture
.CALL 357-2320
We will be glad to
help you to sell
'it next week