The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-29, Page 2Y �t.
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u') . e Vi Kha Advane-nMes, Thurs., Januady 29, 1976T
i�boggoning funBellmore
Intended for last week lCSInks Pfor-9'roIs your life dull and unevent-
„ (
'® ful? Why not change
hangeyour rlife- BELGfA1—On ?A the ve healpgsuhstan
style and bprrow books from the Belgrave proven to shrink hemorrhoids and
[MRHV Rel ors- ibr rThe libairepair damaged tissue.
i part on tate farm of James
has 1406 books, including 52 ref ; ' � k
g � � Walsh. l;veryoite who attended A renowned research institute has
erd ice books and 100 paperbacks ' ' E �: a '' 'tad a great tirpe and would like to found a unique healing substance
It is open Saturdays from 2 to 5 a* w� : � p 3g`t�� "W , 6e iak°,' express ,the thanks to Mr. and rho dshe ability to sh"ptnk hcmor
�� painlessly. It relieves itching
p.m, ^ Mrs. Walsh for the use of the hill. and discomfort in minutes and
<} seeds up healing of the injured.
�' '•; ; k �. •�.; After the arty, the group went to p
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Weber and = •- inflamed tissue.
^^� V14-havl Wavn,- Patrick - i l . the ho a of Dale and Scott
inti - - 0. f i ently
Loug ed for a brief meeting fol'- reliev In n6t oat ar tactual hila reduction
d and Gene of Seaforth visited on f; +%
Sunday with her father, Earl" s -'lowe by lunch. (shrinkage) took place.
McNee,h i Most important of all—results
" The next project in the p
*TINwere so thorough that this impr9ve-
4r. and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe t r� planning is a broomball game merit was maintained over a petiod
` had as Sunday evening dinner ;s rte 4 "'M between the Hi -C members and of many months.
guests 'Mr. and .,Mrs. Kenneth their parents. The game is All this was accomplished with a
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Everett scheduled for Feb. l at 7:JQ in, healing'substance (&o -Dyne) which
a• p- quickly helps heal injured cells and
\ Cathers and Mrs. HarveyCoup-_ at the Belgrave Arena. Everyone stimulates growth or new tissue.
` land. "• is welcome to come and play, or Now Blo-Dyge is offered in mnt-
f meet and suppository form called
The Maple Syrup Information i�� , �.. just watch.
4 x., Preparation H. Ask for It at all drug
Day will be held Thursday, Janu � �� stgres. Satisfaction or your money
ary 29, at 1:00. The meeting is k V Metals account for 88 per cent refunded.
open for anyone to attend. There " y:7 {F. s P
will be films, discussions, and;; of the total ,mineral value in the t
k3; ` y� 1 1 1 1
new production information. � , Yukon Territory.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rae and girls
ShoQ,a and Hazel visited Mr. and
Phone for your free' 1976
Mrs. Walter Renwick on` Satur•
day evening. 11 x� If You Can't Beat Winter.,
Miss Isabelle Darling visited , ' 6
Beaver Homes Catalogue with her brother, Tom Darling, x ' r.. '
last-weekend.t f.�» N x Be In Shape To
and get details about Our ' Ruth MacAdarn was home ., ;1r
visiting, her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Don MacAdam, last week
special Early Delivery .
end. „
Discount Offer! The Belmore-Bluevale Young µ�� a Meet Winter
! People's Society had a toboggan ps`'` L.a'
If you're planning to buy, a: new home during 1976, ning party Saturday night.
phone for a Beaver Homes Catalogue right away. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Awrey Take,
Besides providing you with a free copy of this helpful and Andrew, Mr. and Mrs.
book, your Beaver Home Consultant will give you com- George Harkness visited Mr. and NAN.00K OF THE NORTH? Well that Was almost the case when Jim Laidlaw of 93
plete details about our "Early Delivery Discount Offer.'' Mrs. Robert Harkness on Satur- Victoria St. modernized the old Eskimo igloo for Wingham use. Jim capitalized on the SUPERPLENAMINS
An offer that is designed to save you a good deal of day and Sunday. generous snowfall of the past few weeks to construct the igloo in his backyard. He cer-
money on any home in our catalogue. So don't delay. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pritchard, tainly didn't need to look far for the building mdteria,ls: there's much more snow where ,.
Vicky,' Trina and Jack Moore that came from.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred SAVE $1.49
Johann on Sunday.
sGet an additional 18 day :
Please ak for. JIM:MARTIN BELGRAVE PERSON, ALS, • 'supply when you purchase
or write P.O.. Box 323, Meaford, Ont NOH 1 YO Mrs. Roy Robinson was able: to Extend rev the 72 tablet bottle for just
return to her home Sunday after
EAVE spending the past three weeks as �--
a patient at University Hospitalr _�
in London. f or lando- 1$4�99
MdsMr. and Mrs. 'Ha and tenants
rold Cantelon e
';1 of Tweed spent.the weelgend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harr Key rent review deadlines for duced Friday, Jan. 16, 1976 by . (rather than Jan. 31), or 60 days
landlords and tenants have been Housing 'Minister John Rhodes. after receiving a notice of in- z_'"`r""`" —
• McGuire,: g .
■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Ross Yuill of Elmira spent the extended by a series of amend The Legislature approved: crease, whichever comes last.
weekend with. his parents, Mr. ments to the Residential For tenancy agreements taking
and Mrs. Clarence Yuill. Premises Rent Review Act intro- effect between July 30'and Dec. If a tenancy agreement takes 1
31, 1975, inclusive, tenants wish- or -has taken effect between'Jgly
ing to dispute increases of up to 30, 1975 and April 36, 1976, inclus-
_ eight per cent for that period ive, landlords. wishing to charge
must make application on the more than eight per cent for anyA
/ 1
appropriate form no later than .period after Jan. 1, 1976, must 5� SAVE $2.79
Feb. 29, 1976. The s 'previous dead- make application on the ap- Get an additional 36 day
lin_ a was Jan. 31, 1976.': propriate form by Feb. 29, 1976, I supply When you purchase
Landlords wishing to charge an r.qther than Jan. 31. (Landlords the 144 tablet bottle for
increase of more than eight-perseeking increases of more than s
cent over- the same period must eight per cent for tenancy agree- — lust
make application on. the ap- ments taking effect between May
propriate form by Feb.A9, 1976; 1 and July 31, 1976, must make
instead` Rflan. 31. '"" :a application on the apipfopriate
- If neither landlord not, tenant form at least, 60 days before the 18e,99
agree on an increase above the increase is scheduled' to go into
eight per cent guideline and do effect. )
not apply to have the rent for the Under the amendments, rent �---+
July 30 to Dec. 31 period re-, review officers will inform land -
viewed, the tenant is entitled to a lords and tenants of the dates and
rebate of any,rentpaid in excess -places of hearings within 30 days �J
of , eight per 'cent by Feb. 29, of applications being made,
rather than Feb. 16. rather than 10 days.' vt�
For tenancy agreements taking The amendments also provide �=
effect on or' after Jan. 1, 1976, that a decision of a rent review s8
tenants wishing -to dispute any officer or'the rent review board /
increase must file application on will remain in force foi 12 , SAVE' , 8.99
' the appropriate form by Feb. 29 months.
Get an adciitidnal 144 day
supply when you purchase
the 288 tablet bottle for
G orrie • Personals SMR A16- i�st
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne' Michel for of Hawkesville. -- '
have returned from California- • Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gallaway ^
where they visited at the homes spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. +---------•.)...:Ir)N
' of Mr rid M A G f -
. a rs. . rape o Jack Shiell of RR 3, Wingh'am.
• Mountclair and.Willard Michel of Kenneth Templeman of London
We II gave you 100 gallons of furnace fuel oil Santa Ana, Cal. spent the weekend with relatives..
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fe�rgu- Mrs. Bert Hubbard and Wesley
son spent the weekend w'th Mr. Lee
aind Mrs. James Alcorn. On Underwood were in Clifford on Ltd.
FREE"if we let your tank run out. Saturday. n
Saturday 'they celebrated Mrs. Michael and Christine Nichol- • ' WINGHAM PHARMACIST
Ferguson's birthday at the Four son of Ripley spent the weekend WINGHAM ONTARIO
Aces, Clifford. with Mr. and Mrs. George Keil
Mr: and Mrs. David Temple-
r man and familyof Wellesley
• _ spent the weekend with Mrs. Jos- '
' eph Simmons.
Mr. -and Mrs. Ronald Mann and THERE'S
family of Heathcote spent the
CO OP Guarantees to keepyou warm this winter. If we let our tank weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Shel-
Y Y Conditions of Guarantee: don Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur '
run out, the next 100 gallons are on us, free. Let us deliver your fuel oil automatically, Your Breckles and Angela of Kinlough The address printe�on the upper left "ear" of your- Advance -
capacity must be 200 gallons or larger, and visited Sunday at the same home, . Times not only tells 46 Post Office where to deliver your paper --it
CO-OP Petroleum drivers have earners a solid reputation for your home must be your prime residence with as did Mrs. Marilyn Connell and
year round occupancy. Also provided your also has a message for you. It tells you when your subscription
dependability. They're backed by a wr;ather computf'r to tell thorn credit is within approved limits, you will be Carol Ann of, Clinton. 9
when our tank needs refilling. Wn'II deliver eligible Birks Robertson of Teeswater expires.
Y q• y quality Fuel Oil all• g is visiting at the homes of Mr. and P
' winter long. We guarantee it./ This offer will not apply if our failure to deliver Mrs. Gordon Edgar and Mrs. ,
results from interruption of supply, impassable Glad Edgar. If that some line reads
Have CO-OP deliver your Fuel Oil rind lot IIs worry ahnlrt kr' !ping road conditions or any other factor beyond our Mr. and Mrs. William Knox, JAN. 9.8-7-6
you warm. control. Kevin and Kerri of Owen Sound your subscription expires at the end of January
visited Mrs. Harvey Adams on
Sunday. The month of expiry is lain) indicated by abbreviations such
iUust another way ... Mrs. Glad Edgar spent the P Y plainly
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don- as Dec,.-, Jan., Feb., etc. The year of expiry is indicated by. the last
aid Williamson of Thornhill. figure in the row.
®o era 'vas Mrs. Lloyd Jacques J c Jacques ® anied Mr. and Mrs. John Jacques
N of RR 2, Clifford on Sunday and Thus; Jan. 9-8-7-6 means 'it is paid until Jan. 1976. Just look at
r visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tay the month and the last figure.
w y s' t: ; :f LA i1! ELE� In order 4o avoid d further increase in the price of the paper to
workz a A;" , �� r Intended for last week Canadian subscribers we no_longer send out notices when payment
Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Metzger is due. This was a costly process.
for o►
• w;;. s, )and family of Palmerston visited
" ,,i with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Green -
'Please a
,. Please read our label and make your payment before the date
ley and Barry. Mrs. Lorna Clark Y
and Tim of Stratford visited at of expiry. If payment is not"received we can only assume that you
� � - - - P Y• P Y
We like to know our customers I ., II I I - the same home. - •
b� name! visited a the same home. want the subscription discontinfied.'
BELGRAVE. Bav and Mrs. Ken Scott h I; r.88764S3 3 5 7' 2 71 1 grave visited Sunday with Mr. ' The Wingham Advante-Times
and Mrs. Bill Gadke. /
UNITED CO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zurbrigg C.
.'..°" visited Sunda with Mr. and Mrs. Phone 357-2320
Robert Hibberd in Blelgrave,
- ox 390, Wingh•am _.
.. I r