The Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-29, Page 15,
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qp The Wingham Advauce»Timed, Tbrars., �f ua !� it ~' ge 15
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DencegreaT.FOIiDW t �,a�niste,
;5;�Jsu1 urp., a -1 tt>q-," he s id, `4'P�,�Sorensen, perseitu►el for lois �: � i�, officer Oq and eased then'taw w a en . ' ,, �i;Mani u Co r
lurch of • l e�►i, Aiu1d p, ve be . t oub�e wtt lu } t4 nfe ence said Mr. at our le N
d o MacDo a is ; the yell " f� ,' `MacDonald had difficulty in ® '
` ', Mr. acDonaid alaq sand he
. �e�n a� *---tcote nd,,�• adminstration and in or ani ecu
"T 'r a s , ,s� , 6€. zin8 . as ani s grda' ed into ,r
r" ' q� gds an I l 1fir`° and W... 1i 9 ly
� lilt
'n Ott injuncE 5to •. � hixx► �I►£��"7 fro ''ihe charge, tvKo xePr s�ii�,ka dealing with people. fisc i ustry after he left Mani- � � i.
rJ ,.C! On
Lives from, the resk�. ter as 11° His adear Bf what a minste$ is
thw'pulpit. p Y - to .arniug although Mr. Sorensen'
131 The motion was heard before as he, himself had applied for ;,he and how a minister functions is at rhe Junior Citizens of Wing- Some, still carried. prim, rou
LW L S sand he was ordained only by a ham danced u a storm last Fri- during the evening.
Mr. Justice Donald Keith in, the temporary ;,}junction. odds with the United' Church of slim majority. P g
Supreme Curt of Ontariq, Os- Mr. MacDonald, Sl has vowed Canada, Mr. Sorensen said. Idle "After Manitowaning, I never day when they celebrated their, The. Junior .Citizens e�iztind
goode'Hall, • o kd'#ymorning and to stay and fight his dismissal by said Mr. MacDonald refuse,. to got a chance to settle down,'.' he
six-month anniversary at the their special thanks to all thou
was: adjourged,tintil;,)z`eb, i ,. the United, Church. Ae elaimahis . obtain' a driver's licence but said. �allo matter'where I gq, the Canadian Legion hall. About 230 who helped make .the evening a
Norman Pickell, lawyer`'for the firing was unlawful, unjust. aind � expected a caF allowance and church tries to blackball me. It's young Persons attended .the success: disc jockey Wayne
United Church of Canada told has accused the church of never asked others to drive him bet- always the same story. Presby- dance and netted $210 in profits Poole of Milverton; all -the mer -
The I �� The Banner the'- hyrch - had coming out with a reason for dis� ween churches on the three-point tery officials appear on a scene for the group. chants who donated .prizes, in-
Ma'cl)onalii with a miss' frim. char e, �' � The highlight of the evening eluding Burke Electric, Ernie
served' Mr. g and the smear begins. The people writ of summons seeking an Preaching -at Fordwich and . At Teeterville, Rev. David of the congregation become be- came when Junior Citizens, 1 King, Waxworks Boutique, Txi
"_ n on Proctor,
undisclosed sum for damages Iiva'idvinaa United Churches ., ,personnel officer for the wildered and then not knowing President, Susan Burke, spoke in angle Discount, Frosty Queen
praise and thanks for the par- and Pizza Palace; Father.A. J.
L IICE and a temporary injunction. what he described as a one year Hamilton Conference said Mr. who to believe they become praise
of adults who have Nolan who purchased the
The writ charges MrOldacDon- contract, Mr. MacDonald was MacDonald was fired from this neutralized." tic the dun le in• this eters; and ch
ald'with becoming a "nuisance", fired Dec. 31. charge because he - failed to get At Teeterville, he said he re-helpedyoung PeoP P° a chaperones,, Steve
unlawfully interfering in the Jan. 11 he declined to leave the along with parishioners, imposed ceived a letter from the Presby- area in the achievement of their Trapp, Gary Templeman, Bruce
property of the pastoral charge pulpit after Mr. Meacham asked his views on others, disregarded tery telling him he was fired goals. Singled out for special Anger, Norman Anger and Jane
AWARENESS, him to step down, The following the authority off session and ran several. weeks after he resigned. thanks was Adrian Keet who was and Cal Burke.
and unlawfully interrupting the P g Y resented with a beautiful clock- The next event scheduled b
church services. Sunday, he was back, preaching "rough -shod" over the feelings ' of P y
And at Scotch Ridge he said the radio and a card of thanks signed the Junior Citizens is a hockey
the church were barred to Mr: listing of his immediate family, After this episode, Mr. Proctor P by a large number of the group. game that will match the boys
A ® resignation. The rumor he was Thea applause accompanyingthe a ainst the iris. The ruffles in-
MaeDonald, services went on a5 two reporters and a regular said Mr. MacDonald was not gleed was circulated b some PP g g
usual. Church el ens, re orted a church -goer. allowed to preach anywhere in Y presentation almost brought clude�no checking, no slap -shots
S� P members f the congregation
large number of people turned Mr. MacDonald is still occupy- Canada in the United Church upset over his plans to resign the down .the house. and one -hand stick handling for
out. A theological student from ing the church manse with his until 1975 when the suspension The dance ended at 1 a.m. and the. boys.
NOTHING g Ohio charge and return to
Emmanuel College, udentof wife and two children. Mr. was lifted. it was a satisfied but reluctant -to -
University Meacham said the question of the And in Scotch Ride United Canada, he said. leave crowd of young people that A Jut $15 was collected during
Toronto, delivered the sermon, q g Church. officials in Toronto the dance for YACMR.
The church had alreadyob. manse would have to wait. Presbyterian Church, Pember- finally left the hall to go home.
� meanwhile admit the case of the
V I'L D S tained. , an eight -,day injunction ville, Ohio, church officials say
j Our fir concern is to restore renegade minister in Fordwich
against Mr. MacDonald. How- Mr. MacDonald was fired as well.
g services," he said. "We can't has its "bizaare aspects" and is '
ever, the minister said he would allow Mr. MacDonald . to go on A spokesman there, Rev. Jack one of the "strangest" they have - •
stayorit of the church pulpit in Beverly, said the situation was Elect new officers
AWARENESS • P P • endlessly disrupting things." "a mil -match" between the .ever encountered.
future on his own accord. Controversy seems tb have " Rev. J. H. Dean, personnel ser -
Rev. August Meacham, per- dogged Mr. MacDonald's heels pastor and the church, 9His vices, division of ministry,
sonnel officer for the London ever since he arrived in Canada stubbornness got in the way. United Church of Canada in at annual meeting
LIKE Conference, United Church of leg MacDonald denies these
from his native Ireland a decade Toronto told' The Banner the
Canada, said the injunction had allegations. He insists he stop Harvey Edgar, Bruce
j ago. church would prefer to handle the BLUEVALE - During the
s been requested in the hope .that resigned from both - Teeterville throughg Corrigan, an ` Mrs. MacFarlane
services at the church' could According to church officials, and Scotch Ridge. "I have neveir owe ed to secular courts as United Church, h Sundance at the Mrs Shirley Nicholson.
return to normal. he ran into difficulties in one of done anything I was ever opposed y, January Appreciation was extended to
his first charges, Manitowaning ashamed of in an of m 25 the congregation participated Pp
ADVERTISING `We want the parishoners back Y Y The rights a the church in this in Hol Communion. Mrs. Eto r Johnston for her seas
„ on Manitoulin Island. char es, he said. res Y
in church, Mr. Meacham said. g pact are the same as any other Before the Sunday School chil- ffcient work during her term �s '.
"Our primary concern is to get Later in Teeterville, Norfolk He said the two years he spent institution, he said. "But we had dren retired to their classes Alan church treasurer.,
things back to normal." County and. Pemberville, Ohio', -on Manitoulin Island were hoped Rev. MacDonald would Campbell.was presented with a Mrs. Evelyn Demaray gave a
After a lengthy silence on rea- church officials ,say Mr. Mac "happy years. Before we left the have accepted our decision for. token of appreciation by Robert report of the newly -formed Chris-
N THE sons for Mr. MacDonald's firing, Donald• was fired. congreVation presented .my his own sake. and the sake of the Fraser, clerk of session for his tion Education committee.
Mr. Meacham said it was due to a At Manitowaning, Rev. Fred, family and I ,with a cheque for church." splendid work while he was Harold Johnston has been ap-
".history of unsuitability in pastSunday School Superintendent. pointed as new Sunday School
congregations." The congregation enjoyed superintendent and plans for a
He said the church could not • lunch and an, hour of fellowship church library have been made.
afford to wait for parishoners to h r c h Personal Notes before holding its annual meet- During the meeting Ross Smith
coin lain about Mr: MacDonald. W h I t e Vwas appointed to be Stewardship
"Our philosophy. is not to wait for Rev. Wilena Brown, chaired chairman and Mrs. Demaray' as
problems to start," he said. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of The relatives presented them telephone either Mrs. Elliott or the meeting and opened with a contact for the church in Social
Mr. Meacham said it usually Hamilton spent the weekend with with an electric coffee pot, Mrs. Purdon. word of prayer.Qutreach.
A A her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ;Bill electric iron 'and a "25th anni- The annual meeting of Chal- Reports from the various It was decided to continue the
Phone 357-2320 takes two v three be ores P Fvery-Family Plan for distribu-
- becomes evident a clergymen is Caslick. of Culross, and visited versary cup and saucer, mens Presbyterian. Church is church groups showed that a hon of the Observer.
not suited to his -charge., "We felt With his mother, Mrs. Jim Miller The Young People's Society., scheduled to beheld this Friday successful year had been tom -
Rev. MacDonald would step that of Wingham, and ' her grand- was unable to attend the youth-„ evening in the Sunday School pleted. The congregation extended
mother, Mrs. McAllister at the service at the Christian Re- room at 8:30. All members and The nominating committee thanks to Miss'Brown for her fine,
nursing home. formed Church due to weather adherents are urged to attend submitted the following revision work in the charge. She, in reply -
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Inglis of Bel- conditions. this meeting. and additions as officers of the mg+ expressed her enjoyment of
M1 more were Sunday visitors with The secondary and elementary church: treasurer, Mrs. Helen her .work and personal contacts
Mr. and Mrs. Don Caesar and school pupils on Monday enjoyed since coming to Bluevale.
• •:. MacFarlane; auditors Mrs.
with their babv daughter, a holiday from school due to icy '
RD AMichelle, at Wingham and Dis- road conditions and fog. This ���/� Etoile Johnston and Mrs., Audrey
trict Hospital., situation was the same in many �!�/t4C>Vuuyo Edgar;, nominating committee, ,
EN_Q C'' "* • Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cann counties.. �' Mrs. R. Hastings, Mrs."D. Craig, Nvrs/ng home
Murry Johnston and Ross
- -w were Sunday visitors with Mr. �- On Thursday -last, MT."Aril Vlr . Air. and Mrs. Farrish Moffat
s Smith • chairmen of ushers Mac
and Mrs: Doug Conley and Jason. Leroy Rintoul of Tottenham entertained a number of relatives ' employee Is
This co Willits and Doug Stamper;
6txayzr T s mmunity i5 really hav started out with a charolais cattle and friends at their home Satur
session: ,honorary members
in all extreme types of weather. beast of Mr. Devins which .had .day evening in honor ..of her Lies speaker
t r{ I� Sparling Johnston and' Charles g
Sunday evening a heavy rain been sold to go to France. It had father, Alex MacKenzie of Lucy Johnston; new member, Murray
helped to reduce the pile-up of to be taken to Harrisburg, now, on his 91st birthday. Johnston; stewards, Carl John- FORDWICH - Mrs. "Len
" snow but having removed the top Pennsylvania, to be put on the Wilson, convener of Education
layer of snow, left the road a airplane for France. They tried to and Cultural Activities, intro -
a .i ifs}ii f3 "i"� glare of ice. cross at Fort Erie but they couldduced Mrs. Tom McEwan as the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laidlaw of not because they were not bonded Inslitute's e a e
p + guest speaker when the Women's
.K Windsor spent the weekend with carriers. They had to go to the
Institute met Tuesday of ,last
MA ITYS GREATS ri their parents, Mr, and Mrs- Elroy Thousand Islands- where the •,: Y
p week at the community hall,
p.,. Laidlaw and Mr. and Mrs. Walter credentials were not the' same ' p lays 'antiques t i q u e s
Elliott. and the were able to proceed. k . Mrs. McEwan, who works at
Y p the .Fordwich Village Nursing
3 Community service was held at Throughout their trip they en- BLUEV`AL19 Jim Currie of April: Home, told how interesting her
the United Church on Sunday in countered snow. They got the Waxworks Boutique, Wingham, The secretary was instructed to. work is with the mentally re-
charge .of Rev.. W. Brown. animal on the plane and returned
*as guest speaker when the send a note of thanks to Gordon tarded and aged.residents there.
z Mr,.. and Mrs. Paul Moort end - home on 'Saturday evening.
family of Riversdale we. Mr- and Mrs. Harry Gutoskie Women's. •Institute meet 'Wednes- Leggatt and the St. Andrew's Bell She said one of the main things is
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Michelle "and Michael of oskiKitcel day afternoon of last week at the Ringers for their musical con- to show them they are loved,
Sunday Walter Moore and Tamil home of Mrs. Soren Andersen. He tribution to the Institute Christ- have patience with them and only
y. ener were recent visitors with was introduced by Mrs. Donald mas concert; and to George try to accomplish a small amount
Brian and Paul Falconer of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul. Street. Hetherington for his donation for of what you are doing at a time.
Sarnia were weekend visitors Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul, Mr. Mr. Currie spoke about an- Christmas treats for the children. She also said .that `praise goes a
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mow- and Mrs. Gordon Campbell were tiques. H� had on display several Mrs. Jim Armstrong, first,vice- long way, both with the'retarded
bray. Sunday evening guests of Mr. and resident, will be a delegate
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mrs. David Oberholtzer and interesting articles, one off`w rich P gate to and the elderly.'
Janet and Kimberley were Sun- Mrs. of Wingham. was a fossil believed to be the officers' conference at Water- The president, Mrs. Clarence
5, Y Y g 370,000,000 years old and found in loo University in the spring. Carswell, opened the meeting
day visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Carman Farrier, the Maitland Valley in the Ben- The Institute cookbooks were with the Ode, Mary Stewart
Jack Kerr of Bluevale. and Brian of Toronto are spend- miller area. on hand for sale. It will be Collect and the Lord's Prayer.
SI -X GREAT RECORDS On, Friday evening, Mr, and ing a few days with Mrs. Garnet Mrs. Graham Campbell decided at the next meeting The devotions were conducted by
Mrs. Clifford Laidlaw, Mr. and Farrier. thanked the speaker and pre- whether, or not more will be or- Mrs. Clyne.
Mrs. Ivan Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. On Wednesday last, Mrs. Wal- sented him with a gift. dered.
Paul Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- ter Elliott. and Mrs. Archie Pur The motto, "One never knows
ro (Originally selling in the $b -,$7 Price Range) Mrs. Wendell Stamper pre Mrs. Carl Johnston read awhat
mond Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. don attended 4 H Training School sided fo'1 the meeting which poem, "Inflation", which was hand can be done with one's
Jack Kerr gathered at the home at Ripley. Due to weather condi- e' hands until he tries", was taken
opened �xith the Ode and the written in late 1975 by Harvey
of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Laid- . dons the second day of the train by Mrs. John Freeman.. She
NOW ALL AT Mary Stuart Collect. It was an- Sparling of Corrie. The roll call spoke of the various things
Iaw, Lucknow to celebrate the ing school is scheduled for Febru- pounced that the 4-H leaders and brought many remembrances of Powe
25th wedding anniversary of Mr. ' ar 3. An girl 12 ears of age can do with our hands and how
and Mrs. Elroy Laidlaw. Games who would like to study the pro- assistants for the spring project, members' grandmothers in the useless we would- be without
were played Burin the evening. "A Touch of Stitchery", are Mrs. form of jewellery, pictures and nem
p y g g. ject, a cooking one, is asked to Dale Tolton" and Mrs. Dorothy recipes.
Thompson, Mrs. Thelma Peel Mrs. Donald Street brought to ,Business was conducted by the
r and Mrs. Marj, Steckley, -Miss the meeting a poster advertising President who stated that leaders
$40 EACHWroxeter Pe■ s®rials Rosemary Schmidt and Mrs. the laying of the cornerstone of for the 4 H club,"A Touch of
Larry Smuck. The leaders and the Bluevale Methodist Church in Stitchery, would be Harold
assistants are to be invited to the July 1890. Supper was served on Robinson, Mrs. Harold Gibson,
Mrs. William Hart has re- heavy snows almost every day annual meeting and dinner in the lawn of Joseph Leach, now Mrs. Douglas Harding and Mrs,
and zero and sub -zero tem eros- occupied b the Street family Garfield Gibson. Public ding
• � ela-
turned home from a three weeks' P P Y y 1n tions Officer Mrs. Elmer Harding
visit with her son and family, Mr. tures, high winds, fog and any- Bluevale, followed by a concert was appointed to attend the of -
and Mrs. Bill Hart, Oshawa. thing else the old weatherman featuring artists from London
- � ficers conference May 4, 5 and 6. .
El in and- Wallace Toman of can brio u for us and this past Teeswater and. Wingham. The The WI card art will be held
• Plattgsville and New Hamburg weekend a had snow, s set, For;lwich price of the concert was 25 cents. January 30. p y
respectively, visited Sunday at rain, etc. Something I have never This poster will 'be framed and
Mrs. Eva Harris returned Mrs. Wilson gave interesting
,_ s m A m e ®_ ®® TWE
®® ®®moo o ma the home of their hrother. Mr. seen before are the numerous hung 1n the Bluevale Library. cu rent eve
hmm� .CahthriaV APtPP V1Fltln9 a r y, .. nn cartrn�i by t11'P pts, reformative and
(��K /� �1M1 _ t_ 1 IMC O NL Y) and Mrs. Ross Toman. mosquitoes we have had in our - - - .,,.... :� served _ _ roa�fl„t
week with Mr. and Mrs. Lei Wat r,u,i1toivu� .,,,—ico. — .C:; C..
Mr, and Mrs. Fraser Pollock house this winter. I do not know if hostess and Mrs. Murray
kips at Bolton.. evening was brought to a close
PLUS and Todd, Bramalea, spent they are harbouring in the wood Harry Cooper and Cliff Johnson Jenkffis. It consisted 'of, old- with lunch served by Mr's.
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and and then get into the' house or fashioned cookies made by Mrs.
Mrs. Vern Clark. Y of Listowel visited Sunday with Douglas Harding. Mrs. John
MANY OTHER $4,911 RECORDS THAT YOU MAY ORDER' how, but there has scarcely been Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Johnson. Jenkins, Mrs. Ruff and Miss Winkel and Miss Elva Foster.
(These are all top quality stereo records) Mrs. J. S. Clift, Toronto, visited a,day that I haven't killedone or Terry Tudan of Guelph spent Emma Johnston.
at the weekend with her mother, more. the weekend with his parents,
Q Mrs. Edward Gibson. For those of you fortunate
AVAILABLE AT Jeffrey and Jennifer Pykc enough to be in a warmer Mr. and Mrs. John Tudan. " E PARKER
spent the weekend with their climate, and in view of the fore- Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Stewart and
grandmother, Mrs. Harvey casts of still more heavy storms family of ("brrie were Sunday i
P visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Plumbing �®ting
Cou land. for February, March and even
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Newton April!, you had better plan on Stewart.
returned home from hos i- coming back in May. Oh, well, we • Mrs. Jim Worrell is again con-
havePt i®n1E.
•p fined to Walkerton Hospital." ••+
®� tal. who have to stay and weather the y
.PHONE. Those still in hospital from the storms, cold, etc. can. count off __...
J® PMINEST- village are Mrs. Harvey Me. the days, looking forward to the ���'® ��` LIFE ��SUR/����
WIN HAl� A 357 2®11 Mieliael, Mrs. Clarence Clement nice spring coming and we will Adequate insulation can gQften
ro and Mrs. Art Wheeler. ----i pecibably appreciate it all the reduce the size of the heating sys- -Term protection at low. .cost - Individual Protection - Partnership
Those spending the winter more and some hot day next tem being installed in a new Insurance, Sale Proprietor Insurance - Mortgage Insurance -
C -ENTRE months in Florida will be happy summer will try to cool off by home - and offer savings of up to ,Corporate Insurance
MUSI to be missing our 'old fashinn?d remembering some of these cold, 30 per cent on the` yearly heating HERBERT DIRSTEIN, LISTO41•'VEL, W 291-3372
r Canadian winter" with light to nippy days and nights. cost of an existing house. ............ ....