HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1976-01-01, Page 7...` .. - - i� �y I . a • . -_. - U •. i r sk?i'. r"f l Myrdms rr r a !" Tito "' AWi,. °n�tr�guad�b'r!ali's.`nr r At d/d% M�Y rfCfCve"y-"1t�M w4rAl'yl_ 1 yTjt !r sYu. ya«-{;,, "� 9F�n y -BELLa �cOI lists y, ffiry r!i:,:�w � ^=v+^•� J r. rev �w'r , :S!4 '�f+'.f #.�.G+.! ,�•, bii:.."' rr }t.� '{ r( Y�.:Q i'rcnff ,y.f: 6 i1 t.�yl -r ; 1'i>. '":? !, —Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hunter, J�i Paul and Pamela of Orangeville �� spent the Christmas h1Ii e olidY with� . M.. i, rl MrffYwr �f 7 er fh i. f �2if v FxP { Xr e fir. /., ° . lli i were lad of it. w+atnan who kiss laeetp s#f.... t1g her parents, and lrS, Gori k N u?I <� ' u'f'.% �rh�. An open letter to Editor Arthur g vv th � ,�. � I copts are 'f..or several i?m's <$. don Walker of Frances Street. A!1 `' yraq�akWf j �w venin i te, in thin ,'Aire were enter ained along "wi Carr and to many others; l hope If public hea th ss y .o they will benefit by paying atter- allowed to increase as tb+t}y have One e g a t B th' �� , • „ t• ,: • been doing in recent years, they was rushed to the bpsPitak �I,one members of the Metcalfe farriily, tion: will bankrupt the Ontario Trea- dead than aliv+�; Diaf�40006: at the home of Sir, and Mrs)Ray BY JAMES Y.NLCOL l! °- sury by 1981, I'm told. Under- "status asthamtleus." Folr:thl°ee Walker and family, Leopold Is there a doctor in the house a . Y P »` stand that the province is now hours two family h siclans' ,ave , Y p y g Street.N��� who says thatOHIP is in sans€ac- ,t ~' spending $2.56 billion or 26.7 per intravenous solutions to relieve —Mrs. Mary Armstrong of Ed- �It A► tory condition or doing as well as cent of its anneal revenue on her. Without this intensive are ward Street spent Christmas Day rf - - may be expected? rlr4� �i ,�• OHIP. what would have .the outicme with her son and his family, Mr. 4 If so, is he the same doctor who Health Minister Frank Miller been? and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong and treated the same patient 209 has been supplied -with a list of 244, Yes, Mr. Miller, you might also family of Bervie. times in the same year for the same case of the sniffles —and ' hospitals which, to quote Cana- talk to another woman, age `24, —Visitors with Mr: and. Mrs. billed OHIP accordingly? than Press, "could be closed who was rushed by ambulance to, Russell Gaunt Christmas Day 01 without any loss of service in, the emergency win of the same f No kidding, Arthur, my boy, all g g were Mr. and Mrs. Don Gaunt of order to cut medical costs, All hospital on Sunday afternosrn. Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Don Dir a xd r x ° s investiga-tion has revealed such a �-- - �� �b d ��p�a•u ��'' Xi are in the smaller centres, you She was in profound shock. Let stein, Richard and Carolyn ofh-�- chronic case of OHIP madness. a the heat's on me quote a medidal report: --.. _._. •� , ,. .. may be sure. When q P -Ajax and Miss •Leah. Currie of `�y�y,; . � ,. „ .,,.. _ ,,t "° ,.. ` _r��� �y�; F � � .� ; � ,,,; K `�: `��%fin ��'���+ Dont ask Row I found out about it. Even in my old age I can keep pick on the little guys regardless. "An ectopic pregnanpy, that is Wingham: _ V i Question: Will Facilities in the a pregnancy developing in the —Mr. and Mrs. George Scott ; �, ry. {.meq4, �� ,�i,^; a confidence. Know something metropolitan areas a curtails fano ian`tubes outside the womb," P k d P spent Christmas Eve and part of y'' " µ� ­ h, y "� :�� 9�y � e P Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. w , Investigation has also shown a •as drastically? and a rupture`'v'was suspected. „ , ._ _ ,­ else?y„"„w,,..,�'��-� more subtle —and far more Don't hold your breath for the Surgery was performed by the Dick Scott and family of London. YW costly —form of OHIP sabotage: answer to that one. In the frenzy local general surgeon within an They spent the remainder of A COVERED WAGON drawn by ponies carried representatives of the Wingham Cldd- With the best of intentions, per- to put OHIP on the main track, hour as he was rushed to the hos- Christmas Day with her. mother, fellows and Rebekah Lodge in the Wingham Santa Claus parade last Monday. About 1.5 • A haps, doctors are ordering urns- the branch lines will be'ignored, pital too as .the the area of Mrs. Annie McKay of Huronview, floats were entered in the parade that started from the F. E. Madill Secondary School and, N cessary laboratory tests which Yet lives 'will be, lost if •OHIP haemorrhage was identified-ind Clinton. wound its, way through town.. _ l waste the time of technicians and operates on -an economic philo- stopped the woman recieved four . —Enjoying Christmas with l lI thousands of ,public dollars. sophy that. might better be ap- units of blood. Six days later s`he their parent's, Mr. and Mrs. John • y We wish you lie to d railwa was able to return home. Strong,were Mr. and Mrs. John t �' Result: The Ontario Hospital plied y happiness and say Insurance Plan�is in trouble — Before me, as I dash this off to "However in,the opinion of the Strong and family of Kitchener, many thanks' bad trouble. Yup; unless we sort Your, eager public, I, have a list of anaeshetist, the surgeon and two Mr. and Mrs. Jim Campbell and for our good will. thi s out in a hurt there'll be emergency cases from the files of family physicians, the patient family of eambridge, Bill Strong y A pg Y one of the endangered hospitals. ' would not have survived had not of Hamilton, Paul and Karen of more hell to pay than has ever W 1 N G H AM been raised since old Bill Mason All within the past year. BecaA the facilities of -the -hospital and London, and Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd” DRIVE - I H this hospital is located exactly its operating staff been available Flaro and Kristen of Niagara ' gave you that job as a printer's' where i.t;is, six persons are alive to treat her as quickly as she Falls, devil up Sudbury way, in the days ,> ' CLEANERS when men were men and women. today; )Multiply that by 24 and you was. —Boxing Day visitors with Mr. r will realize that, the smaller hos- How, Mr. Miller, do you treat a and Mrs. Harry Gerrie, were Mr. pitals have saved nearly 150 lives man whose, left arm las been and Mrs. Trevor Moores and in the last 12 months while big struck by a sharp piece of iron family of Georgetown, Mrs. Don OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE ti city doctor -kooks are treating that severs the ulnar artery and McCallum and family of London, , Term protection at low cost - Individual Protection - Partnership their cook patients for rune all structure to the bone? factor ie of Toronto, t .� s y p Y � Miss Penny Gerrie Insurance, Sale Proprietor insurance - Mortgage Insui ante hoses. And making at farce, .if not After this 30 -year-old 3' Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gerrie and y Corporate Insurance a racket, oT OH P. employee met with his 'd t' family of town: Sure I'm blowing off steam. he was 10 minut&s at th" most —Mr. and Mrs, Claude Bron- 291-3372 H>kRBERT DIRSTEIN, LISTOWEL, isn't it time somebody did., from deaths door. Fortunately son, Ron and Carolyn of Elmira„ Hey,,, there Health Mir aster the hospital was not that' many 'Neil Bronson of St. Jean, Quebec„ xFf i' Miller! Let me say; sir, I minutes away. There the bleed-, Mr. and ,Mrs. John Clark, Greg wouldn't stepin our shoes for a in was stopped soon enou if to y g PP g and Steve of Dundas celebrated Reduced to million a year. You have a dirty prevent severe complications Christmas ,with their parents, y�54fg, ^job ahead of you. and to permit surgery the same Mr. and Mrs. Rowland'Ballagh, "mfr a But even as you comtem late da `a" rS3Ft� a3 Y P Y Catherine Street. ,�. � � �;;� � r� � that list of endangered hospitals, With( arteries and nerves y` t •�' � ,ra'i�,7,,�y� the same hospitals, which, to repaired he checked out of the q' p g y THE WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL and the Silver .Circle were awarded s`ts'Cond place irr b *� uote the .Canadian' Press, (I hos "ital eight days later.- , .__• .' ,. can't refrain) "could be closed If, Mr. Miller, you wonder why the under 12 "Bois old category of the Wingham Santa Claus grade las?. week. The float Go�.�,_ ILe1e/5_ _ --- . y _ __ ' g p he-hada't-bled-to--death, the sur---•. - featured Mother' Goose and„all her rhyme'characfers'in cosfiumes pr eli eri-tiy' -chit= ' - --- • � please reflect with pride on their geon, the family, doctor and the dren themselves.t fi past performance. Tell us what anaesthetist will explain it to you, of Christmas °tlr) you''t`e goingto do without them. No need to refer to the staff of the. HiNe a quiet chat with this 47- nearest;,regional hospital. The •, , year-old man who would cer- man would have been a corpse by sermon t h -e m e r L tainly not be with us today if the .the time he arrived 'there. - our CHRISTMAS ' stock of "service” hadbetzn chopped. The, I could go on and on... And I WROXETER — "Good News man was almostgasping his -last will; 'How about the 25 -year-old for You" was the theme of the ' tea; breath when they got him to the mother who lived within' a two- ° sermon preached by the., l ev. Decorations, emergency ward. He was suffer- minute' drive of the same hos- Wesley B. Ball at the Christmas *' ing frorti what the doctor called pital? There she was at home, ' Sunday service in the Unfixed �� k 91 ' • "tension pneumothorax," doing her housework when she Church- here., fY ` The announcement of this Good In cases like -these a "bubble" felt than. pain, own ,low, in her �. �' 41, dards, Gr f t �NraP News threw shepherds into a ' of the lung ruptures and fills the stomach. Calling a neighbor in to - ` a space between the rib cage and babysit for her other two child- panic at the earth's invasion by # ",k the lung surface. In time -the af- ren, she chugged off in the family angelic hosts. The Good News is g a Tags,Seali the news of God's love offered fected lung collapses under the car. She wa's-scarcely in the deli I g 1 . increasing pressure 'and the ver room' before she became .i and extended to all mankind — to g P y d t 'oppos'ite lung is collapsed. Unless mother for the third time, Asa all who will receive it. It is •• open treated instantly the patient dies, matter of record her baby buy LIGHT: The Light of the world. is "q' are o " Jesus. When we follow Christ we t' # i i t We sr. Yes "' At this small hospital which arrived . within 25 minutes after a ; (' o, not walk in darkness. He is ' you, .Mr. Miller,. may close, a the first pain. No stalling around �. NEWYEARIDAY thoracentesis was carried out. for him! These kids, nowadays, li ht upon, our personal problems n , That is a tube was inserted into are rather impatient,. Mr. Miller and the world's problems. He is o ' the space between the rib cage Then there ,E the pathct:^ the Way. anti the iun surface io aiiow the g ✓ p The Good news is treasure. pg, „ of the teen -a a ile tic who had Jesus likened the Kingdom of n u TO air pressure to travel outside the been placed in a foster home. ) N 6 Heaven to a pearl'of great price. y N®0, man's thoracic cavity and ease Also suffering from emotional In that parable Jesus pointed out the pressure on the lungs. After problems, the poor girl required that nothing must stand in the P � ata - i this treatment, which all drugs. After taking an overdose way of a person possessing the ? is TRIANGLE y him to breathe normally, he was she lapsed into a coma, The Y transferred to a regional hos- shlapse emergency -staff hastily applied a riches of"the Kingdom. "Jesus, } D O' SC OU NT pital. But he would never have said St. Paul, became poor that in THE HOSPITAL FLOAT won third prize in the eneral cl ss af'the Wingham Santa Claus stomach pump and induced His poverty we might become p g g 'made it there if the small hospital vomiting. Otherwise: curtains. ` rich". parade last Monday. "Service" was the motto of the float and it, along with hospital rears had been closed! sentatives riding along, served as an excellent reminder of the important role of the f During the. service the choir. Open 9 a.m to 9 �.m. Weekdays Sundays Noon to Six Perhaps, Mr. Miller, you Mr. Miller, may I ask .you, g Wingham and ,District Hospital in the community. should also talk to this 25 -year old (courtesy of my good friend, sang two anthems, "Blessed ° Arthur Carr) who told you -that 24 Songs of Christmas" and "Mary hospitals "could be closed with- Had a Baby". The prelude and out any loss of service?" Or has postlude were plaved by, pianist, a the'good old Canadian Press got Mrs. Brenda -Werth of Listowel 1 ARE YOU you wrong? "' and organist Mrs. Winona •Mar- • " Have you examined the'emer- tin, gency ward files of these 24 hos, dPq pitals? I hope that the proposal before T you does not- represent an easy BL UE VA LE - out. While some doctors specialize Gayle and. 'haul McIntosh of in trifling ailments and ingorder- Brucefield are spending the week x' ing lab tests, the surgedns, family with their grandparents, Mr. and k' t Mrs. J. C. Johnston." F doctors and nurses' identified with these 24 hospitals rescue the -. ' perishing: In furthering 11le noble purpose 'r FURNITURE ' BABY CARRIAGES MOTORS - for.which OHIP.was originally Beef, -Calf " a organized they are indispensable. PLAY PENS RUGS - BICYCLES' - stabilization HE CWL euchre irt,�,•, SPORTING.. GOODS TOOLS payment due=r t�t,ttr,,� APPLIANCES , Nine tables were' in play at the . last euchre party of the year The Ontario Beef Calf income sponsored by the Catholic Wo- _�ta.bilization Program is paying R. GARAGE? men's League. The event was oTfthisfall,accordingtoStanPa- IN YOUR OASEMENT O . Q convened by Kay Rich and Betty quette. agricultural representa- 1 Belanger. five for Huron County. Prizes for high scores were won Average prices paid for On - by Agnes, Caskanette and Alf tario steers and heifer calves for Lockridge. Low scores were held September. October and Nevem IF YOU'RE NOT USING IT by R. Haselgrove and' Aggie her was $29.82 per cwt. Since the Aubin. guaranteed price'� as $5000 per ® Mrs, M. Henderson won the, cwt, the payout to the producer door prize and winner of, the will be $20.18 per cwt. ELL ® lucky draw was Jim Ste Marie. The payout is calculated on t#5 �.•,,® 'S - per cent of the coIX « herd regis tered or 85 per cent -calf crop t' WITH AN A -T CLASSIFIED ADBELGRA VE Example 450 Ib calf at 85 per cent calf crop equals 382 5 lb. d Mrs. Ivy Cloakey and family calf. 382.5 times $20.18 equals_T& t spent Christmas with her mother, $77.19. $77.19 less $5.00 premium ®® `a Mrs. Olive Campbell. for registration leaving $72.19 per TO Sell o r Buy �isitors at the home of Mr. and, cow registered. l Mrs. Clifton Walsh for Christmas Cheques are to he'mailed to the Y CALL 357-2320 were Miss Mae Coultes of Ayl- producers prior to December mer, Mr. and Mrs. David Walsh 31st. , THE INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH had,ani important place in The Wingtraitn of Kitchener, Miss Barbara Haw- For further information con- Santa Claus parade last week. The plowmen's assotiafion queen rode iii glory atop an irn- ® Advancem"Fimes.thorne of Lucknow, Miss Mary tact the Ontario Ministry of Agri pressive machine as a reminder of both the international matches in Bruce Cfiur9ty in -19i6 n ho�Ellen Wal hand Robert Arm- culture and Food in Clinton. 482- and in Huron County in 1978. strong of Ingham. 3428 or Zenith 72800. � ,., ,. � , r ., r.....�`.., .r n+•.a.;P'• ,.•Mo --a .. - tg,ti`y4*" - ,n' ° 111 1 1 � n h d