HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-06-29, Page 16Page 2—Crossroads—June 29, 1983
Take life with
a grin
Certified Master
Dear Dorothy: It's hard
for me to work with others.
When it comes to business
discussions or serious con-
versation, 1 get teed off. I
don't think people like me
very well. — M.V.
Dear M.V.: One easy way
to rebuff people is to feel
that everything must grav-
itate toward your way of
You don't like discus-
sions because you're not
accepting of the ideas of
others, seen in the squeezed
e loops (they're so squeezed
they look like undotted i's).
You're not willing to admit
that others have opinions,
too, that might be worthy
of some attention. It's only
your own convictions that
The absence of lower
loops says that you're a
loner. Your self-possessed
nature, combined with dig-
nity, seenin your vertical
writing and retraced is
and d's, give you the out-
ward appearance of being
standoffish and quite unap-
You're an intelligent
person, but you need a lot
more bend. Without give,
one is tense, and when one
OGO o - GCC6 O
Q,ct, v� il--: o 2 .
0 0
1. Here's Danny's complete drawing.
2. Finish what banny started.
3. Now try it yourself!
is tense, one gets "teed
So, why not try to take
life with a bit of a grin? It
can help you relax and be-
lieve me, it's a lot more fun
that way.
Besides that, it gives you
a more flexible mind with
enough elasticity to take in
another perm's point of
You'll like yourself a
whole lot better.
And others will like you
Youth is
featured on
Country Cable
The emphasis will be on
youth this week as Country
Cable airs two specials.
A recent ballet recital by
the Harriston Dance School
features youngsters from the
area at their dancing best.
All of the classes will be per-
Scouts from the area gath-
ered in Mount Forest also
and the Maitland District
reunion and family camping
weekend featured a number
of interesting events. Sev-
eral are highlighted during
the program.
Check the Country Cable
ad in this issue of Crossroads
for listing times in your
DOLLS. Bellerophon Books,
36 Anacapa St., Santa
Barbara, Calif. 8','2 by 11 in.
48 pp. Paper U.S. $3.50.
Reviewed by
With the popularity of
coloring and cut-out books
comes one from Bellerophon
of "Royal Family Paper
Dolls" comprising the
Queen, the Queen Mother,
Prince Philip, the Prince of
Wales, Princess Anne,
Prince Andrew, and Prince
Edward. These are all for
cutting out, coloring and
putting together.
There is no text and in
many cases no directions as
W color. The people do not
look very much like their
photographs. There are al-
most caricatures.
Member, Antique
Appraisers Assoc.
of ,America
Q. What can you tell me
about this vase? It is
marked with the name
"TECO," as shown in the
enclosed sketch. The vase
is 9 inches tali and has a
green background with
raised flowers and leaves.
A. This was made by
W.D. Gates who founded
the Terra Cotta Tile Works
in 1881.
Your vase was probably
made around the turn of
the century and would sell
in the $125 to $150 range.
Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and
entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance -
Times The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of
the Canadian Community Newspaper Association. Ontario Community
Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri-
bution in Elmira. Palmerston, Harriston. Brussels, Millbank, Newton.
Atwood Clifford Drayton. Wallenstem. Moorefield and Arthur.
Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m. Thursday week
prior to publication date
Advertising and Production
The Listowel Banner
188 Wallace Ave N .
P Q Box 97.
Listowel. Ont
N4W 3H2
Accounting and Billing
The Wingham Advance -Times
Josephine St..
P 0 Box 390.
Wingham. Ont.
The Listowel Banner 291 -1660 The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320
The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921
Elmira and District News Kim Dadson
At wit's en
by Erma n' :• rnb 'ck
A funny thing happened on
the way to divorce.
You know the father who
didn't get custody and who
wasn't around too much any-
way and what's to miss?
The kids missed him.
For what?
He didn't breathe with his
mother when the child was
born. He was out in the lobby
having a cigarette with a guy
who sold real estate.
He never knew where the
diapers were and when he
burped the baby it felt like he
had a brick in his hand.
When the kids sat on the curb
and waited for him to come
home from work, all he did
was rub his hand through
their hair and say, "How's it
goin', kid?" That was it. He
did the same thing to the dog
only with him, he teased him
by holding his jaws shut.
Whenever a child cried,
you know what he did? He
yelled to the mother, "Some-
thing's wrong. He wants
you." He never figured the
child wanted him.
Sometimes, he looked like
he wanted to kiss the chi
dren, especially when
were hurt or at bedtime ut
he sorta hung back. . of of
times you got a `felling he
didn't think he was im-
portant. He was just some -
Of 3 Tractors, Machinery, Antiques, Misc.,
Scrap, Tools, Feed, etc, for:
Lot 6, Con. 14, Minto Township, 3 miles .
west of Mount Forest on 89 Highway at Min-
to Sideroad 1, on:
Friday, July 1, 1983
10:30 a.m.
TRACTORS, MACHINERY: JD 710 diesel trac-
tor, power steering remotes, good running
order; Cockshutt 30 gas tractor, good hind
tires, good running order; MH 30 gas tractor
with loader, good running order; Owatonna
180 7' haybine, top condition; AC 303 square
hay baler, -good condition; also thrower for
above baler with gas motor; 250 gallon trail
weed sprayer; stainless steel tank, 30' boom,
real good shape; Allied mix mill, good shape;
MF 130 pto manure spreader, top beater,
good condition; Allied automatic bale stooker
with gas motor, good shape; MH 4 bar side
rake on rubber, good shape; 3 flat rack farm
wagons, good shape; JD 8' 3 pth cultivator;
Kongskilde 10' 3 pth cultivator, guide wheels;
McCormick manure spreader, pto, running
order; MF 3 pth 12" bottom plow, good; IHC
drag plow, 3 furrow, good; 2 furrow drag plow;
IHC 24 plate drag disc; 2 trough type forage
blowers; some pipes; Malco 24' skeleton bale
elevator and motor; IHC 3 pth hay mower; 18'
skeleton bale elevator and motor; drag har-
rows; 20' grain auger; McCormick 11 run seed
drill; Cockshutt hay loader; cornstalk cutter;
dump rake; riding cultivator; turnip pulper; tur-
nip seeder; wagon and wooden gravel box;
1949 Dodge truck; good motor and hoist; Gehl
hammer mill; 3 pth tractor pulley, good; old
machinery for scrap; a lot of other scrap.
MISC. TOOLS, ETC.: Deep Well pump jack;
tractor pulleys; small barn jacks; fly defogger,
top condition; Pioneer 750 chain saw, good;
Surge milker unit; vacuum pump; 200 gallon
gas tank and pump; oil tanks; 2 farrowing
crates; head squeeze gate, good; heated
water bowl; a lot of other bowls; battery and
electric fencers; litter carrier bucket top, good;
2 sets of cattle dehorners; cattle pinchers;
number of electric motors from '/4" - 11/2 hp; 2
wooden extension ladders; stepladders; 2
block and tackles; small chain block; garden
tractor with cultivator; scraper; sickle mower,
running order; Model A front axle and wheels; 2
lawn mowers, running order; 12 new 16'
tempered steel farm gates or dividers; 100 Ib.
anvil, good; blacksmith tools; forage and
blower; farrier's apron;whippletrees; tongues;
odd horse harnesses; number of 80 rod rolls of
Belgian barb wire; cattle oilers; odd lumber;
egg washer; feeders; incubator; 2 wagon -loads
of forks, shovels, small tools, nuts, bolts, misc.
FEED AND SEED: Approximately 800 bales of
straw; a quantity of grass seed, etc.
couch; spool bed, good condition; old rope
bed; rocking chairs; odd press back chairs;
small wardrobe; small washstand; metal and
wooden beds; odd tables; parlour tables;
parlour and a box stove, both new; organ stool;
22 Savage Model 3B rifle, FAC required; small
portable gramaphone, working; a lot of old
records; cream and milk cans; old wooden
planes; wood mallets; old pulleys; framer's bor-
ing machine; small desk; table and floor lamps;
pictures; picture frames, new and old; old
Singer sewing machine; electric sewing
machine; knitting machine; 2 electric stoves; 2
cast iron bathtubs; railway lanterns; oil tamps;
sad irons; approximately 15 crocks and jugs;
iron pots and kettles; cast iron teapot; granite
pans, etc.; brass and wood hanes; horse or-
naments; crosscut saws; old buffet, needs
repair; cupboard top for repairs; old bottles;
Act of Congress, Wm. Colcleugh Medical Hall;
Mount Forest bottle; old sealers; large offering
of old books; pocket watches: Elgin Nate Co.
key wind, JT Sckales, Mount Forest face
name, both running; Popular Mechanics, back
to 1930; , complete works of Shakespeare
1890; tape recorder; record player; wicker
bassinet, like new; screened -in tent; odd and
everyday dishes; a lot of household and anti-
que items not listed.
A large offering of small items.
TERMS: Cash sale day. Cheques with I.D.
NOTE: Sale Order - 10:30 a.m. Antiques,
household, wagon loads, misc. Machinery sells
at 2:30 p.m. Farm is sold.
Lunch Booth on grounds by Gleneden W.I.
Proprietors or Auctioneer not responsible for
accidents, injury or loss of property sale day.
Auctioneer: JOHN D. McPHEE
Mount Forest. 323-4058
one to wait until he got home
so he could give the kids
what -for.
As a mother, I wonder
what is that magical elusive
quality that children see in
their fathers. Is it the
strength of the hands they
trust never to drop them
when they are thrown into
the air?
Is it the cahn he brings to a
volcanic confrontation
where he asks the children
what they think before he
makes a judgment?
Maybe they see the fear
that is deep inside that never
surfaces or the tear that is
there but never shed, or per-
aps the love that is rarely
accompanied by words.
1 honestly don't under-
stand it. As mothers we are
taught that love and respect
has to be earned. I know
what father's don't do, but
what is it they do to earn that
respect and love?
Without ironing a. shirt,
baking a birthday cake, ad-
ministering a bandaid or
reading a story, they occupy
t place in a child's life at the
""mmit of hie aevi ipoef.
Is it possible children
sense a unique human being
who was there at the
beginning and will remain
until the end and will not be a
mother .. . but will fulfill
that rare role that is father?
I don't understand it.
But the kids do.
Owned and operated by Ken and Lois Fisher.
Goldstone is located 5 miles east of Drayton
on County Road 8, or 11 miles northwest of
Elmira, on:
Saturday, July 9, 1983
11:00 a.m.
GROCERIES: Large quantity of canned goods
and grocery items; quantity of drugs; large
quantity of hardware supplies; quantity of sew-
ing supplies; pots and pans and dishware;
livestock supplies; motor oil; some rubber
boots, shoes and clothing; variety of paint;
garden tools.
EQUIPMENT: 154 drawer bolt -cabinet (good);
8' display counter with glass top and front with
wooden sliding doors on back; 36" square
glass display cabinet; rounded glass top
jewellery display cabinet; 8' wooden main store
counter; Burrough's manual cash register with
tax button; 6' meat display cooler; quantity of
wooden shelf islands; wall shelving with
brackets; CIL paint blender; Red Devil electric
paint shaker; 240 lbs. scoop and platform
ANTIQUES: Beldings 10 drawer silk cabinet
(good); wicker rocking chair; copper boiler;
washstand; Beatty wringer washer with copper
tub (working); Raymond treadle sewing
NOTE: This is a complete going -out -of -
business sale for the Goldstone General store.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. day of
Owners or Auctioneer not responsible for
accidents or Toss of property sale day.
Proprietor: KEN FISHER
Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE
Of Farm Machinery, Household Effects, Anti-
ques and Misc. Items, to be held at Lot 27,
Con._ 13, Logan Township, 2'/2 miles souf . of
Monkton and 2% miles west or, 8 miles north
of Mitchell and 23/4 miles west on:
Saturday, July 2, 1903
10:00 a.m.
MACHINERY: MF No. 65 gas tractor with Mid -
Western loader with hydraulic bucket; Ford No.
860 Power Master tractor; Ebersol 40' bale
elevator; gravity bin and wagon; JD manure
spreader; Cummings hay conditioner; 16' flat
rack and JD wagon; IH 3 pth 3 furrow 11' bot-
tom plow; 3 pth 9' cultivator; 9' land roller; 5
sections of harrows; Minneapolis 9' disc; Oliver
baler; Nicholson hay flutter; MH 6 bar side
rake; hay stooker; bale fork; Ferguson 3 pth
hay mower, 7' cut; 3 pth 6' scraper blade; heat
houser; two wheel trailer; V -type snow blower;
grain aerator; Malco 10' 4" grain auger; Harvey
hammer mill with 50' endless belt.
MISC. ITEMS: Bauman 3 ton feed tank; feed
cart; water trough; bag cart; 25' of snow fence;
Moto Mower lawn mower; wagon box; air com-
pressor; table saw; 32' extension ladder; steel
fence posts; electric fence posts; copper wire;
wire; 2 electric fencers (weed choppers); trac-
tor chains; wheelbarrow; pig crate; scrap iron;
scale; cattle clippers; 10" clamps; approx-
imately 5 cord of wood; shovels and forks.
ANTIQUES: 7 piece commode set (good); 2
sets of 6 press back chairs (good); 2 press
back rockers (good); flat -to -the -wall cupboard;
buffet; table and 5 chairs; 3 piece bedroom
suite; china cabinet; glass front cabinet; mir-
rors; German books; lamps; stands; coal oil
lamps; iron bed; feather pillows; feather mat-
tress; blanket box; bureau; night stand; tub;
wooden bed; fainting couch; gramophone and
records; picture viewer; 6 hand irons and
stands, all different sizes; 9 different sized bells
and strap of bells; apple peeler; bottle capper;
different sized crocks; sausage staffer and
grinder; pictures and picture frames; cheese
box stand; cupboard; corner table; hall tree;
set of 10 "Wood & Son" dishes; lanterns;
Beaver jars; butcher's table; stand; and many
antique glass pieces too numerous to mention.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: 24" Sunshine range;
Admiral frost -free refrigerator; Wingham Clip-
per stove; wood box; Simplicity wringer
washer; 7' aluminum ladder; clothes dryer
stand; humidifier; couch; Filter Queen vacuum
cleaner; butcher's saws; 50' water hose; bed-
ding and linens; electric heater; pots and pans
and nicknacks.
NOTE: This house is full of good quality anti-
ques and are in excellent shape. Anyone look-
ing for antiques should plan to attend.
TERMS: 7% sales tax in effect.
Lunch Booth will be available on property.
Auctioneer or Proprietor not responsible for
accidents on day of sale.
Milverton. 595-8598
Also' ---
Gerry Haack
Siding & Supplies Ltd.
207 Madison Ave. S., Kitchener
Phone Karl Beyer
2911075 after 6 p.m.
2 '/2 miles north of Brussels on
County Road 12, on:
Sahurday, July 2, 1983
12:00 noon
walnut tea wagon; 2 piece flat -to -wall;
double pedestal Duncan Phyfe table and
chairs; solid oak dining suite; press back
chairs and rockers; extension table and
6 leaves; chairs and cabinet; his and
hers willow wicker chairs; antique rock-
ing horse; boe bed; crocks; vanity;
dressers and tables, etc.
DISHES: Many china cups and saucers;
collector's plates; depression glass;
Dresden pieces; Occupied Japan; Car-
nival glass; everyday dishes and much
MISC.: Gas lawn mower; tools; books;
chain saw; plus items too numerous to
CAR: 1976 Ford Granada, sells as is.
TRUCK: 1976 Ford Super Cab, as is.
TERMS: Cash or known cheque.
NOTE: Items on view from 10:00 a.m.
sale day. This is a high quality sale.
Lunch Booth.
We are not responsible for injury or ac-
cidents on pro arty.
Auctioneer: JACK HEYWOOD
Of Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Dishes
and Misc. Items, for:
RR 2, Moorefield, and:
257 Halstead Ave. N., Listowel.
Sale will be held in the Kurtzville Community
Centre, on:
Tuesday, July 5, 1983
6:00 p.m.
APPLIANCES: Leonard single door
refrigerator, white and good; Westinghouse
24" electric stove; Admiral no -frost refrigerator
and McClary 30" electric stove, both white and
good; Hoover spin-dry washer; Frigidaire elec-
tric clothes dryer; Simplicity wringer washer;
small electrical appliances.
FURNITURE: Chesterfield with pull out bed,
brown, good; chesterfield and chair; chester-
field and 2 chairs, older style; couch with
wooden arms and matching armchair; recliner
chair; Easy chair; Electrohome portable colour
TV and stand; Fleetwood stereo radio, record
player, console model; wing back armchair;
double pedestal secretary desk, good; swivel
desk chair; desk lamp; Odkner electric adding
machine; Underwood manual typewriter; occa-
sional armchair; coffee and end tables; wall unit
bookcase; small bronze kitchen table; space
saver; shelf table; sewing basket; variety of
lamps and lights; footstools; 'wall mirrors; 3
chrome chairs; card table; old radio cabinet;
cedar chest; clothes hamper; toy chest; day
bed; steel double bed; single bed; roll away
cot; 2 steel beds; double size bed dresser with
mirror; pictures and frames; bedding and
linens; broadloom rubber back rugs, 9' x 1 1 '
(green and white), 9' x 1 1 ' (rusty tweed); jute
back rug, 12' x 15' (gold); living room drapes.
DISHES: Variety of everyday dishes; pots and
pans; depression glass; good dishes; or-
naments and misc.
ANTIQUES: Press back rocking chair with
round leather seat; pine blanket box; old quilt
box; breadboard; White rotary treadle sewing
machine; 2 coal oil lamps; wooden strap -on
skates; beer ash trays; toilet chamber and lid; 2
wooden tables; square wooden extension table
with 6 leaves, press pattern drum, all newly
refinished; set of 6 press back chairs, all newly
refinished (good); 2 straight side chairs; parlour
Oble with drawer; wicker rocking chair;
wooden hall tree; bridge lamp; bamboo
bookshelves; 4 wooden chairs; dresser with
large oval mirror; Child's wooden highchair.
MISC. ITEMS: Charcoal barbecue; 2 wooden
lawn chairs; air fan; baseboard electric heater;
rinse tubs; tub stand; crokinole board; wooden
clothes horse; plus misc. items.
TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale
Owners or Auctioneer not responsible for
accidents or, loss of property sale day.
Aucti.r,neer: BOB GILMORE
485 'Victoria Ave. S.,
Listowel 291-3489