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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-06-15, Page 4
DVA c dajam = Ibbance4I imeN Published at Wingham. Ontario. by Wenger Bros. limited Barry Wenger, President Henry Hess, Editor Robert O. Wenger, Sec.-Treas. Audrey Currie. Advertising Manager Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member — Canadian -Community Newspaper Assoc. " Subscriptions 520.00 per year Second Class Mail Registration No. 0821 Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc. Six months $ 11.50 Return postage guaranteed The making of a leader Yes, it was exciting. It was dramatic" It was a television spectacu- lar. Butis that really the best way to select a party leader who has a very good chance of becoming the next prime minister of our nation? Anyone who has read "The Making of a President" will recognize all the slick and successful American-style planning which went into the months of preparation for the Progressive Con- servative leadership convention. Right up to the final ballot on Saturday evening it was an open question which of the two front runners would win—and to many who have admired Joe Clark's dogged courage, the elec- tion of Brian Mulroney was a bitter disappointment. Admittedly, these conventions are an operation in democracy. The dele- gates are given every opportunity to elect the man of their choice. But in the final hours of that long, hot day, there was little chance for thoughtful con- sideration of an all-important decision. Delegates who had given their first and second -round ballots to one of: the losers should have had a chance to carefully consider the final outcome, to weigh the merits and shortcomings of each of the leading candidates. How- ever, there was no place in the entire arena where one could escape the un- ending noise; bands blared, bugles blasted forth and the voices of three thousand delegates and an army of reporters, cameramen and commen- tators created a solid uproar for hours on end. In the last, decisive hours the appeal was not to reason but to rank emotion. Hardly the proper atmos- phere in which to select a leader who will be expected to guide us out of the wilderness of economic chaos. Mulroney may indeed possess the necessary characteristics of brilliant leadership, but his election and final victory are probably attributable to his firm jawline and deep, resonant. voice. In other words, he was given the best odds to win the next general election. Just how wise the delegates were in their choice will not really be known for some time. Mulroney has to seek a seat in parliament; he has to heal the deep wounds in the several factions within his party; he has to prove his political wisdom on the floor of the House. If and when he wins the next election he will still have to -prove himself" as a states man. We do not predict that he will fail in any of these tasks; we sincerely hope he will succeed in all of them. But, without question, he faces a monu- mental variety of tasks. The price of _progress Looking into the future is never a rewarding exercise, but sometimes it is vitally important to foresee, even in a limited way, what may lie before us. Until the early years of the last century it was possible to predict, with reason- able accuracy, what would probably Ile before the human race. Then came the industrial revolution and a continuing era of change which totally ,upset all known rules of society. Right now we are barely poking our noses through the gates of a revolu- tion which will have unbelievably greater impact upon us than did the in- vention of machines. We are on the threshold of the computer revolution. Probably the peasants and city dwellers of the early 1800s found it difficult to grasp the complexities of even the simpler mechanical inven- tions, but the basics were really not so difficult to understand. The first mechanical devices were made for one single purpose — to replace human labor, thus speeding the manufacture of goods and the production of food. But computers are something much dif- ferent. In essence they are designed to replace many of the functions of the human brain. Thus they are extremely difficult for the average person to understand. We are already well into the first phase of the social adjustments which will accompany theSpread of computer technology. The deep economic reces- sion of the past two years has created massive unemployment. Not only have individuals found what it is like to sur- vive without a pay cheque, but employ- ers have found the means to operate their businesses with a smaller number of human helpers. Computers have already speeded production and it is a sad but important fact that many of to- day's unemployed will never again find jobs. Economic upheavals such as the present one almost always accompany major changes in technology. Team- sters' jobs disappeared as trains and then trucks started to move the world's merchandise; printers rioted in New York when the Linotype, a mechanical typesetting machine, was introduced. Blacksmiths lost their livelihood when tractors replaced the horse on most farms. The dislocation and misery brought about by such changes are sel- dom permanent. Teamsters did learn to drive trucks; printers did become Linotype operators; and many black- smiths turned their mechanical apti- tudes into the skills of auto repairmen. The widespread use of computers will, however, create a new and inter- esting situation. The average time re- quired to work for the sustenance of a family will probably be shortened. A work week somewhere down the road will probably shrink to 30 hours or less. There will be more time for what we call leisure occupations — and that free time may prove both a blessing and a curse. All will depend on how mankind will use those extra hours of freedom. They will be hours in which a person can do wonderful things about the improvement of his or her own mind; enjoy the physical exercise which will bring good health; provide an oppor- tunity to do alt sorts of things to help neighbors or comfort the lonely. On the other hand they will also be hours in which to become a confirmed alcoholic. The choice will be ours. Another bail-out looming It appears that the Canadian people will once again be forced to come to the rescue of one of the giants of industry. A parliamentary commit- tee investigating the Canadair opera- tion, has announced that the corpora- tion has debts amounting to some 1.4 billion dollars. That is a figure so large most of us just don't grasp its size. It is, in fact, one thousand, four hundred million dollars. To make it even more realistic, that debt amounts to $50 for every man, woman and child in Cana- da. Canadair is eking for government aid of $20 million right now and probably as much again before the end of the year — and the chairman of the committee has recommended -that somehow we should find the money for the airplane maker. How did Canadair get into this mess? According tQ the investigators, by outright poor management. Will the managers be replaced if we lend them all this money? Who knows: Probably not. In Canada there Is one unfailing formula for staying in, business. Just pile up big enough losses and you are guaranteed government assistance. The name of the game is Massey -Fer- guson, Matson Transport, etc. The art of government has grown from its seeds in the tiny city-states of Greece to become the political mode of half the world. So let us dream of a world in which all states, great and small, work together for the peaceful flowering of the republic of man. —Adlai Stevenson Ti A page of editorial opinion ®®o AND, NOW . #/V®T/ eR LEAD 'RRl4IP GET- TO&EVER I delogaLin illorn over to you Ycker ' er too kiid June 15, 19 3 TODAY'S CHILD BY JUDITH ADAMS Kirk is a happy, affectionate baby of 20 months, blonde and blue-eyed with beauti- ful fair skin. Consid- ering the fact that he had an eye operation just a few days before his picture was taken, he gets over these things quickly. He has strabismus, and the operation corrected the vertical eye muscles. Another operation soon will correct the hori- zontal muscles and his eyes should then be straight. Born prematurely, Kirk had meningitis soon afterwards. He was also affected badly by medication his mother had to take, 111.111, 256 Centre Street The George Watt house By Ernest Eaton (Ed. note: This is the first in a series of historical sketches of some of the interesting old homes of Wingham. Mr. Eaton is the chairman of Heritage Wingham. ) This house, which is both architecturally of interest and historically important, is located at number 256 on the west side of Centre Street, just north of St. Paul's Anglican Church. The property was purchased by George Watt in April of 1880 from Robert Sadler, the original grantee, and was apparently constructed between then and 1883 when the house was sold to James W. Inglis. A large, two-storey structure, it is remarkable inside for its high ceilings and elaborate fireplace. The original ornate flobrs remain in the front hall and dining room, with alternating boards of rich, dark cherry and lighter birch providing a warmth to the appearance of the home. Delicately - turned spindle work decorates the head of the main staircase. Woodgrained siding has in recent years covered the original cedar clapboard ex- terior, and the fluted and carved brackets which were removed during the process now decorate a house at 425 Minnie Street. The house sits on a mortared stone foundation and hand-hewn sills, into which the sawn - lumber joists have been morticed. The original trim has been retained around the front door. Dr. Peter MacDonald purchased the property on Sept. 6, 1892, and moved his house and office from Josephine Street, where he later constructed the MacDonald Block. This house was joined to the south side of the Watt house and used by Dr. MacDonald as an office. This house has much lower ceilings, and the verandah is that from which Sir Wilfrid Laurier addressed the crowd during a visit to Wingham as prime minister. The house has the same hand-hewn sills and morticed joists as the main part of the house, and may have been built about the same time. This part, however. lacks a full basement. Dr. MacDonald (1836-1923), a medical doctor, was active in public affairs. He was mayor of Wingham in 1881, member of Parliament between 1887 and 1904, served as deputy speaker of the House of Commons, and was postmaster at London from 1909 to 1921. The property was purchased by the late Dr. Frederick A. Parker, an osteopathic physician, on May 17, 1921, and is now oc- cupied by Mrs. Parker. Dr. Parker carried on. his practice from the house, as had Dr. MacDonald before him. The lot is number 8 on the west side of Centre Street in the Government Additional survey approved at Toronto on Feb. 1, 1872. This survey served to extend Wingham further east of Josephine Street, which had been the eastern boundary of the original survey approved at Quebec City on March 10, 1865. The original site had been a mile and a quarter square, the legal maximum for incorporation. When it was decided to ex- tend the village limits to higher ground, most of the original town site west of the Maitland River was abandoned to the Town- ship of Turnberry. Museum is a valuable asset Dear Editor, The Town of Wingham and its citizens don't seem to realize how wonderful it is to have a museum. A visitor recently was amazed to learn that the town has a museum in a very central location and easily visited. Not knowing the hours for a visit, a call was made to. John Pattison. Immediately I was told he would be there any time that suited us. The door was opened and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the wonderful articles on display and knowledgable information John was able to give us as we moved from one room to another. Those who reside in Wingham or the surrounding country who haven't visited the museum should do so and take their visitors to see the results of a great deal of research and endless work. Jean Aitchison Wingham Club appreciates rodeo coverage Dear Editor, I just wanted to thank you once again for your promotion and coverage of our Bike Rodeo and Licence Registration. I am convinced the overwhelming success of the rodeo was due to the article and picture that appeared prior to the weekend event. The coverage of the rodeo and the pictures of the winners in the paper also added to the complete coverage we received. You and your paper have certainly contributed to our efforts to achieve a respected profile in the community, and I hope this relationship will continue. Many thanks once again for an excellent job. John Chippa Optimist Club of Wingham & District and all this left him quite handicapped. He is now functioning at about an 8 -month level. He does progress but while doctors think he will eventually walk, he will be very delayed. He has very rigid mus- cles and receives daily therapy to loosen them. Kirk eats and sleeps well, likes playing with toys and can hold a bottle. He can't sit up by himself yet but is learning to in therapy. Meanwhile he uses a high chair. He will need to attend a half- day nursery school when he turns two, and receive the specialized one-to-one attention children need to help them catch up in their development. Experienced parents who can welcome this responsive loving little boy as their son should write to Today's Child, Ministry of Community and Social Services, Box 888, Station K, Toronto. Describe your family and way of life as fully as you can, and include your telephone number. © 1983 Canada Wide Feature Service Limited Items from Old Files JUNE 1936 , A pleasant time was spent' when a large number gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh, Belgrave, in honor of their son Harold and his bride. ,They were presented with useful and pretty gifts and good wishes for a long and happy married life. Miss Helen R. McGregor, who has been on the staff of the High School for the past six years, has resigned to accept a position as head of the Classics department at the Peterborough Collegiate Institute. A pretty wedding took place in St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church when Mary Boyle became the bride of Augustine Devereaux. They will reside at Donnybrook. The trustee board of Bluevale Public School met recently to close up business of the school year. Mrs. Alice Aitken, who has been the efficient teacher for 17 and a half years,' tendered her resignation which was ac- cepted with regret. JUNE 1948 Alex Reid of Wingham was the guest of honor at a dinner arranged by officials of the B.A. Oil Company of Carlsruhe, to mark his retirement after over 25 years of service with the Western Division of the Company. L. S. Palmer has been successful in graduating FLYING HIGH—Julie Leedham of Wingham un- corked a tremendous bump of 4.24 metres in the running long jump during the North Huron track and field meet held at Howick Central School from Western University with a Bachelor of Arts • degree. G. W. Tiffin was elected president of the Wingham Lions Club. Vice presidents are .G. C.% Gammage, Bill McCool and Charles Roberts. Don Nasmith is secretary and Howard Sherbondy treasurer. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling and Miss Jean Sparling moved to their new home in Gorrie on Saturday. Howick Township Council accepted the resignation of P. L. Durst as tax collector. Applications for the job are now being received, at a salary of $300. per year. JUNE 1959 The contract for paving of No. 86 Highway east from Wingham through Bluevale to Morrisbank Corner has been awarded to the Cox Construction Company of Guelph. Work is expected to start at once. A signal honor was bestowed upon a resident of this community when Rev. Alexander Nimmo, D.D., minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, was elected moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. J. Kenneth Holmes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holmes. RR 2, Wingham, graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Engineering Science degree. He has accepted a position with Imperial Oil. Sarnia. ,TUNE 1969 Brenda Hall, daughter of Willis Hall and the late Mrs. Hall, graduated at Fan- shawe College, London. where she completed.a two- year course in child care. She was highest in her course and tied in academic marks for highest in the college. W. H. Bulger of Stratford, the retiring area superin- tendent of Separate Schools. was the guest speaker for the opening of the new addition to Sacred Heart School. Wingham. More than 200 parents, students and visiting officials were present for the opening ceremonies. Harry Page, formerly of Hensall, commenced duties June 1 with the Wingham Public Utilities Commission as superintendent -manager He replaces Emerson Shera. veteran manager, who has retired.