HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-06-06, Page 51Page 16 -Crossroads -June 8, 1983 HEY KIDSI LEANN TO DRAW WITH DANNY COUIDNLAN 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. PASTEL PALETTE—Soft pastels in violet, blue and gray give a quiet, relaxing feeling to this studio with its variety of textures. Glass shelves for accessories and smoothplastic laminate of the bookcase are Decor Score Q. I am about to sign a two-year Tease for a studio near where I will be doing graduate work. I want my new home to be light and airy and sophisticated so I'm willing to go out and do some buying. When I think of studio decorating I remember several of my friends and I living together in a make - do kind of arrangement with assorted families pro- By BARBARA HARTUNG viding the furniture. I do not want that sort of look. I also recall that studio apartments require using each inch of space. Please help me with a color scheme that will make this slightly dark stu- dio lighter. — E.M. A. If you are going to be purchasing a number of pieces of furniture, consid- er obtaining professional advice in how to get the complemented by the heavily textured lackquard woven fabric on the dining chairs and the slightly pat- terned rug. A quilt -covered built-in bed doubles for seating and for sleeping. Furniture is by Chromcraft. most out of your new quar- ters. Choose a designer whose work you admire or select a shop with a com- petent interior designer on the staff. Make investments now in fine furnishings that you'll enjoy living with for many, many years. A few exciting pieces of furniture -can-create-a-memorable----- stud>tb. To make your quarters seem larger, choose a pleasing light color for the walls as well as the floor. Keep furnishings light also to avoid bold contrast that tend to make spaces seem smaller. For example, let's say you choose a pearl white for the walls, off-white, tile for the floors, a built-in MICROWAVE COOKIN SCHOOL Wednesday, June 15, 7:00-10110 pm featuring iLt- ite beolvhA 000io,�� Microwave Ovens Learn the benefits of microwave cooking - without purchase or obligation. THIS IS NOT A DEMONSTRATION, IT'S RS HOUR COOKING SCHOOL FORROW AYES. AND POTENTIAL OWNERS OF MICROWAVES. This 3 Hour School includes: • Understanding of Microwaves • Cooking Techniques • Food Preparation, • Microwave Ovens & Accessories ALL MICROWAVE OVENS WILL BE FEATURED AT INCREDIBLE SAVINGS THIS EVENING ONLY! Call now as we have room for only 40 clients. Deadline June 13 to register. For this class registration is limited. Please confirm your attendance by callir' 291-3►:.0 CONWAY HOME FURNISHINGS Listowel. Ont. Tel. 291-3820 platform bed with violet quilt and soft blue pillows, for seating and sleeping, a rug repeating the same off- white, violet and blue. A table with glass top brass - trimmed base and four up- holstered chairs in off- white or pale blue or violet would double for dining and relaxing. A wall sys- tem of glass shelves and al ----- mond laminate bases could provide storage. Choose window treat- ment with care, avoiding a fussy style. Give attention to plenty of artificial ligl4 for reading and dining as well as for general illumi- nation. BOOK REVIEW CASTLES TO CUT OUT AND PUT TOGETHER. Text by J. K. Anderson. Models by Nick Taylor. Bel- lerophon Books, 36 Anacapa St., Santa Barbara, Calif. 81/2 by 11 in. 64 pp. Paper U.S. $3.50. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX The Tower of London was named after the White Tower, which was Norman built, with Ralph Flambard the first prisoner, who man- aged to escape and flee to Normandy. The White Tower was only one of many castles built by Normans. It is one of the two castles featured in the book "Castles to Cut Out and Put Together" issued by Bellerophon. The other castle is Chateau Gaillard erected at Rouen in Nor- mandy in 1196. Both these castles are described in a text by J. K. Anderson. The rest of the book is made up of pieces with directions how to put them - together so as to make two paper castles. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! At wit's end by Erma Bombeck A psychologist once said that everyone has a dirt threshold, a boiling point that will drive him or her to dig out from under all the mess. A 59 -year-old widow in Al- bertson, N.Y., obviously found hers when she not only burned down her home be- cause it was dirty, but tried to stop the firemen from putting out the fire. So did city officials in Charleston, S.C., when they required horses carrying visitors on carriage tours throughout the historic dis- trict to wear diapers. I haven't found mine yet. How could I? It's been years since I've seen my threshold. And I think I know why. It's because I'm first generation immaculate. I was raised in a home that I dubbed Our Lady of Per- petual Dusting. Everyone knows cleanliness skips a generation. I used to watch my mother. She was the kind who washed out a measuring cup with soap and water after she used it only to measure water! Whenever she hadn't used her good dishes, say in a year or so, she's wash them again before setting the table. There was never any gum stuck in the bottom of her waste cans. I was im- pressed by -that. And she was the only person I knew who ironed dish towels. The only hope for me of surviving in this environ- ment was my mother's love for boxes. Amid all this or- ganized sparkle and alpha- betized spices was a -closet full of old boxes and ribbons that would have taken the sight out of a good eye. It must have been her threshold of cleanliness where you can just take so much Lysol and you freak out. No box was too flimsy or too worn to be added to mother's collection. Some- times, she'd snatch a box away from us before we got the gift out of the tissue. You never knew what you were getting. Just when you thought you were getting a rectal themometer for your birthday, you opened the lid and voila, a new pen and pencil set. We have lived with one an- other's attitudes towards neatness. She considers dust a drug never to be inhaled. I consider dust God's way of measuring time. According to the psycholo- gists, I should have one area where spit and polish prevail . some part of my life that is clutter -free. I don't. I remember the story about the girl back East who worked at a bank three months and every night her desk was clean as a whistle. It did not go unnoticed. Others were told to emulate her and that's when they dis- covered that every night she was tossing away everything on her desk right into the -wastebasket. ---- - - - - ....- - Neatness breeds -15 -at ked Have you ever w lked all day and enjoyed every minute of it? if not, try the contour s; .ndal with the heavenly fitmoo Deformed shape Men's & Women's caused by narrow shoes. Styles, in Stock Natural shape in Cloud Walkers. 4995 And Up. BRUBACHER SHOES Ltd. ELMIRA o 669-3349 VISA master charge TWO ENTRANCES TO SERVE YOU. PARKING BEHIND STORE HELP FIGHT KIDNEY DISEASE. of pressure. Dickens death English author Charles Dickens died June 9, 1870, at the age of 58. Give to the Kidney Foundation - _of Canada von LIGHTING CENTRE Division of Ideal Supply ('o Limited JUST ARRIVED Large Selection Of - table lamps with matching swags - floor lamps - lamp shades * OUTDOOR FIXTURES * CHANDELIERS * HANGING LAMPS 133 Regent St. STRATFORD 273-0650 W i MINI MIN MINI ®®MOM ®®®l®®IDN®®®® 01411 Use 4 at a time 3 at a time 2 at a time or 1 at a time 1 Ullrlr C rut ui u •�L REG. PRICE $335 YOU SAVE .856 3 pieces of chicken, french fries. cole slaw WITH THIS coupoN and Grecian bread. Kentuek9 Med &du • Fe IMO., Pak Mall. Kitchener • 355 Erb West, Waterloo in 0, Mogi* Hill Pleas) • 331 Larcener Waal (neat to pietas) I • 1157 Weber Emit at Franklin • 171 Highland Road East et Spedlne • Country Hills Masa on Country Hill Drive Available at all participating Kentucky • 114 King North, Wetertoo Fried Chicken stores in Ontario. Fs• 1154 Vicda4 North (Kitchener -Guelph Highway) Stores also in Cembrid5e (H30peler) and Elmira Offer Expires, Sunday June 26, /963 IIIIIII—__ MN MI •1 — RIVRONE MR ONE 1 REG. PRICE $3.35 YOU SAVE .856 3 pieces of chic ken. french fries. cole slaw vv'1H ' HIS (CAPON and Grecian bread 1 i $2.50 m Kentucky Fred Ckicken • Fairview Perk MO, Kacheseer 49355 Erb West. Waterloo (in the Mepf Hill Pinna) *339 Lancas1ar West (neat to plaza) • 1157 Weber Emit at Franklin 49171 Highland Road East mil Spedlne • Country Hine Plena on Country 11111 Drive Available at all participating Kentucky • 114 King North. Waterloo Pa ft L• 1104 Victoria North (Khchanor-0uelph Hlghatey) Fried Chicken scares in Ontario. Stacie deo lo Cambridge (Mempelmr) and Elmira Offer Expires, Sunday June 26, 1983 IIIMNI MOM MI INN MIN INN MI INN 11111 NMI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 REG. PRICE $3.35 YOU SAVE .856 3 pieces of chicken fr,..,,.L, fries.. ----I_ -.. and Grecian bread Kentucky Fried ekicken • Fairview Parti Mall. Kitchener • 355 Erb West, Wahine* (in the Maple Hill Elmo). • 331 Lancaster West (neat to Masa) • 1157 Weber Emit at Franklin • 971 Hiphlend Road Emit at Spedlne • Country Hills Plaza on Country Hill Drive • 114 King North, Waterloo 41144 Victoria North (Kitchener -Guelph Hlghvrsyl Stoves also In Cambridge (Neapeter) and Elmira ® I1® l® Availableat all participating Kentucky Er)ed Chicken stores in Ontario Offer Expires, Sunday June 26, 1483 NM INN MI D111RFORONE$25o REG. PRICE $3.3_5 YOU -5 -AVE .85e 3 pieces of( hirken. french fries i ole til.)u 1 and Grecian bread µ Kentucky Fried tkicken • Feirvieva Pork Mall, Kitchener 1 l al(•M+KP • 355 Erb Watt. M7etmrtoo (in the Magda Mln Pleas) • 331 Lancaster West (neat to Plate) • 1157 Weber East et Franklin 4 179 Highland Road East at Spsdioo - -. _.. - • Country Hills Piece on Country Mal Drive Available at all per.;eipatig Kentucky • 114 King North, Waterloo Fried Chicken stores in Ontario • 1104 Vittorio North (Kltchcenor-O alph Highway) Storms also In Cambridge (HmmPetmr) atut Elmira Offt r Expires, Sunday June 26, 1963 MI /MI MI nil MI NM MIIIIII MIN INN Malt