HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-06-06, Page 49Page 14 -Crossroads -June 8, 1983 4 oom WIVB Buffalo 5 .e. CBC Toronto 5C o0o WGN Chicago Mone, June 13 AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Midday 4 Leave It to Beaver 3 Cartoons 10, 8 Flintstones 13 News 7, 6 20 Minute Workout 79 Big Valley 5C 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 79 The Young and Restless 4 Agri -News 8 Definition 13 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 News 10, 3 12:35 News 8 1:00 All My Children 7, 5, 3, 8, 10 Here's Lucy 79 Let's Make a Deal 6 Alan Thicke Show 13 You Asked For It 5C Days of Our Lives 11 1:30 Micro Magic 79 As the World Turns 6, 4 News 5C 2:00 Movie, "Sherlock Holmes and the Pearl of Death" 10 Another .World 13 Billiard Stars 7S Dick Van Dyke 5C Take 30 From, 5, 3, 8 City Lights 79 One Life to Live 11, 7 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Capitol 4 Good Company 3 Andy Griffith 5C Wok with Yan 8 Pitfall 6 w Galloping Gourmet 79 3:00 You're Beautiful 79 Capitol 11 Top Rank Boxing 7S I Dream of Jeannie 5C Guiding Light 6, 4 Three's Company 8 Canadian Reflections 5, 3 General Hospital 7, 13 3:30 Kidsworld 79 Take 30 From 10 Do It For Yourself 8 Soapbox 11 Pink Panther 5C 4:00 Little House on the Prairie 7, 8 Eight is Enough 4 Do It For Yourself 5, 10 Flipper 3 Superfriends 5C Hercules 6 McGowan's World 13 The Young and the Restless 11 Rockford Files,79 4:30 Scooby Doo 5C Arc on the Move 5 It's Your Move 13 Battle of the Planets 6 Happy Days 3 Three's Company 10 5:00 Happy Days 5 Charlie's Angels 6 Jeffersons 7 Muppets 5C You Asked For It 4 Hour Magazine 11 Tattletales 13 Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 79, 8, 10 5:30 News 3 Barney Miller 4 Hogan's Heros 13 Australian Rules Football 7S Little House on the Prairie 5C Three's Company 5 WKRP 7 EVENING 6:00 News 7, 11, 6, 13, 8, 5, 10, 4 Movie, "The Muppet Movie" 3 Citypulse 79 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 5C News 7, 4 7:00 Entertainment Tonight 11 Joker's Wild 4 ESPN's Inside Baseball 75 Barney Miller 5C Family Feud 13 Little House ... A New Beginning 8, 10 This Week in Ontario 5 Tic Tac Dough 7 Laverne & Shirley 79 That's Life 6 7:30 Family Feud 7 Jeffersons 5C Muppet Show 4 Sports Centre 7S Thrill of a Lifetime 13 You Asked for It 6 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 11 Happy Days 5 MASH 79 8:00 Love Boat 6 MLB11,7 Billiard Stars 7S� The Body Human 4 Movie, "Machine Gun McCain" 79 Snow Job 13 Solid Gold 5C Hangin' In 8, 5, 3, 10 8:30 Bizarre 13 Paul Anka 8, 5, 3, 10 9:00 MASH 8, 5, 3, 10 TBA 4 USFL (Denver at Oakland) 6, 7S Movie, "Portrait of a Showgirl" 13 Midnight Special 5C 9:30 Newhart 8, 5, 3, 10 One Day at a Time 4 10:00 News 5C National 8, 5, 3, 10 Cagney & Lacey 4 Citypulse Tonight 79 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 11:00 News 11, 4, 8, 5, 3, 10, 7, 13 Soap 5C Movie, "West of Zan- zibar" 79 TUNE-UP NOW FOR CAREFREE SUMMER DRIVING We will change your oil and filter (up to 5 litre 10W30 oil) Lubricate chassis & check levels. 0.$15.95 We will replace your oil filter, adjust bands, change your trans. fluid (up to 8 litre) $49 . 95 for all auto. trans. Only We will check your air conditioning for proper operation, top up with Freon. Test system for leaks. $39.95 We'll give you a FREE exhaust system check. We service ALL MAKES and we guarantee our mufflers for as long as you own your vehicle. Our service saves you money! WE CAN DO IT! WE GUARANTEE IT. Listowel Chrysler 784 Main St. E. Listowel 29t-4380 6 m.o Global 7 00o WKBW Buffalo 7S ... ESPN 8 moo CKNX Wingham 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Jeffersons 8 Alice 4 The Millionaire 3 Nightline 7 Charlie's Angels 5C Family Brown 11 Barney Miller 5 Father Dear Father 10 12:00 Hawaii`Five-O 11 Sports Centre 7S The Virginian 13 Movies, "One Russian Summer" 8; "The Last Time I Saw Ar- chie" 5; "The Greatest Show on Earth" 3; "Report to the Commissioner" 10 Sportsline 6 Trapper John M.D. 4 12:15 News 6 12:30 Lie Detector 7 Baretta 6 Full Contact Karate 7S Movies, "Made for Each Other" 5C 1:00 News 7 Columbo 4 Hawaii Five -O 11 1:30 Movie, "Fever Heat" 6 2:00 Highlights 5 Sports Centre 7S 2:30 Headline Service 4 3:00 News 5C ESPN's Inside Baseball 7S Night Watch 4 3:30 Auto Racing '83 7S All Night Show 5C Tues., June 14 AFTERNOON - 12:00 Cartoons 10, 8 20 Minute Workout 79 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It to Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 Big Valley 5C News 6, 7 Midday 4 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 79 The Young and Restless 4 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 News 10, 3 Agri -News 8 Definition 13 12:35 News 8 1:00 All My Children 7, 8, ..5, 3, 10 College World Series 7S Here's Lucy 79 10 ... CEPL London 11 ... CHCI1 Hamilton 13 o.. CKCO Kitchener 79 ... City TV Toronto Let's Make a Deal 6 Allan Thicke Show 13 You Asked for It 5C Days of Our Lives 11 1:30 Micro Magic 79 News 5C As the World Turns 6, 4 2:00 Take 30 From, 3, 8, 5 Movie "Billy Two Hats" 10 Another World 13 Dick Van Dyke 5C One Life to Live 7, 11 City Lights 79 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Wok With Yan 8 Andy Griffith 5C Capitol 4 Good Company 3 Galloping Gourmet 79 Pitfall 6 3:00 The Guiding Light 6, 4 I Dream of Jeannie 5C Three's Company 8 Canadian Reflections 5,3 Capitol 11 You're Beautiful 79 General Hospital 7, 13 3:30 Take 30 From 10. Do It For Yourself 8 Pink Panther 5C Soapbox 11 Kidsworld 79 4:00 Eight is Enough 4 Do It For Yourself 5, 10 McGowan's World 13 USFL (Denver at Oakland) 7S Superfriends 5C Little House on the Prairie 7, 8 Flipper 3 Hercules 6 Rockford Files 79 The Young and the Restless 11 4:30 Battle of the Planets 6 Scooby Doo 5C It's Your Move 13 Spread Your Wings 5 Three's Company 10 Happy Days 3 5:00 The Price Is Right 79, 8, 10 Tattletales 13 Muppet Show 5C Happy Days 5 Jeffersons 7 You Asked For It 4 Three's Company 3 Charlie's Angels 6 Hour Magazine 11 5:30 Little House on the Prairie 5C WKRP 7 Hogan's Heros 13 Barney Miller 4 Three's Company 5 News 3 Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY -MIDNIGHT-"ONE SUMMER LOVE". Star- ring Beau Bridges, Susan Saradon, Mildred Dunnock. A withdrawn young man returns to Danbury, Conn., after a long stay in a mental hospital. He experiences a series of traumatic encounters en route to a violent reunion with his nutty mother. MONDAY MIDNIGHT -"ONE RUSSIAN SUMMER". Star- ring Oliver Reed, Claudia Cardinale, John Mcenery. Drama of a summer in Russia showing the passion andvio- lence of today. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT -"SEA SONG". A young self-made tycoon, bored by the trappings of success, embarks on a dangerous single-handed ocean race and discovers an un- expected stowaway ... an attractive, rebellious freelance journalist. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -"ONE MAN JURY". Starring Jack Palance, Christopher Mitchum, Joe Spinel]. Psy- chotic murder leads a vengeful cop to become a one-man vigilante avenger. With the aid of the Mafia chieftain he ap- prehends the killer and executes his own brand of justice. PutterW Pete By FRYE HERlo'C A DANDY CONVERTIBLE TOOL "fou CAN MAKE NM A MINU4104 Or METAL WORKIN6. DANDELION D166Erit c*esto eery ez-ead LAWN EDGER EVENING 6:00 News 6, 8, 7, 13, 11, 10, 5, 4 CHiP's 3 Citypulse 79 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 5C News 7, 4 7:00 Fame 5 Sportsforum 7S Tic Tac Dough 7 Ripley's Believe It or Not 3 CHiP's 10, 8 Joker's Wild 4 Barney Miller 5C Entertainment Tonight 11 Laverne & Shirley 79 That's Life 6 Family Feud 13 7:30 MASH 79 Family Feud 7 MLB (Chicago at New York) 5C Muppet Show 4 Lorne Greene's New Wilderness 13 Sports Centre 7S Smith & Smith 11 You Asked For It 6 8:00 The A Team 11 The Chinese 3, 10, 5, 8 Tom Jones 6 Bring 'Em.Back Alive 4 Movies on Channel 11 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT-"DEADMAN'S CURVE". Star- ring Richard Hatch, Bruce Davison. Biographical story of the meteoric musical career of California teenagers Jan Berry and Dean Torrence in the late 1950's and 1960's. FRIDAY, 9:00 P.M. -"SHE'S IN THE ARMY NOW". Star- ring Kathleen Quinlan, Jamie Lee Curtis. A behind -the- . barracks look at five young women who joined the Army hoping to find an exciting new fulfillment in life. Reveals the comical rigors and romantic run-ins of basic training. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT-"ZACHARIAH". Starring John Ru- binstein, Pat Quinn. Two gunslingers split up realizing their prowess will only lead them to confront each other. One gives up the gun for a life of peace and solitude, but is forced to face his ambitious friend in a showdown. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -"THE HIGH COMMISSIONER". Stars Rod Taylor, Christopher Plummer. Australian policeman sent to London to arrest the high commissioner for murder runs into spies and an assassination plot. SATURDAY, 2:00 -"THE HARD WAY". Stars Patrick Mc- Goohan, Lee Van Cleef. The story of mercenary "hit -men" and their vengeance on each other when a job goes wrong. Movies on Channel 5C THURSDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"THE PIRATE". Monely girl on a romantic island in the Caribbean dreams of her imagin- ary hero. Starring Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Walter Sle- zak. THURSDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"PANIC IN NEEDLE PARK". A girl from Indiana falls in love with a New York heroin ad- dict and becomes addicted herself. Al Pacino, Kitty Winn, Richard Bright. THURSDAY, 12:30 -"THE SOUND AND THE FURY". A girl from a decadent and degenerate Southern family tries to find a social life. Yul Brynner, Joanne Woodward, Marg- aret Leighton. FRIDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"BELLES ON THEIR TOES". The mother of the 'Cheaper by the Dozen' clan decides to carry on Pop's unique engineering career. Stars Jeanne Crain, Myrna Hunter, Barbara Bates. FRIDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"YOUNG BILLY YOUNG". Starring Robert Mitchum, Robert Walker, Angie Dickinson. Ben Kane brings a young man to a town in New Mexico to clear him of a false murder charge. FRIDAY, 3:30 -"THE SECRET OF BLOOD ISLAND". When a female agent is shot down and parachutes into the jungle near a prisoner of war camp in Malaya, the prison- ers are determined to protect her. Starring Jack Headley, Barbara Shelley, Patrick Wymark, Charles Tingwell. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"WHITE LiNE FEVER". One man struggles against the corruption and brutality of the Ari- zona trucking industry. Starring Jan -Michael Vincent, Kay Lenz, Slim Pickens. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -"THE OPTIMISTS". Two poor and affection -starved children find happiness when they befriend a London busker and his dog. Starring Peter Sellers, Donna Mullane, John Chaffey. SATURDAY, 3:30 -"HUDSON'S BAY". An Englishman and two French fur trappers show England the wealth in fur at Hudson's Bay. Starring Paul Muni,.John Sutton, Gene Tier- ney. SUNDAY, 5:30 P.M. -"THE DARING DOBERMANS". A pack of Dobermans are trained to carry out crimes. Star- ring Charles Knox Robinson, Tim 'Considine, Joan Caul- field. SUNDAY, 12:30 -"LITTLE CAESAR". A small-time hood rises to become the czar of gangland. Starring Edward G. Robinson, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. SUNDAY, 3:30 -"IN FAST COMPANY". The Bowery Boys get involved in a taxi racket. tarring Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall, Jane Randolph. MONDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"FRENCHMAN'S CREEK". An English lady falls in love with a French pirate. Starring Joan Fontaine, Arturo De Cordova. MONDAY, 12:30 -"MADE FOR EACH OTHER". A couple who meet in an encounter group quarrel constantly but their fights show a deep need for each other which they fi- nally realize. Starring Renee Taylor, Joseph Bologna, Norman Shelly. TUESDAY, 10:00 A.M.-°'JANE EYRE". A governess falls in love with her employer. Starring Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles, Agnes Moorehead. TUESDAY, 12:30 -"THE CiTADEL". A Scotch doctor strug- gles with his ideals in an English mining town. Starring Robert Donat, Rosalind Russell, Rex Harrison. TUESDAY, 3:30 -"THE TRAiL BEYOND". 'Duke' hits the trail after a gang of robbers. Stars John Wayne. WEDNESDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"WORK iS A FOUR LETTER WORD". A young man develops a species of mushroom which, when eaten, turns the commonplace into the ecstat- ic. Starring David Warner, Cilia Black, David Waller. WEDNESDAY, 12:30 -"°SATAN NEVER SLEEPS". Life in a Chinese mission is changed after the take-over by the Chinese Communist Army in 1949. Stars William Holden, Clifton Webb, France Mayen. WEDNESDAY, 3:30-"DESTRY RIDES AGAiN". A deputy sheriff, who doesn't wear guns, cleans up a bad town. Stars Marlene Dietrich, James Stewart. Knight Rider 13 Movie, "Frankie and Johnny" 79 Happy Days 7 8:30 Love Boat 6 Top Rank Boxing 7S Joanie Loves Chachi 7 9:00 Movie, "TBA" 4 Fall Guy 13 Three's Company 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 Knot's Landing 11 9:30 Too Close for Comfort 8, 5, 3, 10 Nine to Five 7, 6 10:00 National 8, 5, 3, 10 Tonight Show 6 Citypulse Tonight 79 Barbara Walters Special 7, 11 Hart to Hart 13 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 10:30 News 5C 11:00 News 6, 10, 8, 3, 5, 7, 13, 11, 4 Sports Centre 7S Movie, "The Fortune Cookie" 79 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Sportsline 6 ----- Family Brown 11 Alice 4 Jeffersons 8 Movie, "The Green Man" 3 Charlie's Angels 5C Nightline 7 Barney Miller 5 George and Mildred 10 12:00 Movies, "Sea Song" 8; "Just This,Much" 5; "Go Naked in the World" 10; "Night of the Following Day" 13 Baretta 6 USFL (Denver at Oakland) 7S Hawaii Five -O 11 Quincy 4 12:30 Lie Detector 7 Movies, "The Citadel" 5C 1:00 Hawaii Five -O 11 News 7 Movie, "C'mon, Let's Live A Little" 6 McMillan and Wife 4 2:00 Highlights 5 2:30 Headline Service 4 3:00 Sports Centre 7S Night Watch 4 News 5C 3:30 Movie "The Trail Beyond" 5C 4:00 Sportsforum 7S 4:30 Australian Rules Football 7S Movies on Ch ,nnei 3 FRIDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE ODESSA FILE". Starring Jon Voighj, Maximilian Schell. A reporter accidentally reads the diary of a suicide (a Jewish survivor of Nazi concentra- tion camps), which leads him to try and infiltrate Odessa, a secret network of SS veterans. FRIDAY, 4:00 -°°THE SOLID GOLD CADILLAC". Stars Judy Holliday, Paul Douglas. An inquisitive small stock- holder becomes a saviour to hundreds of others by expo- sing a crooked board of trustees. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M.= -"THE CHANGELING". A college lecturer plunges into a living nightmare when engulfed in the sinister forces of a along -vacant Victorian mansion. Starring George C. Scott, Trish Van Devere, Melvyn Doug- las. SATURDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE GUNS OF NAVARONE". Part 1. British intelligence in the Middle East is forced to send six men on an impossible mission. Starring Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn. SUNDAY, 11:30 P.M: "SHERLOCK HOLMES IN PUR- SUIT TO ALGIERS". Starring Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce. Holmes and Watson escort an heir to an Eastern throne despite threats and perils. MONDAY, 6:00 P.M. -"THE MUPPET MOVIE". Starring Miss Piggy, Kermit, Steve Martin. Kermit the Frog and his friends, on a bumpy road to Hollywood, are pursued by a villain and Miss Piggy. MONDAY MIDNIGHT -"GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH". Starring James Stewart, Charlton Heston. A circus man- ager and his girl friend, an aerialist, compete for the centre ring with a French star. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE GREEN MAN". A profes- sional assassin schemes to knock off an obnoxious diplo- mat. Alastair Sim, Jill Adams, Terry -Thomas. Antique Car Show and Flea Market At the Fairgrounds in Clifford, Ont. June 11 and 12 9a.m.to6p.m. Admission Si, children free 40 Antique Cars on Display Chicken Barbecue - Saturday 4 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by Maitland Valley Region H.A.S.C. For more information phone Morley Tanner 881-0947 "Welcome To The Park" June 12 10a.m.-7p.m. SPRING VALLEY PRESENTS ARTS & CRAFTS SHOW & SALE Have a picnic and a swim. Admission: Adults 51.00 Kids 50* Includes use of all park facilities. Boat Rentals •.Mini Golf - 1/2 Price Location: 6 miles south of Mount Forest on Arthur Sideroad No. 5 Phone 323-2581 ATTENTION If you buy your new or demo Small pick-up from anyone else You Will Pay Too Much see The Tiucksperts at HEFFNER TOYOTA IC=W and Area Largest Vol>le Import Car Dealer 1 Gn i E/�FNELTDR MOTORS . OYOTA PHONE 744-3391 1620 KING ST. EAST, KITCHENER, ONTARIO N2G 2P1