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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-06-01, Page 22
NOTICE Farm E uipinent Auction Of Used Farm Machinery, Tractor, Trucks, Combine, for: JOE DOWLING 11/2 miles west of Harriston, on Hwy. 87. Phone 338-3821 Also Selling "Like New" Tractors and Machinery, for: WARREN & JACQULINE FINES of Wroxeter, on: Mon., June 6, 1983 11:00 a.m. Page 2 -Crossroads -June 1, 1983 • # J •v rot% THE VENETIAN SOLUTION -Blinds at the windows and blinds at the kitchen shelves blend together in a bold blue and white design in this kitchen. Blinds are easily pulled up, providing easy access to shelves, but can be closed off when desired. Blinds are by Bali. Blinds camouflage open cabinets By BARBARA HARTUNG Q. We recently remod- eled our kitchen and added new base cabinets and upper shelves (instead of closed cabinets). 1 thought the open shelves were a good idea at the time and I, still like them for every day. How- gver, our kitchen opens_ into an informal dining room. This means when we entertain the kitchen is dis- tracting. I don't want to add new upper cabinets. Do you have a solution short of that? - R.N.V. A. Have you considered blinds for your shelves. I've recently seen this done and it can be effective. You could attach thin mini -venetian blinds to the ceiling or soffit in your room ' over the shelves. Keep the blinds pulled up for everyday use to expose the shelves. When you en- tertain drop the blinds. This same technique is most effective for closing off a portion of a room or even obscuring one wall that is perhaps used as a home office. In your kitchen you can do interesting color designs to add drama. For exam- ple, you could order your blinds in a combination of colors, colors you might choose to repeat in your dining room. Q. I have moved from a small rented apartment to a larger condo. Just before moving I bought a plain lime green rug for my bedroom which was much smaller than my new one. I still like the color because my spread is also new and in matching shades of lime, deep pink and turquoise on a gray background. I have tried to use the rug in other rooms in my condo bat it seems not to have a place except in the bedroom. Do you have any ideas? - M.V. A. Go back to the shop where you bought your rug and see if you can find car- peting that you like in someofthe other colors in the room. Have the store cut strips of the other car- peting and bind the strips to your existing rug to en- large it to the desired size. Let's say your lime rug is expanded by an 8 -inch strip of turquoise and a 12 - inch strip of gray to tie your color scheme togeth- er. Or be bold and use a strip of turquoise and deep pink. Any of the combina- tions from your bedspread could be handsome. This is a great technique that can also be used when you want to lengthen dra- peries after a move from one house to another. Sim- ply add bands of color or another interesting fabric. Q. My office which 1 have just moved into has pale gray -beige wails and gray commercial carpet- ing with dark, deep blue squares. I like lots of plants and will add life to the office in this manner. However, I'm wondering what type of office furniture would be pleasant and if I might in- troduce a bit more color here or there. I like mod- ern, clean lines. The gray walls seem a bit overpowering because there is so ,much gray. - P.B. A. To lighten things some, why don't you choose a desk or other wood furni- ture in light oak with an oiled finish that is practi- cal in an office. Choose chrome and oak chairs for a light look. Introduce a brilliant blue to your color scheme through chair upholstery. Painting one wall of your office in the bright blue would be attractive, leav- ing the remaining ones gray. This should give you a lively environment, yet one that is definitely business- like. Battleship never fired a shot in anger H.M.S. Warrior, the world's first iron -built, iron -clad battleship, is being restored in England. Launched in 1860,, the War- rior was steam -powered but carried sails on three masts, was armed with 26 muzzleloaders and 10 breechholders and at the time was the world's most powerful warship. But in her 27 -year career she never fired a shot in anger. Bird bit 218 mph A swift was once clocked at 218 mph, but assisting factors such as tailwinds were not noted. Some more reliable speed records are a flock of plovers at 110 mph, a golden eagle under attack at 120 mph, a falcon in a power dive at 170 mph. a vl© ODo a 3.1.5 v©l]d 1ki3U a03113 MEUL 5 oEii31©017[][] 3 4 noon O ItUL 6 7 a33pp a..Lnd 9 10 3 0 o 3 S S V d©©fig .. AVN 3 Q I I S MVO 311 CI SS3Eld .I.i©Q4 14 N 111. O 11a1 on .■ Q3QI v DOOa __.. V 1 1Ell uOI1MB 3031 31L jus 0311 Ciro© f31Idfl C v © crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner. The Wingham Advance - Times. The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri- bution in Elmira. Palmerston, Harnston. Brussels, Millbank. Newton. Atwood. Clifford, Drayton. Wallenstein. Moorefield and Arthur Display and Classified advertising deadline - 5:00 p.m. Thursday week prior to publication date Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N., P O. Box 97, Listowel. Ont N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance -Times Josephine St . P 0 Box 390. Wingham, Ont NOG .2W0 The Listowel Banner 291.1660 The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320. The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550 The Milverton Sun 595-8921 Elmira and District News Kim Dadson They saga of Kenny Rogers By ROBIN WELLES HOLLYWOOD - Must be nice, you say, to have the talent to produce seven platipum (million -selling) albums in a row. Well, that's a poor way to put it. Kenny Rogers has the talent to do just that, all right, but then he's had that talent for years and years and it wasn't until he was nearly 40 that he real- ly made it big. And when you're a sing- er at that age, you really hear the footsteps of other, younger singers coming on. Kenny has made mil- lions, or maybe billions, now -- but in 1956 he made a grand total of $13 for a singing job at an Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas. He drifted through the '60s as a pop singer until 1966 when he latched onto the New Christy Minstrels. He was relatively pros- perous with that group, but the Minstrels later dis- banded and Kenny found himself on his own. What to do, at 38? For two decades he had worked in jazz (playing bass for the Bobby Doyle jazz trio at one point for more than six years), folk and rock. Well, Kenny's daddy used to play fiddle - so maybe the son should give Country -Western mine a whirl. He looked up country producer Larry Butler and the two of them put togeth- er Kenny's first solo coun- try album, "Love Lifted :.e." In the movies the LP would have made Kenny a . smash success. But it __didn't. _ _ ._.-. The next- album was - "Kennyogers "". And- oto this LP was a tricky little song called "Lucille" about C R 0 s s W O R D S ACROSS 1. Fleeting fashion 4. Appends 8. Do a backstroke 12. Winter hazard 13. Con -, musical direction 14. Neap, for one 15. Waikiki sight: 2 wds. • 18. Condemn 19. Helped 20. Near the Arctic or Antarctic 22. Cheerful expression 24. Slight, in a way. 25. Certain gauge reading i LEARI TO ®RAW Wtni DANNY COUG ILAi! a woman who shucked her fanner husband and four hungry children. Instant success. But not what you could call OVER- NIGHT success. For Kenny Rogers, it was a long, hard grind. He earned that $14.5 million Beverly Hills home he lives in with his wife Marianne and year-old son Christopher. Rogers will probably make enough on his latest Liberty -Capitol album, ti- tled "We've Got Tonight"' to add a few wings to the old mansion. Like the man, it's a winner. News goes up in smoke Montreal businessman Noel Lawrence has come up with a real steel grate, set into a fireplace, on which a week's accumula- tion of newspapers can be stacked on edge. The base of the burner is angled at 20 degrees and perforated to let air circulate. Paper burns off page by page witt little- tending, A. te- load of papers will burn 2 to 3 hours, he says. 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish whitDanny. started. Straws dead Composer Yl Kann gtrani3s died June 3, 1899, at the age of 74 years. 29. - Remo, Riviera resort town 30. Baseball coach's cry 31. Word of dissent 32. Encroach 34. Slight advantage 35. Golf shot 36. Nicene, for one 37. ,Word withr, "base" or "rail" - 40. Heath 41. Sunburned: 4 wds. 46. In a line 47. Char 48. Spanish gold 49. Cheer 50. Agave plant 51. bankroll 1 2 3 4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 .. 14 15 .■ 16 ....27 .... 18 ... 19 ■■■■ 20 21... 22 23.. 24... 25....26 27 28 29.. 3C.... 31.■ 32 33 .... 34 ..5 J5 ... 36 ...i 37 38 39 40 .■■ 41 ....42 .3 555544 45 46... 47... 48.E 49... 50... 51.. DOWN 1. Untruth 2. Expert 3. Reporter's concern 4. Detest 5. Bongo, for one 6. Indistinct 7. Woeful sound 8. Gertrude and family Feral Vain Hoover Dam's lake 16. Paint layer 17. Lift 20. Garrison 21. Actor Sharif 22. Grain -mill output 23. Bench and Rose 25. Builder's map 26. Swimming hazard 27. Storni 28. Inspected 30. Potatoes 33. Sit ungracefully 34. Cupid 36. Snake 37. Salver 38. Classroom response 39. Hero 40. Fortress feature 42. See 36 -Down 43. Maui adornment 44. Period 45. Scepter 6. ",30. 11. Portraits to celebrate warm family pride from Sears Portrait Studio 23 color portraits for only 95 1 44 includes 950 deposit Photographic package includes two 8x10's. three 5x7's, fifteen wallet size and 3 portrait charms. No appointment necessary 956 for each additional subject. Poses our selection Studios located in most larger Sears retail stores. Also available in addition to package. Black Background & Double Feature Portraits Instant Passport Photos Offer for portraits taken Mon. May 30 thru Sat. June 4 Sears your money's worth ... and more 9' 3. Now try it yourself! AUCTION SALE Of Ferguson Tractor, Antique Furniture, Fur- niture, Dishes, Tools, Guns and Misc. Items, for: RICHARD AMENT 29 Main St., Milverton (former Dr. Tye home). Sale will be held at the residence, on: Saturday, June 11, 1983 11:00 a.m. TRACTOR: Ferguson tractor, good working condition, good rubber; Ferguson 2 furrow 3 pth plow; 3 pth cultivator; 3 pth 6' scraper blade; 2 secton harrows. TENT TRAILER: 1975 Bellevere hardtop tent trailer with 3 way fridge, 3 burner stove, sleeps 6 (all in good condition). FURNITURE: Butternut triple chime Grand- father's clock; French Provincial chesterfield and chair (blue and gold and good); Fleetwood 21" colour TV; pine end tables; coffee tables; 4 wooden rocking chairs; pine corner stand; pine round table; chesterfield and chair; mirror sets; wooden frame mirrors; oval mirrors; clocks; set of New World Book of Knowledge; round wooden patio table and umbrella; cup- boards; dressers; carpet. DISHES: Variety of everyday dishes; some good pieces; depression glass; Coke trays. ANTIQUES: 4 piece walnut settee and chairs (good); oak hall seat; round table with square pedestal; set of 4 press back chairs; press back chairs; press back high chair; 2 wooden extension square tables; set of 5 wooden chairs; press back rocking chair; dry sink; cherry washstand; bonnett chest; coal -oil lamps; small tables; chests; odd wooden chairs; Beaver jars; crocks; church window; wooden pump; 2 fire hydrants; ice tongs; old bottles; pump organ parts; old radio floor model (working); games table; school desk; iron ket- tles; milk cans; trunks; 2 piece kitchen cup- board; child's wicker 2 wheel stroller (good); child's wicker push sleigh; plus many more items. GUNS: 2 old double barrelled shotguns, both in working order (buyer must have F.A.C.). TOOLS: Delta Rockwell 6" jointer; drum sander; router; Stanley plane; block planes; sanding discs; wood clamps; cabinet hard- ware; sand paper; garden and misc. hand tools. MISC. ITEMS: Pra'tical handyman's en- cyclopedia; laundry sink; baby scales; tires; plus wagon load of misc. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale clay. Lunch Booth. Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or loss of property sale day. Proprietor RICHARD AMENT 5958809 Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 291-3489 r. AUCTION NOTICE Auction Sale of Household Effects will be held for: THE ESTATE OF MARY WHITE at the Brussels Community Centre, Saturday, June 4, 1983 11:30 a.m. For information, phone: 887-6439 or 887-9212 Terms Cash. Estate or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. GEORGE POWELL, BRIAN RINTOUL Clerk, Auctioneer Optimist Club of Moorefield ANNUAL AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 4 at 12:30 p.m. at Moorefield Community Park Furniture, Appliances, Tools Odds -.and .Ends. Buffet supper to follow All proceeds to Youth and Community Services AUCTION SALE Of Appliances, Furniture, Antiques, Dishes and Misc. Items, for: - THE ESTATE OF MRS. F. GERTRUDE ZILLIAX 255 Sarah St., Listowel. Sale will be held in the Kurtzville Community Centre, on: Tuesday, June 7, 1983 5:00 p.m. APPLIANCES: Gibson frost -free refrigerator, 2 door, white and good; McClary Easy Spiraltor 400 automatic washer and matching electric dryer, both white and good; Moffat 40" electric stove (older); Hoover upright vacuum cleaner and attachments; Hoover electric broom; small electrical appliances. FURNITURE: Console table; 5 dining room side chairs and 2 armchairs; Andrew Malcolm walnut dining room server; Andrew Malcolm corner china cabinet; beige French Provincial chesterfield and chair; 2 French Provincial liv- ing room armchairs, beige and rose pattern; rose velvet swivel rocker; blue velvet easy chair; Zenith colour console model TV; Duncan Phyfe tilt -top parlour table; Kroehler chester- field and chair (blue); coffee table with glass top; Duncan Phyfe living room drop leaf table with drawer; wooden bookcase; lady's writing desk with drawer; desk chair; floor and table lamps; living room shelf table; framed oil pain- ting, (M. Groves); wall pictures; small brass top table; card tables; drop leaf chrome kitchen tea wagon; oval hall table; door mirror; 3 wicker armchairs (new style); Andrew Malcolm bedroom suite with double bed, double dresser with mirror; bedside table in antique white (good); single bed, box spring and mattress; bedside table; Andrew Malcolm chest of drawers; bedding, linens and mats. DISHES: Large quantity of good dishes in- cluding 13 piece of coal -port (Indian tree); 6 tea plates; cups and saucers; Paragon (Indian thee); Nippon, Bavarian .glass, crystal, silver; salt and peppers; cranberry piece; jardiniere; partial dinner set for 12; Wm. A. Rogers sec- tional partial silverware setting with chest; cop- per pieces, brass, toilet set pieces; everyday dishes, pots and pans, crocks. ANTIQUES: 8 day Session Eli -Terry style clock (working); Ingraham 8 day shelf clock (working); Ansonia alarm clock; 2 wicker arm- chairs; 2 wicker fern stands; rope twist wooden hall tree; 3 drawer sewing table; set- tee side chair; wood frame hall mirror; half end table; round parlour table; 2 pedestal plant stands; 2 bridge lamps; wooden tables; odd wooden chairs; drop leaf table; wash bench; cane seat side chair; press back nurser rocker; washstand with towel bars; large steamer trunk; double bed with matching dresser and mirror (good); dressing table with matching chair (good); dresser with wooden pulls; 2 bedroom chairs. MiSC. ITEMS: Electric fans; luggage; Under- wood standard typewriter; snow shoes; wooden stepladder; step stool; lawn chairs; garden tools and misc. items. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. sale day. Executors or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents or Toss of property day of sale. Auctioneer: BOB GILMORE 485 Victoria Ave. S., Listowel. 291-3489