HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-27, Page 52Page 12—Crossroads—April 27, 1983 ARCHITECTURAL 'PORTRAIT°—This Is an architectural shot taken with a 35 mm camera. The branches in the upper left and the palm tree on the right provide some relief to the sky and to the repetitive design of the building. (Photo by Holt Confer) Through the Lens i Photographing buildings By HOLT CONFER When the talk turns to photographing buildings, the discussion is really about architectural pho- tography. And that's al- most like popping the lid off the can so all the worms can crawl out. You can expect to hear from the photographic pur- ists that it's virtually im- possible to take spectacu- RESULTS you'll applaud with WANT ADS lar shots of buildings with anything less than a view camera. And while there is no doubt that a view cam- era does have the advan- tage of a large size nega- tive, you can bolster your confidence with the fact that a $1,000 view camera won't take pictures that are five times better than a $200 single lens reflex camera — providing you have the proper accesso- ries for your SLR and know how to use them. One of the most common mistakes many amateur photographers make is buying lots of photographic equipment that is far too expensive for 98 percent of AR CITY CHRYSLER SAVES Y. U M e N Y. CAR CITY CHRYSLER SAVES YOU MONEY! LISTOWEL CHRYSLER WHERE SERVICE SAVES. At Listowel Chrysler we're using the same resolution we have made and lived up to since 1977 - that is to provide you with the best automotive service available at competitive prices. OLD FASHIONED SERVICE AT ,OLD FASHIONED., SAVINGS! COMPARE! OIL, LUBE & FILTER Up to 5 litres of 1 0W30 oil, new oil filter, and chassis lubrication. 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However, today you can find bellows attachments (for less than $200) that fit most all of the popular camera mounts — and these bellows provide all the swings and tilts of the most complex view camer- as. So that pretty much narrows down the differ- ence between the two types of equipment to film size. There is one item of readily available 35mm equipment that will help you with architectural pho- tography if you don't care to get involved with swings and tilts — and that's a perspective control lens. The front element of this lens moves both horizontal- ly and vertically. And with those movements it is often possible to keep your verti- cal or horizontal lines par- allel to the sides of the frame. The less movement really increases the cover- age you get from the lens (these lenses are normally 35mm) to about 24mm. And if you're practical minded, there's nothing that says you can't use your perspec- tive control lens as a regu- lar old 35mm lens whenev- er you need to. There's yet another lens that has application in ar- chitectural photography, but this unit has to come under the heading of highly specialized equipment. It's an anamorphic lens, and it has the unique characteris- tic of being able to make things appear taller than they really are. For example, if you were shooting' a church that had an abbreviated steeple and you felt that aesthetically the steeple should be taller, your anamorphic lens could do the job. Anamorphic lenses came into being when the motion picture industry began to go to wide screens. If the film was shot for wide screen use, some way was needed to squeeze that broad viewpoint into a standard size motion pic- ture film frame. With some anamorphic lenses, it's pos- sible to squeeze up to 50 percent more subject mat- ter into the horizontal por- tion of your picture; with other anamorphic lenses, it's possible to increase the frame content by 100 per- cent. Keep in mind that any kind of manipulation like this needs to be accompa- nied by some thought. For example, if there are going to be people in your church picture, expect them to ap- pear tall and thin. If there is an automobile in the shot, the wheels are going to appear elliptical. The se- cret is to know exactly what effect your anamorphic lens will have on, everything in the pie- ture — and then plan ac- cordingly. Architectural photogra- phy' is one thing that's done best with a tripod. The tri- pod slows you down to where you get to examine .every facet of your picture to make certain there are no surprises when you get your transparencies or prints back home. Addi- tionally, a tripod will allow stopping down your lens to where it will provide maxi- mum overall sharpness. And if you intend to com- pete with the large format guys, you'll need all the sharpness you can get. But unless you find your- self in a situation where extreme enlargements are needed, have the courage to stick with your 35mm camera. But ... take the time to learn all you can about the factors that make up a good architec- tural photograph, practice what you've learned, and then if you really do need to make the transition from a, small to a large for- mat camera, you'll have very little difficulty. �Q\P� CAGED SOC` (P I �F SSE/ breast self- examination air St Clair Waterloo Square Waterloo 886-3791 Mon. - Wed. 9:30-5:30 Thurs., Fri. 9:30-9:00 Sat. 9:30-5:30 Conestoga Mall Waterloo 886-2769 Mon. - Fri. 9:30-9:30 Sat. 9.30-6:00 T E WORD S OUT WE'VE EXPANDED. OUR SERVICE. WE'RE NOW OFFERING TOP QUALITY ELECTRICAL SERVICE At WELL AS OUR COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE. For the past 16 years Weishar Plumbing, Heating & Electric Ltd. has been offering the residents of Listowel and area top quali- ty installation and maintenance service - on a 24 hour basis. Now we've expanded that service. Due to an amalgamation with Don McIntosh Electric of Atwood we're now able to offer complete electrical service. Consequently, Don McIntosh Will be joining our firm effective April of 1983, bringing with him his many, rf iany years of electrical experience. In addition, Jerry Beitz who has operated his own plumbing and heating business for the last 10 years in Langley, British Colum- bia will be joining us in June. Top quality personnel and super workman- ship - that's what lets us offer you profes- sional, fast and reliable, service. Weishar Plumbing, Heating & Electric Ltd. now has complete plumbing, heating, elec- trical, air conditioning and ventilation service for residential, commercial and industrial needs. We also offer water softeners, com- plete needs;_ systems, and heat pumps (air to air and water source [loop and well]). Serving you better! WEISHAR PLUMBING. HEATING & ELECTRIC LTD. 230 Elms Street West, Listowel. 291-1302