HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-20, Page 10Page 10—The Wingham Advance -Times, April 20, 1983
elgr°ve Person
Dr. Ray and Mrs. Nichol-
son of Toronto spent the
weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Garner Nichol-
son, and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson Thornton of
Mrs, Clare Van Camp,
Mrs. Ross Taylor, Mrs. Alice
Scott and Mrs. Garner
Nicholson attended the 35th
anniversary of the 'Tiger
Dunlop Institute at the Car-
low Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Americo Ar-
ruda, Maria and Michelle of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Logan, Michael, Shawn and
Becky of Burlington and Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Logan,
Kevin and Trevor of Wyom-
ing spent the past weekend
with their mother, Mrs. Cliff
Logan, and also celebrated
her birthday which is later
this month.
Mrs. Willard Armstrong
returned home on Saturday
from North Battleford,
-Sask., where she spent a two-
week vacation with her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. David Hanna and
Congratulations are ex-
tended to Mrs. Nelson Hig-
gins, who celebrated her 89th
birthday on April 12. This
event was made very special
by the arrival of twin great-
grandsons, Michael Thomas
and Daniel Curtis, the proud
parents of the boys are Don
and Connie Pletch of Ilder-
Mrs. . Elizabeth Procter
spent a few days recently at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Zettler and Sherry
Lynn of Chepstow.
Last Sunday, visitors at
the home of Mrs. Elizabeth
Prneter were Mr. and Mrs.
1 Notes
Frank Procter, Karen and
Kevin, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Zettler and Sherry Lynn of
Chepstow and Marjorie
Procter of Sarnia who spent
the weekend with her
Fourteen members of the
Higgins families ,gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd McDonaldef Waterloo
in honor of her mother, Mrs.
Nelson Higgins, who cele-
brated her 89th birthday
April 12. Four other mem-
bers of the families also cele-
brated April birthdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven ar-
rived home on Saturday fol-
lowing a week's vacation in
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. Harold Keating in the
loss of his aunt, Miss Bella
Keating of Brookhaven
Nursing Home, Wingham.
Wroxeter Personals
We are pleased to see Mr.
and Mrs. Matthew Elliott
returned home safely
Sunday evening after
spending the winter months
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Watson
also returned home over the
weekend, following their
three and one -half -month
vacation at the home of their
son, Mr. and Mrs. Barry
Watson and family of
Arizona. While there, they
also visited Mrs. Watson's
lfilrs. Mosley Burwell
(Helen Galbraith) and Mr.
Burwell at Denver,
Mr. and Mrs. James
Robertson, Goderich, were
Sunday guests with Mrs.
Allan Griffith.
Visitors over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Galbraith were her nieces
and their families: Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Joel and family
of Elbow, Sask., Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Guy and family
of Peterborough, her
brother, Merton Brown, Mrs.
Brown and family of Win-
dsor and all the members of
their own family in the area.
Sympathy is extended to
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Clement in the passing of her
sister, Mrs. Art Cardinal of
Perth on April'10.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Weber,
Kevin and Dawn of Alliston,
visited with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Stewart Musgrove
R. W. Bell
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Mom deserves
the best.
Show her you
care with gifts
All Around
The House
over the weekend.
Mrs. Cliff Marks, Mrs.
Allan Griffith and Mrs.
James Robertson were in
Walkerton Sunday to visit
their friend, Mrs. Marg
Deaken, whose mother, Mrs.
Charles Whitehead, had
passed away.
The UCW visited the
Fordwich Village Nursing
Home last Wednesday af-
ternoon and provided a
program for the residents.
Mrs. Art Gibson played the
piano and along uiitl
readings and poems, the
residents enjoyed a visit with
their friends in the UCW.
Mrs. Edward Bolander,
who has spent the past week
with Mrs. Allan Griffith
while Mr. and Mrs. Robin
Bolander and Leroy were
visiting in Ohio, returned to
her home in Gorrie last
Tuesday. Her daughter, Mrs.
Don Kestle, Palmerston and
grandaughter, Mrs. Adrien
VanEe, Gorrie, visited with
her last Friday. ---
Mrs. Root Gibson
hosts UCW meeting
GORRIE — The April
meeting of Unit Two of the
United Church Women was
held at the home of Mrs.
Robert Gibson on Wed-
nesday, April 13.
Mrs. David Dickert con-
ducted the worship service,
choosing the theme, "Easter
and the Resurrection", and
opening with the hymn, "The
Day of Resurrection". She
then recited a very timely
poem entitled "Alone",
followed by scriptures taken
from the 20th chapter of St.
John's Gospel.
Mrs. Dickert's meditation
dealt with the words of the
Risen Christ to Mary and the
disciples at the sepulchre.
His words seem even more
relevant today than in those
days of His life on earth.
Christians are commanded
to be His witnesses at all
times but, Mrs. Dickert
pointed out, "we too often
use the wrong kind of
weapons". She closed with
one of her favorite poems,
"A Cross in my Pocket". The
closing hymn was sung and
the worship closed with
members repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
The president, Mrs. Alex
Taylor, took charge of the
business part of the meeting.
She asked for the roll call
which was well answered
with springhousecleaning
hints. Mrs. Max Bell read the
minutes and Mrs. Dickert
gave the treasurer's report.
Mrs. Robert Gibson
reported on two recent
catering committee meet-
ings which dealt with this
week's Thankoffering meet-
ing, the Women's Institute
District Annual on May 10
and the annual garden party
on June 8. The president
showed pictures of the first
members 'Of the Gorrie UCW
Unit Two and reminisced on
the memories of their early
The meeting closed with a
short prayer and refresh-
ments were served by Mrs.
Elmer Farrish, Mrs. Alex
Taylor and , the hostess.
Members were reminded
that the May meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. James
Alcorn; and June 4 is the
date of the garage, bake and
plant sale at Mrs. Gibson's
Rebekahs hold
dessert euchre
The entertainment
committee of the Majestic
Rebekah ' Lodge held a
dessert euchre last Wed-
nesday evening in the IOOF
Hall, Wingham, with 16
tables in play.
Vera Marsh was the high
lady, Agnes Caskanette was
high man, low lady was
Doris Walker and Nora
Finnigan was low man.
Pearl Shiell won the birthday
prize and Mary Henderson
won the draw prize, while
Mrs. Francis Daw was the
winner of the draw for a
handmade quilt.
Dinsmore of Hanover was Inducted as a member of the
Auxiliary to Gideons International of Canada by Mrs.
Morley Weber during a zone rally of the Zone 5 Gideons
and Auxiliaries held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian
Church, Wingham, last week.
GIDEONS HOLD SPRING RALLY—Ivan Hill of Owen Sound, leader of Zone 5, Gi-
deons lnternatlonal of Canada, addressed delegates from the seven camps in the
zone who were gathered for a zone rally at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in
Wingham last week. The Gideons, a Christian organization which works to spread the
Word of God, currently is active in 130 countries around the world. Zone 5 includes
camps in Wingham, Kincardine, Owen Sound, Central Grey, Hanover, Dufferin and
Blue Mountain.
Mrs. Farrier is returned
as Whitechurch president
Whitechurch — Mrs.
Garnet Farrier was
reelected president of the
Whitechurch Women's In-
stitute when the annual
meeting was held April 12.
Mrs. George Fisher installed
the officers who also in-
cluded vice president Mrs.
John A. Currie; secretary -
treasurer, Mrs. Russell
McGuire; assistant secre-
tary, Mrs. Alan Falconers
public relations officer, -Mrs.
Don Ross; District director,
Miss Merle Wilson; altern-
ate,. Mrs. McGuire; branch
directors, Mrs. Elgin John-
ston, Mrs. Russell Gaunt,
Mrs. Fred Tiffin; pianists,
Mrs. Farrier, Mrs. Ross,
Mrs. Dan Tiffin; program,
Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Lorne Dur-
nin, Mrs. Farrier, Mrs.
William Purdon; auditors,
Mrs. Falconer, Mrs. Dave
Gibb; Sunshine and Cheer,
Mrs. Fred Tiffin, Mrs. John
Gaunt, Mrs. William Rin-
toul; nominating committee,
Mrs. Victor Emerson, Mrs.
Tom Day; curator, Mrs.
John A. Currie; curator
clippers, Mrs. Emerson,
Miss Wilson; delegate to
convention, Mrs. Nettie
Ross; alternate, Mrs.
Johnston Conn.
Standing committee
conveners- are: Agriculture
and "Canadian industries,
Mrs. Jim Wilson; Citizenship
and World Affairs, Mrs.
Rintoul; Education and
Cultural Activities, Miss
Wilson; Resolutions, Mrs.
Fisher; Family and Con-
sumer Affairs, Mrs. Day.
A potluck dinner, prepared
by Mrs. Conn, Mrs. Johnston
and Miss Wilson, preceded
the meeting. Mrs. , Farrier
welcomed everyone and
opened the meeting with the
Ode, Creed and Lord's
Prayer. The minutes were
read by Mrs. McGuire. The
correspondence included
thank you notes from those
receiving fruit boxes, in-
formation on a resolution
regarding paper bags for
potatoes and notice of 4-H
Achievement Days.
The roll call was answered
by payment. of fees and
giving- the names of- both
grandmothers. Miss Wilson
gave a report of the District
annual meeting March 22 at
Kincardine, the theme of
which was "Keeping Up with
Rural Living". The standing
committee conveners gave
their reports and Mrs.
Falconer gave current
events. The minutes of the
1982 annual meeting were
read by Mrs. McGuire and
the financial statement was
Volunteers are honored
across country this week
By Pam Williams
This week is "Volunteer
Week" across Canada. In
today's society, delivery of
services by hundreds of
agencies in the province
would be impossible without
the volunteer. It is estimated
that there are at least 3.7
million volunteers in
Canada, contributing a
minimum of five hours each
per week.
A volunteer is defined as
"any person who gives of his
or her time, ideas, resour-
ces, knowledge and skill
without monetary com-
pensation". Therefore,
Joy is theme
ning Unit of the UCW met
Last Tuesday evening in the
church basement with Mrs.
George Procter as hostess.
Miss Annie Cook opened
the meeting with the worship
service. The theme was
"Joy". A hymn was sung,
followed by the scripture
reading from Matthew by
Mrs. Bert Johnston. Mrs.
John McIntosh read the
meditation on "Joy" fol-
lowed by prayer. Miss Annie
Cook closed the worship ser-
vice with the Benediction.
Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler
conducted the business and
announced that a bale would
be packed and sent to the
Goodwill Mission, London,
with articles to be left at the
home of Mrs. Cliff Logan by
April 15.
An invitation to attend the
Blyth UCW Thankoffering
April 10, with Mrs. Sharon
Wittich guest speaker was
announced, also the Special
Event evening for UCW
members at North Street
United Church, Goderich,
Monday evening, April 11.
The May meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Jack Taylor.
Mrs. Cliff Logan had
charge of the program and
showed the film on "People
of the Silver Seas". Mrs.
Ross Anderson read "Para-
dise Polluted" and Mrs.
William Coultes read an arti-
cle on "Revolution in Para-
dise in the South Seas." The
members then divided into
six groups and a discussion
volunteers are important
Volunteers include people
of any age who have a sense
of commitment, compassion
and community. They give
freely of their time and
talents in an area of their
individual choice. Volun-
teers are people with un -
purchased time who can be
an important part of a
service team which includes
professionals . and para-
Even in this small com-
munity, volunteers provide
an essential service to the
area. Whether it be the
volunteers that keep the
hospital auxiliary going,
boards of directors volun-
teers, drivers for the
Canadian Cancer Society or
the volunteers that give a lot
of their time to the seniors
day centre in Wingham.
These are the people who
should be thanked this week.
So, if you've thought of
becoming a volunteer,. take
time this week to think about
sharing the gift of time. As
Albert Schweitzer once said,
"The only ones - among you
who will truly be happy are
those who will have sought
and found how to serve."
11 nit
prii meet
BELGRAVE — The April
meeting of the Belgrave
Afternoon UCW was held
April 11 at 2 p.m. in the Sun-
day School room.
Mrs. Earl Anderson, the
leader, conducted the busi-
ness, which opened with the
minutes of the March meet-
ing and treasurer's report.
There were 24 Easter cards
sent out from the Afternoon
and Evening Units. Every-
one was reminded to save
the tapes from Knechtels
and Zehrs.
Mrs. William Black and
Mrs. Helen Martin conduct-
ed the worship service,
which began with a call to
worship and a hymn. Psalm
96 was read by Mrs. Black.
Meditation was taken by
Mrs. Martin and followed
with a prayer. A hymn was
sung and worship closed with
The Bible study on "The
Crown of Life", taken from
What's new at
Everyone at Huronview
hopes you had a perfect
Easter holiday, in spite of
the inclement weather. Since
Good Friday and Monday
were holidays, activity
around here was quiet. Some
residents went out to be with
families while others stayed
here and did their own thing.
We had a pleasant treat
Sunday morning when each
breakfast tray had a colored
egg on it. Dinner was ex-
cellent, as the kitchen staff
prepared a delicious turkey
with all the trimmings.
The Easter service was
held in_thechapel with Rev.
Norman Pick in charge.
Flowers in the chapel were
placed there through the
thoughtfulness of Sarah
Carter, Ida Durnin,
Margaret McQueen and
Rhoda McKercher.
Through the kindness of
the Clinton Christian
Reformed Church, every
resident received an Easter
Sunday evening, several
residents gathered around
the piano on Ground Centre
for a great singsong. George
Cowan, who has an excellent
tenor voice, led in singing
and Frank Bissett ac-
companied at the piano.
Monday afternoon resi-
dents attended a program in
the chapel when evangelist
Lionel Reeves and his wife
Iris presented a concert in
music and song. In the eve-
ning we had our music ap-
preciation night with Bruce
A sincere thank -you to
members of the Royal
Canadian Legion Seaforth
branch 156 for their generous
donation toward the pur-
chase of a new van for
Wednesday afternoon
there was an exercise
program to music, with a
good turnout of ladies. They
have really caught on to the
Bird Dance,
the Observer, was taken by
Mrs. Walter Scott and Mrs.
William Fenton. A Christian
works for a crown day by
day, they said. We see Jesus
wearing the crown of thorns
at Easter time.
Persecution, the work of
the devil, can be used by God
as a divinely ordained test of
faith. Those who persevere •
will receive the crown of life.
Ken Wheeler showed a
film entitled "The Silver ,
Sea", which dealt with the
Pacific Islands. Mrs. Ander-
son gave information on
Vancouver. The meeting
closed by everyone repeat-
ing the Lord's Prayer.
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