HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-13, Page 19Portraits t share delightful childhood changes from Sears Portrait Studio 20 color portraits for only 1295 includes 95C deposit Photographic package includes two 8x10's. three 5x7's, fifteen wallet size color portraits No appointment necessary. 95C for each additional subject Poses our selection. Studios located in most larger Sears retail stores Also available in addition to package Black Background Si Double Feature Portraits Instant Passport Photos Offer for portraits taken Mon. April 11 through Sat. April 16 Sears your money's worth . and more TREAT YOUR SEWING S MACHINE TO THE SINGER 19 -POINT TUNE-UP! FROM (replacement $2985 parts extra) Come in today. YOUR MACHINE WILL THANK YOU .WITH TOP SEWING PERFORMANCE SINGER® 286 10th St., Downtown Hanover Sewing Centre Phone 364-1070 Need A Hitch? Come to . SAUDER'S CAMPING SERVICE Cedar S. W., St. Jacobs We sell and install Reese hitches. Open evenings only from 5 p.m. Sat., from 9 am. - 3 p.m. 6642633 for appointment. RENT! • Ford Farm Tractors • Skid Steer Loaders • Farm Equipment DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Call Bin at: i_ISTOWEL Z4C7OR INC, Highway 23 North, Listowel Tel. 291.3300 Radue lhaek Authorized Soles Centre • CAR STEREOS • CAR RADIOS • HOME STEREO • RECORDS AND CASSETTES • CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton (gauntry ' Proscriptions filled • Cataract prescriptions tolled ° Repairs on premises ' Sunglasses • Safety lenses • Complete Optical Service DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LA TEST IN OPTICAL FASHION' No appointment needed, A R 1, Listowel, Hwy. 86 West, Phone 291-30269 Mon. to Fri. 9 - 5:30, Saturday 9 - 12 COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m.Thursday of week prior to publication. FOR SALE 1976 21' JAYCO, two-way re- frigerator, stove, oven, furn- ace, hot water, 4 piece bath- room, sleeps 6. Phone 357- 3328. 13, 20 MOBILE HOME 14' x 70'; 1982 XL500 Honda. Phone 335-6121. 13, 20 FIREWOOD, hardwood, cut, split, $25 a cord picked up. Delivery can be arranged. Phone 338-3739. 13,20 G.M. 350 diesel engine, broken crank, all other parts in good condition. Will sell any other parts or complete. Reasonably priced. Phone 887-6596. ELCONA house trailer, 12 x 50, hookups and appliances included. Can be delivered. Selling reasonable. Write Box 774, Harriston. 6,13 FOR SALE 1981 TRAVELAIRE 23'/2' trailer, sleeps 5, includes bedroom at rear, forced air furnace, stove, two way re- frigerator, 4 pc. bath, roll up awning, excellent condition. Phone 291-1548 between 5 and 7 p.m. DARK BLUE car bed, ex- cellent condition, $10. Phone 887-6942. 6, 13 PEERLESS 10 inch oat roller, regrooved rolls with 2 h.p. motor. $400. Phone 356- 2410. 6, 13, 20 14 FT. Chrysler Charger 188 fiberglass boat. 70 horse power motor and trailer (matched set). New up- holstering, in excellent condition. $2,500. Phone 669- 8719. 6,13 MORRY'S Trailer Sales. We buy, sell, rent; parts; ac- cessories; repairs. Highway 4 between Hanover and Walkerton. Phone 364-3748. 23RRB FOR SALE RAINBOW TROUT. Year- round fishing, pond stockers, or freshly dressed. 1 mile south Belgrave, 3 miles west. Dave Hedley, 357-2329. Mart-May25 WATERBED complete with pedestal, pine frame, CSA approved heater and ther- mostat, mattress safety liner, fill kit and chemical, all sizes, $239. Phone 291- 2369. TF 1980 SHAMROCK house trailer, 25', 18' roll -up awn- ing with screen enclosure, spruce deck. Phone 357-3862 or 335-3955 ask for Bryan. 30, 6, 13 BUYING A TRAILER? CALL THE PROFESSIONALS AT LEISURELAND FIRST! 623-7670 CAMBRIDGE HWY 24 South of 401 CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY RD's D.J. Music For All Occasions. Ph. Evenings Brussels 887-6706 1 R. J. Steel • Building & Renovating Buildings • Steel Siding • Steel Roofing • Competitive Prices Phone 595-8173 RALPH HAVERKAMP Dealer & Contractor !' rJ r4400.1411...7.4.--*---—_ A nG 1 THE COUNTRY JESTERS available for DANCES, RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, ETC. "Live Music at a Reasonable Price" FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS PHONE: 291-1526 IIS WHITE'S Roofing and Construction • Drywall & Painting RR 4, Brussels Ph. 887-6432 Sorensen Music Centre • Fender 'Gibson and Ovation Guitars • Peavey Amplifiers • Music books, records and tapes • Hammond organs • Le Sage Pianos Piano tuning and repairs Phone 291-3341 204 Motn Street West Listowel DURHAM MOBILE HOMES LTD. MOBILE HOMES NEW & USED 14 ft, wide • NO HALLS DOT WALL MODULAR HOUSING High* 4 of the Big Rend Dtirhain 369.3723 Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. • 15 and 25 ton mobile cranes • Hydraulic service • 15 years experience in hoistingrigging and concrete pouring 357-3721 RR 2. WINGHAM HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs Tues Beef - Thurs 338-3330 Going Camping? Rent a tent trailer from: SAUDER'S CAMPING SERVICE Cedar St. W., St. Jacobs 664-2633 Open evenings only from 5 p.m. Sat., from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do-it-yourself installation • costs less than you think • 3 year warranty • Money -back guarantee DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Listowel, Hwy. 86 E. 698-2605 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK `N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances. anniversaries, parties. etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 R • LAWNMOWER SERVICE LTD. Phone 669-2884 21 Industrial Drive, Elmira, Ont. N3B" 2S2 Sales, Service, Rentals • Chain Saws • Garden Tractors • Kerosene Heaters • Lawn Mowers • Ski-doos • Ski-doo Sports Wear • Snow Blowers • Trailers • Trimmers Parts & Accessories K -W DIESEL FUEL INJECTION Specializing in Diesel Fuel injection systems. • fast, convenient service • competitive rates • all service guaranteed Phone 1-886-3950 Waterloo DIAMOND CENTRE 'Watches •Diamond Rings •Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China •Crystal 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 STONE'S TV and Appliances Electrohome Zenith • Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos. Freezers. Washers, Dryers Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations and Repairs STONE'S For Rock bottom Prices Gorrie 335-6374 THE T.V. MAN Sales and Service 887-9472 Zenith 44450 ••O Televisions, Stereos, Video and Sound Equipment, Antennas, Towers, Appliances, FM Convnunicaton Equipment Located halfway between Listowel and Wingham Sideroad 10-11 J Dealer for HsK Premium Tires Wholesale and Retail For .. . PASSENGER -FARM -TRUCK TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291.2521 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BRED GILTS ROP tested. Clifford 327-8715. FOUR registered Alpine nannies to freshen and one registered Alpine billy. Phone 357-326t1. EIGHT-YEAR-OLD three-- quarter thoroughbred mare, in foal, due in May; quarter - horse thoroughbred gelding, rising two, 665-2104. 30, 6, 13 BRED GILTS, Boars; York- shire, Landrace, Crossbred, ROP tested, guaranteed. Don Henry, Bluevale. Phone 335-3240. TF QUALITY swine, perform- ance tested, health approved gilts and boars from a herd with very good mothering ability. QS No. 1 York x Landrace gilts open or bred available on a regular basis. York, Landrace, Duroc, Duroc x Hamp boars, also commercial gilts. Contact Wayne Fear, Monoway Farms, Brussels. Phone 887- 6477. 13tf PONY - two years old, filly, 12 hands high, saddle and bridle. Phone Clifford 327- 855. R.O.P. tested York Landrace open and ,bred gilts, also York Landrace Duroc Hamp_ and spot boars_ Government health inspected. Jan Don Farms, RR 2, Mildmay, Don Walter. 367-2880. A -0c5 PETS TO GIVE AWAY FREE to good home, black female Labrador; spayed: Loves children. Phone 323- 1318. FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE 1800 bales of straw. Phone 334-3595. 13,20 TIMOTHY Seed; power cleaned; .55 cents lb: Also baled hay. Phone 323-1318. 13, 20 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE COCKSHUTT 411R in good condition, priced to sell. Phone Howard McMillan, 343-5524. FORD 5000 English Model tractor, good condition, recently serviced. Call 595- 8173. 30, 6,13 MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1980 SUZUKI TS100, only 2700 km, excellent condition, priced to sell, owner requires larger model. Phone Atwood 356-2889 after 7 p.m. TF CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1981 MERCURY Marquis, nine passenger wagon, 18,000 miles, private. Phone 357- 3689. 1978 DODGE one ton pickup, duals, Michelin, and 28 foot Norted trailer, $5,000 as is. Phone 323-4490. WANTED CARS WANTED TO BUY: Cash money paid for used cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, etc. Vehicles with mechanical and -or body defects - O.K. (bonus money paid for "clean" used cars and trucks). Bonded and licensed dealer. Allan Caudle 343- 2803, anytime, Highway 23 North, Palmerston. rr VEHICLE for preparation and sales of fast food. Write Box 774, Harriston. 6, 13 LIVESTOCK SERVICES STANDING AT STUD - Reg- istered grey quarter horse. feeregistered mares $300, all others $100. Call Clifford 327- 8715. 23, 30.6. 13 Crossroads—April 13, 1983—Page 3 HELP WANTED WORMS purchased $16.00 per 1,000 will pick up within 20 mile radius of Arthur, Ont. Phone John's Bait in Arthur 848-2800: Ap13-Au24 BABYSITTER for two year old boy, live in preferred, Christian home, 10 miles from Mount Forest, May 1. Phone 323-4918 after 5. 13, 20, 27 WORK WANTED JEAN'S Upholstery has moved to 144 Wallace Ave. North, Listowel. Specializing in all types of upholstering. All work guaranteed. Phone 291-1093 for free pickup and delivery. 13, 20 ALL NEW steel concrete forms for concrete mangers. Any concrete work done. George Kuepfer, RR 1, Newton, 1'/2 miles west of Newton. 13, 20, 27 MAN LOOKING for farm work, experienced in dairy, - excellent references. Full time or weekends. Jim Minielly, RR 3, Brussels, 837- 6542. M9 -A13 SERVICES T.M. & T. CONSTRUCTION. General contractors, farm, commercial and -residential concrete work and framing, For free estimates phone 357-3493. A13 -M18 PAUL McGILL plumbing and heating — for your seasonal furnace service or plumbing jobs. Call 323-2418: 6, 13, 20 DISC JOCKEY Service: The Classics. Music for all occa- sions. For bookings call Fred Scott 291-2806 or 'Jamie Hammond 356-2873. SELLING YOUR TRAILER? LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO IT FOR YOU, CALL LEISURELAND 623-7670 CAMBRIDGE HWY. 24 South of 401 MORTGAGES WE BUY and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Bill Currie now at 291-3800, 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. TF FARMLAND FOR RENT Farmland for rent for the 1983 season, avail- able now. 115 work- able acres located on Highway No. 86, four miles east of Listowel. Suitable for grain or forage. $45.00 per acre in advance. CaII Bob Pearce, 271-5650 FOR SALE Restaurant Equipment For Sale: three electric Garland appliances: 36" charbroil hamburger grill; deep fryer: 2 element burner unit; one Hamilton Beach 3 stem milkshake mixer; one 12" Toledo meat slicer; one Sweden soft ice cream dispenser; one stainless steel 3 tub dishwashing unit: one outside Pepsi-Cola can dispenser All above in excellent working order. • Phone 323-1101. PERSONAL BELLY GREETING Make that special occasion most memorable with a middle eastern dance pre- sentation, and a message from Najwa 744-1354 eve- nings. (tf) COMING EVENTS BUS TRIPS Singin' and Dancin' Tonight, New Alan Lund Show at The Centre, Kitchener, Wed- nesday, April 20' matinee; Lambton Orchid Festival, Orchid display and show, walk through flowers if wish, enjoy an afternoon away and dinner out, Sunday, May 15 leaves 1 p.m.; Canada Wonderland Saturday, May 28. Phone Helen McBurney, Nicholson Bus Lines 357- 3424. GARAGE SALE Rent space now at the Howick Figure Skating Club's Giant Garage Sale on May 14, 1983 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Howick Comm- unity Centre. Space approxi- mately 10 ft. with tables pro- vided. Advanced registra- tion May 1, 1983. `Cost $30.00 with a $10.00 refund when the space is returned to its original state. Groups or individuals welcome. No motorized vehicles - no craft tables due to a church craft sale in the same area. Contact Mrs. Rona Lee Johnson, RR 2, Gorrie, 335- 6164 or Mrs. Marion Keil, RR 2, Gorrie, 335-3008. TRADE FEST Country Furniture and Up- holstery will be at the Brussels Lions Trade Fest, April 14, 15, and 16. Visit our Booth 17 to see our display of antiques and used furniture. LIVE THEATRE The Grey -Wellington. Theatre Guild presents: A comedy, !There Goes The Bride", at Harriston Town Hall Theatre, Main Street, Harriston, Ontario on April 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, 30. Curtain Time: 8:30 sharp. For tickets, Brown's Family Pharmacy, Listowel. 23, 30, 6, 13, 20, 27 COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday of week prior to publication. USED MOBILE HOMES WANTED We'II pay ready cash for clean homes valued up to $10,000. 12' wide and 14' wide needed, Mobilife RV Centre Kitchener 519-653--5788 ATTENTION. FARMERS! FOR PROMPT DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY CALL TOLL FREE 1-1100-265-4267 If line is busy call 1-887-8334 Brussels or 1-749-7004 Kitchener We pay up to 515.00 for cattle and horses. (Min. weight 500 lbs.) BRUSSELS NT FOOD SUPPLIES Licensed by Department of Agriculture & Food at: APRIL SPECIALS Listowel Kurtzville Gorrie 291-2220 335-3650 335-3055 Master Calf Starter Ration $11.95 per 40 kg Master Tenderlean Supplement $8.75 per '25 kg Master H.P. Pig Starter $9.50 per 25 kg Haymix Bailer Twine (10,000' and 9.000') $20.40-2% - $20.00 per bail Plastic Twine (10,000' and 9,000') $14.95-2% - $14.65 per bail Chick Days will be Friday, May 20, so get your orders in early. Industrial American: 41% growth, and more prove "it's time': Time to look for a convenient, proven vehicle to get a portion of your portfolio into the U.S. market. Why? Short-term performance has been great. For the 12 months ending December 31, 1982, Industrial American did gain 41.2% in net asset value. But Tong -term growth is just as impressive. Over the past five years, for example, Industrial American has averaged more than 24% in annual compound return. Clearly, it's time you considered Industrial American Fund. Get the full story. Call or return the coupon below: The Industrial Group of Funds Mail to Versatile �„ Investments Inc. 420 Weber St N . Waterloo Name _ Address City CALL. Walter Martin , today for more information, Business Residence. 884-9720 664-2338 Province Postal Code Offer is made by prospectus only. 1 • - — —werseermeruesressireaa — eon ® seta Need a Few Chicks for Around the Barnyard this Spring? Well then, you should try our famous Brown Egg Layer, the Harco Sex Link for all your egg needs, or our Heavy Meat type chicks (White Rock). All give spendid results and at very com- petitive prices. So don't wait to the last minute to order, do it.now. CaII or write today: ROE CHICKS INC,, P.O. B SX 118, Atwood, Ontario - 519 -356-2222