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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-13, Page 8
_— — ■ - BIRTHS i • s••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 8—The Wingham Advance -Times, April 13, 1983 involved with major issues such as these, requires considerable time by our members on behalf of the whole farm community and generates paperwork and secretarial duties which require money." Mr. Greig said the federation supplies the NEW OPTIMIST EXECUTIVE—The 1983-84 executive for the Wingham Optimist Club was elected at a meeting held last Tuesday evening at the Wingham Legion. Pictured In back are directors Wayne Pletch, Blair Liebold, Dick Elliott, Bill McGrath and Ron Zimmer; in front, John Chappa, incoming vice president; Bob Foxton, incoming president; Ray Cardy, incoming vice president; and current President Ken Saxton. Absent is Doug Foxton, director. In Memoriam Howick lacks personnel McCOOL—In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and father Paul McCool, who passed away Apri119, 1981. When evening shadows are falling And we sit in quiet alone. To our heart there comes a longing, Wishing you could come home. Many folks many think we have forgotten,, When at times they see our smile. But how little they know the heartaches Our smile hides all the while. You are where we cannot reach you, Your voice we cannot hear, Yet we know you walk beside us, Never absent, always near. —Lovingly remembered and longed for always. Gwen, Connie, Dan and Beth. MULVEY—In loving mem- ory of our dear sister Mrs. Elma Mulvey who passed away April 5, 1973. Gone from us but leaving memroies, Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger, While upon thisf earth We, stay. , —Ever remembered and sadly missed by her two sis- ters, Mrs. Gordon Weir and Mrs. Lorne Scott. Cards of Thanks 'A very sincere thank you to friends and relatives for visits, cards, gifts, and flowers while I was a patient in Wingham and District Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Hanlon and second floor staff. Also Rev. Grant for his calls. Many thanks to my family for all their help and kindness since I came home. Jean Moffat The Wingham Day Care Centre and The Silver Circle Nursery School would like to thank the Wingham Junior Citizens for their generous donation of $400 which will be used to purchase and install an outdoor drinking fountain in the play area at the chil- dren's centre. The children and staff appreciate the in- terest of our youth organiza- tion. 1 would sincerely like to thank everyone who visited me and sent cards, during my recent stay in the Wing - ham and District Hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Ping, staff and nurses on the sec- ond floor as well as the ladies of Bluevale United Church and Mr. Bob Perry. Your kindness was much apprec- iated. Jack Wickstead Kay and Don McCormick would like to thank everyone for coming to their 25th wed- ding anniversary party, and making it a night that we will long remember. Thanks for the gifts and cards of con- gratulations. Thanks to everyone who helped in any way. Words cannot express how much we appreciated everything. Wroxeter and Area Minor sports would like to thank all who attended and supported so generously their family dance which was held on April 9. Winners of the Zehrs' food vouchers were Harvey Bradshaw and Troy Pocaluyko. Many thanks to neighbors, friends and relatives for flowers, gifts and cards and I especially enjoyed the let- ters and visits. Thanks to Rev. John and Mrs. Roberts and all who helped in any way. I appreciated it very much. Thelma Pletch Thanks to Dr. Hanlon and nurses for their care and to those who sent flowers, cards and visited me while a patient in Wingham and Dis- trict Hospital. Mrs. L. Breckenridge Business and Professional Directory Frederick F. Homuth Phm. 8., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, O.D. Optometrists Harriston, Ontario. 338-2712 A Dr Allan K Overgaard, 0C Dr Lee A Cowley BSc . DC Chiropractors 197 Josephine St. Wingham By Appointment 357-1224 to administer work plan GORRIE — The Township of Howick will inform the Ministry of Municipal Af- fairs and Housing that it does not intend to participate in the Canada -Ontario Em- ployment Development Program this year. With their present clerk - treasurer, Wesley Ball, leaving at the end of the month and the position of road superintendent still not secured, councillors feel they have "enough irons in the fire to get solved" without taking on the em- ployment program. Council was first advised of the employment program in December and informed the township could receive grants of approximately $19,000. The Canada -Ontario Employment Development Program is aimed at workers whose unem- ployment insurance benefits have run out. "It's not fair to say we don't need it," commented Coun. Alex Graham, "but unless we can handle it there's no use trying it." "I think it would be very difficult for us to administer it this year," Reeve William Newton said. Clerk Ball advised council in March that he has ac- cepted an administrative PROCTER—To Don and Kathy Procter in Winnipeg Hospital on March 22, a son, Michael, weighing nine pounds, 15 ounces, a brother for Kristi and Timothy. Proud grand- parents are Alvin and Ida Procter, Blyth, and Delton and Joanna Hoist, New Hamburg. WARD—Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ward, RR 2, Wingham, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Ronald Walter, eight pounds, 13 ounces, on April 7 at Wingham and District Hospital. FEAR—Bill and Darlene Fear, RR 3, Blyth, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Leeanne Darlene, weight seven pounds, six ounces, on April 7 at Wingham and District Hospital. Grand- parents are Wendell and Evelyn Stamper, Blue - vale, and Bert and Flora, Fear of Blyth. THORBURN—Terry and Shiela Thorburn of Amherst, Nova Scotia, are pleased to announce the birth of a son on April 10 at Amherst. The new arrival weighed seven pounds, seven ounces. He , is a grandson for Bob and Karen Deyell of Amherst and a great grandson for Mrs. Gordon Deyell of Wingham. 31 • position with the Township of „Fios in Simcoe County and will be completing his duties in Howick on April 22. Besides seeking a new clerk -treasurer, council is advertising for a road superintendent. Carroll Johnson, present road superintendent, has not returned to work since suffering a heart attack in September, 1982. He will retire in May. Acting road superin- tendent, Glenn Underwood, was complimented by council at its April session for his effort in directing the operation of the road department. Besides lacking the per- sonnel to administer the employment program, councillors admitted to having difficulty in coming up with a "concrete plan" to utilize workers. "There are the old Seniors' Day Centre News By Pam Williams With the rush and ex- citement of the Easter holiday, there was no seniors column in the paper last week. The month of April is well underway and we now are planning activities for the spring. Once again we plan on taking a busload to the Blyth Summer Theatre, but we'll give more information on that at a later date. We are going to the Belmore Maple Syrup Festival next Thursday. We plan on staying for the day's activities and enjoy the pancakes, maple syrup and sausages at lunchtime. While the group is away at Belmore, the ladies from the hospital auxiliary will be converging on the Armouries building to set up for their rummage sale which will be held Friday. Staff from the day centre will not be available Friday so we can make way for the rummage sale. Thank you to everyone in the community who brought in juice cans over the past few weeks. We will be making the footstools out of the cans and looking at the amount of cans we received, I'm sure we can make quite a few stools. Thanks again. Our second annual flea market is being held Saturday, April 30. People and organizations which have rented tables can set up April 29 at 7 p.m. You're welcome to donate anything to the flea market and we can arrange pick up if you call us at 357-1440 or 357-1445. This last thought is for everyone with a sense of humor, "You know you're getting old when you can make the wrinkles that you see in the mirror disappear just by taking off your glasses." Have a good week. cemeteries we've been wanting to fix up," said Reeve Newton, "that's been on the back -burner for some time ... but it's going to take paperwork and super- vision." "I don't think we can use it. I doon't think we have the reserve people to do it," Coun. Gerald D'Arcey said. "I think you're right," the reeve agreed. "With four council meetings in a month, I think we've got quite a bit on our plate right now." Presented with a brief by Mel Greig of RR 1, Gorrie outlining the programs of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, council decided to give the federation a grant of $500. The same amount was awarded in 1981. The federation did not request a grant from Howick in 1982. In his brief Mr. Greig who heads the Howick federation branch, noted the Huron federation was involved in two major issues last year — the proposed Hydro corridor and the manure storage bylaw. "The Huron Federation acted as a co-ordinating body on both these -subjects in getting farm groups together," he said. "Getting "Rural Voice" publication to each of its members in the county and the °°Farm and Country" newspaper to all farmers in the county. It also sponsors various self-help seminars and courses and hosts a dinner each year for Members of Parliament at which time agricultural concerns are discussed.- °'L°and-use topics such as foreign -ownership of far- mland, toxic waste disposal, mineral rights taxes, and property tax reform are subjects which require years of effort," Mr. Greig said. "Without the Federation of Agriculture where would farmers go with their problems? Who else is equipped to help on such a wide range of topics?" In preparing the motion to grant the federation $500, Deputy Reeve Jack Stafford, a self-proclaimed supporter of the organization, said he would like to make it $5,000. SALEService Directory SALES AND SERVICE TRAVEL ELECTRICAL Forever Yours Stationery o INVITATIONS o THANK YOU NOTES ° NAPKINS, MATCHES o SOCIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS The Wingham Advance°Tlmes Office WINGHAM MEMORIALS Guaranteed Granites and Cemetery Lettering Reasonable Prices Buy Direct & Save Bus. 357-1910 Res. 357-1015 or 357-1535 HOME INSULATION SANDBLASTING BARN & ROOF PAINTING Free Estimates W. ADAMSON & SON CONTRACTING LTD., Lucknow. 528-2113 C.G.S.B. Listed - Fu!!y insured and bonded. HEATING & PLUMBING LeRoy Jackson — Plumbing — Heating — Tinsmithing 191 Josephine. St. Wingham 357-2904 INSURANCE KW/ INSURANCE All Types of Insurance 335-3525 357-2636 GORRIE WINGHAM Lynn Noy Enterprises Ltd. Honda and Skidoo Solesp& Service Hwy. 86 east of Wingham Phone 519-357-3435 AUTO BODY THE NU -LOOK AUTO BODY A division of Talton Motor Sales Ltd., Bluevale COMPLETE COLLISION, AUTO BODY REPAIRS AND REFINISHING • Free Estimates • Gravel Guard Application • Sand Blasting • 24 hr. Towing • Glass Installation • Side Mouldings • Re -Chrome Bumpers • Tape Striping Contact Ron Beecroft 357-3029 CUSTOM SHEEP SHEARING Foot Trimming & Worming J. L. FARRELL 395-5757 ADVERTISING AovlrNG SPEciALTY SALES PROMOTIONAL ©OODIDEAS • Calendars • Matches • Lighters • Pens • Key Tags • Truck Door Slgns • Bumper Stickers • CapsIT-Shirts • Pencils - Etc. LARRY COWAN Lucknow 528-2730 Cal BURKE ELECTRIC Ltd. Electrical Contractors Appliance Sales & Service to all makes. ,• c ' OpenRefrigeration8daysaServiweek. e 1.! 37 Years Buill by Quality B Service. 357-2450 FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS D NOR WINGHAM TRAVEL LTD. 357-1020 PRINTING WINGHAM PRINTING SERVICE • ,rPRINTING H COPIES TER FORMS • RUBBER STAMPS • WEDDING STATIONERY 314 JOSEPHINE STREET WINGHAM 357-3800 ire RVOER RYDER TRUCK RENTAL • Daily • Weekly LAKE HURON MOVING SYSTEMS LTD. Wingham - 357-3148 Russell Zurbrigg 4 ➢G 3140 "Your Decorator" For all your painting and wallcovering needs. 329 Shuter St., Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 PLETCH ELECTRIC LTD. Electrical Contractor Motor Rewinding and Complete Motor Sales Exhaust Fans and Controls WINGHAM 3571583 WELDING SPIKE'S PORTABLE WELDING In shop repair work. General Fabrication, Stabling, Truck & Wagon Racks. Ornamental Railings. • Free Estimates Spike Bakker RR 5, Lucknow Ph. 528-2520 CONSTRUCTION JACK WALKER Construction RR 5, Wingham 357-2481 • Houses • Farm Buildings Renovations FREE ESTIMATES ASKES BROS. CONSTRUCTION General Construction Farm - Home - Commercial Bert 357-3053 Dick 528-2726 THE ADVANCE -TIMES 357-232(1 , -- This Wk's special Records at Knechtels. iB eeSt®re Display For Details. ASSOCIATE STO wingham MONDAY, TUMMY. WEDNINDAY,!MUMMY SAM #M MUSSIDDAV FRIDAY TILL PlAa a m 1