HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-13, Page 1Blyth BranOI Library
BOX 2(t2
Blyth a Ont. Mem- 1.f.
Jan . 4
FIRST -PLACE WINNERS at the North Huron regional
science fair for elementary school students held in
Wingham last week included Paul Bray, Treena Jeffray
and Tammy Storm of Turnberry Central and Michael
Cameron of the Wingham Public School. Other. -first-
place finishers were Donna Johnston of Brussels, Jeff
Douglas of Howick and Linda Versteeg of East
Tree programs move ahead
Cutting program resumes
ut....relp-iantin. to keel;i.:.;p;
While the Wingham works
department has resumed its
program of cutting down
aging maple trees in town; at
the same time the town
council has earmarked,
$1,500 this year to held
replace them.
The grant will allow the
Wingham Horticultural
Society to plant 50 new trees
along town streets this
spring, matching the
number planted last year.
Councillor Bruce Machan,
reporting for the works
committee during a council
meeting last week, said that
a recent -meeting with a tree
expert from London con-
vinced the committee it is
right to go ahead with the
cutting program.
The man thought the
works department was doing
a fine job of selecting
hazardous trees for removal,
Mr. Machan reported; and
during his visit also spotted
some potentially hazardous
trees located back from the
street line on private
As a result of that visit,. 28
more trees were designated
for removal, about half of
which have already been cut.
Council approved the
resumption of the cutting,
which had been temporarily
suspended by the works
committee last month after
some members expressed
concern over the number of
trees being cut.
It also agreed that the
Dairy off the hook
over metric delay
Sun Rise Dairy in
Wingham has been granted a
special extension of the
deadline for changing over to
metric packaging, allowing
it to use up existing quart
containers and avoid
prosecution for missing the
April 1 deadline.
Owner Patricia Bailey
said she received a call from
Agriculture Minister Dennis
Timbrell's office last Thurs-
day morning, offering an
Morris teenager
suffers injuries
in tractor mishap
A Morris Township
teenager, Dianne Campbell,
15 -year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Campbell,
RR 4, Wingham, is in Vic-
toria Hospital with a crushed
pelvis after an unfortunate
farm accident which oc-
curred on her parents' farm
on Thursday afternoon about
five o'clock.
Dianne's brother, Brian,
was operating a tractor and
she was attempting to mount
the moving vehicle when she
slipped and fell under the
machine, the front wheel
passing over her body. She
was rushed to Wingham and
District Hospital by am-
bulance and later in the week
was transferred to the
London hospital.
extension to April 18.
She said the extension gets
her "off the hook" and
should enable her to use up
most of the approximately
$3,800 worth of !Imperial
measure container she had
A staunch Liberal, Mrs.
Bailey called the decision
"really fabulous" and said
she has been very impressed,
by Mr. Timbrell during his
tenure as agriculture
"They're really being good
'to the little guy," she
"This is what we need in
government, more under-
standing of people's
Sun Rise Dairy, a family-
owned enterprise, is the sole
remaining processing dairy
in Huron County.
Charges against
lawyer remanded
The first of numerous
charges against a former
Wingham lawyer, Robert
Campbell, were put off until
April 20 after a first hearing
in Provuic►a, kik euLes wu. Y,
Goderich, Monday.
Over 150 charges of
possible misappropriation of
funds have been leveled
against Mr. Campbell over
the past several months.
works department should
notify property owners about
trees on private property
which appear hazardous.
The department is
authorized to remove or trim
such trees, with the approval
of the property owner and at
a charge to be negotiated.
Councilor William Crump,
who had been one of the
strongest objectors to what
he said was unnecessary
cutting of trees which could
be saved, said he is satisfied
the town is on the right track
now with its tree program.
Continued on Page 5
Special caution is urged
to prevent rabies outbreak
Parents and pet owners in Wingham are being urged
to take special precautions following confirmation that
a skunk shot in town by police last week was rabid.
Police Chief Robert Wittig said parents should
caution their children to stay away from any animals
acting' strangely, and pet owners should make sure
their pets' rabies shots are up-to-date and keep all food
or water dishes inside.
A pet using a dish which has been visited by a rabid
animal runs the risk of contracting the disease, which
can be transmitted through the saliva.
There are quite a number of skunks living in the
town, which is not unusual, but the discovery that
rabies is present among them raises new concerns, he
Many of the animals live under sheds or old
buildings, and he asked that anyone knowing of or
suspecting a den contact the police or the Ministry of
Natural Resources office so the animals can be live -
trapped and disposed of.
Anyone observing a skunk or other animal acting in
an unnatural manner is also asked to contact the
Local farmers 1
Why is Dennis Timbrell so
eager to pay the property
taxes on farm land and
buildings? That is a question
which a growing number of
farmers in Huron County
and around Ontario would
like the agriculture minister
to answer.
And their concern runs
deep enough that several
local farmers are devoting
considerable time and effort
to an attempt to ki+1 the
proposed 100 per cent farm
tax rebate.
"We cannot understand
why the Ontario government
is pushing this so hard and
brought it on so quickly,"
explained Jim Armstrong of
RR 4, Wingham, one of the
leaders of the group.
"There's nothing fair
Wingham PUC plans to offer
dual.heat conversion program
Homeowners in the Town calculates that each unit customers. heater was installed. ]residential energy advisory
off Wingham are hieing of -installed should use about "If you're going to go into "We're not,quite ready to program) survey of the
fered an opport trtitr save 14,000 kilowatt hours an- this thing, we should get one sail into this thing," he house, which includes
money on their'"` home nually. At the base here and have it on display," concluded, "but we're checking whether the
heating, at the expense of a residential rate of fourcents he commented. close."
minimum . i n v est men t , per kilowatt hour, that would "It looks like a good thing homeowners interested
through a dual -heat con- raise an additional $560 for for us and the customer," taking part in the
version program offered by the PUC and, so long as the Mr. Saxton said. The only conversion program
Ontario Hydro and the local use is during off-peak problem could be if an oil contact the PUC
public utilities commission. !periods, it would not add to furnace were on its last legs, residents, their
The program, which is its costs. but in that case the customer office. The first
partially subsidized by Mr. Saxton recommended would be advised before the program is
Hydro and the PUC and also the PUC should join the
makes use of the federal off- program, arguing that,
oil grant, makes it ,possible "Although its going to cost us
for a homeowner to install an a few dollars, we should get
electric plenum heater on an it back later, but if some -
oil -burning furnace for an thing is available our
out-of-pocket cost of as little customers have as much
as $320. right to it as anyone else in
Hydro calculatesthat most Ontario."
homeowners should be able If necessary, he said, the
to recover the cost in a commission could borrow
couple of years; by making the money to pay for its
use of more efficient elec- share of the program.
trical heating during He noted that the reason
relatively mild spring and the installation cost can be
fall periods. The oil furnace kept so low is that the new
would continue to heat the heaters, which came on the
home during colder weather. market only at the beginning
The nine -kilowatt plenum of April, can be connected to
heaters, although too small even a 60 -ampere household
to heat a home in the coldest service rather than the 200 -
weather, are adequate to ampere service required by
keep a home -warm during an electric furnace. A load
the milder periods, when oil limiter in the heater will stop
furnaces are at their least it from coming on if it would
efficient. overload the circuit.
According to Hydro
promotional literature, the
heaters, which do not re hire
a beefed -fit;; electrical ser-
vice 141to the ► se; can cut
00+miprk r w ;: 9o.
per cent, Y P .dkiing-me: the
climate. ►°
Under.' a new program
which (has just been in-
troduced, Hydro in con-
junction. with utilities
commissions offers the
heaters as an add-on to most
oil furnaces for a set fee of
$1,040, which includes the
heater, installation and
inspection. The installation
is subcontracted to local
heating contractors, with
Hydro carrying out the final
Un er the off -oil program,
the IYE eowner can apply for
a federal grant amounting to
50 per cent of the total, $520,
provided he cuts his oil
consumption at least in half.
An additional $200 is con-
tributed by Hydro ($67) and
the local utilities com-
mission ($133), making the
net cost to the homeowner
just $320.
At a meeting of the
Wingham PUC last week,
Manager Ken Saxton
reported he and Bernie
Haines, an employee, had
attended a meeting at Barrie
to learn more about the dual -
heating program.
Although there is some
initial cost to the utility, over
the long run the.: program
should be beneficial by in-
creasing revenue from the
s. o lectricity during off-
ak periods, he said. hydro
dual -heat
Commission members
endorsed the program and
authorized the manager to
sign an agreement with
!Hydro to offer it in
WinghaM. They also decided"
that installations would be
divided between the two
electrical contractors in
• Wingham, if they are in-
PUC . Chairman Roy
Bennett also suggested
ordering a sample model of a
heater for display in the PUC
office to prospective
or, for rural
local Hydro
step in the
plenum on the existing
furnace will accommodate a
After that the customer
sn agreement with the
PUignsC a(or Hydro), which
arranges for installation and
A DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTY was held in the Whitechurch Community Hall Sunday
for Victor and Valetta Emerson, both of the village. The Emersi ns both celebrate bir-
thdays this month: she will be 85 years old and he will be 90. Friends and family
honored them at the party and they received many good wishes from people all over
the area.
Negotiations underway
to save furniture factory
Negotiations are un-
derway in an attempt to save
the Conestoga Chair Co.
Ltd., a Wingham furniture
factory which went into
receivership at the end of
If successful, the plant,
which has been part of
Wingham for almost 100
years under a variety of
owners, would resume
production here.
. Robert Harlang, vice
president of Richter and
Partners, Toronto, acting as
agent on behalf of the
secured cred'tors,said 'talks
have been going on for a
couple of weeks with a
potential purchaser.
land tax changes
about what they brought in,
absolutely nothing fair about
it!" he declared. "They're
asking business and in-
dividuals to pay farm
"We suspect their
motives," he added, "but we
can't say what they are
because we don't know."
However while he doesn't
know for sure, Mr. Arm-
strong said he suspects the
proposal is a "handle" Lor
the government to get con-
trol of and regulate the agri-
cultural industry, whether
today or at some future date.
"We're the only free en-
terprisers left."
As for the minister's
assurances that the tax
rebate will not jeopardize
farmers' ownership of their
land, "There's no guarantee
that will guarantee a
guarantee," Mr. Armstrong
In other words, even if Mr.
Timbrell does not use the
"handle", what's to say one
of his successors won't?
Mr. Armstrong and the
other members of histroup,
which includes George
Underwood, Tom . Ja' kson
and Bill Sheard, condo?ted a
poll of other Ontario fa firers
through a number of farm
publications, to see if they
had similar concerns.
The result, he said, has
been an overwhelming show
of farm opposition to the
proposed tax changes.
"in all the letters and
phone calf's, we had one
person cross out 'against'
and put 'for'," he reported.
"One person rt of hun-
Nor has the opposition
been confined to a "pocket"
in Huron County; rather,
they have found that farmers
from Northern Ontario to
Lake Erie and from Lake
Iluron to the Quebec border
share their unease about the
tax rebate. ship orders which were
Given the strong show of under production.
grass-roots opposition, Mr. The factory had previously
Armstrong said he is per operated for two years as
plexed by the Ontario Kilgour Furniture Ltd.,
Federation of Agriculture's which bought the plant and
support for the minister's equipment from Electro -
proposal. A . number of home Ltd. when the Kit -
county federations have chener-based manufacturer
voted to oppose it and others moved its Deilcraft furniture
will be voting soon (a vote by production to a new plant in
the Huron County federation Kitchener at the end of 1977.
Continued on Page 5 Electrohome purchased
"We're in the midst of
negotiations with a party
with a view of having that
party purchase the assets to
keep the operation at its
present location."
He said he hopes that, if
the negotiations end up
favorably, the sale could be
wrapped up within two to
three weeks.
"Things seem to be
proceeding," he said, though
he added that he preferred
not to appear too optimistic
He said the prospective
buyers think that, "with
certain adjustments and
some improvement in
productive facilities," the
factory could once again be
made a viable concern.
Conestoga Chair, which
produced a line of carved
dining room chairs and
rockers, was just entering its
fourth year of operations at
the Victoria Street plant. At
the end of last year the
company employed ap-
proximately 40 hourly and
salaried workers, but 22
were laid off during the first
week of January.
All the remaining em-
ployees were laid off when
the company went into
receivership, but a half-
dozen hourly and three
salaried workers have been
called back to complete and
the plant in 1969 from Fry
and Blackhall Ltd., the name
under which it had operated
for many years and which
had gained a wide reputation
for fine furniture, and as
recently as 1976 the plant
employed up to 100 workers.
The company was formed
by Norman Fry and Charles
Blackhall, foremen, and
Walter Van Wyck, expert
upholsterer for Walker and
Clegg, and Samuel Bennett,
who had operated a planing
mill, after the Walker and
Clegg furniture factory
closed in 1918.
At first its operations were
located in part of the old
Brown's factory on Alfred.
Street; in 1927 the firm was
forced to move and pur-
chased the Union Factory
building on the corner of
`Victoria Street and Diagonal
Road, which it later
enlarged. .
In 1965, Fry and Blackhall
was purchased by the
Toronto-based firm of Dho,
Kirkham and Co. Ltd., but
the name was retained.
Even prior to that, there
was a furniture factory at
that location. Oliver
Gilchrist and Walter Green
were active partners in the
firm of Gilchrist, Green and
Co., formed in 1886, which
that year erected a two-
storey frame building on the
There were seven em-
ployees when the firm began
operations, and by 1889 this
had increased to 70, with the
men working overtime and
another storey added to the
factory. Sturdy but low-
priced bedroom suites, side-
boards and tables were
designed and manufactured
for the settlers of western
By 1891 there were 150
employees when, in that
year, a fire wiped out the
factory. A joint stock
company was formed and a
new and larger brick
building was put up, known
as the Union Factory.
It and several other fur-
niture manufacturers were
bought by Canada Furniture
Manufacturers in 1901, but
within a few years business
dwindled and the staff
greatly decreased. For a few
years the factory closed
during the summer months,
and eventually ceased
operations in 1917.
Police warn
about flasher
Police have been warning
schoolchildren in the area to
keep away from strangers
following an incident at
Belgrave last week in which
a man exposed himself to a
group of youngsters.
Sgt. Roy Anderson of the
OPP, Wingham, said that to
date that is the only com-
plaint police have received
about such an incident.
Following the report they
visited local schools and
circulated a warning about
the man, together with a
physical description.
The man is said to be about
20 years old, 5' 7" tall, and
slender, driving a small blue
car with a white stripe.
At Betgrave he reportedly
left his car, clad only in
underwear, which he
dropped while trying to
engage the children in