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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-06, Page 18
VtW Page 6 -Crossroads -April 6, 1983 1. Discourage 6. Area of land 11. Civil 12. John O'Hara, for one 14. Readied for business 15. Happen to Sir. Impose, as ata$ 17. Letters before 1. Cries over sigmasspilled milk 19. Nsdokov 8. Lawyer: abbr. heroins p. `Ynscan wine 20. Hurricane 10. Hot beverages component 21. Vtnsdn's 11. Ilan from nemesia Wroclaw EE saucy osw 18. Uses a scythe ' 28. Elegant 18. Initials for 24. - on, le Elizabeth foolishly 21. Groat number fond of 26. Separate; 26. Stupid; grade unfeeling 27. Fragrant 28. French port 29. College group, for -short 80. Rembrandt% medium 81. A fuel 8E. Commercials 85. Pierre's chum 86. - Blanc, t Alm ne peak 87. Come to it standstill 88. Wobble 40. Resist 42. scholar 48. Lurched 44. Hot, spiced drink 46. Balling vessels DOWN 28. Bridge remark 24. Dern 25. - War, 1854-56 event 26. Alleviate 27. Eloquence in public spooking 28. Gravy holders 29. Oosy place $1. Shanghai and New Orleans 82. Ring-shaped island 88. Prescribed amounts 84. Went swiftly 86. Restaurant necessity 87. Cast forth 89. Eich' game 41.. Shell -game item 1. One of Disney's "moon" 2. French pupil 8. Petite 4. Summer, in Paris 5. Compensation for wrong 6. Forbidden c R 0 s s w 0 R' D S. liiumm mii a ammo i imima NM= MIMMii MIME ilii viii■ Mil MR= MI= MUM WM. ARMEE MERU MIMEO iiliMUU M..0 Bile AMA iii■t iMii Mill WOMMEM MIal== i...ii dM111 i MOM= Daytona Inns Present BEACH WORLD Spend 3 sun -filled days and 2 fun -filled nights at one of Daytona Beach's fine oceanfront Daytona Inns. $3 *Per Person, Double Occupancy. 78 rooms out of 250 sra Offer•Includes: Breakfast each morning, Vacation Discount Book,. Welcome Cocktails. Taxes and gratuities not included. Additional days available. Rates and dates subject to change. $39 from 4/20/83 to 5/26/83, $46.50 from 5/27/83 to 9/5/83/ BROADWAY 219S. Atlantic Ave. SEABREEZE 730 N. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach, Florida 32018 FOR FAST RESERVATIONS CALL: U.S. TOLL FREE 800-267-7187 FREE Catalogue Upon Request • ■ 1 1 0-i tt l' FtO 4 s0/9 144. gult 31 Long 6" Thick (plus cemetery charges and sales tax) ONTARIO'S OWN MT. ROSE GRANITE Save by ordering direct from your factory representative 100% CANADIAN OWNED CO. :958 NELSON MONUMENTS LTD. Since 1909 1031 VICTORIA ST. N. KITCHENER, ONTARIO N2B 3C7 TELEPHONE 743-3511 For your free catalogue and prices and your nearest Nelson Monuments representative write or phone Hours: Mon. to Thurs. 9 to 6. Fri. 9 to 9. Sat. 9 to 6. NAME ADDRESS POSTAL CODE TEL Eastern Canada's Largest Memorialist V N 0 w N V 1c 0 R A T Fitness ties from Carla Ferrigno By COLETTE BOUCHEZ Being physically fit has become an intricate part of life in our fast -paced soci- ety. And this is a wonderful trend, providing you are, by second nature, athleti- cally inclined, I, however, along with millions of oth- ers, am not. We know we should°be, but we can't help it - we hate to,exercise. Well, according to physi- cal fitness expert CARLA FERRIGNO, author of "For Women Only," a shape -up program for la- dies of all ages, not enjoy- ing exercise is probably the majority and not the minority vote. "Most people dread ex- ercise," says this Super Beauty who•,is married to the extremely fit actor LOU FERRIGNO ("The Incredible Hulk"). "And be- cause. they dread it, they don't do it ... which is a shame because once you get involved in a regular physical fitness program, the benefits extend to all parts of your life." "It's not just having a good body." says Carla, who has been exercising al- most all of her adult life, "it's also a way of develop - S '1 A 0a1330 3ROddO dOJ.S SOT ITU SIRBO S3,LOa d I K S v a v ©o I©3 v A s❑ o [1 ,LNVA IQ VS u31.331 IKON I ,Lead SI 3 ,I.sfl S S V II 11 Sod 0 11 3 11 3 S o ba A A s Q 3 14I©dl7 N V I o u 8 3 A 3 3'I II O n s n V 3 z 1 'I O d ,L37.B L 83130 The lemon By B. FRANCIS KLEIN Naturally yours. The LEMON. • We take them so for granted, but they have a long history of use. Dating back through the Middle Ages, originating in Spain, and getting to this country through North Africa, their use has been continuous since they were first known to have certain useful prop- erties. All of you must know a lot about lemons, but here are a few things that maybe you didn't know. The white pulpy layer under the rind or skin contains a substance called CITRIN or vitamin P. And of course lemons are among the highest in vita- min C. The extract or oil of lemon is used extensively in perfumes, flavorings, and the juice of the unprocessed lemon is frozen, distilled for producing an extra strong flavoring, and it's used as a mask for many medicines. Lemons, in cultivated orc- hards or groves, get har- vested six to 10 times a year, and the average lemon tree under intensive cultiva- tion," can yield about 1,500 fruit per year. Lemon juice is the princi- pal ingredient of that all- time summertime thirst quencher - lemonade. While many have tried for years to dup:icate the natu- ral scent and flavor taste of real lemons, at the best they are all poor imitations of the real thing. up to ing a strong sense of self- esteem which comes out in everything you do. Know- ing that you feel good and that you can take care of yourself, and that you are alive and have energy can change the way you relate to everyone in your life." "you've got to start by making exercise fun," says the bubbly Carla, "espe- cially if it's something you've dreaded for a long time. I suggest starting your exercise program with a friend ... someone who is roughly in the same shape you are. If you pair yourself with a super ath- lete hoping some of his or her enthusiasm will rub off on you, you may find your- self getting discouraged because you can't keep up the pace. If you and your 'physical equal' begin to- gether, there will be just enough competition to serve as motivation." Carla also suggests that you start with a beginner's class at a local spa or stu- dio and not try to do it at home. "I'm a firm believer in gyms," she says, "because it's too easy to make up ex- cuses not to work out when you are at home. But if you get up and out of the house you're more inclined to get into the swing of things and keep up the program in- stead of stopping at the first sign of discourage- ment." And what are those discouraging signs? We know them when we feel them because they're called PAIN. That awful, achey, sore -all-over feeling that convinces us that watching "General Hospi- tal" is a much more civi- lized way to spend the af- ternoon. "I know some people be- lieve that if it doesn't hurt it's not working, but I don't approach exercise that way. I don't think you should push yourself to the point of pain. I think it's better to take it slow and wait awhile longer to see the results," says Carla, "than to move too faSt and end up quitting because you can't move the next day." Carla does point out, however, that there is al- ways a little soreness if you use muscles that have been dormant for a long time. But, she says, "A hot bath and putting on a warm sweat suit after that bath should take away any stiffness you may feel." Another reason many women avoid exercise is because they don't feel comfortable lobbing about in a leotard and tights and it depresses them into not attending a group class. Carla says, "If you don't like the way you look or feel in a leotard, then don't wear one. Instead shop for a really pretty sweat suit in a color that flatters you. Your body will be covered and many styles are actu- ally flattering and slimm- ing. "You should also make yourself look as attractive as possible," she continues, "and go to the gym with the same enthusiasm that you go to lunch. Fix your hair and do wear makeup. It makes a difference in how you view going to ex- ercise class. "If you make yourself feel pretty, putting on per- fume and lipstick for ex- ample, you'll enjoy your af- ternoon out and the bene- fits will make you a happier and healthier per - Well, we've just about covered all the excuses, so I guess I'll see you at the spa.. 40%OFF Specially marked fixtures • Outdoor Fixtures • Chandeliers • Hanging Lamps • Table Lamps See the Targe selection in our expanded and newly renovated show room. von LIGHTING CENT Division of Ideal Supply Co. Limited 133 Regent St. 2730650 Stratford Ontario St. Frederick St Regent St I AVON LIGHTING CARLA FERRIGNO . Tells women how to make exercise more fun DASI'O;ING STRIPES -Color and design quality can be added easily to a room through use ora patterned drapery, repeating it on a table skirt and throw pil- lows. In this setting a brightly striped polished cotton accents the pin -dot uphol- stery of the lounge chairs. Chairs are recliners by Stratoloungier. Decor score By BARBARA HARTUNG Q. I'd like to add some personality to my rather dull -looking living room. I have fairly new furni- ture - a pair of chairs are brown plastic laminate and the carpeting is orange, brown, tan and green flecked in no particular pattern. My walls are beige. How can I add some vis- ual interest short of wall- papering the walls, which I don't want to do because of expense? - R.N.V. • A: A brighter tone of wall paint wouldn't be costly. Perhaps a soft apri- cot on walls would warm up your entire room. Also introduce some sprightly striped fabric at your windows. Inexpensive draperies of green, orange and brown on a tan or cream background could be interesting. Skirt a table in the same striped fabric. Add pillows to match for your sofa and chairs. Mat some black and white prints with the striped fabric for a wall of color and;Oui84. Providing you find a col- orful print you like at a reasonable price you could create a considerable transformation. Give additional attention to interesting accessories - baskets, plants and framed mirrors help add visual interest. Q: I have refurnished my bedroom which now has graytwalls and carpeting and oak modular furniture., I plan a mauve -colored bedspread in a very tailored design. What sort of treatment would be appropriate for two windows and what color would you suggest for reupholstering a small chair? I want a contempo- rary look. - W.P. A: There are a number of choices you could make. You could keep to a mauve .and gray plan and cover your chair in a pinky - mauve shade. Shutter your windows with wooden louvers painted the wall color. Or, if your gray is a sort of gray -blue, you might add an accent of teal blue. Still another possibility is forest green - an abso- lutely lovely shade to com- bine with gray and mauve. If you wish to tie togeth- er the gray, mauve and whatever other color you choose, you could easily do that with a print fabric of those colors. That print might go on the chair and draperies or flat Roman shades which give windows a tailored, contemporary look. Q: I'm living in a very old apartment with high ceilings and Tots of painted wood paneling. I've re- painted the living room. dining room, kitchen and bedroom. Now I'm stumped on how to update the bath- room without a lot of cost. It is one of those 1920 bath- rooms with purple tile about six feet up the walls. The room has heavy wood bas^boards and a cornice at the ceiling. As a renter, 1 can do very little structur- ally. How might I update -the bathroom which is quite large and has white plumbing fixtures and a purple, green and white tile floor? A: You can do somepret- ty amazing things with fab- ric. Flow about shirring fabric on thin curtain rods that are stretched across your walls, held taut at the ceiling and baseboard. This could allow you to cover major portions of the gar- ishly colored tile. Only small nails would be re- quired to attach the small curtain rods. Choose inexpensive, eas- ily washed fabric for the Walls so you can refresh it easily by tossing it in the washing machine periodi- cally, Where you cannot fasten the rod to the wall because of tile, try weighting the fabric down with a slightly heavier rod 'that will hold the fabric taut by its own weight. Repeat the fabric in a skirt around the wash basin if it is an old style. Use Velcro tape to attach. Thrift & Glit Elmira Corner of Snyder N. & Samuel 689-8475. Good used clothing. Self-help gifts. Proceeds to the Mennonite Central Committee Tues. - Sat. 9:30 - 5:00 Too much bench time slows you down. Get active. Get in shape and put yourself in the clear. Fitness is fun. Try some. PdHTIC/PdCTI011 0 . Dog Obedience Classes Covers all basic obedience including sit, down, heel, recall, sit -stay, down - stay and stand for examination, Class Sizes Limited - Two Instructors 10 week course starting Tues. April 26 Phone 343-3918 for information and registration Need a Few Chicks for Around the Barnyard this Spring? Well then, you should try our famous Brown Egg Layer, the Harco Sex Link for all your egg needs, or our Heavy Meat type chicks (White Rock). All give spendid results and at very com- petitive prices. So don't wait to the last minute to order, do it now. Call or write today: ROE CHICKS INC., P.O. Box 118, Atwood, Ontario. 519-356-2222 •-ElseEN Noismeumtl•NIsoBINo1 •aIsisNoININ own ---Nen in----me--1 IIflWIflD1 • LIM1TED TIME ONLYI 1 1 1 1 1 1 i a 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Oh ••••� • • • • r • •• GMAC FINANCING TERMS TO ae MONTHS Available on in stock models until May 31st or ordered models until April 30. SAYE NOW 011 SELECTED NEW MODELS OF GM GARS AND TRUCKS C7 GM Canada Carroll PontiacDuIcK Ltd. 1000 Wallace Avenue North, Listowel 291-3791 NM MN MSNSIIN MINI INN III AIM ® moms l sIsm Imo Bill1111aim ass !mi ®tmm NIM®III ®IIS®®IMI MIN �fl�' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1.4