HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-04-06, Page 6Page 6—The Wingham Advance -Times, April 6, 1983 SPECIAL NOTICE RATES Engagement Notices (with picture) $5.00 Engagement Notices (without picture) . 0 $4.00 Graduation Pictures $4.00 Anniversary Pictures, 55 years and over No Charge Wedding Write Ups . . . No charge if copy is received within three weeks after the ceremony. Charge for0accompany- ing picture is $5.00 After Third WeekWrite up $5.00 ' Detailed wedding write ups will not be accepted after six weeks but for a limited time picture and a brief caption will be published at a charge of $5,00 Birth Announcements to our regular format No Charge -additional information or a change in the wording, charge is $1.70 first 10 words; Be a word thereafter. FOR SALE MAGNETIC signs: many sizes available, 8" x 20", $29. For further information phone The Wingham Ad- vance -Tunes, 357-2320. 2Orrb WATERBED, complete with pedestal, pine frame, CSA approved, heater and thermostat, mattress, safety liner, fill kit and chemical. All sizes $239. Phone 291- 2369. 8rrb BERG stable cleaners and stabling; bunk feeders and water bowls, silo unloaders and farrowing crates. Lloyd Johnston, RR 3, Holyrood. Phone 395-5390. 27rrb DO YOU have items to ad- vertise in 132 weekly news- papers? Call us now for de- tails on our blanket classi- fied coverage of Ontario or specific areas of the pro- vince. The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, 357-2320. 16rrb SATELLITE television re- ceiving equipment by Chan- nel Master. In-home demon- stration available. Complete systems capable of receiving all 70 channels. Jarvis TV. Teeswater, 392-6616. 16rrb WEDDING invitations. Drop in and view our latest book of sample invitations. The Wingham Advance -Times, 192 Josephine St., Wingham, Ontario. Phone 357-2320. 9rrb STOCK reduction sale, over 1,000, rifles, shotguns and scopes must be cleared. Huge savings on all items in store. Village Market Guns, Underwood, Phone 368-7182. !Open seven days. 16: A27 MOVING SALE. refrigera- tor $175 small stove, $75; conventional upholstered waterbed, $200 complete. Phone 357-1224 or 357-3057. 30,6 WHEAT straw approximate- ly 1,500 bales. Phone 357- 3622. 30,6 BLUE Heeler pups. Phone 357-3679. 30,6 ALUMINUM storm door, 34" x 82". Excellent condition. Price $50. To inquire phone 291-3737. ATTENTION seamstresses! Quality' sewing materials available through Folk - craft's mail order service. Folkwear, ethnic and times past clothing patterns; silk, cotton and Viyella fabrics; silk embroidery threads and related books. Send $1 for catalogue or $3 for catalogue and samples to: Folkcraft, Dept C., Box 86072, North Vancouver, B.C., V7L 4J5. FRESH British Columbia grown plate -size salmon, never frozen. Prepaid air freight direct from producer to you. $5.99 per lb. Tele- phone toll free: 1-800-663- 7300. SWIMMING POOL SALE Manufacturer is having a pre -season sale on new above ground pools, com- plete with filter, motor, deck, walk -around, fence. Regularly $2,295., now $1,295. while supply lasts. Book now for spring de- livery. Phone collect 1-416-523-6467 for more details. FOR SALE CANADA'S lowest price satellite TV systems. Com- plete packages. Western Satellite Supply, Saskatoon. Phone 306-934-1701, IMPOSSIBLE? A sawmill for $34.95. Newly patented accessory. Converts any chainsaw to a sawmill, over 6,000 sold. For brochure sent stamp to Beam Machines, 160 Prentice Place, Quathiaski Cove, B.C., VOP 1NO. 1973 CITATION 22' travel trailer with roll -up awning. Phone 335-3315. GRAMPA FISHER air -tight woodstove with pipes, $450 or best offer. Phone 357-3515, after 6 p.m. MOBILE home, 14' x 70'; 1982 XL500 Honda. Phone 335-6121. 6,13 SPECIAL price on five piece Butcher stainless knife sets, $12.95. Phone 357-1268. 6,13 SPECIAL offer for a limited time. You will receive free, one Quartz digital watch when you purchase one at the regular price of $12.95. Phone 357-1268. 6,13 POWER stove $125; couch and chair $75, good condi- tion; double bed, box spring needs a mattress, $40; Yamaha Shorts fits 5'1" to 5'6", never been used, needs bindings, asking $150; cattle oiler asking $25; pig feeder $25. Phone 335-6446. 6,13 WATER softening salt, 40 kg, $6 per bag delivered; conditioner service also available Phone 528-5653, after 6 p.m. 6rrb CHOICE grain „ fed beef government inspected, c , wrapped, frozen and de› - livered. Phone Bob Kreller, 335-3754. 17tf ADDRESS LABELS: gum- med 200 for $2.95; presson 200 for $3.95; transparent 200 for $5.75. Phone The Wing - ham Advance -Times, 35i 2320. 6rrb WANTED TO BUY GOOD alfalfa hay in square bales in Belgrave area. Phone 357-1420, Jim Hunter. SMALL CALVES, dairy or beef. Phone 357-2861. 27rrb ANTIQUE furniture, glass, china, pictures, advertising, quilts, paintings, prints, etc. Phone Smallacombe Antiques, Teeswater, 392- 6840. 9rrb NOTICE TEACH your dollars to have more cents at North Huron Credit Union, 8 Alfred St., Wingham. Free personal chequing accounts. Competi- tive interest rates on deposit accounts. Phone 357-2311. irrb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOATS, three registered Nubians, two recorded grades, two grades. Phone 335-6279. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE ST90 HONDA motorbike, good running condition. Phone 357-3268. 1981 SUZUKI GS400, silver with blue trim. Windshield, backrest and carrier. In im- maculate shape, 3,350 kilo- metres. Phone 357-3306. 6,13,20 1980 SUZUKI TS100, only 2,700 km. Priced to sell, owner requires larger model. Phone Atwood 356- 2889, after 7 p.m. tf 1977 KZ750 in good condition. Phone 357-1139. 30,6 MOVING SALE. 1981 Honda 650 motorcycle, 4,500 km, $1,950; 1981 Honda 500 with accessories, 5,000 km, $2,100. Phone 357-1224 or 357-3057. 30,6 CARS AND TRUCKS FOR SALE 1972 GRAND Torino, good tires, brakes, engine uses no oil, needs some body work, $250 or reasonable offer. Phone 335-6154. 23,30,6,13 1980 F-150 short box Flare - side 300, six cyl., four speed, overdrive. Posi, AM -FM stereo, power steering, power brakes, sliding win- dows and more. Must sell. $5,000 as is. Make an offer. Call (416) 639-2363. McCREERY Auto Wreckers RR 2, Wroxeter on Highway 86 Midway between Wingham and Listowel USED AUTO PARTS USED CARS & TRUCKS 24 -HR TOW SERVICE Scrap cars wanted Highest prices paid Phone LISTOWEL 291-4159 GORRIE 335-3314 WANTED 6 J\ PASTURE for cattle. Apply to Box 5, Teeswater. DO YOU have money to in- vest? Do you want a greater. return on those funds? Do you want to see your dollars working in your neighbor- hood? If your answers are yes write Box 2257, c -o The Wingham Advance -Times, Wingham, Ont., NOG 2W0 for more information. 30,6 MISCELLANEOUS IF YOU are a friend or rela- tive of an alcoholic, the Al - Anon Family Group may be able to help you solve your side of the problem. Please contact Post Office Box 1135, Wingham. rrb MEALS -ON -WHEELS Phone Mrs. L. James 357- 3657. 14rrb WORK WANTED WILL DO renovations on houses or barns. Phone 357- 1326. 6,13,20 CLASSIFIED DEADLINE THE DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ACTION ADS IS MONDAYS 12:00 NOON The Advance -Times is open on Mondays with the exception of a Monday statutory holiday. To place one of these action ads, just drop in at The Advance -Times Office or Phone: 357-2320 Services LAWN ROLLING in Wing - ham area. Phone 1179563, Don Blake. 6:25 CARPENTRY work, reno- vations, shingling, reason- able rates. Phone Jack, 357- 1672. 6,13,20,27 WE SELL farms in Mani- toba. Wide selection. In- formation without obliga- tion. Phone 204-756-2464, after 6 p.m. or write Big Val- ley Realty, Box 75, Kelwood, Man. LAWN ROLLING $10 to $12 for average size lawn. Phone 357-3665, Alan Caldwell. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF EARL WESLEY McPHAIL ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of Earl Wesley McPhail, late of the Township of Turnberry, in the County of Huron, de- ceased, Retired Bank Man- ager, and Province of On- tario, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the ltith day of April, 1983, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said Estate, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 23rd day of March, 1983. Mr. John T. Goodall, Barrister and Solicitor, P.O. Box 730, 261 Josephine Street, Wingham, Ontario, NOG 2W0 Solicitor for the Estate of Earl Wesley McPhail 30,6,13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF GEORGE ALBERT BRIDGE ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of George Albert Bridge, late of the Village of Brussels, Busi- nessman, deceased, in the County of Huron, and Pro- vince of Ontario, are re- quired to send particulars of their claims, duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 8th day of April, 1983, and that after such date the Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, On- tario, this 16th day of March, 1983. Mr. John. T. Goodall, Solicitor for the Estate of George Albert Bridge 23,30,6 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NINE UNIT hotel; five room house with one bedroom apartment. Extra lot: im- maculate condition, excel- lent location close to beach, shopping and restaurants. Write Box 279, Kineprdine, NOG 2G0. MEN'S clothier needed. Community of 25,000. Wide open market, several excel- lent locations available. Con- tact: Norm Leigh, manager, Chamber of Commerce, Box 1098, Station B, Fort Erie, Ont., L2A 5N9. Telephone (416) 871-3803. PHIL'S Refrigeration and Appliance Service, 24-hour emergency service, used appliance sales. Phone 887- 9062. 5rtb HAVE your income tax re- turn done by an experienced tax consultant. Farm ac- counts my specialty. Person- al returns from $10. Phone 357-2458, anytime. 23,30,6,13 INCOME tax preparation by Mrs. Caroline McDonald at her home RR 3, Teeswater. For information phone 392- 6382. 9:20 CHIMNEY SWEEPING, good service at low prices. Phone 392-6568 or 392-6290 for free estimates. 16rrb CUSTOM drapery by Linda for your home or business. Phone 395-5629 or 395-2765. llrrb FRED'S Appliance Servic- ing. Phone 357-1252. 30,6,13,20 FAIR VIEW Farms Seed and Grain will be open start- ing April 5 to clean and treat your cereal grain for spring planting. We also have a good supply of 'seed grain at very competitive prices. For more information phone Doug Walker or Wilfred Walker 357-3555 or 357-1047. 30,6 CLOTHING alterations and repairs by Thelma Stacey, reasonable prices. Phone 357-1165. 23rrb PERSONAL CURIOUS about UFOs, psy- chic phenomena, pyramids, stone circles, and ley lines? Puzzled by , animal mutila- tions, human combustions, miracles? Read Secret Science, $4 from H. Cochrane, 100 Walpole Ave., Toronto, Ont.;M4L 2J1. LEARN welding in five weeks. ARC, GAS, MIG, government test, blueprint reading included. Write In- stitute of Technical Trades, 734 Kipling Ave., Toronto, M8Z 5G5, or phone 416-255- 2369. ANYONE who made contaer\,„„. with an antique dealer from St. Catharines Monday of this week, please call 357- 3809 during business hours. It's urgent. SIRE HELP WANTED EARN .extra money part- time as a Regal sales repre- sentative. Our gift catalogue is all you need. Write Regal, 939 Eglinton Ave. E.,, Dept. 444, Toronto, AUG 2L6. WATKINS. Full and part- time available. Earn what you need by building your own Watkins bilsiness. Established since 1868. Call 1-519-658-5484. EARN extra money. Mon- arch's beautiful catalogue of cards and gifts makes it easy and profitable. No ex- perience needed. For free catalogue and information write Monarch, Box 516, Hamilton, LUN 3K3, or phone (416) 527-3891. MOUNTAIN hotel now ac- cepting applications for cooks, waitresses,, gift shop cashiers, front desk, house- keepers, bartenders, gas jockeys. Apply in writing to: Glacier Park Lodge, Rogers Pass, B.C., VOE 2S0. RETAIL store looking for part-time help. Apply to Box 2258, c -o The Wingham Ad- vance -Times, Wingham, Ont. 6,13 AMBITIOUS, business - minded, salesperson needed in Wingham area. 25 to 50 per cent commission. Full train- ing provided. Phone 1-482- 7198. 6,13 HELP! Managers experienced in tax/investment mat- ters are required throughout Ontario. MAXI - Financial Personal iI ONEVServices INC, P.O. Box 2688 Sarnia, Ont. N7T 7V9 ATTENTION FARMERS We pay $20 to $50 per hundredweight for old cows and recently injured or crippled cows and steers. Must be alive and drug free. Call Collect 24 Hours A Day, 6 Days a Week: MARK LEIS & SONS LIVESTOCK, Milverton (519)595.4845 PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Phone 357-1066, 357-2392, 357-1769 or London 432-7197 collect. rrb ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Venasse Renaud, Kingston, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Janet Mary to Robin John Brent, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Brent, Wroxeter. The wedding will take place April 30 at 3 p.m. in St. John The Apostle Church, Kingston. BE A HAIRSTYLIST Classes starting monthly HAIRDRESSING BARBERING UNISEX For tree information K itchener-Waterloo School of Hairdressing 186 Victoria St. N. Kitchener N2H 5C6 745-5641 ATTENTION FARMERS! FOR PROMPT DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY CALL TOLL FREE 1-800465-4267 If line is busy call 1-887-9334 Brussels or 1-749-7004 Kitchener We pay up to 815.00 for cattle and horses. (Min. weight 500 lbs.) BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Licensed by Department of Agriculture & Food 0 Crossroads classifieds 357-2320 AUCTION SALES 100 ACRE farm and machinery, Lot 23, Con. 11, Turnberry Township,' two miles northwest of Wing - ham, then half mile west. On Monday, April 11, 12 noon. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer. 30,6 SATURDAY, April 23, 11 a.m. at Orval McLean Auc- tion Center, Lindsay. Trac- tors, farm machinery, cars, trucks, recreation vehicles, construction equipment and tools. Bring consignments to barn by April 9. Phone 1-705- 324-2783, Orval McLean Auc- tions. AUCTION sale of household effects will be held for Emma Johnston in Bluevale, Saturday, April 16. Brian Rintoul, auctioneer, 357-2349. It's getting harder and harder to reconcile our net income with our gross habits. Disc Jockey Stevens COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 Corporation of the Township of Turnberry PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Turnberry proposes to enact By-laws. to stop up, close and sell that part of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: That part of the laneway lying bet- ween Lots 282 and 301, Plan 410, in the Township of Turn - berry and County of Huron, being 132.30 feet more or less in length and 19.80 feet more or less in even width throughout. The proposed By- laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in the Township of Turn - berry on the 3rd day of May 1983, at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. and at that time, the Council will hear any person or by his counsel, Solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicial- ly affected and who applies to be heard. DATED: April 4th, 1983. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Turnberry TRADE-INS Sofa beds, two-piece chester- fields, odd tables, swivel rockers, two -door refrigerator, 30” electric stove. All in excellent condition, suitable for cottage or small apartment. Layton McBurney Furniture Ltd. Winghern, Ontario 357-1170 991 FARM • EQUIPMENT ok, OF OVER 60 TRACTORS & 100 PIECES OF EQUIPMENT BRINDLEY ;TALES YARD Ouegennen. Ontario SATURDAY, APRIL 16th 1111 AM Brindley Auctions (S19)4294625 AUCTIONEER* GORDON IL BRINDLEY 20 Tractors Plus 150 Pieces of Machinery! AUCTION SALE Van Eyl Farm Supply (Clifford, Ontario) Monday, April 11 11:00 a: m. Hwy. 9 (West of Clifford) Gordon Brindley (Auctioneer) TRACTORS: Deutz 5006; 430 Case with loader; Allis Chalmers "AC" with loader-;",k)i, 2010 with loader; Ford 5000; Leyland 384 diesel; J. . 4520 power shift, cab, good. DISC: 1 - I.H.C. 20' wing disc; 1 - J.D. 14 ft.; 4 -Cockshutt disc, rebuilt; 2 - 37 I.H.C. disc, rebuilt; 1 - J.D. 11, rebuilt; 1 - Ford 3 p.t.h., used blades; 1 - J.D. wing disc, 20 ft. CORN PLANTERS AND SCUFFLERS: 1 -1.H.C. 4 row dry fert.; 1 - Ford 6 row; 1 - 4 row scuffler; 1 - "S" -tine 4 row scuffler; 1 - I.H.C. 4 .row scuffler; - J.D. 4 row 1240 plateless planter. PLOWS' t - J.D. 5 -ft. 16" semi; 2 - Cockshutt 5 furrow 14" semi; 1 - J.D. 6 furrow 16" semi; 1 - I.H.C. 4 furrow 16" semi; 1 J.D. 4 furrow 14" with 3 PTH; 2 - M,F. 3 fur- row with 3 PTH; J.D. 5 furrow 18" auto R.S. CULTIVATORS: 1 - 3 PTH Kewanee chisel plow; 1 - 10'/2' trail Glencoe; 1 - 14' vibra shank; 1 - 16' power Lely; 1 -Kongskilde with wheels; 1 - disc chisel; 1 - chisel plow with spring teeth; 1 - cultigator; 1 - Kongskilde 11! 3 PTH; 1 -Trail Pony harrow 20'. BALERS: 2 - M.F. OUR OWN MANUFACTURED NEW EQUIPMENT: 5 - 8" x 43' grain augers; 15 - wagons (6 ton); 6 - wagons (10 ton); 7 - 6 ft. blades; 7 - 7 ft. blades; 5- 8 ft. heavy blades. SEEDING EQUIPMENT: 1 - 17 run J.D. seed drill; 1 - 8 ft. Brillion grass seeder; 1 - 11 ft, packer, rebuilt; 1 - 111/2 ft. packer, rebuilt; 1 - J.D. 18 run No. 8350. SPRAYERS: J.D. saddle tank, 400 gal., 50 ft. boom. HARVEST & HAY EQUIPMENT: 2 - Zweegers, 3 pt.h., 1 row harvester; 1 - J.D. 4 -bar side delivery rake; 1 -Owatonna swather. HAYBINE: Gehl haybine; 483 J.D.; 1209 J.D. FORAGE BOXES: 1 'Gehl 3 beater; 1 - forage box (rear unloading); 2 - Deck,er forage boxes. MANURE SPREADERS: 2 - 218 N.H., 225 bus.; 1 - 216 N.H., 200 bus.; 1 - M.F. 140, 140 bus. TRAILERS & STACKERS: 1 - high box dump trailer; 1 -single axle trailer; 2 - new McKee stackers. MISCELLANEOUS: 2 - silo blowers; 6 - round bale feeders; 1 - flail cutter; 1 - fertilizer spreader, 3 pt.h., new; 1 - pickup; 1 - set•tractor dual tires; numerous new hand tools; bench grinders, drill presses. Everything has to go. We have less machinery than last year. Please attend early. This might be your last chance Selling by Number.Luncil Booth Available. NOTE: Not Responsible for Accidents Consignments Welcome! Reasonable Rates! Tractors, Spreaders, Seeders are in demand, so bring yours . . . Everything sold to the highest bidder, no reserves. Scrooge wants his money! (Deletions and additions subject to regular business sales.) • Auctioneer GORDON BRINDLEY ;o. Business and Professional Directory Frederick F. Homuth Phm. B., R.O. Carol E. Homuth, O.D. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth, 0.D. • Optometrists Harriston, Ontario. 338-2712 Dr' Allan K Overgaard, D C Dr Lee A Cowley BSc DC Chiropractors 197 Josephine St. Wingham By Appointment 357-1224 (49 West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company Dungannon, Ont. NOM 1 RO 529-7961 FARMS RESIDENTIAL AUTO AGENTS: Frank Foran Donald MacKay Donald R Simpson Mason Robinson Delmar Sproul Lyons & Mulhern RR 2, Lucknow 528-3824 RR 3, Ripley 395.5362 RR 3. Goderich 529-7567 341 Catherine St Wingham 357-2478 RR 3, Auburn 529.7273 46 West St , Goderich 524 7878 FOR A QUOTATION ON YOUR FARM, HOME, COTTAGE OR AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CONTACT THE AGENT IN YOUR AREA. DIRECTORS: Eldon Bradley Gerald Kerr Austin Martin Kenneth B MacLean Donald McKenzie John Nixon Lucknow P0 Box 62. Blyth P 0 Box 304. Lucknow RR 2. Paisley 163 Elgin Ave West Goderich RR 5 Brussels CLAIMS SHOULD BE REPORTED PROMPTLY TO THE DIRECTOR IN YOUR AREA. 528-2214 523.9275 528-3601 368-7537 524-7602 887.941 7