HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-30, Page 28Page 8—Crossroads—March 30, 1983 Shirley Whittingto The martyrs'wh!ne She always eats the burnt toast. When she flies with the family, she always gets the middle seat. Her ski poles are the ones nobody else wants — the ones Ywith the knot in the strap. She really believes that half a loaf is better than none, and furthermore, she always gets the half that no- body else wants. She is often a mother, and medical re- search has identified her disease as Limpus Wimpus. Because Limpus Wimpus sufferers are characteristic- ally uncomplaining, the dis- order has defied definition for many years. But recently when a Prince Edward Is- land homemaker went ber- serk while trying to make a nutritious breakfast out of old Judy Erola press clip- pings, medical experts sus- pected something was amiss. The woman, babbling hy- sterically, was taken to a mental health centre where she insisted on being given the smallest room in the place — the one with the radiator that went bang - bang all night. The next morning, she refused to eat her scrambled eggs until they were cold and greasy, and medical experts knew they were on to something. "This is a classic case of Limpus- Wimpus," said one noted researcher. "This woman needs a neck brace for her entire personality. Now that I think about it, I recall my mother telling us that she actually preferred cold soup and peanut butter sandwich crusts to regular food. I now realize that she was an LW victim." Two strains of the disorder have been isolated. Limpus Wimpus Simplex is curable if caught early. Chronic Limpus Wimpus is more serious and begins wiyth bouts of anxious apol Eventually it erupts into dis- gusting fits of martyrdom. Victims say things like: "Don't worry about me. I'm quite comfortable sitting here on this old iron anvil." Or, "You go ahead an enjoy yourselves. I'll just sit here and wait in the hot sun." A Winnipeg victim des- cribed the onset of her malaise this way: "I started off when I was first married by taking the side of the bed farthest away from the bath- room door. I voluntarily chose the reading lamp with the wobbly switch. I was the one who always got up to let the cat out. But there was some hope for me. Once when somebody asked me if I minded if they smoked, I said yes. Another time I actually ate all the cashews in a tin of mixed nuts, and I didn't apologize to any- body." Mrs. X might have beaten wimpery had she not become a mother. She says, "Soon I was shopping for mismated pork chops — three nice ones for the family and a little bony one for me. When we went camping, I used the sleeping bag with the defec- tive zipper. At birthday parties, I would always take the piece of cake that col- lapsed as it was being cut." Finaly in 1982, something happened which told Mrs. X she needed professional help, fast. "I was in a restaurant and I broke down and cried when my plate ar- rived garnished with a whole centre slice of unblemished tomato. I couldn't believe it. All my life, I've been taking the little mis-shapen blossom end." Is there a cure for Limpus Wimpus? Massive dosages of selfish pills produce dangerous side effects. At The Fabric Shop in Arthur Spectacular Spring Sale March 30 & 31 and April 1 & 2 Rolls and rolls of beautiful and delicate dress fabric suitable for all occasions. ... Reduced! Up To 30% Off... Also "FREE" Dress Patterns (See & Sew) with your purchase of Dress Fabric (2 patterns per customer) Come in and see our terrific selection of fabrics, yarns, patterns & notions. If we don't have it, we'll try to order it for you. 157 George St., Arthur (McInnis Pro Hardware Building) OPEN 9 - 6, Mon. Sat., 9 - 9 Friday. 848-2106 Abrupt withdrawal of LW behavior patterns can precipitate serious guilt pathology: The women's movement has provided a more asser- tive self-image for chronic wimps, but still, when faced with a potentially fractious alternative — (like a couple of kids who would rather watch Hill Street Blues than Doctor Zhivago, Part I) — hard-core willps give in every time. An interesting historical sidelight on the subject of Limpus Wimpus came to light recently with the publi- cation of a conversation held with James McNeil Whistler, whose famous Mother has graced chocolate boxes and calenders for almost a century. When a con- temporary asked Whistler why he had painted his mother sitting in that parti- cular uncomfortable hard - backed chair, his answer was short, "That's where she always sits. I guess she just likes it." The truth is that the Lazy - boy chair and the couch were always occupied by Dad and the kids. There is nodoubt that Whistler's Mother, the lady with the resigned and patient expression, was a Limpus Wimpus sufferer. That's one big problem with wimps. They are so easily framed. Let's Talk By Rev. LEE TRUMAN How to fight anxiety and depression..,._ Sometime ago, I had sur- gery for a ruptured spinal disc. It had caused me a great deal of pain aj d par- tial paralysis. Now, several years later, I have 95 per- cent mobility. The physical problems at the time were not nearly as difficult as the mental battles. For one; my church had been through a build- ing program, and it needed every ounce of energy I could give it to make that church and its dream come into being. Througb this personal experience, I now have a checklist to fight both my depression and anxiety. I believe these two laid more people low than any amount of back trou- ble. The first is to accept the fact that worry and anxie- ty can be the most destruc- tive enemy in the human personality. This is the most life -destroying habit that any of us can allow. Be aware that worry can become a habit. If it is habit long enough, it be- comes part of one's charac- ter. Marcus Aurelius, the ancient Latin scholar, warns in his famous "MEDITATIONS," "The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts." The best defense against worry is to practice the art of forgetting at least twice a day, preferably in the early morning and in the late evening, and repeat one of the surest lessons there is for mental health. It is offered to us in Holy Scripture bq a man who was facing death: St. Paul wrote, "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching for those things which are before, I press toward the mark and the prize and the high call- ing..." Fill your mind every day, and consciously choose the affirmation -of your faith in your future and the world's future. Make this the habit of your thinking for your life. If your soul is to be dyed, let it be dyed with the good hues and the glad colors. The next insight was given to me in the writings of William Jennings, a very perceptive psychologist who wrote, "The essence of genius is to know what to overlook..." In other words, learn what to pass by and what to forget. You can't have everything and you can't do everything. Pick- ing out the important things is basically the es- sence of genius. Next build for yourself, inside of your own head, a place of quiet impenetra- bility. The president of the United States, the head of a large corporation, or the admiral of a modern flag- / ship each has a place which could best be called a "silence room." There, strategy is planned and di- rections and consequences are thought through. If you have this in your own mind, where whatever stress might be pushing you, and if you can keep -CLIP & SAVE ------------- 11 th --- ----- -- - 11th Anniversary Special PROFESSIONAL IN-HOME STEAM CARPET CLEANING $5. off 1 room - or - $5. to clean second room TWO EXAMPLES: UJ 1) Living room, 12' x 15' - $33. Tess $5. - $28. SAVE $5e 2) Living room, and family room, ea. 12' x 15' - '14C $33. plus $5. - $38. SAVE $28. °C1421 JCT ELMIRA 880-3328 ONT , PHONE NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES LLL LLL'' LeLL L Lt' LG.LL \/0 I \ii,l r '! l \ I(, i( l/()\ \;1 ill( �I ) (,i I!:' I\///I /lti( IIti P.O. Box 1, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2Z5 669-3328 m Not applicable on commercial accounts. • Rooms must be empty. • Orders for cleaning between Mar 23 • Apr. 15, 1983. • No charge accounts during anniversary special. ® 525 minimum invoice CLIP & SAVE ackgammon y Ward By JEFF WARD This is a column on re- sponses to opening moves. In this example, 0 has opened with a 3-1 and made his 5 -point. As the first roll of the game, experts normally play the 5-3 in one of two ways: Either making the 3 - point with 8/3, 6J3, or bringing two men down from the midpoint with 13/8, 13/10. Other choices such as 24/16 or 13/5 are somewhat inferior and are not recommended. However, as a response to an opening 3-1, the clearly superior play is to make the 3 -point. Many times during the opening stage of a backgammon game, there are numerous hits and counterhits. In any such exchange of hits, the player with more home board points has a big ad- vantage because his oppo- nent has a greater chance of staying on the bar each turn. In this case, 0 already has an extra home board this spot quiet while you objectively think through your plans, your life may not be free from harass- ment, but you will be. Underscore and commit to memory the great pas- sages for you in the Bible. Be able to call quickly to mind those words of simple trust, words which are af- firmations of your worth, and the care that is as- sured to you by Scripture and forms the aground of your being." After that, learn how to shower your Mind, to step into a mental shower and clear out of your thinking all the dirt, dust, and mud that it has gathered throughout the day. Clean your mind of aid the anxie- ty, fear and insecurity that becomes a source of infec- tion and bring to you bad mental and spiritual health. Nature abhors a vacu- um, so choose what will fill your mind. Choose the posi- tive thoughts that will lead you into the affirmation of life. For me it is "God fills my mind with peace, cour- age and contentment when I let Him, and I believe with all my soul that he hears my prayers." If these do not destroy your depression, you may need to have skilled help to lead you through a search- ing self-examination to find the true causes of your anxiety. Remember a man wrapped up in himself makes a very small pack- age. Become a part of ac- tivities which will bring a sense of belonging to a group and meet your re- sponsibilities to that group. Be a part of something larger than yourself. The final step is the most important. Build, and work out for yourself, an affirm- ing faith in God which will iMplant a sense of purpose, meaning and direction in the very act and essence of living for you. point, the highly valuable 5 -point. To equalize the sit- uation as much as possible, X should also make a home board point, the 3 -point. The 3 -point also represents some long-term value to X because X will likely need it to build an effective prime or blockade against O's back men. The other play, moving two men off the midpoint,, fails to catch up in home board points, and exposes a blot that 0 can hit. Thus, an exchange of hits be- comes more likely as well as more detrimental to X's chances. This line of reasoning does not extend to X mak- ing the 2 -point with the 6-4. In the early stage of the game, the 2 -point has so lit- tle value that X should avoid making it even under these circumstances. Hold- ing the 2 -point is particu- larly bad when you also hold the 8 -point because both points cannot"simulta- neously help form a six point prime. This lack of long-term value for the 2 -point makes it better for X to play the 6-4 some other way. His best alternative is 24/14. This move minimizes the chance of being bit while freeing a back man if 0 misses. Points are numbered 1 to 24, ' starting with X's home board at the lower left. A move, for example, from the 7 -point to the 3 - point is written 7/3. 7/3• means that a man was bit on the 3 -point. 7/3(2) means that two men were moved to the 3 -point. SA13222120111 1117111111412 1 2 3 • •> s 711111021U Imp Pim t -a, lair., 0-4 Here's How Q. Can you tell me if there is any way to clean lacquered, antiqued brass which has darkened over the years? l have several items which this has hap- pened to and would very much appreciate any ad- vice you can offer. — Har- riet R., Griffith, Ind. A. First remove the old lacquer, tering a lacquer thinner and No. 00 steel wool, rubbing of course with the grain. Steel wool should be used only on brushed stain finishes. For polished fin- ishes, use thinner with a soft cloth. For badly tarnished, ne- glected copper and brass, an old standby is rubbing with a mixture of vinegar and salt. Apply two or three times; allowing the solution to stand a few minutes, and then scour, to and fro, with a stiff brush. Skilled workmen some- times resort to diluted mu- riatic acid, but this is not recommended for inexperi- enced workers. Copper and brass cast- ings which are small enough to be handled in the hands, can be restored to a goldlike finish on a buffing wheel. Brass vases, almost black from neglect, have been restored to rare beau- ty on a buffing wheel. Most machine shops are equipped with buffing wheels. After this thorough cleaning and treatment, apply a new coat of lacquer if you wish. Q. Help. I have a very large glass terrarium that has terrible water marks inside. I have tried what I feel is everything, including ammonia, lemon juice, bleach, soap, spray clean- ers, even the stuff a drug store guaranteed would re- move water marks. All to no avail. Now, what should I do? It looks terrible to use in the condition it is in, yet it is too expensive to discard. — Mrs. Becky E., Alta Loma, Calif. A. I very much doubt the terrarium can be restored. The build, up of alkaline de- posit gradually etches the glass., You could try a solution of muriatic acid, one part acid to nine parts water. Pour the acid into the water and be very careful. Use some container other than metal. Make certain to wear rubber gloves and goggles to protect yourself. Q. Recently we put in new carpet throughout the house. As a result, all the doors had to be trimmed off the bottom. We like to leave our bed- room door open about two inches at night. Since it has been trimmed off, it has two positiois, latched or open all the way to the bed- room wall. I assume that this has something to do with the way it is hung. Can you tell me if there is something that can be done so the door can be opened to whatever degree we want? — Wanda H.P., San Diego, Calif. A. Your best solution is to use a small door stop and set the door open the desired distance. If you be- lieve the door is out of bal- ance due to improper hanging, you will need a qualified carpenter to cor- rect the situation. • Aspirin gives warning A high-pitched ringing or hissing noise in the ears may be a warning signal that you are taking too much aspirin. SAVE ENER G Y AND KEEP COOL EEA UTIFULL Y save.. To 50°'° OVER 500 CEILING FANS IN STOCK,, * COMMERCIAL PRICED FROM * INDUSTRIAL $5995 * DECORATOR TO STYLES WITH LIGHTS $29995 CASH -CHEQUE -VISA 1ann'n Qi ingL CLEARANCE CENTRE 55 ERB ST. E. WATERLOO IN THE ERB CENTRE, NEXT TO THE BAGEL BIN ILA 884-3723 (1/0 OFF Discount does not apply to any previous discounts or coupons. Vertical Blinds Special Introductory Oflert Now that we're manufacturing our own vertical blinds, you can save a big 40% off. Our blinds have the best tracks in the market -typical of the quality that Universal Draperies has become so well-known for. We buy right from the manufacturer so you can be assured of the best quality and the best price. Call us today! universai 11 PI Phone 356•9041. YeII Free 1 5.8900 40.3