HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-30, Page 14Page 14 -Crossroads -March 30, 1983 4 oma WIVB Buffalo 5 - <mo CHC T~ ronto 5C a>o WON Chicago Weekday Mornings 5:30 NOTE: Tues. Only, Billiard Stars 7S All Night Show 5C News Headlines 4 Jimmy Swaggart 6 6:00 Seneca Telecollege 6, 79 Morning Stretch 4 Business Times 7S Audubon 3 Sea Hunt 5C Yoga 11 University of the Air 13 6:30 National Film Board 6 Frightenstein 3 Early Morning News 4 News this Morning 7 Mad Dash 13 Faith 20 5C It Figures 11 7:00 Rocket Robinhood,79 News 4 Pinocchio 6 Looking Good, Feel- ing Fine 11 Top/Morning 5C Canada AM 13 Good Morning America 7 7:30 Bullwinkle 5C The Danny Moe Show 11 Morning Exercise 3 Hammy Hamster 6 7:45 Friendly Giant 10 Camera on Canada 11 8:00 Size Small 6 Sports Centre 7S Ed Allen 3 Varied Programs 10 Do It for Yourself 8 Rev. Bill Prankard 11 Frightenstein 79 Bozo 5C 8:30 Ed Allen 8, 10 The 700 Club 6 Sesame Street 3 Super Pay Cards 11 9:00 NOTE: Mon. Only, Major League Preview 7S NOTE: Tues. Only, Vic's Vacant Lot 7S NOTE: Wed. Only, This Week in the NBA 7S NOTE: Thurs. Only, Gymnastics 7S • NOTE: Fri. Only, Sports Forum 7S Romper Room 13 Wok with Yan 10 100 Huntley Street 8 Hour Magazine 4 Morning Exercise 11 Ed Allen 6 Donahue 7, 79 9:15 NOTE: Wed. Only, From Now On 5 9:30 NOTE: Tues. Only, Outdoors 7S NOTE: Wed. Only, Sports Forum 7S NOTE: Fri. Only, In- side the USFL 7S Yan Can 11 Fitness Fun 3 100 Huntley Street 6 Varied Programs 10 Bewitched 5C What's Cooking 13 9:45 Friendly Giant3, 5 10:00 NOTE: Mon. Only, Canadian Film Specials 79 NOTE: Fri. Only, What's New? 3, 5 Sports Centre 7S $25,000 Pyramid 4 Ontario Schools 5, 3, 8 Citypulse 79 Morning Break 10 Headline Hunters 13 Movies (Check Lists) 5C Hour Magazine 11 AM Buffalo 7 10:30 Tempo Ontario 13 Child's Play 4 Bonnie Prudden 6 IMr. Dressup 8, 3, 5 11:00 NOTE: Mon. Only, NBA Basketball 7S NOTE: Tues. Only, Gymnastics 7S NOTE: Thurs. Only, Women's Swimming 7S NOTE: Fri. Only, Boxing 7S Sportswoman 7S Harrigan 3 The Price Is Right 4 Do It for Yourself 10 Paul Bernard, Psychiatrist 79 Cherington 11 Sesame Street 8, 5 Family Feud 7 Celebrity Cooks 6 10 am. CFPL Lndon 11 .oa CHCH Hamilton 13 CKCO Kitchener 79 00.City TV Toronto" 11:30 NOTE: Wed. Only, World Cup Skiing 7S Just Like Mom 13 Tic Tac Dough 7 Father Knows Best 3 That's Life 6 Joys of Collecting 79 Mr. Dressup 10 Thurs., Mar,. 31 AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Jeffersons 79 Leave It To Beaver 3 Cartoons 10, 8 Big Valley 5C News 7, 6 Midday 4 Flintstones 13 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 79 The Young and the Restless 4 Definition 13 Agri -News 8 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 News 3, 10 12:35 Noon Report 8 1:00 Here's Lucy 79 NCAA Men's Basket- ball 7S Let's Make a Deal 6 You Asked For It 5C Days of Our Lives 11 Alan Thicke Show 13 All My Children 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 1:30 Micro Magic 79 News 5C As the World Turns 6, 4 2:00 One Life to Live 11, 7 Movie "The Heist" 10 Dick Van Dyke 5C Take 30, 8, 5, 3 City Lights 79 Another World 13 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Capitol 4 Pitfall 6 Andy Griffith 5C Good Company 3 Wok with Yan 8 Galloping Gourmet 79 3:00 Daytime Challenge 5', 3 I Dream of Jeannie 5C Guiding Light 6, 4 Capitol 11 Three's Company 8 General Hospital 13, 7 You're Beautiful 79 3:30 Take 30, 10 Soapbox 11 Pink Panther 5C Jeffersons 8 Afternoon Delight 5, 3 Kidsworld 79 4:00 Superfriends 5C Hercules 6 The Young and the Restless 11 Eight Is Enough 4 Little House on the Prairie 8, 7 The Bob Newhart Show 13 Daytime Challenge 10 Barney Miller 3 Do It for Yourself 5 Rockford Files 79 4:30 Scooby Doo 5C Battle of the Planets 6 Tattletales 13 What's New? 5 Three's Company 10 Happy Days 3 5:00 Baretta 6 Jeffersons 7 Little House on the Prairie 11 Charlie's Angels 4 Incredible Hulk 5C Hogan's Heros 13 Three's Company 3 The Price Is Right 79, 8, 10 Happy Days 5 5:30 WKRP 13, 7 Three's Company 5 News 3 EVENING 6:00 News 13, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 5, 4 F.A. Soccer 7S Ripley's Believe It Or Not 3 Muppet Show 5C Citypulse 79 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 5C World News Tonight 7 News 4 7:00 Gerald Emmett Car- dinal Carter -Prince & Sheppard 3 Sports Forum 7S The First Easter Rab- bit 8 That's Incredible 10 Joker's Wild 4 Family Feud 13 Country in My Soul 5 Lie Detector 7 That's Life 6 Barney Miller 5C Entertainment Tonight 11 Laverne & Shirley 79 7:30 Littlest Hobo 13 Sports Centre 7S Backstage 11 Family Circus Easter Special 8 Glen Campbell Music Show 4 Celebrity Tennis 5 Jeffersons 5C You Asked For It 6 MASH 79 Family Feud 7 8:00 Fame 3, 10 Baseball's Back 11 Inside the USFL 7S Benson 7 Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em 6 Trapper John M.D. 8 CBC Premiere Per- formance "A Circle of Two" 5 Magnum P.I. 4, 13 Movies, "The Story of Adele H." 79; "TBA" 5C 8:30 Amanda's 6 Condo 7 Top Rank Boxing 7S Fighting Words 11 9:00 Remington Steele 3 Knot's Landing 10 Live It Up 13 Simon and Simon 4, 11 Too Close for Comfort 7 Wintario 6 Hill Street Blues 8 9:30 It Takes Two 7, 13 On the Buses 6 10:00 National 8, 5, 3, 10 20/20 7 Knight Rider 13 Hill Street Blues 11 Tucker's Witch 4 News 5C Tonight Show 6 Citypulse Tonight 79 10:20 The Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 11:00 News 11, 13, 8, 3, 5, 10, 4,6,7 Sports Centre 7S Soap 5C Movie, "The Roman- tic Englishwoman" 79 11:05 Newsfinal5 - 11:20 Ontario Report. 13 11:30 Sportsline 6 Family Brown 11 For the Love of Ada 10 Movies, "Malibu Beach" 8; "The Return of Will Kane" 3 Charlie's Angels 5C Barney Miller 4, 5 ' Nightline 7 12:00 Movies, "The Best Years of Our Lives" 6;, "Convert Action" 11; "Belle Starr" 13; "Clambake'' 4 World Cup Skiing 7S Rockford Files 10 Last Word 7 Highlights 5 12:30 Movie, "TBA" 5C 1:00 News 7 1:30 Inside the USFL 7S 2:00 Sports Centre 7S Hawaii Five -O 11 2:30 Headline Service 4 3:00 Dick Van Dyke 11 Nightbeat 5C Nightwatch 4 3:30 All Night Show 5C 4:00 Movie, "TBA" 5C Frio, Apr. 1 AFTERNOON 12:00 News 6, 7 Midday 4 Jeffersons 79 Big Valley 5C Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It To Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 Cartoons 10, 8 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 79, 7 The young and the Restless 4 News 10, 3 Definition 13 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 Agri -News 8 12:35 Noon Report 8 1:00 Here's Lucy 79 All My Children 8, 5, 3, 10, 7 Let's Make a Deal 6 You Asked'for It 5C Alan Thicke Show 13 Days of Our Lives 11 1:30 News 5C Inside th USFL 7S As the World Turns 6, 4 Micro Magic 79 2:00 City Lights 79 Dick Van Dyke 5C One Life to Live 11, 7 Movie, "War of the Worlds" 10 Take 30 8, 5, 3 Billiard Stars 7S Another World 13 2:30 Galloping Gourmet 79 Capitol 4 Pitfall 6 Wok with Yan 8 Good Company 3 Andy Griffith 5C Coronation Street 5 3:00 I Dream of Jeannie 5C PGA Golf 7S Guiding Light 6, 4 Daytime Challenge 3, 5 Capitol 11 Three's Company 8 General Hospital 13, 7 You're Beautiful 79 3:30 Take 30 10 Jeffersons 8 VIP 5, 3 Pink Panther 5C Soapbox 11 Kidsworld 79 4:00 Rockford -Files 79 Little House on the Prairie 8, 7 Superfriends 5C Daytime Challenge 10 The Bob Newhart Show 13 Eight Is Enough 4 The Young and Restless 11 Hercules 6 Do'It for •Yourself 5 Barney Miller 3 4:30 Battle of the Planets 6 Tattletales 13 Grange Hill 5 Scooby Doo 5C Three's Company 10 Happy Days 3 5:00 The Price Is Right 79, 8, 10 Auto Racing '83 7S Happy Days 5 Jeffersons 7 Three's Company 3 Baretta 6 Hogan's Heros 13 Charlie's Angels 4 Incredible Hulk 5C Little House on the Prairie 11 5.30 WKRP 13, 7 Three's Company 5 News 3 EVENING 6:00 Citypulse 79 News 11, 6, 7, 5, 10, 13, 4, 8 Simon & Simon 3 Muppet Show 5C 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 5C McDonald's Sports Scene 7S World News Tonight 7 News 4 7:00 To Light A Candle 8 Movie, "The Return of the Man from U.N.C.L.E." 10 The Seven Last Words 13 College Basketball Report 7S T.J. Hooker 3 Remington Steele 5 Lie Detector 7 Joker's Wild 4 Barney Miller 5C Entertainment Tonight 11 That's Life 6 Laverne & Shirley 79 7:30 MASH 79 Fast Company 13 Sports Centre 7S At the Movies 4 Ein Prosit 11 •Jefferson 5C Family. Feud 7 You Asked for It 6 8:00 Hill Street Blues 3 St. Elsewhere 8 Michel Legrande and Friends 11 Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY, 11:30 P.M.-"MALIBU BEACH". Stars Kim Langford, James Daughton. Fun loving teens, a curva- ceous female lifeguard, and bikini top snatching dog come together during one frenetic summer of fun on California's Malibu Beach. MONDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"A WHALE FOR THE KILLING". Stars Peter Strauss, Richard Widmark. An American ar- chitect, stranded with his family on the coast of Newfound- land is caught up in an incredible adventure when he fights an entire community to prevent the slaughter of a trapped whale. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"THE INCREDIBLE SARAH". Stars Glenda Jackson, Daniel Massey, Douglas Wilmer. Deals with the turbulent early years in the life of Sarah Bernhardt, one of the world's greatest tragediennes. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -"THE VAN". Stars Stuart Getz, Deborah White, Danny Devito. A 19-year-old's love life takes a decided upswing when he becomes the proud owner of a beautiful customized van. Movies on Channel 13 THURSDAY MIDNIGHT -"BELLE STARR". Starring, Elizabeth Montgomery, Cliff Potts. Belle Starr's life on the outskirts of a little, town near Dallas is marred by her reputation as an outlaw and loose woman. The townspeople unite and burn her out forcing herself and her husband to leave with her daughter remaining in boarding school. She soon organizes one last raid with her old gang. FRIDAY MIDNIGHT -°`PARADISE HAWAIIAN STYLE". Stars Elvis Presley, Suzannah Leigh. Out -of -work pilot re- turns to Hawaii, where he and buddy start a charter serv- ice with two helicopters. Old girl friends, working in re- sorts, send business to the firm. SATURDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"RUNNING". Stars Michael Doug- las. A 34 -year-old man whose potential as a world-class marathon runner is unfulfilled because of his psychological barriers to success. Although he is deeply in love with his wife and devoted to his two young daughters, his obsession with running and a place on the United States Olympic team leads him from job to job. SATURDAY MIDNIGHT -"THE STORY OF ESTHER" .Stars Oliver Hussy, Rony Musante. NDA SUNDAY, 1:00 P.M. -°'MOSES". Stars Burt Lancaster, Anthony Quayle. The story of Moses beginning with his childhood. Based on the Book of Exodus. Filmed in Israel and Italy. MONDAY, 9:00 -"DIVORCE WARS: A LOVING STORY". Tom Selleck and Jane Curtin star in this tale of a divorce lawyer's own marital breakup. This 1982 made for TV movie shows just how divorce tactics can change husband and wife into bitter enemies. TUESDAY MIDNIGHT -"PRIVATE LIFE OF DON JUAN". Romance and adventures of the swashbuckling Don Juan. Costume adventure drama. Stars Douglas Fair- banks Jr. WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT -"SHE'LL BE SWEET". Stars Tony Lodianco, Sally Kellerman. While the captain of a rusty, leaky ship is being entertained by a sexy movie star, his ship is being foreclosed on and will be sold for scrap. Startling things occur when he can't see the head of the foreclosure firm. Baby Makes Five 7, 6 Gymnastics 7S Movies, "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" 79; "Damn Yankees" SC Dukes of Hazzard 13, 4 Tommy Hunter Show 5 8:30 At 'Ease 7 The 50's Connection 6 9:00 Dallas 8, 5, 3, 10, 4 What Will They Think of Next? 6 Benson 13 Movie, "The Ten Commandments" (Pt. 1) 11 The Renegades 7 9:30 Citizens Alert 6 Alice 13 10:00 Tonight Show 6 News 5C The Mississippi 4 Adapt of Die 7 Billiard Stars 7S Quincy 13 Citypulse Tonight 79 National 8, 5, 3, 10 10:20 Man Alive 8, 5, 3, 10 11:00 News 10, 6, 13, 7, 4, 8, 5, 3 Sports Centre 7S Movie, "Jackson County Jitil" 79 Soap 5C 11:05 Newsfinal5 11:10 News 11 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Movie, "The Millionaire" 3 SCTV 8, 5,10 Nightline 7 Barney Miller 4 Sportsline 6 Charlie's Angels 5C 11:40 Family Brown 11 12:00 Last Word 7 Top Rank Boxing 7S Movies, "Sharon: Portrait of a Mistress" 6; "Paradise Hawaiian Style" 13; "You'll Like My Mother" 4 12:10 Movie, "How Do I Love Thee" 11 12:30 Monte Carlo Shaw 5 Saturday Night 5C Movie, "The Lost Years" 10 1:00 An Evening at the Im- prov 7 1:30 Kung Fu 5C Dick Tracey 3 Highlights 5 2:00 Twilight Zone 3 News 7 2:10 Hawaii Five -O 11 2:30 Sports Centre 7S Movie, "The Gunfight at Dodge City" 5C Rawhide 3 Headline Service 4 3:10 Dick Van Dyke 11 3:30 Have Gun, Will Travel 3 College Basketball Report 7S Movie, "Pursuit of the Graf Spee" 5C 4:00 PGA Golf 7S Movie, "Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders" 3 WINGHAM TV VIEWERS PLE- SE NOTE? WGN Chicago now appears on Channel 5 and is listed as 5C. Channel 7, listed as 7S, is ESNP, a sports channel. Pay -TV is on Channel 4. TII =!E TV MAN HS SATELLITE DISH T`' SUIT YOUR BUDGET Channel Master System Motorized $5995 Drake System Motorized $4995 Manual Operation $3495 For more information, call THE TV MAN 887-9472 Halfway between Listowel & Wingham, Sideroad 10-11 Loft Family dining in a relaxing, rustic atmosphere. �lrllllll 11111111111, IIP' Su4 _:lfi 9 LUNCHEON. SPECIALS MONDAY Salad Bar (with cold cuts) 3. Steak Burger Plate 3 Casserole Plate 2 TUESDAY • B.B.Q. or Roast Qtiarter Chicken Plate 3 Stuffed Tomato 2. Macaroni and Cheese Plate, 2. WEDNESDAY Roast Beef Plate 3 'Open Face Sandwich 2. Chicken A La King 3 THURSDAY Soup N' Salad Bar (with cold cuts) 3. Quiche Plate 2 Bacon Burger Plate 3 'FRIDAY Reuben Sandwich Plate 3. Chicken Pot Pie Plate 2. Turkey Plate 3. Ir r Ir ]r Ir r II �+ II , lI; �I !11! ;t ° °r. ! Ii'1 �I n I IIIYIIIIII�I all II III nil a 1111111$111111 1 I' ' l IIN 111311 i u SALE 8/6 SAV/N65 04/ EliERYTH/N6 /4/ WPM' PIONEER' KP•2500 ,n -dash car cassette player with AM/FM Stereo, locking fast forward, and rewind, plus auto-replay/auto-elect Includes o pair of Penna Phase I11, three way 6w9 flush -mount speakers 999 YOUR EARS CAN TELL UD C-90 CASSETTE TAPES 10 t®r $3495 JVC oak KD -D10, Metal tape ready cassette deck, with Dolby noise rcduct,on. Extra. large, illuminated VU meters for low dos. tort,on recording Includes 3 year es tended warranty =165 MB King St. E. at Pandora, Kitchener, 579-1450 Cambridge Blore closed on Monday offlanivm 3 air es ' t. '.-. est al Queen, Kitchener, 742-6951 or 742-6581 33 Main St. (Galt) Cambridge, 613-2835 Audio