HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-30, Page 2Page 2—The Wingham Advance -Times, March 30, 1983
DAFFODIL TEA—The local branch of the Canadian Cancer Society kicked off its
1983 fundraising drive last Friday afternoon at the annual Daffodil Tea held in the
courtroom at the town hall. Mrs. Ruth Hueston, Annie Conn and Merle Wilson drop-
ped by for a cup of tea and the chance to buy a bundle of fresh daffodils, the
society's symbol for April, cancer month. "
Mrs. Harvey Aitchison and
William Austin attended the
funeral of their brother-in-
law, Andrew Gibson, on
March 24 in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Garry
Mundell and daughters of
Gibsons, British Columbia,
spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Rennie Goy and
also visited Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Corrigan and family
of Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Bricker andfamily of
London and Mr. and Mrs.
Ron Goy and family,
Godefich, also visited their
parents on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Farish
Moffat attended the 101st
annual convention of the
Ontario Mutual Insurance
Convention which was held
in the Sheraton Centre,
Toronto, March 23-25. Mr.
Moffat is president of the
Culross Mutual Fire In-
surance Company, Tees -
shoot party
Six tables were in play at
Monday night's shoot party.
Jean Crump was high lady
and Jim Young was high
man. J. R. Coultes had the
most shoots and Irlma
Edgar won the draw. The
next shoot party is April 11.
Whitechurch Personals
A mistake was made in
last week's column in a
report about Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Willis of Listowel visit-
ing last Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Art Burrows. The
Willis' children are named
Lyle and Jaret, not Janet as
was printed.
There will be a joint ser-
vice of the Presbyterian and
United congregations at the
United Church this Friday
evening at 8 p.m. Rev. Rea
Grant of Wingham and
student preacher Rod Lamb
will be in charge.
Mark Schneller " spent a
few days at the end of the
week with his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John
Shill of the Teeswater
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Uuldriks
visited last Saturday with
their daughter, Mrs. Paul
Campbell, and Mr. Campbell
and family of Hamilton.
Attending the wedding of
Marilyn Maclntyre and
Lonnie Whitfield last
Saturday evening at the
Wingham Pre Ebyterian
church were Mr. and Mrs.
Hector Purdon, London, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Falconer,
Bright's Grove, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McMillan, Sar-
nia, Mrs. Cassie Mowbray,
Mrs. Isobel Tiffin, Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs. Wes Tiffin, Mr.
and Mrs. Kevin Falconer,
Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Falconer and Mr: and Mrs.
Alan Falconer. The wedding
reception was held in the
Blyth Community Centre
where a large crowd was in
Mr. and Mrs. Hector
Purdon of London spent the
weekend with his sister, Mrs.
Cassie Mowbray.
Dinner guests Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Angus
Falconer were Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs
Hector Purdon, Mrs. Cassie
Mowbray, Mrs. Isobel Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Falconer
and family and Mrs. Clara
Wingham Pentecostal Church
359 Centre Stptet. Wingham. Ontario
Rev. Victor Grieco, Pastor
10:00 a.m. - Sunday Bible School
11:00 a.m. - "THE CROSS AND CROWN"
7:00 p.m. - Film: "PEACE CHILD"
A true story of what happened when a mis-
sionary and his wife travelled into a can-
nibalistic tribe to preach the Gospel.
Listen to:
CKNX-FM - 8 a.m. - 12 noon, Sunday
St. Paul's Church
John Street at Centre Street
The Rector: The Rev. John T. M. Swan, :_.Th.
10.00 a m - Holy Eucharist in Commemoration
of the Passion
7.30 p.m. - The Solemnity of The Lord's Supper
followed by the stripping and washing of the altars
8:30 a.m - Mattins and The Litany
11 00 a.m. - The Liturgy, The Reproaches
and Meditation
4:00 p.m - Evensong and The Way of The Cross
8:30 a.m. - Mattins and The Ante -Communion
.4:00 p m - Evensong and Preparation for
Easter Communion
° Easter Day °
8:00 a.m. - Mattins
8:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist_ •
10:00 a.m - Sunday School
11:00 a.m. - Procession, The Blessinb
of the Easter Garden and Solemn Eucharist
4:00 p.m. - Holy Eucharist
4:30 p.m. - Evensong
Last Saturday, a bake sale
was held in the Whitechurch
Community Memorial Hall
by the girls ball club. The
club members report a very
successful sale.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Purdon and Kendra motored
to Florida for the Easter
break. The farm chores were
looked after by Donald
The annual meeting of the
Women's Institute,
scheduled for April 13 will be
held April 12, starting with a
potluck luncheon at noon.
Mrs. Johnson Conn, Mrs.
Elgin Johnston and Merle
Wilson will be the hostesses.
A fee will be collected and
the roll call will be: Give the
maiden name of both your
grandmothers. Reports . of
the standing committeeswill.
be given. Mrs. Alan Falconer
will be in charge of current
events and Mrs. Rena Fisher
will preside for the election
of officers.
Preacher this Sunday at
the United Church will be
Jack Whytock, student
Mr. and Mrsm E. W.
Beecroft and Hugh Sin-
namon visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Noble and
family of Milverton.
Mr. and Mrs. John deBoer
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Jamieson of
Listowel. Mrs. Jamieson is
the manager of the Blue
Barn Restaurant.
Last Wednesday evening,
Mrs. John deBoer and Mrs.
Jim deBoer attended a
shower for Carolyn Din-
smore of Wroxeter in honor
of her forthcoming marriage
to Richard deBoer.
Sunday school classes will
start at 10 a.m. Sunday at the
Presbyterian church. An
invitation is extended to all
children in the congregation
and any others who have no
Sunday school to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rintoul
spent last weekend in Kit-
chener with Mr. and Mrs.
Oberholtzer, Mr. and Mrs.
Gutowski and Mr. and Mrs..
Campbell. Jeffery and Julie
Oberholtzer returned home
with them for a visit.
Last Thursday, Mrs.
Oberholtzer of Waterloo
visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Rintoul and Jeffery and Judy
Rintoul returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rintoul,
Steven, Scott and Stuart, and
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Robinson, Mark, Tracy and
Timmy of Belgrave, were
visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Rintoul.
Vistors Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Gaunt were
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gaunt of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Elliott and Jacqueline
of London. -
Mr. and Mrsm Ted Hewitt
of Landsdowne visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Lamb
Visitors last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Purdon were
Mrs. Donald Gaunt, Jennifer
and Graeme of Chatham and
Mrs. Barbara Carey of
Kitchener, Mrs. Marilyn
Murray, Rob and Jill of
Acton. Rob played hockey at
the Young Canada Week
tournament with his team
from Acton in Goderich. The
Acton team won the
championship in the A
Riddell-Horsburgh vows
exchanged at bride's home
Brenda Mary Horsburgh
and Stephan Thomas Riddell
exchanged marriage vows
on February 26 at the bride's
home in Wingham. Brenda is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Horsburgh and
Stephan is the only son of Mr.
and Mrs. Maynard Riddell of
St. Jacobs.
The bride wore a white
satin gown featuring a
chapel train. The dress had
an overlay of lace and seed
pearls. She wore a lace cap
and fingertip veil and
carried pink and white
Julie Melton of Toronto
was maid of honor and
Melanie Obermeyer of
Kitchener was bridesmaid.
Both girls war? street -length
dresses of pink sheer with
white gardenia corsages.
Acting as best man was
James Rudy of Elmira.
The wedding dinner was
held at the Riverboat Dining
Lounge in Wingham. The
bridal table was centred with
an arrangement of spring
flowers and white candles.
Similar arrangements
centred the guest tables.
For travelling to the
Bahamas, the bride chose a
red linen suit and black
Brenda is a graduate of
Lougheed Business College
and is on the staff at the
Ministry of National Re-
venue, Kitchener. Stephan is
a graduate of Fanshawe Col-
lege, London, and is employ-
ed at Edgar Martin Ltd.,
Mr. and Mrs. Riddell will
reside in Kitchener.
Maitland Institute holds
Branch Directors' meeting
Thdf Br;!$lc,h Directkrs'
meeting of, the Maitland
Women's Institute was held
Tuesday, March 22, in the
council chamber. The motto
for the meeting was "Minds
are like parachutes; they
work better when open".
Members and guests
answered the roll call, "a
new food product I have tried
and my opinion of it".
Because of the stormy
weather, the guest speaker
was unable to attend.
However, Mrs. Bevan Brown
gave several appropriate
During the business
meeting, members were
reminded of the Simple
Home Repair course to be
given April 20 at St.
Andrew's Church by the
Ministry of Agriculture and
Food. Pre -registration is
A discussion took place on
the proposed trip to Gravid
'bend- in July to visit the
Heritage Quilt Show and the
Huron Country Playhouse. A
request was received from
The Livery, a new theatre
and community centre in
Goderich, for an ap-
propriately embroidered
quilt block. The request was
referred to Group Two.
A resolution was read from
South Bruce District, con-
cerning the quality of
Ontario potatoes sold in
heavy paper bags.
Members were reminded
of the 35th anniversary tea of
the Tiger Dunlop WI to be
held in Carlow on April 13;
also the District WI
executive meeting on April
14 in St. Helens.
The meeting closed with
the WI Grace and a social
hour was enjoyed- by
members and guests.
ruce., cCall speaks
o ,Biuewater Shrine
BRUSSELS — The Blue -
water Shrine Club held its
March meeting in. the Legion
Hall last Wednesday
evening. The meeting began
with a banquet at 7:30 p.m.,
served by the Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary. Everyone enjoyed
their famous pork chops with
all the trimmings and
- There was a good at-
tendance of Shriners from S.
Thomas, London, Goderich,
Clinton, Kitchener,
Waterloo, Exeter, Grand
Bend, Seaforth, Wingham
and the surrounding
villages. After the business
meeting, the speaker,
Shriner Bruce McCall of
Brussels, was introduced.
He spoke on the principles
of good citizenship and how
to find true happiness. A few
of the ideas mentioned were
dedication to great service
for the good of our fellow
men, the willingness to give
and forgive for the cause of
good, the supreme worth of
each individual and his
rights and responsibilities.
He also said everyone should
have the opportunity to
make a living and must
believe in truth sand justice
and render useful service to
mankind by sacrificing time
and money to find happiness.
Those present expressed
appreciation to Mr. McCall
for his address. Shriners
clubs specialize in
Rebekahs hold
a hot luncheon
BRUSSELS — The Morn-
ing Star Rebekah Lodge met
in the Lodge rooms last
Monday afternoon. Mrs.
John McArter welcomed the
members and visitors and
led in singing grace. Then
everyone lined up to help
themselves to a hot caserole
luncheon provided by the
ladies of the Lodge.
There was a good at-
tendance regardless of the
weather. The entertainment
was progressive euchre and
the prize winners were: high
scores, Mrs. George
Davidson and Patty
Sheldon; low scores, Fred
Thuell and Mrs. John
Simpson; most zeroes, Mrs.
Mac Shaw; lucky cup, Mrs.
Mary Clark; and, door prize,
Mrs. Annie Thynne.
The proceeds went toward
helping the Rebekah's
welfare projects. The
Morning Star Lodge has a
hospital bed and walker
which are available for
anyone in the community
free of charge. The ladies
are to be complimented on
their good work and en-
joyable meetings.
humanitarian work and one
of their specialties is the
expression of brotherly love
to crippled and mentally
handicapped children. They
seek out the families o—
need help and see the
child gets to the best hospital
and assume all financial
responsibility for his care
and treatment.
Shriners also help out in
their communities when
welfare help is needed. They
have a good time at their
meetings, but the public
should remember that they
care about their fellow man
as well as for the special
children they help.
AI.1. AROUND 1111 1101'4
254 Josephine St.
Ph. 357-2993
Colour Co-ordinated
Accessories for
To all my customers and friends,
thank you for making my business the
success it is.
I am moving to Ferndale in the Bruce
Peninsula Easter weekend and will be
associated with my daughter, Jo -Anne
McGuire in our new shop "The Now
and Then Shop" specializing in anti-
ques, silk arrangements and weddings.
We will be happy to see anyone from
this area anytime.
Phone (519)793-3995
Marg English
The Hap -E -Nest
Re -Opens for the
Spring Season
on Thurs. March 31st
Due to our limited space we
can accept ONLY GOOD,
The Ex-Toggery is sponsored
by Coronation Rebekah Lodge,
Teeswater and their commission
is 30%.
All items MUST be priced and
listed before being brought in.
Thurs. 10 - 12 noon and 2 - 5 p.m.
Fri. 2 - 5 p.m.
Sat. 2 - 5 p.m.
Open Easter Mon. April 4, 2 - 5 p.m.
For further information call -
J, .. ephine Si, Zehrs Plaza .,
Corner •.f Hwy. 4 and 86, Wingham
APRIL SHOWERS—Costumed as April Showers for
their role in the Delmore Figure Skating Carnival last
weekend are Sally Douglas, Judy Kamrafh, Michelle In-
glis, Lorie McKague, Shannon Newans and Jennifer
J tel! L.,1 I