HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-16, Page 18Whlleij Wait Sharpening Clinic W ' TSON'S 87 Hwy. GORRIE by Mr. Gordon Blanchard Factory Trained Expert DATE: Saturday, March 19, 1983 TIMES: 9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. Household Knives $ .99 Scissors 1.99 Pinking Shears 3.49 Saw Sharpening Service also available throOgh arrangement with the representative. WATSON'S Hwy. 87, Gorrie Phone 335-3551 COPY for Crossroads Classi- fieds must be received by 5 p.m. Thursday of week prior to publication. FOR SALE PORTLAND Cement $4.44 per bag; ten year Asphalt shingles $8.95 per bundle; 45 gallon plastic drum $9.35 each. All cash and carry. Howes Building Centre, phone 338-2210. 16,23 WOOD STOVE, excellent condition, airtight Wood- craft, 1 year old. Phone 357- 1044, 6 - 8 p.m. 16,23 THE RABBIT DEPOT is now open. We have Rabbit Choice pelleted feed avail- able, also dog food. 334-3384. 16,23 Need a Few Chicks for Around the Barnyard this Spring? Well then, you should try our famous Brown Egg Layer, the Harco Sex Link for all your egg needs, or our Heavy Meat type chicks (White Rock). All give spendid results and at very com- petitive prices. So don't wait to the last minute to order, do it now. Call or write today: ROE CHICKS INC., P.O. Box 118, Atwood, Ontario. 519-356-2222 CROSSROADS SERVICE DIRECTORY Country Tax Services Income tax returns pre- pared for personal, farm or small business. In Wingham, returns can be left at R & S Appliance, 316 Josephine St., for discount rates Phone 357-1144. All other areas phone 335-6486 or 335-6133 for tree pickup and delivery i Radle (hack Authorized Sales 'Centre •CAR STEREOS •CAR RADIOS •HOME STEREO 08 TRACK TAPES AND CASSETTES •CB RADIOS MODERN APPLIANCE CENTRE Listowel 291-4670 Hanover and Walkerton (gauntry Vr tur1rL • Prescriptions filled Cataract prescnpt,o'nq filled ' Repairs on premises • sunglasses • Safety lenses ° Complete Optical Service DROP OUT AND SEE OUR LA TEST IN OPTICAL FASHION' Rio appointment needed' R R. 1, Listowel, Hwy 86 West, Phone 2913089 Mon, to Fri 9 5:30. Saturday 9 12 Give one of us a call... K -W DIESEL FUEL INJECTION Specializing in Diesel Fuel injection systems. • fast, convenient service • competitive rates • all service guaranteed Phone 1-886-3950 Waterloo i ersizzii LAWNMOWER SERVICE LTD. Phone 669-2884 21 Industrial Drive, Elmira, Ont. N3B 2S2 Sales, Service, Rentals e Chain Saws • Garden Tractors • Kerosene Heaters • Lawn Mowers • Ski -door • Ski-doo Sports Wear • Sneyv Blowers • Trailers • Trimmers Parts; & Accessories 1 Sorensen Music Centre • Fender, Gibson and Ovation Guitars • Peavey Amplifiers • Music books., records and tapes • Hammond organs • Le Sage Pianos Piano tuning and repairs Phone 2913341 204 Mein Street West Listowel DURHAM MOBILE HOMES LTD. MOBILE HOMES NEV . & USED - 14 ft, wide NO NAILS DRY 'ALL MODULAR HOUSING itiykiliby d' of fire eig Rend Durfia tt 369.372.3 CENTRAL VACUUMS • Available in 3 inlet kit • Do-it-yourself installation • costs less than you think • 3 year warranty • Money -back guarantee DORKING GENERAL STORE RR 3, Llstowel, Hwy. 86 E. 698-2605 Canadian Crane Rentals Ltd. • 15 and 25 ton mobile cranes • Hydraulic service . • 15 years experience in hoisting, rigging and concrete pouring 357-3721 RR 2, WINGHAM HARRISTON PACKING CO. Give us a call for - MEAT FOR YOUR FREEZER Hogs by the half and whole Beef by the side and quarter CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR NEEDS Hogs Tues Beef Thurs, 338.3330 FOR SALE PUREBRED Guernsey bull; 104', 21,2" new galvanized pipe; low grade hay 25 cents per bale. Box 254, Blyth, Ont. NOM 1110. THREE BEDROOM modu- lar home, prime riverside lot in peaceful Turnberry Estates, recreation centre and pool, $35,900 or order new home and qualify for $3,000 grant. ( 519) 357-2037. 9, 16 FRESH maple syrup, 3-M Maple Products, 3 miles north of Brussels. Phone 887- 9286. 9, 16, 23 1980 SHAMROCK house trailer, 25', 18' roll -up awn- ing with screen enclosure, spruce deck. Phone 357-3862 or 335-3955 ask for Bryan. 9, 16, 23 BUYING A TRAILER? CALL THE PROFESSIONALS AT LEISURELAND FIRST! 623-7670 CAMBRIDGE HWY 24 South of 401 DISC JOCKEY STEVENS COUNTRY GOLD & 'N' ROLL Good recorded music for weddings, dances, anniversaries, parties, etc. Phone Brussels evenings 887-6159 RENT! • Ford Farm Tractors • Skid Steer Loaders • Farm Equipment DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY Cell Bill at: //STOWEL IR4CTOR INC Highway 23 North, Listowel Tel. 291.3300 FOR SALE DISC, 4hite 252, winged 18 ft., 56, 22 in. discs with notched- front row. Four wheel hydraulic lift. Excell- ent condition. $3950. Phone 357-1868, Belgrave. 16, 23 VILLAGE Crafts and Supp- lies, Belgrave. Ready for Easter? Make your own items and save. Patterns available. Phone 357-2821. 16, 23,30 POST AND POLES for sale, all sizes and lengths. Phone before 8 a.m. or after 8 p.m., 848-5927. 9, 16 17 FT. FIBREGLASS boat, bowvider, 75 h.p. motor with or w'i`thout trailer. Phone days 291-4488 or evenings 291-3176. 9, 16 PIANO & ORGAN HOUSE LTD. Apt. size, Grands, Wurlizer & Heintzman Discount Prices 183 -Ottawa St. S. Kitchener 743.6000 R D's D.J. Music For All Occasions. Ph. Evenings Brussels 887-6706 R. J. Steel • Building & Renovating Buildings • Steel Siding • Steel Roofing • Competitive Prices Phone 595-8173 RALPH HAVERKAMP Dealer & Contractor Pearson Brothers Drainage Ltd. "Farm Drainage Specialists" P.O. Box 23, Forest, Ontario. NON 1 JO or contact: Randy Pettapiece RR 1, Monkton 356-2508 1BcthfL&i4vl DIAMOND CENTRE •Watches •Diamond Rings *Wedding Rings •Gemstone and Birthstone Rings •English Bone China •Crystal 160 Main St. W. Listowel PHONE 291-3280 STONE'S TV and Appliances Eleclronorne Zenith Inglis TVs, Stoves Stereos. Freezers, Washers, Dryers Satellite Dish Antenna "We service all makes" TV Towers Installations and Repairs STONE'S For Rock Bottom prices Gorrie 335.6374 I TNt T.V. MAN Sales and Service 887-9472 Zenith 44450 J ••O Televisions, Stereos, Video and Sound Equipment Antennas, Towers. Appliances, FM Corn nunication Equipment Located halfway between Listowel and Wingham Sideroad 10 11 J L Dealer for FISK Premium Tires Whol•+lal• and Retail for . , . PASSENGER -FARM -TRUCK TRIANGLE TIRE Distributors Ltd. LISTOWEL On the Farm Service Call 291-2521 FOR SALE 4,000 BALES OF HAY. 1973 Olds Royal as is. Phone 848- 6035 or 323-2429. 9, 16, 23 HONEY BEE pollen. Let's get back to nature. Try our honey bee pollen for all your - vitamin heeds. Contains all natural vitamins and min- erals. Mail delivery avail- able. Distributors welcome. Phone 357-3642. 9, 16, 23, 30 SERIOUS about losing weight? 100 per cent guaran- teed. 100 per cent natural. Phone Dave or Rose, Herbal Life Distributors 291-3292. 9, 16, 23, 30 RAINBOW TROUT. Year- round fishing, pond stockers, or freshly dressed. 1 mile south Belgrave, 3 miles west. Dave Hedley, 357-2329. Mar2-May25 WATERBED complete with pedestal, pine frame, CSA approved heater and ther- mostat, mattress safety liner, fill kit and chemical, all sizes, $239. Phone 291- 2369. TF PETS FOR SALE FOR SALE Border Collie, cross Australian blue heeler, $10 each. Phone 323-2612. 16, 23 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE BRED GILTS, Boars; York- shire, Landrace, Crossbred, ROP tested, guaranteed. Don Henry, Bluevale. Phone 335-3240. TF QUALITY swine, perform- ance tested, health approved gilts and boars from a herd with very good mothering ability. QS No. 1 York x Landrace gilts open or bred available on a regular basis. York, Landrace, Duroc, Duroc x Hamp boars, also commercial gilts. Contact Wayne Fear, Monoway Farms, Brussels. Phone 887- 6477. 13tf KAREN HALL CAREERS Night School. Can Change Your Life Learn while you earn, and prepare for a new career NOW! DAY OR EVENING classes in: TRAVEL AND TOURISM A career for the person wanting something dif- ferent ... exciting ... chal- lenging. BARTENDING/ MANAGEMENT Learn to mix and manage in a professional setting. BANKING On-line computer training, COMPUTER ENTRY Prepare for immediate em- ployment in the expanding computer field. WORD PROCESSING Become the computerized office specialist of tomor- row. • Financial Assistance Available • Free Demonstration • Placement Assistance For personal career con- sulting. call collect 743- 4691 or mail coupon to: KAREN HALL CAREERS 10 Young Street Kitchener - N2H 4Y8 for free career bulletins Please send further in- formation on KAREN HALL CAREER TRAIN- ING in Cl BAR MANAGEMENT ❑ BANKING • U COMPUTER DATA ENTRY iJ TRAVEL and TOURISM • 1:1 WORD PROCESSING Name Age • Address • Phone • City Prov Code Last Grade Completed LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HEALTH' approved pure- bred and crossbred colored boars and bred gilts, from good indexing ROP herd, can deliver. Peter Petrovic, 656- _2619, 23, 2, 9, 16 FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE ALLIS CHALMERS 615 trac- tor loader backhoe with cab, 4 cylinder gas, good working order, asking $4500. Phone 335-3056. 1943 MASSEY tractor Model 22, 30 h.p., good rubber, new battery, mechanically good. Call Milverton 595-8325. 16, 23 FREEMAN manure loader with frame and two lever control, in working condi- tion, best offer. Call 595-4402. 16,23,30 CARS & TRUCKS FOR SALE 1978 HONDA Accord, air, excellent condition, $2950 or best -offer. Phone 357-3542. 1981 PONTIAC Lemans wagon, excellent condition, reasonably priced, best offer. Phone 357-3812. MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 1980 SUZUKI TS100, only 2700 km, excellent condition, priced to sell, owner requires larger model. Phone Atwood 356-2889 after 7 p.m. TF WANTED CARS WANTED TO BUY: Cash money paid for used cars, trucks, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, etc. Vehicles with mechanical and -or body defects - O.K. (bonus money paid for "clean" used cars and trucks). Bonded and licensed dealer. Allan Caudle 343- 2803, anytime, Highway 23 North, Palmerston. rr FARM GRAIN scales, dolly type, good wood top. Call Pat Kresak 1-416-389-2626 collect after 6 p.m. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 HELP WANTED PART-TIME, flower arrang- ing instructors to teach in different areas. Experience an asset. Further training provided. For more informa- tion phone Lorraine at For- ever Yours Flowers 335-6446. 9, 16 NEED EXTRA CASH? Interested in retail sales, new product, new business opportunities. Phone'Daveat 291-3292. 9, 16, 23, 30 NEED EXTRA CASH? Interested in retail sales, new product, new business opportunities. Phone Dave at 291-3292. 9, 16, 23, 30 Crossroads—March 16, 1983—Page 3 WORK WANTED MAN LOOKING for farm work, experienced in dairy, excellent references. Full time or weekends. Jim Minielly, RR 3, Brussels, 887- 6542. M9 - A13 PERSONAL ARE YOU troubled and worried, are you running out of hope? Try my miracle - producing prayers. Send $1 to Prayers, Box 63, Mild- may, Ont. NOG 2J0. 2,9,16,23,30 BELLY GREETING Make that special occasion most memorable with a middle eastern dance pre- sentation, and a message from Najwa 744-1354 eve- nings. (tf) MORTGAGES WE BUY, and arrange first and second mortgages on residential property and farms. Phone Bill Currie now at 291-3800; 8:30 to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. TF NOTICE THE RABBIT DEPOT is now open. Receiving rabbits Saturday mornings. Will pick up depending on amounot. For information phone 334-3384. 16,23 SERVICES DISC JOCKEY Service: The Classics. Music for all occa- sions. For bookings call Fred Scott 291-2806 or Jamie Hammond 356-2873. TF SERVICES DOG GROOMING, all small and medium sized breeds, professionally groomed at reasonable rates. For ap- pointment please phone 323- 1793. 2, 9, 16 SELLING YOUR TRAILER? LET THE PROFESSIONALS DO IT FOR YOU, CALL LEISURELAND 623-7670 CAMBRIDGE HWY.' 24 South of 401 MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTOR'S PLATE CLUB Build Valuable Limited Edi- tion plate collection. Great buying power. Save up to 50%. Free newslet- ter; Colonial plate Club: 7 Water Street, St. Marys, Ont. NOM -2V0: 1(519) 284-2807 or 2171. COMING EVENTS GUN SHOW Gun Show, Listowel Legion Auditorium, Sunday, March 20, 8:00 a.m. till noon. 400 feet of tables. Information: 291-3960 or 291-1299. MEETING Initial public meeting, Mount Forest and District Art and Cultural Centre, Wed., March 30, 7:30 at Carnegie Hall. Participation welcomed. 9, 16, 23 GOOD USED FURNITURE '' Single beds including mattress $79.00, 4 drawer chest $58.50, wall mirrors $15.95, writing tables $39.00, sofas from $95.00 Bed spreads from $2.50 Also Bedroom suites, Kitchen sets, Lamps, Appli- ances and an occasional antique. The Trading Post 356 King St, W. Kitchener (Next to the Corkscrew Restaurant) 743-1131 MORTGAGE VG V 1€I TRUST AND B GREY l RUST Since 1844 Listowel: Main V. E. 291.1450 Mrmty r 1 anArla 1 In'uranie l onprranun AVOID THE RUSH! Take advantage of our PRE -SEASON TUNE-UP SPECIALS on Lawn and Garden Power Equipment. EXAMPLE Spring Lawnmower Tune -Up Special only 26.95 plus parts - any walking lawn mower. LAWNMOWER SERVICE LTD. Phone 669-2884 21 Industrial Drive, Elmira, Ontario N3B 2S2