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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-09, Page 32
Page 16 -Crossroads -March 9, 1983 3 ... CKVR BARRIE 4 ... WIVB BUFFALO 5 ... CBC TORONTO Mon., Mar. 14 AFTERNOON 12:00 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Midday 4 Leave It to Beaver 3 Cartoons 10, 8 Flintstones 13 News7,6 Jeffersons 79 Big Valley 7C 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 79 The Young and Restless 4 Agri -News 8 - Definition 13 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 News 10, 3 12:35 News 8 1:00 All My Children 7, 5, 3, 8, 10 - Here's Lucy 79 Let's Make a Deal 6 Alan Thicke Show 13 You Asked For It 7C Days of Our Lives 11 1:30 Micro Magic 79 As the World Turns 6, 4 News 7C 2:00 Movie, "Women in Chains" 10 Another World 13 Dick Van Dyke 7C Take 30, 5, 3, 8 City Lights 79 One Life to Live 11, 7 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Capitol 4 Good Company 3 Andy Griffith 7C Wok with Yan 8 Pitfall 6 Galloping Gourmet 79 3:00 You're Beautiful 79 Capitol 11 I Dream of Jeannie 7C Guiding Light 6, 4 Daytime Challenge 5, 3 Three's Company 8 General Hospital 7, 13 3:30 Kidsworld 79 Take 30, 10 Coming Attractions 5, 3 Jeffersons 8 Soapbox 11 Pink Panther 7C 4:00 Little House on the Prairie 8, 7 Eight is Enough 4 Do It For Yourself 5 Daytime Challenge 10 Barney Miller 3 Stiperfriends 7C Hercules 6 The Bob Newhart Show 13 The Young and the Restless 11 Rockford Files 79 4:30 Scooby Doo 7C Three's Company 10 Tattletales 13 Gilligan's Island 6 Happy Days 3 Just Down the Street 5 5:00 Happy Days 5 Baretta 6 Jeffersons 7 Incredible Hulk 7C Charlie's Angels 4 Little House on the Prairie 11 Hogan's Heros 13 Three's Company 3 The Price is Right 79, 8, 10 5:30 News 3 Three's Company 5 WKRP 13, 7 EVENING 6:00 News 7, 11, 6, 13, 8, 5, 10, 4 That's Incredible 3 Muppet Show 7C Citypulse 79 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 7C News 7, 4 7:00 Entertainment Tonight 11 Joker's Wild 4 Barney Miller 7C Family Feud 13 Little House , .. A New Beginning 10, 8 Fraser's Edge 5 Lie Detector 7 Trapper John, M.D. 3 Laverne & Shirley 79 That's Life 6 7:30 Family Feud 7 Sha Na Na 4 Snow Job 13 Jeffersons 7C You Asked for it 6 Huckleberry Finn and His Friends 11 Happy Days 5 MASH 79 8:00 Hangin' In 8, 5, 3, 10 Love Boat 6 Little House: A New Beginning 11 Solid Gold 7C Square Pegs 4 Movies, "Close En- counters of the Third Kind" 13, 7; "Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story" (Pt. 1) 79 8:30 Small & Frye 4 Paul Anka 8, 5, 3, 10 9:00 U.S.F.L. (Washington vs. Los Angeles) 6 Midnight Special 7C Teachers Only 5, 3, 10, 8 Movie, "M.A.D.D. - The Candy Lightner Story" 11 9:30 One Day at a Time 4 Newhart 8, 5, 3, 10 10:00 National 8, 5, 3, 10 Cagney & Lacey 4 Citypulse Tonight 79 News 7C 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 i l : 00 News 11, 13, 4, 8, 5, 3, 10, 7 Soap 7C Movie, "Funny Lady" 79 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Movie, "Happy Birth- day, Wanda June" 8 The Millionaire 3 Father, Dear Father 10 Nightline 7 Charlie's Angels 7C Family Brown 11 Barney Miller 4, 5 12:00 Hawaii Five -O 11 Movie, "White Lightn- ing" 3 • 6 - GLOBAL TORONTO 7 ... WKBW BUFFALO 7C - WON CHICAGO 8 ... CKNX WINGHAM Rockford Files 10 Sportsline 6 Last Word 7 Trapper John M.D. 4 Highlights 5 The Virginian 13 12:15 News 6 12:30 Good Times 6 Movie, "Any Wednes- day" 7C 1:00 News 7 Columbo 4 Dick Van Dyke 11 2:30 Headline Service 4 3:00 Nightbeat 7C Night Watch 4 3:30 Tom Cottle Up Close 7C 4:00 Barry Farber 7C Tues., Mar. 15 AFTERNOON 12:00 Cartoons 10, 8 Jeffersons 79 Barbara McLeod Show 5 Leave It to Beaver 3 Flintstones 13 Big Valley 7C News 6, 7 Midday 4 12:25 Agri -News 13 12:30 Ryan's Hope 7, 79 The Young and Restless 4 Wok with Yan 5 Body Moves 11 News 10, 3 Agri -News 8 Definition 13 12:35 News 8 1:00 All My Children 7, 8, 5, 3, '10 Here's Lucy 79 Let's Make a Deal 6 ANcilatsiuut1 It occurred to me more than once over the weekend of the PC Convention that perhaps Canadians don't really deserve the leadership they get. The Tories may de- serve the leadership they get; ditto the Grits and the NDP. But the rest of us, al- though we may lean to one party or the other philos- ophically, are not active partici nt ,in what, in a sense, isibe most important political process. We have no part whatever in choosing the people whom sooner or later we are going to have to choose between. The Tories have now recognized officially, what the man on the street has been telling them for months; that Joe Clark is something of a liability. It's ironic perhaps, that without the consent of Joe Clark him- self, the party wouldn't have made that decision. I mean by that if Mr. Clark hadn't painted himself into a corner in which 66 per cent support wasn't enough, he could have remained as leader of his party. Where the Tories go from here is a dubious proposition. That infamous poll, a few days ago. told the Tories something else about what the public feels. And most of us didn't need a poll to un- derline the obvious. That is simply that of all the nation- al figures who wear Tory blue, only two of them, Peter Lougheed and William Davis, would have what it takes to beat a really strong Liberal, But barring a miracle, the Tories aren't likely to get either of them, Peter Loug- heed doesn't appear inter- ested and neither does Wil- liam Davis. Even if they did decide to ruri, the eastern and left-leaning Tories would have their knives out for Mr. Lougheed; and the eastern and right -leaning Tories would be trying to carve a new set of orifices for Mr. Davis. The Tories have al- ways tended to put philo- sophical differences, region- alism, and in -party perform- ance ahead of real leader- ship considerations. That's why the last conservative convention gave us Mr. Clark. If the two premiers do not contest the leadership, and Mr. Clark's only opponents are people like Brian Mt11- rooney, John Crosbie, Sin- clair Stevens, David Crombie and Peter Pock- lington, then it seems to me that the Tories may finish where they started: with Mr: Clark, who is after all, the only one of them who has ever been prime minister. It's a shame that the choosing of a Conservative leader, or a Liberal, or an NDP one for that matter, has to be left to party workers. It seems to me that the people of the country have a little more sense than hidebound delegates. What we need, perhaps, is some system of leadership primaries. That's not news but that too is reality. Psalmist like birds The psalmist David felt a kinship to the birds, for at one point he lamented, "I am like a pelican of the wilder- ness. I am like an owl of the desert. I watch and am as a sparrow alone on the house- top ouse-fop. „ Prolific inventor William Shakespeare was a prolific inventor of words. among them "assassination," "critic," "barefaced," "dwin- dle," "fretful," "laughable," "hunchback," "pendant,". "roadway" and "sportive." 10 moo CFPL LONDON 11 ... CHCH HAMILTON 13 ... CKCO KITCHENER 79 ... CITY TV TORONTO Allan Thicke Show 13 You Asked for It 7C Days of Our Lives 11 1:30 Micro Magic 79 News 7C As the World Turns 6, 4 2:00 Take 30, 8, 5, 3 Dick Van Dyke 7C Movie, "Locusts" 10 Another World 13 One Life to Live 7, 11 City Lights 79 2:30 Coronation Street 5 Capitol 4 Andy Griffith 7C Good Company 3 Wok with Yan 8 Galloping Gourmet 79 Pitfall 6 3:00 The Guiding Light 6, 4 I Dream of Jeannie 7C Daytime Challenge 5, 3 Three's Company 8 Capitol 11 You're Beautiful 79 General Hospital 13, 7 • 3:30 Take 30, 10 Pink Panther 7C Afternoon Delight 5, 3 Jeffersons 8 Soapbox 11 Kidsworld 79 4:00 The Bob Newhart Show 13 Eight is Enough 4 Superfriends 7C Little House on the Prairie 8, 7 Daytime Challenge 10 Do .It for Yourself 5 Barney Miller 3 Hercules 6 Rockford Files 79 The Young and the Restless 11 4:30 Gilligan's Island 6 Tattletales 13 - Three's Company 10 Yes You Can 5 Scooby Doo 7C Happy Days 3 5:00 The Price Is Right 79, 8, 10 Happy Days 5 Jeffersons 7 Movies on Channel 8 THURSDAY, 11:45 P.M. -"THE BRINKS JOB". Stars Peter Falk, Peter Boyle, Warren Oates. A re-enactment of the in- famous Brinks' robbery in Boston in1950 and the eventual capture of the crooks less than a week before the crimes statute of limitations was to run out. MONDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WANDA JUNE". Stars Rod Steiger, Susannah York, George Griz- zard. World famous sportsman and writer returns after 8 years from the Amazon Jungle. His wife has educated her- self and thinking she is a widow is about to marry a doctor. TUESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"GRAD NIGHT". Stars Joe John- son, Barry Stolze, Suzanne Fagan. The accent is on laughs rather than 'pomp and circtunstanCe' to the rowdy high school graduating class. Features a,l}uge student -teacher free for all at the grad night darjcet.. u.x WEDNESDAY, 11:30 P.M. -"FAST t 1IARJJE AND THE MOONBEAM RIDER". Stars Brenda Vaccaro, David Cai`- radine. A con -artist enters a motorcycle race shortly after WW I from St. Louis to San Francisco. Movies on Channel 7C THURSDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"THE NAKED STREET". A rack- eteer frames an innocent man for murder. Anthony Quinn, Anne Bancroft, Farley Granger. (1955) ' THURSDAY. 8:00 P.M. -"ARABESQUE". An American professor who is kidnapped receives help from the mistress of an oil magnate. Sophia Loren, Gregory Peck, Alan Badel. (1966) THURSDAY, 12:30 -"THE KENTUCKIAN". Big Eli and his son fight their way across Kentucky in the 1820s. Burt Lan- caster, Diana Lynn, Walter Matthau. (1955) FRIDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"A GUiDE FOR THE MARRIED MAN". An philanderer takes on the task of 'educating' a reluctant husband in the art of deception and infidelity. Walter Matthau, Robert Morse, Inger Stevens. (1967) FRIDAY, 3:30 -"PRIDE AND THE PASSION". Guerrilla leader and band recapture cannon from French troops in Spain, 1810. Frank Shiatra, Cary Grant, Sophia Loren. (1957) SATURDAY, 3:30 -"HOUND OF THE BASKERViLLES". A curse of an English noble family descends to eachl man who inherits the title Peter Cushing, Andre Morel!, Chris- topher Lee. (1959) SUNDAY, 1:00 P.M. -"CHARLIE CHAN: THE CHINESE RING". A missing ring is thetnain clue to the murder mys- tery that Chan is to solve. (1947) SUNDAY, 12:30-"A SLIGHT CASE OF MURDER". A pro- hibition beer runner, who has gone straight, finds someone has hidden a corpse in his country home. Edward G. Rob- inson, Allen Jenkins, Jane Bryan. (1938) _ SUNDAY, 4: 00°SMUGGLER'S COVE". Four teenagers stumble on an exciting adventure off an Australian beach. MONDAY. 5:00 A.M.-"UP iN SMOKE". A man sells his soul to the devil to win a horse racing, then renegs on his end of the deal. Huntz Hall, Stanley Clements, Byron Foul - ger. MONDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"BOY, DiD 1 GET A WRONG NUM- BER!" A French actress hides in a hotel suite and becomes entangled with a real estate operator who tries to help her stay hidden. Bob Hope, Elke Sommer, Phyllis Diller. (1966) MONDAY, 12:30 -"ANY WEDNESDAY". Six days a week a "hlbdel husband keeps to the home fires, but on Wednesday he visits his mistress. Jane Fonda, Jason Robards, Dean Jones, Rosemary Murphy (1966) TUESDAY, 10:00 A.M.-"MAN IN THE GREY FLANNEL SUIT". Pt. 1. The story of a public relations man and his reaction to a suddenly discovered bastard son. Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones, Fredric March. (1956) TUESDAY MIDNIGHT -"SHANE". A former gunfighter, de mined to establish a peaceful life, must strap on his gu again in defense of the homesteaders. Alan Ladd, Jean A hur, Van Heflin, Jack Palance. (1953) TU SDAV, 4:00 -"THREE TEXAS STEERS". A hero saves • a girl's ranch and a circus. John Wayne, Carole Landis. (1939) WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M. -"THE EAGLE HAS LANDED". The Nazis try to kidnap Winston Churchill in an attempt to end the war without being obliterated. Michael Caine, Don- ald Sutherland, Robert Duvall. (1977) WEDNESDAY, 12:30 -"THE D.1.". The story of a sadistic Marine drill instructor and the rigors of combat training at Paris island. Jack Webb, Don Dubbin, Lin McCarthy. (1957) WEDNESDAY, 4:00-"NORA PRENTISS". A doctor changes identities with a dead patient and ends up on trial for his own murder. Ann Sheridan, Robert Alda, Rosemary DeCamp. (1947) Charlie's Angels 4 Three's Company 3 Baretta 6 Incredible Hulk 7C Hogan's Heros 13 Little House on the Prairie 11 5:30 WKRP 13, 7 Three's Company 5 News 3 EVENING 6:00 News 6, 8, 7, 13, 11, 10 5, 4 CHiP's 3 Muppet Show 7C Citypulse 79 6:30 Laverne & Shirley 7C News 7, 4 7:00 Powers of Matthew Star 3 Joker's Wild 4 CHiP's 10, 8 Fame 5 Barney Miller 7C Entertainment Tonight 11 Laverne & Shirley 79 That's Life 6 Family Feud 13 Lie Detector 7 7:30 MASH 79 America's Top 10 4 Lorne Greene's New Wilderness 13 Jeffersons 7C Family Feud 7 Smith & Smith 11 You Asked For It 6 8:00 Fifth Estate 5, 10, 8, 3 The A Team 11 Magnum P.I. 13 Kung Fu 7C Ace Crawford, Private Eye 4 Are You Being Served? 6 Movie, "Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story" (Concl.) 79 Happy Days 7 8:30 Gun Shy 4 Laverne & Shirley 7, 6 9:00 Mary Tyler Moore 6 Movie, "Gone with the Wind" (Pt. 1) 4 Knot's Landing 11 News 7C Benson 13 Three's Company 7, 8, 5, 3, 10 9:30 Alice 13 NBA (Chicago at Phoenix) 7C Too Close for Comfort 8, 5, 3, 10 Nine to Five 7, 6 10:00 National 8, 5, 3, 10 Citypulse Tonight 79 St. Elsewhere 11 T e onight Show 6 H rt Hart 7, 13 10:20 Journal 8, 5, 3, 10 11:00 News 6, 11, 10, 8, 3, 5, 7, 4, 13 Movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" 79 11:05 Newsfinal 5 11:20 Ontario Report 13 11:30 Sportsline 6 Movies, "Grad Night" 8; "Some Like It Hot" 3 George and Mildred 10 Nightline 7 Family Brown 11 Barney Miller 4, 5 12:00 Movies, "The Killers" 13; "Shane" 7C Rockford Files 10 Quincy 4 Good Times 6 The Last Word 7 Hawaii Five -O 11 Highlights 5 1:00 Dick Van Dyke 11 McMillan and Wife 4 News 7 2:30 News 7C Headline Service 4 3:00 Night Watch 4 Nightbeat 7C 3:30 All Night Show 7C 4:00 Movie, "Three Texas Steers" 7C Cameo Model Beam Special Spring Classes NOW ENROLLING 8 WEEK SELF IMPROVEMENT Adults .$7'5 Teens $60 Includes: Manicures - Personalized Skin Care and Make -Up - Nutrition and Exercise - Posture - Wardrobe Nanning and Hairstyling. For additional information call 744-8989 SCHOOOL OF SELF IMPROVEMENT & MODELLING 379 QUEEN ST. SOUTH, KITCHENER "Registered as a Private Vocational School under The Private Vocational Schools Act. 1974" at thgJE%NStCddik elmira ontar o STARTING MARCH - 10th Q00�0000000000 0 0BEATOES•1HE BEE GFES•THE CLASH•FlOCK OF SEAGULS•BIQ 61 AND OATES•THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOH•BOB HENLIO OTHE BANG•SUPERTRAMP•IIASH THE SLASH•ED01E MONEY•TRIQ QLENARD SKYHARD•ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA•EMER50N,IIQ IE BROTHERS•THE BOON town R.ATS•BLACK SABBETH•TOTO• DIAL GALE•TURTLES•THE 90005•BILLY JOEL•,RIO•SHANANFQ QISTON.THE MONKEES•NERRANS HERMITS•T0R0N!O.FRANK 000 0.V•OUEEN•OLIVIA NEWTON JOHN•EAGLES•NAZAREIH•ABBA•K® ©IDPER.ELTOR JOHII•A.B,C,.MOMMAS AND THE PAPAS•AC/OCG KE AND PALMER•THE KINKS•iHE DOORS•LED ZEPPELIO•TH 0 KENNY ROGERS.DOLLY PA,''{{t�ON•HILLI NCLSON•JUICE NEHT,O LOBOS AHD.MESSINA•G0NDON LIGHTFOOT• DURAN DURAN Q 0030000000000000Q , Dance to the sounds of the Forties Fifties Sixties Yours to enjoy every Thursday, Friday '-4 Saturday evening Dine, wine and dance Saturday evenings Music starts at '6 p.m. Try us .. . .. , for the good times Q !r One for the home, two for the road. $599 Getting the moat sound and performance from a mu- sic system takes more than just picking a receiver, turn- table and speakers at ran- dom. It takes the kind of expertise that Wesseling's puts into every system they design. Take out $599 Pioneer/Pro-Tech system for exam- ple. Each component is perfectly balanced to the oth- ers. The end result is a system that sounds expensive ... but isn't. We've teamed the 35 watt per channel Pioneer SX - 720 AM/FM Stereo receiver with the Pioneer PL -2 semi-automatic turntable and a pair of Pro -Tech V-310 speakers. Stop by and listen to our $599 Pioneer/Pro- Tech system. You'll discover that great music isn't al- ways expensive. PION KE -5100 In -dash all -electronic Su- pertuner 1I, AM/FM Stereo with cassette, 15 station pre-set tuning, station selection through scan and seek controls, locking fast forward and rewind, built-in four speaker fader. $359 $1995 installation on any car stereo system purchased at Wessellrig's. Cambridge store closed on Monday 11 610 King St. E. at Pandora, Kitchener, S79 -19S0 e` TS -108, two way door speakers, perfect for tight places. With their 4 size they fit where others won't. 20 watts max. each. $69 the pair, 3 Charles 5t. West at Queen, Kitchener, 742-6951 or 742-6581 33 Main 5t. (Call) Cambridge, 6S3-2835 Advemaid Audlo