HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-03-02, Page 15Page 2—Crossroads--March 2, 1983 Enter o'r Crossroads is pleased this week to introduce a new feature for children, in which they have the opporttmity to draw with Danny Coughlan. Some kids will be familiar with the television program, The Treehouse, which ap- pears on Channel 13, CKCO Kitchener. Danny has ap- peared for 12 years with his Treehouse friends, Daisy, Granny, Frank Fantastic, Clarence Clutch, Annie and Jo Jo. Another important part of the show is Danny's music. He writes the songs himself and performs them too. The Treehouse long -play record is in the collection of many Ontario children. As an introduction to this new Crossroads feature, and r --w1- gcontest to encourage children in this area to take part in Danny's "Learn to Draw" school, we are having a 4 -week contest. There are four categories: 5 years and under; ages 6 and7; ages and 9; and to to 12 year-olds. Prizes in each category will be the Jelly Bean album and a silver dollar for first prize; with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th prizes being a silver dollar. To enter the contest com- plete the frames and print or have an adult print your name, address, age and phone number iu the space provided. Put your entry in an en- velope addressed to Learn to Draw, Crossroads, and either mail to Box 390, Wing - HEY FIDS! LEARN TO DRAW WITH DANNY C000IIUIN 1. Here's Danny's complete drawing. 2. Finish what Danny started. 3. Now try it yourself! Send to "Learn to Draw" clo CROSSROADS Box 390, Wingham, Ont, NOG 2W0 or Drop Your Entry into: The Listowel Banner The Wingham Advance=Tlmes The Mount Forest Confederate or The Milverton Sun Name Age Address Phone Danny's Interested In youl ham, Ontario, NOG 2W0, or drop it into any of the follow- ing newspaper offices: The Wingham Advance -Times, The Listowel Banner, The Mount Forest Confederate or The Milverton Sun. Start drawing today. The contest continues to March 23. Watch for Learn to Draw in each issue of Crossroads. The decisions of the judges will be final. BILL E3RAMAIrS We visited an angora goat farm near Sudbury recently. There was cameraman Gord Danielson, soundman Mike Grippo, my wife Jenny, who's a production assistant and myself. None of us had ever seen angora goats before. Not even Jenny, and she's a farmer's daughter. But there they were, smack in the middle of the Nickle Belt area. We were all impressed. The goats were all friendly, fun, and as goatkeeper Her- mine Tillich told us, they're a lot easier to handle than sheep. Hermine has about 70 goats and talks to them the way you'd talk to a group of children. It was a bitterly cold morning but the sun was shining and the snow was glistening. It was a picture post card setting with a squat farmhouse and barns in the background. The goats put on quite a show for us. Hermine herded them out of the barns and they trooped along willingly despite the cold. Many of them looked directly into Gord's camera and as Her- mine . called "Come on, girls' Mike was able to pick up some good sound of the goats uttering a "baaa" cry, a bit like a sheep. As we shivered through the shooting we learned some- thing about the goats from Hermine. In the first place, angora goats don't have wool coats. Their fleece is mohair! They got their name from Angora, Turkey, where the breed originated. There are about four farms in the Sudbury district that raise them. Until re- cently the only markets for the mohair were in the United States. But now there's a company right in Sudbury. It's called "Naturally Mohair Inc." and it's buying up all the local mohair it can get. It's been a godsend for the farmers. We went over to the plant and met Doug Burke, the production manager, and Colombe Hinse, a Sudbury designer who specializes in kniiwear. We watched the hand - knitting machines in opera- tion. The firm is turning out various mohair creations — dresses, sweaters, and so on — that would knock your eyes out! Doug was saying that the items are being sold in shops and boutiques across the country, and now they're ready to hit world markets. It's an aggreskive young company — nothing sheepish about it. The products sell anywhere from $200 to $500. So even though they're be- ing raised in Nickel Belt Country, there's gold in them thar goats! crossroads Published every Wednesday by Wenger Bros. Limited as the lifestyle and entertainment section in The Listowel Banner, The Wingham Advance - Times, The Mount Forest Confederate and The Milverton Sun. Members of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association, Ontario Community Newspaper Association, and the Ontario Press Council. Controlled distri- bution in Elmira, Palmerston, Harriston, Brussels, Millbank, Newton. Atwood. Clifford, Drayton. Wallenstein, Moorefield and Arthur. Display and Classified advertising deadline — 5:00 p.m, Thursday week prior to publication date Advertising and Production The Listowel Banner 188 Wallace Ave. N., P.O. Box 97, Listowel, Ont. N4W 3H2 Accounting and Billing The Wingham Advance -Times Josephine St., P.O. Box 390, Wingham, Ont. NOG 2W0 The Listowel Banner 291-1660. The Wingham Advance -Times 357-2320. The Mount Forest Confederate 323-1550. The Milverton Sun 595-8921 Elmira and District News. Kim Dadson 669-2690 Shirley W ittingto r ursons the This column is especially for readers whose boys (sons, nephews, brothers or friends) have joined the army and become ren. Last week in a bullet - scarred kitchen in Nicosia, Cyprus, I talked to some of those young men — guys like Kevin Ferguson of Colborne, Ont. and Henry Klausnitzer of, Maryhill and Bill Hum- phreys of Trenton, Nova Sco- tia and Peter Hamm of Wels- ford, New Brunswick and Colin Moran of Coanox, BC and Richard MacCarl of Midhurst, Ont. They are just a few of the 515 young Canadians who proudly wear the United Nations blue beret with their Second Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry uniforms. As a Canadian, you would be proud of the 2PPCLI offi- cers. They area gallant crew — brisk, fit and sternly con- scientious about their responsibilities to the United Nations and to their regi- ment. The junior ranks — the 19 - year -olds who have never been on the other side of the world before — are the ones I want to write about today. They remind me of my own sons — tough, honest, funny and full of promise. Why did they enlist? "There's no jobs on civvie street," said one bluntly. Others joined the army to see the world. "I• quit my job to join," said a soldier. "I really wanted to do this." The Cyprus United Nations peacekeeping tour is con- sidered active service opera- tional duty. There are real bullets in the semi-automatic weapons that Kevin and Bill and Peter carry and there is live ammunition in the wea- pons borne by the Turkish and Greek soldiers who face Kevin and Bill and Peter daily — sometimes only a few meters away. Peace between Greek and Turkish Cypriots is main- tained by a UN force of troops from Austria, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, MAKE IT YOURS By ELLEN APPEL .I I \ Preschooler placemats Preschoolers will .earn to read, set a table and. look forward to dinner with the fun -to -use place- ments shown here. Com- bining applique, embroi- dery, and simple sewing, the placemats are attrac- tive, colorful and easy to make. The embroidered knife, fork, spoon and plate show youngsters where to place their dining utensils. The appliqued word "EAT" teaches reading. The placemat project comes from "McCall's Big Book of Needlecrafts," from Chilton Publishers. The book, compiled by the editors of McCalls's Needlework and Crafts magazines, contains dozens of beautiful, unique ideas for needlecrafts, including quilting, applique, patch- work, needlepoint and em- broidery. Like the "preschooler placemat," other projects are fun to make and con- venient to own. They in- clude leaf -shaped pothold- ers, quilted backgammon board, tulip -embroidered sweater, quilts, pillows, ta- blecloths and others. Here are directions for the placemats: MATERIALS: Solid and printed, washable cotton or cotton -blend fabric; paper, pencil and ruler; dressmak- er's carbon paper, scissors; sewing supplies; sewing machine with decorative stitch; iron. PATTERN: 1. Rule 1 inch squares on paper. (Total pattern size is 8x13 inches.) 2. Enlarge place - mat pattern shown by copying details of pattern onto corresponding squares on paper. CUTTING: 1. For place - mat front, cut one 13x19 - inch rectangle from solid - color fabric. 2. For place-, mat back, cut one 13x19 - inch rectangle from print fabric. 3. Using dressmak- er's carbon paper, trace enlarged pattern onto right side of solid fabric. 4. Trace the letters E, A, T on print fabric scraps. Cut out letters. 1 SEWING: With right sides together, pin place - mat front to placemat back. 2. Machine stitch one-half inch from raw edges, leaveing a 6 inch opening for turning. 3. Turn right side out. Slip -stitch opening closed. 4. Press all edges. APPLIQUE & EMBROI- DERY: I. Baste letters on placemat front in position indicated by pattern. 2. Machine -stitch around edges of letters with zigzag satin stitch. 3. Machine - stitch around outlines of silverware and plate with zigzag satin stitch. BORDER: 1. Machine - stitch around edges of placemat with scallop or other decorative stitch. Keep stitching close to edges. 2. Using same deco- rative stitch, machine - stitch another line of stitching 1 inch inside the first line. MMM►.' `M ormi Hamm MOM mon IMMr"J/ 'r 1.11 1111111110101 1l0/1111 11Ih1M/r1L/11111 1117,11•111111/411111111 ►:MMI►LIIIIIR41•M11CA BOOK REVIEW U-BOATS IN THE ATLAN- TIC. By Paul Beaver. Pat- rick Stephens Limited, Cam- bridge: (In Canada, Clarke, Irwin & Company Limited, Toronto. ;8.95. 96 pp. Paper. Reviewed by PERCY MADDUX During World War II German submarines were as glamorous.as the Air Force and they came very close to winning the war. In existence are many photo- graphs of the subs and the men. The archives were combed to find a good selec- tion. Paul Beaver presents them in his book "U -Boats in the Atlantic". The introduction gives a brief history of the war at sea and the many black and white photographs provide some good views of action and depict life among the submarine personnel. This is exciting pictorial history. • MR. D COMES TO PADDYFEST with singer Terry McManrius Sunday, March 13, 1983 at Listowel Central Public School Show Times: 1:30 and 4:00 p.m. All tickets are $3.00 and are available at The Book Shop • Ten Pas Floor & Decor • Listowel Feed Mill, or call Shiela Bradd, 291-3437 Ruth Ann Cook, 291-1094 Mrs Cushing, 291-1688 Sponsored by Ustowel Community School Association ea:akeepers Sweden and UK. After the 1974 Turk invasion which caused much human misery and scarred the capital city of Nicosia, an island -wide cease-fire line was drawn. Canadians like Richard and Henry and Kevin, police the most volatile part of that line — the portion that bisects Nicosia. "I was nervous at first," one private 4old me. "A guy was shot the week before we got here. But you get used to it. If you hear Greeks and Turks yelling ' insults back and forth across the cease- fire line, you just go and tell them to shut up. They do." What do your sons miss most about Canada? The reply is instant and thunder- ous. "Girls!" Greek families take a dim view of casual dating and there aren't tnany tourists around this time of year, so there are many yearning letters mailed home from Nicosia. Your sons also miss Canada's law-abiding, pre- dictable motorists. Cypriot drivers careen from curb to curb in a lethal game of life-sized pinball. To take a vehicle into the wild right -hand -drive streets is an act of valour. It's awe-inspir- ing to see a 19 -year-old, per- haps the same one who couldn't get the Rabbit into the garage at home without hitting a garbage tin, deftly wheel a UN vehicle through the narrow serpentine streets. Your sons are seeing things in Cyprus that they never saw at home, orchards of lemon trees, old women packing home piles of fire- wood on the backs of mules, restaurant menus featuring ied octupus, houses with signs annikincing that they're booby -trapped, road- side blockades and bullet - riddled schools and bunga- lows. On patrol, your sons carry clubs (they call them "puppy bashers") to deal with the hordes of mangy, flea -infested, lousy and sometimes rabid dogs and cats that prowl the ruins of the buffer zone. Each UN observation post has,a sandbagged bunker be- cause if bullets start flying, the peacekeeper needs a place of refuge. Your son, the one who wouldn't take out the garbage at home, filled the sandbags and built the bunker. On patrol duty, the soldiers live together in battle - scarred abandoned build- ings. Off -watch hours are spent repairing, rebuilding and carting rubble away. One enterprising group actually fished their verandah railing out of the minefield in the back yard, and reattached it. Your sons also cook, make beds, sweep floors and do dishes. "My mom would never believe this," said one private as he mopped up after cooking a chicken din- ner for nine in his spartan OP kitchen. Off-duty your sons read, smoke, write letters, listen to theirfghetto-blasters and in- vent creative graffiti for the centrefold posters on their walls. They rejoice in regi- mental soccer victories, complain about slow mail (or no mail), brag about the food in their particular OP, grieve when they lose a buddy, insult each other in caring camaraderie and joke cautiously with their super- ior officers. ("Can I have the keys for the armored person- nel carrier tonight, sir?") Your sons are bothered be- cause they think nobody in Canada knows what they are doing. Said one, "We get Canadian newspapers here, but you never see anything about Cyprus. It's like no- body even knows we're here." "Nobody cares about Cyprus back home," said another. "I bet nobody even knows where it is." Check your map. Cyprus is that amoeba -shaped island in the northeast corner of the Mediterranean. It is widely covetted because of its stra- tegic position. Your sons, the peacekeepers, are keeping two prime contenders from tearing each other and the island apart, at least until inter -communal talks bear fruit. Peace costs less than out- and-out war. It's estimated, that one hour of modern war- fare between Greeks and Turks would pay for the total UN Cyprus operation for a year. Peacekeeping, then, becomes the solution to the problem and your young sons are doing their job well. That's why they aren't in the headlines. Blessed are the peace- keepers. Premature heart attacks hit every age; support On- tario Heart Foundation re- search programs. 1 Lr:rhill Kennels Quality German Shepherds Adults and Puppies Obedience and personal protection training. Trained dogs available. Also boarding for your dog. RR 1, Listowel 291®4636 INSULATING ??? DEPRESSED! You Must Have Added Up Those Heating Bills. If Your MONEY is Escaping Out The Walls & Attic of Your Homes, Give Us A CaII. Don't Forget, Next Winter This All Happens Again. Why Not Save Money By Insulating. "FREE ESTIMATES" We Will Match Or Better Any Honest Deal. CGSD Cert No Ont 24 750 HOMES BUILT PRIOR TO 1971 ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR A C.H.I.P, GRANT UP TO A MAXIMUM OP500.00 OFF YOUR INSULATING COSTS. HUNTER INSULATION LTD. Satisfaction Guaranteed 214 Ian St.. Hanover Call Collect 364-4494 Or Evenings 369-6888 FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY Ford Tractor and. Equipment Franchise is available for the Listowel trade area. The product line includes complete range of agricultural tractors and related equipment, industrial products and consumer products. For further details contact our district sales office. Ford Tractor and Equipment Operations The Canadian Road, Oakville, Ontario. L6J 5S4 Attention: MR. M.E. EVANS Tel.: (416)845-2511 Tractors Equipment SINGER'S RECONDITIONED SEWING MACHINE • • 3 ONLY SINGER Straight stitch and reverse E69.95 �° 2 ONLY SINGER Straight stitch, zig zag, button holes & more %99.95 ripd 149.95 1 ONLY KENMORE stretch stitches, 1 ONLY Superrnati ELNA Open km Straight stitch, zig zag, 5149.95 3 ONLY Reconditioned Sewing Tables 69.95 �o TUNE-UP SPECIALplus ON YOl3 SEWING MACHINE 29.95 parts SINGER CONESTOGA MALL, WATERLOO. 884-6981