HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-02-16, Page 21to rio prodactive Ontario produces nearly If of Canada's manufac- tured goods, 44 percent of the country's total exports and 8 percent of its fully manufactured exports. The province accounts for 38 percent of Canada's gross national product, and its consumers control 40 per- cent of the country's spend- ing power. DEPRESSED! You Must Have Added Up Those Heating Bills. 11 Your MONEY is Escaping Out The Walls & Attic of Your Homes. Give Us A Call. Don't. Forgets, Next Winter This M Happens Again. Why Not Save Money By insulating. "FREE ESTIMATES - We Will Match Or Better Any,' HoneDeal _t HOMES BUILT PRIOR TO 1971 ARE NOW ELIGIBLE FOR A C.H.1.P. GRANT UP TO A MAXIMUM OFs500.00 OFF YOUR INSULATING COSTS. CGSB Cm No Ont 24 2,O HUNTER INSULATION LTD. Satislaction Guaranteed Call Collect a Evenings 364-4494 369-6888 214 Iah St. Hanover By Louisa Rush Received an urgent phone call this morning, from a lady who had finished a lovely round -yoke design ski sweater. This had been a Christmas present to her son out in Calgary, but corres- ponding through the mail, measurements got a bit mixed up! He had wanted it 74 cm or 29 inches from the shoulder, she had misunderstood and made it that length to the underarm. No wonder he wrote that it came down around his knees! Being a good neighbor I in- vited her over and showed her how to go about shorten- ing it. As there was a 8 cm or 3 inch ribbing at the waist which we allowed for, I care- fully snipped one of the stitches at the given point, and showed her how to un- pick each stitch, then to put it on the needle size the rib - T lk bing was to be worked on. I watched her as she did the unpicking across the back, then showed her how to knit on the 8 cm or 3 inches of ribbing. To make sure she cast off loosely, which was to be around the waist, I gave her one size larger needle. After her lesson, she felt quite confident to do the front herself, and she has assured me she'll have it fin- ished and on its way back to Calgary soon! This actually is a good way to lengthen sleeves and the body of a sweater for a child who has grown. I remember doing this once for my son. The sweater was beige, so I bought a dark brown wool of the same weight, then knit on about 10 cm or 4 inches in stocking stitch on each sleeve and the body, then worked the ribbing also in the dark brown. He was able to Wear the sweater for AT THE INTERSECTION OF CONESTOGA PARKWAY AND KING ST. N. WATERLOO 886-5500 another year. I found too that legs always seemed to grow with the children's snowsuits end- ing up short, so I would re- move the machine knit cuff and attach an extra long hand knitted one of ribbing in a matching color. The long cuff always went into their snowboots anyway, and there was many a snowsuit which lasted out the winter in this way! 0 0 0 This week's pattern is looking to Spring and what could be more attractive than this little crochet dress for your daughter or favorite niece? All in the 2-4-6-8 range, you'll find this plea- sant and rewarding crochet. To order Leaflet No. 1271 send 75 cents plus a stamped self addressed return envel- ope, if you do not have a stamp or envelope, please enclose an extra 40 cents to cover the cost of handling and print your name and address. Send to: Louisa Rush, Craft Talk, 486 Mont - ford Drive, Dollard des Or- meaux, P.Q., H9G 1M6. Please be sure to state pattern numbers correctly when ordering and to enclose your stamped return en- velope for faster service. Onions pack a tear-rific flavor By TONI GRIFFIN "I've gone through more matches this way," said Paula Lipton, removing a sturdy wood match from her clenched teeth. "It's thet way I.know to fight the onion blues. I used to be so teary when cutting onions that a visi- tor might have thought that our pet aardvark had passed away." That was before Lipton discovered the sulfur.meth- od by which a person slic- ing onions bites down on an unlit match and breathes SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE <w ati <t Whatever the need, taste or price, we have something for everyone in reading matter. Also in stock: Greeting Cards Paper Products Puzzles A range of Fabulous Flavors Stinky Stickers Gladys Wenger It it is not in stock, we'll order it. Angela Fleming 125 Main St. W. Listowel (next to Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce) 291-2145 the slightly sulfurous air, not the vapors from the onion. The result? No tears. ONION CONFETTI RELISH 2 cups chopped onions 1 cup diced green pepper 3 tbsps. diced pi- miento ya cup vinegar 1 cup water 3/4 cup sugar 1 tsp. caraway seeds 3/4 tsp. salt ys tsp. hot pepper sauce Combine onions, green pepper and pimiento and set aside. In a saucepan, combine vinegar, water, sugar, caraway seeds, salt and hot pepper sauce. Bring to a boil and simmer 5 minutes. Pour over onion mixture. Refrigerate sev- eral hours before serving. Makes 23/4 cups. When a spunky onion - slicer of 82 years talks, people listen. And when that dynamo announces that she has made a bowl of onion dip, people drop whatever they are doing to dunk in a crunchy chip, raw vegetable — or both — to savor the essence of onion in Mollie's onion dip. The recipe for this onion dip, treasured for four gen- erations, is, easy and will hold in refrigeration for a week. MOLLIE'S ONION DIP 1 8 -oz. pkg. cream cheese 1 small onion 1 garlic clove Juice of 1 lemon 1 tbsp. mayonnaise Worcestershire sauce Allow cream cheese to soften in mixing bowl. Add finely grated onion and garlic. Stir in lemon juice and dash or two of Wor- cestershire sauce. Add mayonnaise for desired consistency. Chill. If too thick, add more mayon- naise before serving. Scallions are very tasty in quiches because the cus- tard base acts as a fine background for the onion flavor. SCALl i1ON QUICHE 1 (9 -inch) pastry shell, unbaked 1 cup thinly slice scallions, includ- ing 3 inches of the green top 11/2 cups thinly sliced dry onion 3 tbsps. butter Crossroads—Feb. 16, 1983—Page 9 THE SUPER BEAUTIES Constance McCashin By COLETTE BOUCHEZ If the chemistry between "Knot's Landing's" CON - STANCE McCASHIN (por- traying the lovely Laura Avery) and her tiny new co-star baby Daniel seems particularly good, it might be due to the fact that in real life they are indeed mother and son! In the middle of last year's television season Constance became preg- nant. Rather than have her character come to some "soapy" demise, the preg- nancy was written into the show. When they began filming for the new season however, an inevitable problem appeared ... a baby was needed to take on the new role. Well, in less time than it takes to change a diaper, a giggling, gooing, totally delightful Daniel Morgan Weisman won the hearts of cast and crew alike, and ... a star was born! (Constance is married to producer Sam Weisman.) "They pick him up in a limo," says his proud momma, "and he has a big- ger dressing room than I do and it's just amazing how quickly he adjusted to it all. They are very care- ful about only working him for very short periods of time, and no more than 20 minutes a day, but he just loves it! He smiles and gig- gles the whole time he is on the set." Along with Daniel's easy adjustment to his new- found stardom, came the return of an absolutely ter- rific figure to his Super Beauty mom, who credits her quick transition back to bathing beauty status to 4 slices bacon, fried and crumbled 1 cup grated Swiss cheese 3 eggs 11/2 cups milk or half-and-half ala tsp. salt 312 tsp. Worcester- shire sauce Saute onions in butter until tender. Spoon into pastry shell. Sprinkle with bacon and cheese. Beat eggs with milk, salt and Worcestershire sauce. Pour over onions. Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 de- grees. Bake 25 to 30 min- utes longer or until custard is set. Cut into wedges. Makes 6 servings. French onion soup re- quires lengthy sauteing of onion rings, followed by boiling and then simmer- ing the onions in a rict, broth, so dry onions are the natural choice for this soup so popular in France due to its maximum taste for minimum preparation. FRENCH ONION SOUP 2 large or 3 medium onions, sliced 1/4 cup margarine or butter 2 tbsps. flour 2 cups bouillon (beef, chicken or both) 2 cups water Dash pepper 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce 4 to 6 slices French bread, toasted 3/4 cup grated Swiss • cheese Grated Parmesan cheese In large saucepan, cook onions in butter until ten- der and medium brown. Sprinkle with flour, stir- ring constantly to cook flour 1-2 minutes. Add bouillon, water, pepper and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer covered 20 to 25 minutes to blend flavors. To serve, top each serving with a slice of toasted French bread and sprinkle with Swiss and Parmesan cheeses. If desired, place under broiler until cheese is bubbly. Makes 4 to 6 servings. common sense and proper prenatal care of her own body. Says Constance: "I gained 37 pounds during my pregnancy, and Daniel weighed in at 9.1 pounds at birth ... so that meant I still had 26 pounds to lose. " I couldn't really diet," she continues, "because I was nursing and had to eat foods that were nutrition- ally sound. But what I learned was, eating well doesn't have to mean eat- ing fattening foods. "After all," she says with a giggle, "you really don't have to wash down your milk with Sarah Lee." In addition, Constance is a firm believer in exercise, which she continued to do faithfully throughout her pregnancy. "First of all I think that swimming is one of the best exercises for you, pregnant or not," says this Super Beauty, "and I con- tinued to do it as often as I could while I was preg- nant. In addition, I had been following the Jane Fonda Workout exercises before I became pregnant and then continued it after- ward switching to their prenatal program, which concentrates on exercises CONSTANCE McCASHIN ... She and son Daniel both star on CBS' "Knots Landing" specifically for expectant mothers. I think that stay- ing in shape during my pregnancy was a big con- tributing factor to regain- ing my shape after Daniel was born." Because Jane Fonda's special clinic also believes in post -natal exercise for both mother and child, Constance was able to con- tinue her classes along with the baby. "I went back after Dani - al was born," she says, "and it really benefited both of us. Not only did I get in shape, but the mas- sages and exercises you do with your baby creates a nice interaction and a real bonding begins to occur. The babies all seem to love it and it's a great time for the two of you to share something really special. And nothing helps you get back into shape like feeling good about yourself and the, new life you brought into the world. Happiness works all kinds of mira- cles, both big and small." gle- LADIES' FASHIONS OF LISTOWEL Visit our Nei' BRIDAL CENTRE 182 Main Street, Listowel, Ontario N4W 1A1 —Phone 291-1011 as your child changes..: Make a special tradition of keeping the memories with professional portraits taken at Sears. 2-8x10 95 3-5x72 15 -wallet size total includes 956 deposit Sears studios specialize in photographic portraits of babies. children, adults and family groups No appointment Is necessary There is a 95C charge for each additional subject in a portrait package but no limit to the number of packages you may purchase We present only finished portraits of the hest poses Offer good for portraits taken Mon. February 14 thru Sat. February 19 Studios in most larger Sears retail stores. Portrait Studio RABIES a CHILDREN a ADULTS • FAMILY GROUPS Aloo Avellable: instant Passport Photos Sears your money's worth ... and more