HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1983-02-16, Page 20Page 8—Crossroads—Feb. 16, 1983 Burbank improvised Plant breeder Luther Bur- bank hadtalent for,impro- vising. For example, he made as many as 500 grafts on a single plum tree and speeded growth by inserting wedge -ended cuttings into the tops of the host tree branches. Other growers grafted branches to a limb sawed off near the trunk — and waited twice as long for results. adi 4i0p Hot Tubs a Spas Inc® Building tubs for 109 Years 9 ROUND AND OVAL SHAPES HEALTHY SOCIABLE RELAXING also Whirlpool Bath Tubs From $1295.00 Kitchener Showroom - 408 Gage St. (Largest Showroom In the area) James loo .,of Wei To Gui&PH IfrrcIdE.NEF2 x 0) IP OPEN 6 DAYS MON.-SAT 9:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Call 745-1651 or Toll Free 1-800-265-6355 i SINGER Knitting Machine It's quite incredible. Why don't you drop by for a free demonstration and we'll show you all the lovely things you can make with it. bLbiSie Na • SINGER SEWING CENTRE This coupon is worth 5000 off on the Singer Knitting Machine This coupon expires March 31, 1983. SINGER r Conestoga Mall 8846981 PILTERPOWERRPicture at left is unfiltered — the deep red geranium petals show up as dark grey. For picture at right, a' deep red filter was added, and sud- denly the same geranium petals appear nearly white. Through the Lens By HOLT CONFER One of the items that folks often question me about are filters. I've talked about using filters in several columns over the years. But for now, it's time get down to basics and talk about how filters work. The reference source for some of this discussion is a Kodak idea book on filters and len attach- ments, probably available at your local camera store for 82.95. The black and white as well as the colored pic- tures you take are possible because Most objects re- flect light. Colored pictures are by far the most popu- lar because nearly every- thing has color, pure white and pure black are really the exceptions. White light occurs when an object re- flects all the colors, while black indicates the absence of all the colors. White light (and I'm going to keep this explana- tion simple and non-techni- cal) is made up of the three primary colors — red, green and blue. Take away one or two of these prima- ry colors, and we see what's left. For example, if red and green are re- moved, we'll see blue. Each of us, however, sees colors in a very per- sonal way. Our eyes are af- fected by such things as the surrounding colors, the brightness level, the sur- face gloss of an object and the degree and type of our color blindness. Different types of films also see col- ors in different ways. Black -and -white films may at times record a color in a lighterr or darker shade of gray than we want or ex- pect. In these cases,you can use filters to control those gray tones — you can exaggerate them, suppress them, or make them ap- pear technically correct. With color films, you card, use filters to change the color quality of the light to get the proper color rendi- tion or you can create spe- cial effects. You don't really need to memorize all the various filters and what effects they create if you don't want to — there are charts and tables in most books and sales literature on filters that act as a ready reference. What you do need to re- member is that filters al- ways subtract some type of light reflected from a scene before that light reaches your film. For ex- ample, a red filter looks red because it subtracts green and blue; a yellow filter (yellow is a mixture of red and green) subtracts blue; a green filter sub- tracts red and blue, and so forth. Now since all filters sub- tract something from the ITS TroPhies present Their 198 . . . tor teams . ..for groups ..for Indlvlduals ...for events We assemble all our own trophies to keep the prices lower or your trophy can be made to order! We have a large selection of trophies in stock as well as specialty trophies. HOCKEY • BROOMBALL • BOWLING • BASEBALL • SOCCER • SKIING • SKATING • PLUS MANY MORE! Special discounts and incentives for two or more leagues purchasing together. CALL US TODAY! International Trade Specialists 142 Main St. N., Mount Forest. 323-2571 OPEN HOUSE: Sun., Feb. 20, 1-5 pm. M.w.n., Feb. 21 to Thurs. Feb. 24,, 7-10 pm. FREE COFFEE AND SNACKS By using a deep green or deep blue filter, I could have turned the petals nearly black. (Photos by Holt Confer) light entering your lens, you need to make up for this loss by either increas- ing your exposure time or by increasing the size of your lens aperture or by using a combination of both. The number given to you for use in making those adjustments is known as a filter factor. For example, if your yellow filter has a filter factor of "2," then you need to either reduce your shutter speed by one number (from 1-125 to 1-60) or open your lens by one stop (from f-11 to f-8). A filter factor of "4" would call for a reduction in shutter speed by two num- bers or opening your aper- ture two stops; a filter fac- tor of 8 would call for re- duction in shutter speed of three increments or a three -stop increase in your aperture. When you get into these higher filter fac- tors, you might find it works better to use some combination of shutter speed and aperture adjust- ment rather than making all your changes with one or the other. If at any time, you de- cide to use a combination of filters (such as a polariz- er and red filter), remem- ber you will have to add the filter factors of each of them together, and then make your adjustments based on the sum. Don't be surprised when you do combine filters if the ad- justments are so severe that you will need to use some type of camera sup- port in order to make cer- tain you end up with a sharp picture — maintain- ing a reasonably small ap- erture to provide overall sharpness will call for a corresponding slow shutter speed and introduce the possibility of camera movement. Filters aren't just for the pros - they can make a dramatic difference in ev- eryone's photography. Atheist just 'taint' A brief epitaph in a Van- couver, Wash., cemetery, sums up the belief of atheist Arthur Haine: "Haine haint." HONDA POWER PRODUCTS - Generators - Lawn Mowers - Water Pumps - Tillers - Gas Engines All powered by quiet, dependable Honda 4 cycle engines. Available at: Cy -Jo Cycle 1190 Wallace Ave. N., Listowel 291-1556 Watch for the NEW Better Business Bureau Membership Directory and Consumer Guide Keep the handy Fact Finder by your phone...and just watch how fast you find it indispensible! You'll wonder how you ever got along without it! Watch for yours..,com- ing during the week of Feb. 14...right to your door! Call (519) 894-1630 if you do not receive your copy by Feb. 18. WELLINGTON AND WATERLOO COUNTY Now for the first time at... Childrensr' The Greatest Stories Ever Told Come To Life! zehrs fine markets... of fine foods VOLUME 1 ONLY VOLUMES 2-12 ONLY —EACH Here are some of the 123 stories... OW TESTAMENT NEW TESTAMENT • The Creotion • The Gorden of Eden • Coir and Abel • Nooh and rhe Ark • Abrom s Vision • RIP Birth of Mnses • The Ten Plagues • MOnno From Heoven • David and Goliath • The Birth of Jesus • The Visit of the Wise Men • The Flight into Egypt • The Temptation in rhe Wilderness • The Mornoge in Cona • The Sermon on rhe MOunr • the Feeding of rhe Multitude • The Entry into Jerusalem •ond rhe Resurrection For Children of All Ages... Illustrated in Full Color . . . Told in Easy -to -Understand 4 Language. A 12 -volume ser filled with the drama. beauty, adven- ture and heroism of rhe great Bible stories that hove been on inspiration ro readers oll'over rhe world for thousands of years. The Children's Bible contains 123 of rhe most fomous stories from rhe Old and New Testaments written in simple language that is faithful ro rhe Scripture. Eoch story Is illustrated in full color. and eod-i has been designed ro offer children on Inspirational educational and enjoyable expenence. In addition ro rhe colorful stones each volume contains on Illustrated glossary of Geographicol locations Biblical flowers. Mops and orher new material that has never before oppeored In print The Children s Bible has been approved by lending representatives of rhe Protestant Catholic and Jewish faiths So srort your collection today look for rhe dramatic • Children's Bible display In your store WE WILL 1E PLEASED TO SERVE V'OU IN: HANOe\F e�� !32 lath Street 235ArthurSo. S. t� [ S84 Wallace Ave. N open E nights a ELM IRA Ot�•n wed., TF+urs. L ISTD WEL Open Wed., Thurs. ,nark 'NII 9:39 and FN. evenings and Fri. evenings Corner of No. 4 736 Tower %4. S. Am end 66 Nano. and Fri. evenings ®pen Thurs., Fri. evenings FEI GUS w.d., Thur3. WINCH